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With the continuing urbanization and population increase, the demand for basic necessities and

commodities also increase. The trucking industries then led to significant changes in the way goods and
product are moved. As early as 2005, there are 399 registered business establishments within the
municipality of Irosin. Some of which are retail store and wholesalers selling various kinds of
merchandise, meat, fish and vegetable dealers which rank second in terms of number. These
merchandise further demand for more supply of goods and which are being transported and delivered
by trucking industry.

Another significant change in the movements of goods and services was the advent of "just-in-time"
delivery. Manufacturers now operate in an environment where large warehouse inventories of parts
and supplies are no longer maintained, but are instead delivered by trucks in tightly scheduled deliveries
so that these inputs can arrive "just-in-time" to be used in the manufacturing process. "Just-in-time"
delivery places new demands on truck parking facilities as trucks use these facilities as staging areas in
order to better meet their delivery requirements. The combination of increased truck traffic and tighter
delivery schedules are two of the primary reasons for the increasing demand for truck parking, and this
increased demand has resulted in a perceived shortage of truck parking spaces within the province.
Within the same year a number recorded by the DPWH using automatic traffic count (ATC) revealed an
approximately 1000 vehicles that ply the Maharlika Highway transversing the town of frosin going to the
nearby municipality of Bulan, Matnog.

Santa Magdalena and Bulusan. And if projected for over the next fifteen years, a continuing growth of
vehicles is estimated that will also increase the demand for parking spaces.

An off-street parking is an important part of the transportation system. It is an efficient means of storing
vehicles while they aren't in use. Vehicles that are not properly parked cause disruption of the
neighboring roadways. Additionally. since parking is the terminal or destination for a trip, the availability
of off-street parking can affect the attractiveness of destinations as well as transportation modes. The
attractiveness of transportation is reduced if there is a delay or difficulty in parking. The use of transit
system is increased in areas where parking space is scarce. To be efficient, the transportation system
must include adequate parking facilities at all places that attract trips.

Another significant factor that require the use of parking facilities are the motor vehicles involved in
fatal crashes due to driver's fatigue, a driver is require a complete rest before driving a long distance
destination trip. Commercial parking facilities are an alternative destination for resting if a driver is
unable to return home to have a complete rest after a long distance trip.

This proposed study will not just be beneficial to the drivers and public passenger but generally it will
contribute to social and economic development of the municipality. Moreover to support this study on a
legal basis, related works and studies, guiding principles and relevant laws and policies on road
transportation will be observed and incorporated throughout the study.

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