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• GROUPS: groups of 3 persons must be formed (neither more nor less). These must be the groups all along
the course, such as for the lab sessions and the Course Project team, lab sessions #4 and #5.

• PREVIOUSLY AT HOME: the lab session must be previously read and prepared by the students.

• DURING THE SESSION: The teacher will resolve the doubts that arise. The students will take the necessary
measures and each group will hand a final report in the digital campus Atenea. Only one of the members of
each group will hand the report. The deadline to hand in each report is 1 week.


- Reports P1, P2, P3: maximum 0,1 Points for each report, corresponding to sessions 1, 2 and 3.
- Preliminary report of the course-project P4: maximum of 0,2 Points for the previous presentation of the
project during the tutorial session.
- Final report of the course-project P5: maximum of 1,5 Points for the final presentation of the project
during lab session #5.

• DELAYS: After 10 minutes of the start time of the session, no student will be admitted to the classroom. In
case of not being able to access the classroom, the corresponding score will be canceled.

• NOT POSSIBLE TO CHANGE THE CALENDAR. In case of not attending a lab session, a request for recovering
could be applied, describing the cause, together with a justifying document. In case the justification is
accepted (only force majeure* causes), the student will be informed of the activities that will have to be
carried out, which will consist, in any case, in an oral and written activity.

*Force majeure cause (Act of God): Abnormal event, unpredictable or predicted, but always inevitable,
without any relation with the person involved, whose consequences could not have been avoided despite all
the diligence used.
Cat. “Força major” es. “Fuerza Mayor” fr. “Force majeure””Acte de Dieu”

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