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Lopez, Unice G.

BSECE 4-1 Dr. Ben B. Andres
Activity 3
1. Demonstrate the technopreneurship ecosystem as a function of the four (4)
Imagine that the technopreneurship ecosystem is like a tree. The human
resource component is the roots of the tree, providing the necessary foundation
and support for growth. The environment component is like the soil in which the
tree is planted, providing the necessary nutrients, water, and sunlight. The laws
and policies component is like the protective bark of the tree, safeguarding the tree
from threats and allowing it to thrive. Finally, the financial component is like the
trunk of the tree, providing the necessary stability and resources for growth and
Just like a tree, the technopreneurship ecosystem requires all of its
components to work together in harmony for it to grow and flourish. The human
resource component provides the necessary talent and expertise, while the
environment component provides the necessary infrastructure and support. The
laws and policies component protects and nurtures the ecosystem, while the
financial component provides the necessary resources to fuel growth and
Without any one of these components, the technopreneurship ecosystem
may wither and die. But when they work together in harmony, the ecosystem can
grow and thrive, just like a strong and healthy tree.
2. Categorize the three (3) crucial common components of business and briefly
explain each.

The three crucial common components of a business are an excellent market

opportunity, superb entrepreneur, and resources needed to start the company.
a. Excellent Market Opportunity: An excellent market opportunity is a situation
where there is a demand for a product or service that is not being adequately met
by existing businesses in the market. A business that identifies an excellent market
opportunity can capitalize on it by creating a product or service that meets the
needs of the market and differentiates itself from competitors. Identifying an
excellent market opportunity requires market research, analysis, and a deep
understanding of customer needs and preferences.
b. Superb Entrepreneur: A superb entrepreneur is an individual who possesses
the necessary skills, knowledge, and mindset to start and run a successful
business. Entrepreneurs are responsible for developing and implementing the
business strategy, managing operations, raising capital, and building relationships
with customers, suppliers, and stakeholders. A superb entrepreneur has the ability
to identify and pursue business opportunities, manage risk, innovate, and adapt to
changes in the market and industry.
c. Resources Needed to Start the Company: Resources are the physical,
financial, and human assets that a business needs to start and operate. These
resources include things like capital, equipment, supplies, technology, intellectual
property, and human resources. The availability and allocation of resources can
have a significant impact on the success of a business. A company with access to
the necessary resources can invest in research and development, marketing, and
other activities that support growth and innovation.
In summary, the three crucial common components of a business are an
excellent market opportunity, superb entrepreneur, and resources needed to start
the company. A business that has all three of these components has a greater
chance of success in the marketplace.
3. Analyze the 9 Fs of business and attempt to classify each according to the crucial
common components.
The 9 Fs of business can be classified according to the crucial common
components as follows:
Superb entrepreneur: Founders, Flat, and Fun
Excellent market opportunity: Focused, Fast, Flexible, Forever innovating, and
Resources needed to start the company: Frugal.

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