MBA Project 1

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Employee welfare and terminal benefits are two important facets of industrial relations, the extra

dimensions, giving satisfaction to the worker in a way which even a good wage CAN NOT. With the growth of industrialization and mechanization, they have acquired added importance. Employers have realized the importance of their role in providing these extra amenities. And yet, they are not always able to fulfil workers demands however reasonable they might be. They are primarily concerned with the viability of the enterprise. The objective study is to identify the employee welfare and terminal benefits provided by OPTCL, Bhubaneswar, effectiveness of the programs, and if there is a need of any other welfare program in OPTCL, Bhubaneswar and to introduce other employee welfare and terminal benefits required by the employees. This study is of great importance since it deals with the satisfaction level of executives and non-executives. It assesses and determines the effectiveness of the employee welfare benefits provided by OPTCL, Bhubaneswar. It generally examines the level of satisfaction with respect to motivation due to employee welfare benefits. The scope of this study is very vast especially because of the fact that worker class is composed of dynamic in individuals with complex need. In the world of changing values, where ideologies are rapidly undergoing transformation, rigid statements about the field of Employee welfare need to be revised. From the survey we get the feedback from the employees and understand the effectiveness of the employee welfare programs provided in OPTCL, Bhubaneswar. The overall feedback for the effectiveness employee welfare programs is very good and quite satisfactory and the further development could make the welfare programs more active and efficient.



Power sector reform in the state OPTCL Structure of OPTCL OPTCLs operation Objectives of OPTCL Infrastructure of OPTCL State Load Despatch Center Central Sector Generation State Sector Generation

POWER SECTOR REFORM IN THE STATE - OPTCL. The Power Sector Reforms in the State of Orissa was started during November 1993 in an organized manner. The main objective of the reform was to unbundle generation, transmission and distribution and to establish an independent and transparent Regulatory Commission in order to promote efficient and accountability in the Power Sector. In order to implement the reform, in the first phase, two corporate entities namely Grid Corporation of Orissa Limited (GRIDCO) and Orissa Hydro Power Corporation Limited (OHPC) were established in April 1995. GRIDCO was incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 in April 1995 to own and operate

the transmission and distribution systems in the State. Similarly OHPC was incorporated to own and operate all the hydro generating stations in the State. The State Government enacted the Orissa Electricity Reform Act, 1995 which came into force with effect from 1.4.1996. In exercise of power under Section 23 and 24 of the Orissa Electricity Reform Act, 1995,the State Govt. notified the Orissa Electricity Reform (Transfer of Undertakings, Assets, Liabilities, proceedings and Personnel ) Scheme Rules 1996. As per the scheme, the transmission ,distribution activities of the erstwhile OSEB along with the related assets, liabilities, personnel and proceedings were vested on GRIDCO . Simultaneously the hydro generation activities of OSEB along with related assets, liabilities, personnel and proceedings were vested on OHPC. Restructuring of GRIDCO & Formation of OPTCL: GRIDCO has 3 functioning: # # # The transmission and bulk supply activities in the activities in the State of Orissa. Sale of energy outside the State of Orissa. The State load dispatch functions. Keeping in view the statutory requirement of the Electricity Act 2003 for separation of Trading and Transmission functions into two separate entities, the State Govt. on 27.03.2004 incorporated Orissa Power Transmission Corporation Limited (OPTCL) to take over the transmission, STU/SLDC functions of GRIDCO. In order to privatize the distribution functions of electricity in the State, four Distribution Companies namely Central Electricity Supply Company of Orissa Limited (CESCO), North Eastern Electricity Supply Company of Orissa Limited (NESCO), southern Electricity Supply Company of Orissa

limited (SOUTHCO) & Western Electricity Supply Company of Orissa Limited (WESCO) were incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 as separate corporate entities. During November 1998 the State Govt. issued the Orissa Electricity Reform (Transfer of Assets, Liabilities, Proceedings and Personnel of GRIDCO to distribution Companies) Rules 1998 wherein the electricity distribution and retail supply activities along with the related assets, liabilities, personnel and proceedings were transferred from GRIDCO to the four Distribution Companies. Through a process of international Competitive Bidding (ICB), the four Distribution Companies were privatized during 1999. After separation of Distribution business, GRIDCO left with electricity Transmission and Bulk Supply/Trading activities. GRIDCO was also declared as the State Transmission Utility and was discharging the functions of State Load Despatch Centre (SLDC).

ORISSA POWER TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED (OPTCL) One of the largest Transmission Utility in the country was incorporated in March 2004 under the Companies Act, 1956 as a company wholly owned by the Government of Orissa to undertake the business of transmission and wheeling of electricity in the State. The registered office of the Company is situated at Bhubaneswar, the capital of the State of Orissa. Its projects and field units are spread all over the State. The Government of India enacted the Electricity Act, 2003 which came into effect from 10th June 2003. Under the provisions of the said Act, trading in electricity has been recognized as a distinct licensed activity, which can only be undertaken by a licensee to be granted by the appropriate commission. The Act

specifically prohibits the STU and Transmission Company in the State from engaging in the business of trading. GRIDCO being a State Transmission Utility was not permitted to engage itself in the trading in electricity and was required to segregate its activities in a manner within the transional period allowed under the Act that, the entity which will undertake transmission STU and SLDC function will not undertake the activities of Trading and Bulk Supply of Electricity. Keeping in view the statutory requirement of the Electricity Act for separation of trading and transmission functions into two separate entities, the State Govt. incorporated Orissa Power Transmission Corporation Limited (OPTCL) to take over the transmission, STU/SLDC functions of GRIDCO. In exercise of the power conferred under Section 39,131, 133 & 134 of the Electricity Act, 2003, read with Section 23 & 24 of the Orissa Electricity Reform Act, 1995, the State Govt. issued the notification Orissa Electricity Reform (Transfer of Transmission and Related Activities) Scheme 2005 on 9.6.2005. The Scheme was made effective from 1.4.2005. By virtue of the Transfer Scheme, 2005, OPTCL now undertaking the functions of transmission of electricity in the State of Orissa and has been declared as the State Transmission Utility. GRIDCO is also discharging the functions of SLDC. Presently the Company is carrying on intra state transmission and wheeling of electricity under a license issued by the Orissa Electricity Regulatory Commission. The Company is also discharging the functions of State Load Despatch Centre. The Company owns Extra High Voltage Transmission system and operates about 9550.93 ckt kms of transmission lines at 400 kV, 220 kV, 132 kV levels and 81 nos. of substations with transformation capacity of MVA.

The day-to-day affairs of the Company are managed by the Managing Director assisted by whole-time Functional Directors as per the advice of the Board of Directors constituted. They are in turn assisted by a team of dedicated and experienced professionals in the various fields. OPTCL became fully operational with effect from 9th June 2005 consequent upon issue of Orissa Electricity Reform (Transfer of Transmission and Related Activities) Scheme, 2005 under the provisions of Electricity Act, 2003 and the Orissa Reforms Act, 1995 by the State Government for transfer and vesting of transmission related activities of GRIDCO with OPTCL. The Company has been designated as the State Transmission Utility in terms of Section 39 of the Electricity Act, 2003.

Started commercial operation from 01.04.2005 only as a Transmission Licensee. (a deemed Transmission Licensee under Section 14 of Electricity Act, 2003) Notified as the State Transmission Utility (STU) by the State Govt. and discharges the State Load Dispatch functions. Number Number of of employees posts as on as (10.05.2010) on : 3145 1782

Executives-759, Non-Executives - 2836



Executives-845, Non-Executives- 937

Number of Pensioners as on 01.05.2009: 6600 Number of Grid S/S including switching stations 95 Length of EHT lines 10,902.479 Ckt-Kms. Number of Bays 1597(30th Oct 2010)

Objectives: To effectively operate Transmission lines and Sub-Stations in the State for evacuation of power from the state generating stations feed power to state distribution companies, wheeling of Power to other states, maintenance of the existing lines and sub-stations for power transmission and to undertake power system improvement by renovation, up-gradation and modernization of the transmission network. OPTCL being a State Transmission Utility Public Authority has set following objectives. Undertake transmission and wheeling of electricity through intra- State Transmission system.
Discharge all functions of planning and coordination relating to intra State,


inter State transmission system with Central Transmission Utility, State Govt.

Generating Companies, Regional Power Board, Authority, Licensees or other person notified by State Govt. in this behalf. Ensure development of an efficient and economical system of intra state and inter State transmission lines for smooth flow of electricity from generating station s to the load centers.
Provide non-discriminatory open access to its transmission system for use by

any licensee or generating company or any consumer as and when such open access is provided by the State Commission on payment of transmission charges/surcharge as may be specified by the State Commission. Exercise supervision and control over the intra-state transmission system, efficient operation and maintenance of transmission lines and substations and operate State Load Despatch Centers to ensure optimum scheduling and despatch of electricity and to ensure integrated operation of power systems in the State. Restore power at the earliest possible time through deployment of emergency Restoration system in the event of any Natural Disasters like super cyclone, flood etc.

Mission & Vision: MISSION: Plan & operate the Transmission system so as to ensure that transmission system built, operated and maintained to provide efficient, economical and coordinated system of Transmission and meet the overall performance Standards.

(i) To upgrade the transmission system network so as to handle power to the tune of 3000 MW by the year 2009 for 100% availability of power to each family.

(ii) To maintain the system losses at par with that of National level. (iii) To impart advanced techno managerial training to the practicing engineers and work force so as to professionalism them with progressive technology and capable commercial organization of the country so as to build up the most techno-commercially viable model of the VISION: To build up OPTCL as one of the best Transmission utility in the Country in terms of uninterrupted power supply, minimizing the loss, contributing to state's Industrial growth. Development of a well coordinated transmission system in the backdrop of formation of strong National Power Grid as a flagship, endeavor to steer the development of Power System on Planned path leading to cost effective fulfillment of the objective of Electricity to All at affordable price. country.


Discharge all Functions of planning and coordination relating to InterState, Inter-State Transmission system with Central Transmission utility, State Govt. Generating Companies, Regional Power Board Authority, Licensees or other persons notified by State Govt. in this behalf. Ensure development of an efficient and economic system Intra-State and Inter-State Transmission Lines for smooth Flow of electricity from Generating Stations to the Load Centers.

Provide non-discriminatory open access to its Transmission System for use by any Licensee or Generating Company or any Consumer and when such open access is provided by the State Commission on payment of transmission charges/surcharges as may be specified by the State Commission. OPTCL The State Highway for Power: Well Coordinated Power Transmission System, Intra and Inter State Transmission of Electricity, Grid Operation and Maintenance,

Ultra Modern Load Dispatch (SLDC)

Quality Manpower, Operator about 10489 Ckt. Km of Transmission Lines at 400 KV, 220 KV levels and 86 Grid Sub Station including Switching Station (As on 01.01.2009). COMMITMENT: Electricity to all in an affordable price,

Steer power growth on a planned path, INFRASTURE: (AS on 01.01.2009) Extra High Voltage Transmission System, 86 Grid Sub Station including Switching Stations with 1517 Bays, 10489 Ckt of Transmission Lines at 400 KV, 220 KV and 132 KV levels, 8945 MVA of Transmission Capacity, Length of Transmission Lines: 400 KV DC lines : 220 KV DC lines : 132 KV DC lines : We are the pioneer We are the pioneer in implementing dynamic reforms in Power sector in order to ensure judicious distribution or power which lead to overall economic progress in the state. New Challenges

442.703 Ckt-Km 5166.191 Ckt-Km 4879.877 Ckt-Km

Large Scale Industrialization Massive Rural Electrification through RGGVY and BGJY

Accelerated Growth in Generation Capacity Towards 765 KV Power Transmission Comprehensive Integrated Plans for Intra-State and Inter-State Power Transmission (January 2009).

A. Strengthening of Intra-state Transmission System Establishment of 400/220 KV sub Station at Bolangir by LILO of Meramundali Jeypore 400 KV S/C Line

Establishment of 400/220 KV Sub Station at keonnjhar by LILO of Rengali-Baripada 400 KV S/C Line Establishment of 400/220 KV Sub Station At Sundargarh by LILO of both circuits of the existing Talcher-Rourkela 400 KV S/C Line Instalation of 2x315 MVA, 400/200 KV Transformer at Berhampur

Suitable Inter Connection for providing 2nd feeder to Duburi 400 KV SubStation of OPTCL

400 KV Purulia-Jamshedpur-Baripada-Mendhasal D/C Line

B. Strengthening of Inter-state Transmission System Establishment of 765/400 KV Pooling Station at Jharsuguda

Establishment of 765/400 KV Pooling Station at Dhenkanal

Establishment of 765/400 KV Pooling Station at Angul

Dhenkanal Pooling Station - Angul Pooling Station 765 KV 2xS/c

Angul Pooling Station Jharsuguda Pooling Station 765 KV 2xS/c

LILO of Rourkela Raigarh 400 KV 2xD/C at jharsuguda Pooling Station

*LILO of Meramundali Jeypore 400 KV 2xD/C at jharsuguda Pooling Station

*LILO of one circuit of Talcher - Meramundali 400 KV 2xD/C at Angul Pooling Station

*LILO of Meramundali Chandaka Pooling Station

400 KV 2xD/C at Dhenkanal

[* These LILO would be later disconnected when Angul and Dhenkanal Pooling Stations are developed as 765 KV as otherwise it would cause increased short levels in the Grid]

State Load Despatch Centre (SLDC) State Load Despatch Centre (SLDC) is the apex body to ensure integrated operation of the power system. It is responsible for the real time Load Despatch fuctions, O&M of SCADA system and Energy Accounting.

As System Operation, it involves operational planning, Protection coordination, designing of safety net, frequency control, voltage control, issuing switching instruction, restoration of equipments, post disturbances etc. As Market Operator, it involves generation resources schedulingfacilitating open access, energy accounting and settlements. As an Agent for achieving economy and efficient, it facilitates sharing of State Resources. Utilizing IT Advancement Major IT Dimension o Business Application System (ERP) The ERP Implementation focuses on modules in the Key Areas viz. Energy Accounting and Settlement (EAS), Energy HR. o Data Centres Exclusive Data Centres for OPTCL, GRIDCO and SLDC. o Wide Area Network Common Private OPTCL-GRIDCO-SLDC Wide Area Network. o Facility Management Service (FMS) Outsourcing. Trading/Building, EHT operation and Management, EHT Construction Projects, Finance and

ORISSA POWER SCENARIO: Power Potential In Orissa Thermal Generation

45000 MT power grade coal deposits in Mahanadi Coal Field and Talcher coal Fields area. Can sustain 75,000 MW of power for 100 Years.

Location identified for Thermal Power Plants 1. NARAJ 2 X 250 = 500 MW Cuttack Dist.


8 X 660 = 5280 MW 6 X 500 = 3000 MW 4 X 250 = 1000 MW 2 X 250 = 500 MW 2 X 250 = 500 MW 2 X 250 = 500 MW

Sambalpur Dist. Sundargarh Dist. Sambalpur Dist. Sambalpur Dist. Sambalpur Dist. Dhenkanal Dist.

Hydro Potential

Ten important river systems. Mahanadi, the fifth largest river in the country in terms of flood discharge (45000 Cusecs) flows in the center of the state from west to east. To the north of Mahanadi are Brahmani, Baitarani, Salandi, Budhabalanga & Subarnarekha flowing from west to east. To the south of Mahanadi is Rushikulya flowing from west to east. Indravati, Kolab (Saberi), Machhkund (Sileru) lie on the southern part of the state flowing from east to south-west to join Godavari and finally driven into the Bay of Bengal. The Hydro Potential of the state at 60% load factor is assessed to be 2850 MW (equivalent to an annual generation of 15,000 MU). BOARD OF DIRECTORS

1. Sri C.J. Venugopal, IAS

Chairman-cum-MD, OPTCL



A precise definition of the term welfare somewhat difficult as Mr. Arthur James Told remarks aptly: A series of the sharply diverse opinions exist on the motives and merits of industrial welfare work Broadly spiking , measures and activities undertaken by the state, employers and association workers for the improvement of workers standard of life and for the promotion of their economics and social well being are labeled as welfare work According to a report of the international labor Organization, workers welfare should be understood as meaning such series, facilities and amenities which may be established in or in the vicinity of undertaking to enable the persons employed in them t perform their work in healthily, congenial surround dings and provided with amenities conductive to goods health and high morale. So, we can say the whole field of welfare is one in which much can be done to combat the sense of frustration of the industrial worker, to reliever him of personal and family worries, to improve his health to afford him a means of protection, to offer him some sheer in which he can excel others. Hence welfare work may therefore be considered to include anything done for the intellectual, physical, moral and economic betterment of the workers. Welfare work may be classified into following three categories: - Statutory Welfare Work. Voluntary Welfare work and Mutual Welfare work. Statutory Welfare Work: With a view to maintain a minimum standard of health and safety of the workers, govt. of a country enacts certain rules under various acts or audience which have to be abided by the employees in respect of their workers. Such rules may be related to certain essential working condition eg: hours of work sanitation etc. Voluntary Welfare Works:

This category includes all those activates conductive to the welfare of the workers which are undertaken by the employers themselves of their own free will. Mutual Welfare Work: It signifies a corporate enterprises of the workers with a view to improve their a lot. Activities of the trade unions which are conductive to the welfare of their members are included under this category. Further a distinction maybe made between the welfare work relating to conditions of employment and that confined to living conditions of the workers work relating to hours of work, rest pauses, wages, holiday with pay etc. it constitutes the first category and the latter comprises various schemes of benefits to the workers, housing cooperative societies, medical facility etc. The necessary and importance of the welfare work in India is greater than in the west. For building up a stable and efficient labour force, it is essential to bring about a marked improvement in the conditions of the workers life and work. The beneficial effects of the welfare activities are. Welfare measures influence the sentiments of the workers. Welfare activates such as educational facilities, sports, entertainment and the like influence the sentimental atmosphere in the factory. The development of the feeling of friendly relationship between the groups of the industry paves the way for industrial peace. The social advantage of the welfare activities are considerable provision of canteen where cheap, clean and balanced food is available to workers must prove their strong physique, entertainment must reduce the incidence of vices, medical aid and maternity and child welfare must improve the health of the workers and their families and bring down the rates of general, maternal and infant mortality and educational facility and economy productivity. The provision of various welfare measures will make the workers feel and realize that they also have some stake in the undertaking in which they are

engaged and therefore any reckless action on their part which may perjuries the interest of undertaking is likely to have reaction upon their own interest. The development of such a feeling helps to minimize further the chance of a conflict between labor and capital in the industry on flimsy ground and all round increase is possible. Adequate provisions of welfare activities can reduce if not eliminate all to gather the prevalence of high rate of absenteeism and labor turn over in Indian industry. Welfare measures have a content and reality in the contest of the poor standard of living of the workers. Welfare work will undoubtedly rise the standard and efficiency of the workers in various industries. As a matter of facts every little has been done to improve the efficiency of the workers in this country. But the state has introduced measures for social security of the workers in the Employees state insurance Act, 1948, Employees state provident fund and miscellaneous act 1952 and the payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 . These measures provide financial assistance to employees inside and outside the work establishment. However state alone cannot be expected to provide measures to overcome the difficulties of the workers, the employees in their own interest must provide services for the welfare of the workers and their families TERMINAL BENEFITS Several large government organizations and public sector undertakings offer terminal benefits to their employees. These include provident fund Gratuity, Pension etc. These benefits depend on monthly basic pay, years of serves put by the employee and the amount set- off by the organization towards its contribution. Many enterprises provide a range of benefits including medical, transportation, housing food and other allowances. These regulations, which are considered the applicable minimum, have been put in place for the purpose of

establishing uniform set of rules of general application, procedures, regulations and standards in relation to the application of the relevant sections of the pension reform act, 2004 by pension fund operators in the administration of terminal benefits under the contributory pension scheme. The majority of employees who attained the age of superannuation are paid terminal benefits like leave encashment, gratuity, provident fund, communication of pension etc by several large organizations. They also provide the basic frame work for administering specific issues regarding retirements, death and missing persons. But in many organizations terminal benefits are not paid to any employees if they have an outstanding overpayment. Various functions that terminal benefits provide to the employees are as follows: Developing and coordinating public service policy governing terminal and retirement benefits, and operational guidelines. Providing professional guidance and direction to ministries and departments on the implementation of the policy governing the public service terminal and retirement benefits. Interpreting the public service Pension Act and Regulation, Pensions and provident fund act and the rules of pension fund Facilitating administration of the pension fund

DEEINITION OF EMPLOYEE WELFARE Labor welfare has been defined by various way by many distinct people. But not a single definition has got the universal acceptance. Following are some of the definitions for employee welfare:1. According to ILO, Asian Regional conference Report /1947 such services, facilities and amentias and amenities, which may be established in or in the vicinity of undertaking to enable persons employed there in to perform

their work in healthy congenial surroundings and to provide them with amenities conductive to good health and good moral. 2. According to N.M joshi, welfare work converse al the efforts which employee make for the benefit of their employees over and above the minimum standard of living working condition fixed by the factories act and over and above the provision of the social legislation providing against accident, old age employment and sickness. 3. According to encyclopedia of social Sciences, Vol. XV, 1935 the voluntary efforts of the employers to establish within the existing industrial system, working and sometimes living and cultural conditions of the employees beyond what is required by law, the customs of the industry and the conditions of the market. 4. In the Report / of the ILO Asian Regional Conference, it has been stated that workers welfare be understood to mean such services, facilities and amenities, which may be established outside or in the vicinity of undertakings to enable the persons employed there in to perform their work in healthy congenial surroundings and to provide them with the amenities conductive to goods health and moral 5. The International labor organization defines labor welfare in these worlds workers welfare should be understood as meaning such services facilities and amenities which may be established in our in the vicinity, undertaking to enable the person employed in them to perform their work in healthily, congenial surroundings and provided with amentias conductive to the good health and high morale. In this way labor welfare implies schemes and activities that produce condition that improve the health of the workers as well as those circumstances that improve their morale.

In short measures and activities undertaken by the state employers and association of workers for the improvement of workers standard of life and for the promotion of their economic and social well being are called employee welfare work. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY: To identify the benefits that is being given to employee in current welfare benefits of OPTCL. To identify the terminal benefits that is being given to employee at present in OPTCL To analyze the effectiveness of the terminal benefits and welfare program given to employees of OPTCL through questionnaires. To suggest whether any other welfare programs and terminal benefits can be introduced in OPTCL to increase effeteness of the employees welfare programs and terminal benefits. LIMITATION: There is a limitation of time constraint for employees. There is every possibility of different perception of viewing the questionnaires among the executives / non-executives to fill up the questionnaire sheet. May be biased feedback is given.

DIFFERENT TYPES OF WELFARE ACTIVITIES FOUND IN OPTCL 1. RECREATIONAL AND CULTURAL FACILITIES: Recreation is a leisure time activity which is healthy diversion and a spare time occupation. It refreshes an individual mentally, lessens the monotony and drudgery of their every day work and develops their personality wholesome basis. The physical, social, cultural and intellectual benefits it help the employees to properly use their leisure. Therefore recreational facilities are provided more in the companies. OPTCL also allow the employees to celebrate all cultural days, sports day in Kalinga Stadium, Bhubaneswar which includes all tranck and field events and also encourages competition between employees and children on 15th august and 26th January. Cultural days include song, dance, drama, comic act competition etc. Orissa is divided into 4 zones within which the employees intercompetition is held. OPTCL also have OPTCL Recreational Club where there is gym with gym instructor, aerobic facility, table tennis, volley ball, carom, chess, yoga Kendra etc. OPTCL Colony at Unit-9 where mainly drama is held and there is also a SLDC recreational club at Mancheswar. 2. CANTEEN FACILITY : The Royal Commission on labor and the labor investigation committee have laid considerable emphasis on the provision of canteen at work place. The observation of Labour Investigation Committee is The works canteen is increasingly recognized all over the world as an essential part of the industrial establishment from the point of view of health, efficiency and well being. But in OPTCL though a large number of employees are working but there is no canteen facility. 3. OPTCL TRANSIT HOUSE: OPTCL Transit House is situated at the heart of the city adjacent of OPTCL head quarter office. It has around 10 A.C

rooms with attached bathroom and dressing room. The charge of one room is Rs. 200/- per each. 4. HOUSING: Housing is the one of the important aspect for the employee. According to the report of 1961 housing facilities in our country is not provided properly. In the year 1946, the sub-committee on industrial housing laid down certain minimum standards relating to living space, ventialation, lighting, water supply, drainage etc. In 1952, a subsidies industrial housing scheme was introduced. Many housing act have been passed for the benefits of industrial employees. OPTCL Colony consists of duplex, 5R, 4R, 2RB, 3R, E-type, D-type quarter which is provided to the employees according to their rank and grade. The colony is centrally located at Unit-9 adjacent to the OPTCL head quarter office. 5. PERSONNEL COUNSELING:- By means of this service employees are able to receive advice and counted on some of the personnel and sometimes also on personal problems inside and outside their place of work. Since the approach is human counselling it often helps employee to overcome their anxiety and troubles. This service is provided by many companies. But in OPTCL there is no facility for personnel counselling. 6. COOPERATIVE CREDIT SOCIETIES AND SAVINGS FACILITIES:Credit facilities on a cooperative basis will help the employee family budget and encourage savings. The cooperative movement therefore has to be propagated among industrial employers and workers with the help of central and state governments. Employers can provide subsidies and other kinds of financial help to encourage this movement and appoint well trained and experienced staff to look after the effective running of credit societies. In the context of prices and the rising cost of living the importance of fair price shop and supply schemes can not be over emphasized. The

cooperative plays very important role in family welfare has been widely accepted. This scheme was recommended by the labour conference, 1962. Accordingly employers could assist in the establishment of cooperative stores in their industries by 7. Participating in their share capital Providing loans for working capital Granting a managerial subsidy.

In OPTCL it is privately cooperated but it is not of OPTCL. LIBRARY :- In OPTCL there is a large library for employees containing different types of books relating to finance, IT, HR, training and development, electronics, electrical, CA pension etc. Different magazines relating to business, recent conditions of OPTCL and power supply etc. Newspapers includes Times of India, Economic Times etc. 8. TOWNSHIP SECURITY :- OPTCLs township security is very poor. All employees complained about the anti-social activities inside the colony. There is no common boundary for the colony. 9. MATERNITY LEAVE :- According to Central Govt. maternity leave increased to 6 months with facility to avail additional leave till a child become 18 years of age but in OPTCL still 3 months leave is given to the employees. 10. SCOLARSHIP :- if the child of the employee are of good carrear theywill get free loan for higher education from the organisation. The organisation bear all the expenses for study in abroad also. 11. SUMMER CAMP :- The organisation provide summer camp for the employee and their children, in this camp there are two groups, junior group which consists the age group of 5-15 and senior group consists of people 15 onwards. In this camp various programme like personality development and health camp like Yoga is also placed.


RECREATION CLUB :- There is a recreation club for the employee of OPTCL. Here various sports instruments are available for the employee. The employees are provided with facility like table tennis court, basket ball court, ground for out door games like football, volley ball etc. There is also a gym available for the employee for their physical fitness. In this club facility also given to the employee for their family function like, marriage party and birthday party with a lower cost.


CONVENCE ALLERT :- For the benefit of the employee in OPTCL the organisation has announced Rs.150 per month employees, as convence alert. But these amounts will increase as follows i.e. Non executive Rs.400/Executive Rs.900/E3 Executive Rs.2500/Which is under consideration. for non-executive, Rs.400/- for executive (MT to AM E1 to E2) and Rs.1200/- for E3


Medical Reimbursement :- Both executive and non-executive employee of OPTCL has provided a monthly medical reimbursement which is 5% of the basic salary.

WELFARE PROGRAMME UNDER CONSEDERATION There are some welfare programmes for the employee which are not implemented fully but they are under consideration. They are as follows.

Birthday wishes to the employees:- In this scheme wishes is given

with a birthday card and a rose to the employee who have his/her birthday. This programme is implemented in the headquarters only.


Employee Suggestion Scheme :-This scheme entails that if any

employee have any new and innovate idea for the improvement of the organisation as well as employees then he/she can suggest this idea as per the scheme. Through this both the organisation and employee are benefited.

Contributory medical facility scheme for retair employee in

OPTCL:- The scheme is titled as contributing Medical facilities scheme for retired employees of OPTCL aimed at providing reimbursement of hospitalisation expenses to retired employees of OPTCL and their spouse during their indoor hospitalisation in government and referral hospital only. This is purely a welfare/social security measure for providing then medical facility in their old age. DIFFERENT TYPES OF TERMINAL BENEFITS FOUND IN OPTCL 1. PENSION: - Pension is the periodic payment given to one who has retired from work because of age or disability especially in government organizations and public sector undertakings. In OPTCL different types of pension are provided to its employees. They are Superannuation pension. Retiring pension (pre-matured retirement). Invalid pension. Compensation pension. Pension on voluntary retirement on completion of 20 years qualifying service. Pension in case of compulsory retirement from service as a measure of penalty and provisional pension.


GRATUITY: - A tip or gratuity is a payment to certain service sector workers beyond the advertised price. The amount of a tip is typically computed as a percent of the transaction minus taxes. These payments and their size are a matter of social custom. Gratuity is given to all employees of the organization. Different types of gratuity are given to the employees of OPTCL. They are Service gratuity Retirement gratuity Death gratuity Residuary gratuity


COMMUTATION OF PENSION: - Every pensioner is eligible to commute a portion of his monthly pension for a lump sum payment which is the commuted value of that portion of the pension. This is applicable for all government employees. A government servant on retirement is entitled to commute a fraction not exceeding one-third of his pension. Persons nominated to receive the commuted value of pension in the event of death of pensioner. A pensioner is entitled to have the commuted portion of pension restored on the expiry of 12 years from the date on which the amount of pension was reduced on account of commutation.

E AND M CELL OF OPTCL 1. MEDICAL ADVANCE AND REIMBURSEMENT: - Some of the organizations provide various medical facilities including the first-aid. These of facilities include providing medical facilities to the employees and to their families. Some of the organizations have their own hospital

with well and modernized equipment. Sometimes regular health check up is also there which aims at to keep their employees healthier. In OPTCL there is a dispensary called as power hospital. Medicines, cost for x-ray, blood test, check up are given to the employees and to their families at free of cost. Medical cards are also to the employees of OPTCL medical advances reimbursement is given to employees for treatment of self family members at Govt. hospital/referral hospital as per OPTCL medical attendance role. 2. LOAN SANCTION / ADVANCE:- Loan means an arrangement in which a lender gives money or property to a borrower, and the borrower agrees to return the property or repay the money, usually along with interests, at future in time. Usually, there is a predetermined time for repaying a loan, and generally the lender has to bear the risk that the borrower may not repay a loan. Since a loan entails the redistribution of financial assets over time between the lender and borrower for which we may also call it a debt. The loans are also sometimes referred to as cash advances though that term can also refer to cash provided against a prearranged line of credit such as a credit car. OPTCL provides various advances to its employees. They are

MOPED ADVANCE:- In OPTCL Rs. 25,000/- is currently given to the employees as moped advance and is recovered in 25 consecutive instalments i.e. (25+5) or by 11.5% simple interest.

MOTOR CYCLE ADVANCE:- Recently all employees are eligible to apply motor cycle advance in OPTCL. Employees are provided with Rs.50,000/- for motor cycle advance which is recovered at 40 consecutive instalments i.e. (40+8) or by 11.5% simple interest.

MOTOR CAR ADVANCE :- Only executives i.e. deputy managers and above are eligible to apply motor car advance in OPTCL. They are provided with 40 times basic pay or Rs.4,00,000/- is directly given to them

which is returned at 50 consecutive instalments i.e. (50+10) or by 15% simple interest. HOUSE BUILDING ADVANCE : House building advance is given to the both permanent employees, temporary employees who have rendered at least 10 years continuous service. It is to be granted once during the entire service. The scheme of house building advance to central government employees is aimed at providing assistance to the government employees to construct/acquire house/flats of their own. This scheme was introduced in 1956, as a welfare measure. House building advance given basic pay minimum Rs. 5,00,000 and maximum Rs.25,00.000.


RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Types of research The researcher adopted the descriptive research design method to do the survey at OPTCL. A survey is conducted for obtaining the feedback of employees about the Employee Welfare program at OPTCL. Descriptive research includes survey and fact finding enquiries of different kinds. The search used this research design to find out the respondents and attitude inside the organisation, by the research the researcher can only give suggestions but implementing these suggestions depends upon the interest of the company. 1. Sampling Technique: A questionnaire is prepared for doing the survey about analysis of Employee Welfare at OPTCL. Step-1: Define the population Elements: Step-2 Employees of OPTCL, Sampling unit: Employee of OPTCL Specify sampling frame The executive and non-executive employees of OPTCL are taken as sampling frame. Step-3 Sampling Design It is the process of obtaining information about an entire population is known as sample. Judgmental sampling, random sampling and convenience sampling are being used. Step-4 Sample Size Sample size is being taken as (including executive and nonexecutive)

2. Sample Size:

The researcher is being done by taking the sample size of 20 executive. This will represent the OPTCL whole employees. 3. Sampling Description: In this research sample size is 20. It includes only executives

Data Collection:-Data is being collected in the form of

1. Instrumentation technique

Based on descriptive research design method for achieving the objective of the study the researcher adopted instrumental tool as the questionnaire. 2. Collection of Data Taking the help of the questionnaire i am able to collect information about the organisation. At OPTCL I collected the information or data by interacting with the employees. The information required for our project was collected mainly from the primary sources and even from the secondary sources. The primary source consists of the data analysed from the questionnaire and interaction with the user at that time only. And internet is used as secondary source. Here in this project the method used by me for collecting information the plans are: Primary method Secondary method Primary method: It is the direct respondents to employees of collecting information. Primary data are generated in an investigation according to the needs of the problem in hand. Here i collected the information from distributing questionnaire to the people.

Secondary method: This is the method, which is collected through some other external sources. Secondary data can be defined as the data collected by someone else for purposes other than solving the problem. In this method i have collected the information from internet.

DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION QUESTIONNIRE FOR WORKERS Q.1 Yes 95 Are you aware of the welfare progrmme in OPTCL ? No 00 Dont know 05

Q.2 Yes 60

Does trade union helps in receiving welfare facility ? No 40 Not Help 00

OPTCL Workers 2
70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Yes No Do nt know

Q.3 Yes 60

Does the company provide any accidental benefit to the employees ? No 20 Dont know 20

OPT W ers3 CL ork

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Yes No Dont know

Q.4 Does the company provide pension to the retired employees? Yes 90 No 10 Dont know 00

OPT W ers4 CL ork

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Yes No Dont know


Do you want to recommended any further development in welfare

activities ?

Yes 80

No 20

OPT W ers5 CL ork

90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Yes No

Q.6 Yes 100



any No 00



OPT Manag ent6 CL em

120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Yes No

If yes, then please suggest : Ans. Q.7 Staff welfare fund, cultural programme. Are you aware of the terminal benefits of OPTCL ?

Yes 100

No 00

If yes, then please suggest : Ans. Pension, gratuity, staff welfare fund.


Is there any insurance scheme ? Yes 100 No 00

If yes, then please suggest : Ans. There is group insurance scheme for the employees.

Q.09 Apart from pension. What other terminal benefits do you received ? Yes 100 No 00

OPTCL Management 9
120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Yes No

If yes, then please suggest : Ans. Other than pension benefit the employees are provided with gratuity, unutilized leave, salary, provident fund etc.

Q.10 Are the Medical facilities up to satisfaction ? Yes 90 No 10

Q.11 Do you think that these benefits are sufficient ? Yes 20 No 80

Q.12 How do you rate OPTCL welfare activities in compressions with other companies ? Below Average 10 Average 65 Good 20 Excellent 5






the Good 10


activities Excellent 5



Below Average 15

Average 70





FINDINGS: This study is quite important as it deals with the motivation of the employees and the attrition rate of an organization that is the employee welfare programs and terminal benefits.

The feedback provided by the employees gave important findings which can help in the enhancement of the employee welfare programs and terminal benefits. POSITIVE FINDINGS: It is found that after the study, the following programs are mostly recognized and satisfied those are: Cultural activates engaging in OPTCL Recreational activities engaging in OPTCL Library Housing facilities OPTCL Transit house Educational help for children Medicals facilities Pension scheme as per OCS pension rules, 1992 Different types of insurance schemes and gratuity Levee travel concession Unutilized leave salary Staff welfare fund Rehabilitation find Leave encashment Different types of loan/ advance provided to employee in OPTCL

It is fund that most of the employees are satisfied with cultural and recreational activities engaging in OPTCL, library, insurance schemes, staff welfare fund provided by OPTCL, Bhubaneswar. Most of the employees have good level of satisfaction for welfare activities found in OPTCL. It is also found that most of the employee is satisfied with the terminal benefits provided in OPTCL. But there are some employees who have negative feedback due to late submission of pension papers and providing provisional pension to the employees lately. NEGAIVE FININGS: Most of the employees have given negative response for medical facilities provided in OPTCL, Bhubaneswar Crches are not found in OPTCL Colony The living facility and sanitation of OPTCL colony is not well maintained Safe drinking water is not supplied in office premises. There are no canteen facilities in OPTCL Less allowance is given to the employees in OPTCL Loans are given to the employees at high interest rate. Promotional benefits and scope are not given to the employees The onetime payment is not enhanced according t the gradation of the employees. SUGGESTION: The employees of OPTCL, Bhubaneswar have suggested these recommendations:

Surroundings and environment of OPTCL colony should be improved by providing better facilities for living and sanitation. By extending actives for all employees. Providing play ground for volley ball, Football and badminton. The employees should be provided with higher educational facilities awards and promotions. More allowances should be given to the employees Loans should be gene to the employees at low interest rate. There should be 24hrs dispensary and treatment facilities for employees and their families. Health insurance scheme should be introduced for the employees There should be birthday and anniversary celebrations in the organization RECOMMEDNDATIONS: EXISTING PROGRAMS The company should provide some facilities to the working lady who have kids and have some problem to get them rearing up as they are employed. Instead of giving only 3 months, the company should give 6 months of maternity leave to the women worker to rear up their kids. There should be more cultural and recreational programs for the employees. There should be a proper play ground for volley ball, football and badminton OPTCLs yoga Kendra Should be well developed with more facilities. There should also be the participation of children and women in all activities.

The company should provide well maintained living facilities and sanitation to the employees. For safety of the employees and their family members there should be boundary with security guards. There should be more insurance schemes for the employees such as health insurance scheme etc. Pension should be given to the employees as quick as possible. NON EXISTING PROGRAMS It will be better if the birthday and anniversary of the employees should be included in recreational programs so that employees would become happier and satisfied. There should be a well developed canteen with god quality of food. The price of the food should be at reasonable prices. It will be better if all the employees will get transport facilities with low prices For the betterment of the employees, the company should provide one to one help desk for all the employees.


CONCLUSION: The study which is based on measuring the effectiveness of employee welfare programs and terminal benefits for the manager and associates has been quite successful. To conclude the report the main point of discussions to enhance the effectiveness of employee welfare programs and terminal benefits provided in Orissa power transmission corporation limited (OPTCL), Bhubaneswar. Keeping the above mentioned point in mind I have consciously suggested this should be the areas of further improvement and up gradation. For the improvement of the company there should be well developed canteen with better facilities for the employees. Canteen facilities include reasonable price, good quality of food and availability of food for every time. There should be a proper play ground for sports. Cultural activities and recreational activities can also be enhanced so that the employee would be happy and satisfied.

The transport facilities have to be provided to all employees without any delay. Get rear up their kinds. The company should provide better living facilities and sanitation with any delay The company can provide a program which will help the working women more to get rear up their kids. The company should provide better living facilities and sanitation with security guards, safe drink water for the employees in office premises. The company should provide with higher educational facilities awards and promotions. The company should introduce 24 hrs 24hrs dispensary and treatment facilities for employees and their families. BIBLIOGHARPHY: BOOKS AND WEBSITES BOOKS: R.L ynn, the Pension Crisis (1983) article; the Columbia Encyclopedia, sixth edition, 2009 Joseph L. Matthews, Social Security , Medicare and pensions (1988) Nolo press, 1999 R..L Deaton, The political Economy of Pensions (1989) R.L Mehr, Principles of insurance (1986) Punekar, Deodhar, Sankarn LABOUR WELFARE AND SOCIAL SECUIRTY (Himalayas Publication ) thirteenth revised edition, 2003 D. LONG Principles of Life and Health insurance (1988) A.M Sarma, ASPECTS OF LABOUR WELFARE AND SOCIAL SECUIRUTY ( Himalaya Publication eighth edition, 2003 WEBSITES: - www.gridco .co. in www.en. Wikipedia. Org www. Encyclopedia 2 the free dictionary .com www. ng www. Obfs.


QUESTIONNARIRE OPTCL EMPLOYEE WELFARE QUESTIONNARIRE Name Designation Department Sex : .................................................... : .................................................... : .................................................... : ....................................................

Respected Sir & Madam, I am doing the survey on the topic EMPLOYEE WELFARE IN OPTCL for my academic purpose only. So kindly co- operate with me in this regard 1. Are you aware of the welfare programe in OPTCL? Yes No To the some extent

2. Does trade union helps in receiving welfare facility? Highly helpful To smaller extent Not helpful 3. Does the company provide pension to the retired employee? Yes No

4. Does the company provide any accidental benefit to the employees? Yes No To the some extent 5. How do you rate the welfare activities at OPTCL Average Good Excellent 6. Do you want to recommend any further developments in welfare activities? Yes No If yes then please suggest:

7. If there any welfare fund? Yes No If yes then please suggest:

8. Are you aware of the terminal benefits of OPTCL? Yes No If yes then please suggest:

9. Is there any insurance scheme? Yes No If yes then please suggest:

10.Apart from pension. What other terminal benefits do you receive? If yes then please suggest:

11. Are the medical facilities up t satisfaction? Yes No If yes then please suggest:

12. Do you think that these benefits are sufficient? Yes No If yes then please suggest:

13. How do you rate OPTCL welfare activates in comparison with other companies? Below average Average Good Excellent

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