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Date: 04/29/2023 Location abesteriaeiatiid Federal Bureau of Prisons ‘TRULINCS Survey Personal inmate Information Survey Tie: stitution Character Proll (CP) Survey ‘Survey Description: The purpose for the institution Character Profile (CP) survey sto help the Regional Director evaluate current issues at the institution and to recognize what the institution fs Going well. Your responses tothe survey are confidential and voluntary. Ths survey f= your opportunity tobe heard. However f you do nat feel comfortable completing the Survey you can opt outa ths time. Thank you for you partitpation, ‘Question 1. Pleas select location Response: Fo orci CFCI3 (st ortsci, Buses Duse2 Daox CD Fwciusmore CD Focmocmcc rte camp ‘Question 2. Primary Language: What s your primary language? Response: English Inglés 1D Spanish Esparol DothevOt0 ‘Question 3. tf English or Spanish are not your primar anguage, what is your primary language? Response: No Response ‘Question 4. Safety: Please rate the level of safety for inmates atthe fllowing Location and times s fe Neutral Unsafe Housing units o e 0 Health Services! o Oo @ Compound o 0 @ Revieation buildtigs ° e ° Date: 04/29/2029, ‘Time: 06:34:20 Pt Federal Bureau of Prisons ‘TRULINCS Survey Personal Inmate Information Question 2, Safety Contrued Recreation yard Laundry commissary Special Housing Unit ‘Question 6. Safety (Continued) Fecltes deparimert Safety department Food Secvice Psychology Services (Question 7. Safety Continued Chapt unico aucation Receiving and ischarge/ ‘uestion 6 fry Continues Visiting room us ur oer rernpone Location’, ‘Safe Neutral o o 0° oe oe Safe Neutral oe oe oe oe Safe Neutral Z ° o0e0 Unsafe 0000 Unsafe @c00 Unsafe ° Date: 04/29/2003 Locator eee Federal Bureau of Prisons TRULINCS Survey Personal Inmate Information Queston 9, Satery Continued Sale Neutral Unsafe ‘Morningt2:00 A.M.-8:008N Days 8: AM. to 4:00 P.M, Eves 4:00 PM, - 12:00PM Weekends and holidays 2000 ecco 0000 Question 10. Please explain unsafe areas, Response: (Over crowding, no towers, and shortstaff along with te way the staff talk and reat us at FC. makes this pace estreany dangerous ot (Question 11, there a recent situation that has lonered your view of safety? Response: ave been ai ‘oe {yrs and with the administration taking out contacts costal locking down, 9 the way the alsa tak tothe inmates a danger tote ordry running of this institon. Ihave) left can not gt hold ofthe people | need to tak to to find out i need to ao to where ‘ny mino’ nid ives,bocause ls bean 30s sinc ve talked Tory minor chic ‘Question 12. Quality of Service/ Professionalism of Staff: Please rate each department on their professionalism and level of service Good Neural Poor N/A xccutve Staff o 0 @ oO Correctional Services a) ° HO Disciplinary Hearing o 0 0 @ eit Management o 0 e@ 0 ‘Question 13. quality of Service/Professionalism of taf (Continued) Good Neutral Poor W/A Health Services o 9 @ oO ‘chronic care o 0 @ 0 Dental Serices o° 0 @e 0 Visiting 0 0 0 @ Date: 04/29/2002 Ties 06:24:20 ‘Question 14 ‘cvestion 13 ‘cuestion 17 Federal Bureau of Prisons TRULINCS Survey Personal Inmate Information Quality of Service Professionalism of Staff (Continued) Food Service Edveation Recreation Laundey quay of Servce/Protesionalsm of Statt:«Contnued) Commissary Special Housing Unit (SHU Facilities department Safety department (eatty of Service /Peofesinalem of Stat: (Continua Prychology DAP Drug Abuse Program Religious services ‘UNICOR Quality of Service/Professionalism of Stat: (Continued Correctional Systems R&D Inmate telephones Inmate mai, 0000f oo008 oo000§ ooo§ Neutral 0800 Neutral 0000 Newrat 0000 Nevtrat Location Poor NIA, oe e 0 o 0° ° 0 Foor NIA, e 0 o @ e 0 e 0 Foor NAL e 0 e 0 2 e o © Foor N/A e 0 e 0 e 0 Date: 04/2903, Location, Tire: 06:34:20 Pm, Question 18. Response: Question 18 Response: Question 20. Response Question 21 Response ‘Question 22 Response ‘Question 23 Response Federal Bureau of Prisons TRULINCS Survey Personal Inmate Information Please describe any departments where you feel service quality and professionalism are NOT good [The safatFCi. constant isk down ious and bait s. They soom fo ink hat hey can] say and co anyting they want because they ware a unform and es ot materi they are scualy ‘gional Soars bn Auber anne ted neyo | | ‘2 mos even thy Sort do there and most of thom cont Staff Accessiblity: Staff make themselves available to address my sete. 1 seengy Agree Agree Nesta! Ddissgree Strongly dleagree Please exlain your rating of staff accessibity. [The acrinisraton or Bem ‘sis not There ob just ike the last 2 120s tying] {io get my contacts bac tak to these people everyday I can phone or email two people. nothing ever lace 52 no one wil do tere job just bush fof fo somone else Staff Feenss Staff eat mates ally at this fctity? 1 stonaly Agree! Agree i Newtrat 1D Disagroe Bi Svongly Disagree Please exlain your rating of how taf treat inmates a this facity [Fourkiddngmeright EE Helpful tat: Please provide the nmes and titles ofthe staff you find most helpful and explain why. [Ther sno one lt here that slp no one wants to do there ob, Hasent alwaye Been ike tis] ate: 04/29/2023 Location Time; 06:34:20 Pm ‘Question 24 Response: Question 25 Response: Question 26 Response: ‘Question 27 Response: (Question 28 Response Federal Bureau of Prisons TRULINCS Survey Personal Inmate Information Feed Service rarely runs out of food before | eat 1 Stonaly Agree Agree Newt Disagree 1D svonaly Disagree Food Service follows the National Menu 1 Svongly Agree Agree CD Nowval disagree ‘Strongly Disagree Food quality 's good overall 1 Stonaly Agree Agree B Newtal Disagree 1B Svonaly Dis Feod that s supposed tobe hot shot, food that i supposed to be cold i cold D Stongly Agree D Agree Neutral Disagree 1D Strongly Disagree Please describe any meas that can be of better quality Please also list any items that run out eften [Te system ofthe lowest bid does not work for food. have ordered the food far this for 6s, the lowest ic means you get not what you order but what they want to send you, they even serdthat [sethere is no way to folow a menue Date: 04/29/2023 Location: Time: 06:34:20 PH Question 29 Response: Question 30. Response: Question 31 Response: Question 32 Response: ‘uestion 33, Response (Question 34 Response: uestion 35, Responce: Federal Bureau of Prisons TRULINCS Survey Personal Inmate Information Commissary Stock: Commissary normally has the items | want ora reasonable substitute whe i is my twin to shop? 1D Strongly Agree Agree Newnes disagree ‘Strongly Disagree Ifthe commissary runs out of tems, what typeof items? ‘commissary cans aut af things constantly we never actualy know what they have and thay donot sub things they dont have, the pices constantly go up wth out notice and thay dont ol yout after you hy ha ‘Commissary Variety: There fan adequate variety of tems in the commissary? 1 Seongly Agree D Agree Nowa Disagree 1D Seonaly Disagree Do You Receive Visits: Have you recelved Wists at this institution? ayes No (Please describe why you have na received vss in the next question) you answered no inthe previous question, Please describe why you have not received vsts? {havent Fade ist since 2008 dont want my fail around when tere are alway sa taking down to them. A church group actual wrote a etarto congress about haw badly they where vested atthe Iga of FCI ting Cones: Bo you oyu ely hve any concern about the ving prego? ve Reporte Please describ an visting concer below [Sia a ey hyo nos a Date: 04/29/2003 Location \ Pee Federal Bureau of Prisons TRULINCS Survey Personal Inmate Information Ceston 36, Staying normed How elu are the lowing? Helpfut Neutra Unhetpfut bulletin boards oo e ‘Admission and Orientation o 0 @ ‘ABO handbook o 0 @ Towa hats o 0 @ ‘Question 37. Overall am well informed about issues concerning the institution, suchas policy changes, activities, Response: 1 Stongiy Agree Agee CD Neetat Disagree ‘Strongly Disagree ‘Question 38. Cleanliness: Would you say the institution clean? Response: 1B Senay Agree Agree Neutral 1D Disagree ‘Stongly isagree (question 39. Please describe any areas tat are not clean Response: |The ory time thal anyone worrys about cleaning i during ACA inspections and those ae never lei Date: 04/29/2023 Location:\ Tie: 06:34:20 PM Question 40, Response Question 41. Response: (Question #2, Response: Question 43 Response: Question 44, Response: Federal Bureau of Prisons ‘TRULINCS Survey Personal Inmate Information ‘Maintenance: Would you say that repatson things Such as tlle, heatingetc. are completed quickly? 1 StonglyAorees D Agee Ci Neural Disagree Strongly Disagree I some things take along time or never get fixed, what are some examples? [Have gone witout a tolet and igs for days ata tine. Right now tore aro 4 ools amy unit that Inave boon out ofghts and tales for 2 days and they wont get turned back on for at lant 2m \éays. Thor isa froezer into chen that hasent worked for yrs. Theres only 2 ovens inthe kitchen {nat work ut of 4 and a lot ofthe time only one works Discipline Process: Have yourecelved an incident report at this facility? wyes Ne Falemess of the Disciplinary Process: If you have received an incident repot, would you say that the process was far? Strongly Agree DAgree Ci Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree ona Please explain your rating of the disciplinary proces [iy ast epor was Tora offcer burping mv elbow wth a door ata he i me to back ot ofthe door \way, he slain the repo that he tnoughtt was auto he doar way. Ths costed me a atra anster leven though nad iow points. nave camp pons and im stl hee. ihavehad 3 write ups in 7YtS Date: 04/29/2023, Location Time: 3420 Pm Question 4. Response: ‘Question 46 Response: ‘Question 47. Response: ‘Question 48. Response: ‘Question 49. Response: ‘Question 50, Response: Federal Bureau of Prisons ‘TRULINCS Survey Personal Inmate Information ‘Time at Work: How much time do you actually spend working on your work atignment? (SeroltDown) More than 7 hours per day 1D sbowt 7 nours per day [D about 6 hours per day about hours por day about hours per day (D sbout 3 nours per day D about 2 hours per day 1D about 1 hour per day or less Dam unassigned you spend tess than 4 hours per day working, what is your fob assignment? No Response ‘Time to Release: How many mnths do yu have until release? (0-2000) Cel: Reentry/ Retease Preparation: Please rate the folowing statements about your readiness for release? reenty, Na ‘Tere are opportunities and programs for an inmate to improve thelr sil at this instittion i Svonaly Agree Agree News! Disagree Strongly Disagree ‘have aquired ale at this institution that wil help me maintain employment upon release Ti sronaly Agree Agree News (Disagree Strongly Disagree Date: 04/29/2023 Location: \, ape Federal Bureau of Prisons : ‘TRULINCS Survey. Personal Inmate Information Question 51. In preparing for release, have you obtained the proper forms of identification required for obtaining ‘employment, drivers license, and benefits if eligible)? Response: 1D Strongly Agree Agree News! Disagree Strongly Disagree (Question 52. REENTRY i REAL at this nstituton and has had a positve pact on me. Response Strongly Agree Agree Ci Neutra Disagree 1 Strongly Disagree Question 53. Helping inmates with REENTRY is important to al staff at ts istitution. Response: 1 Strongly Agree Agree Newt (D Disagree ‘Strongly Disagree (Question $4, Overall, what things could the institution do to help you be na prepared for release and Reentry? Response: [I dont even have the contacts to let my minor child know that _am geting out im Rentrey Hares id ge me 3 page thing off a wedste (Question 35. Warale: Overall do you Believe the inmate morale at this inst tions good? Response: 1 Srongly Agree Agree Ci Newtal disagree Strongly Dissoree Date: 04/29/2003 Location, eee Federal Bureau of Prisons TRULINCS Survey Personal Inmate Information ‘Question 56. lease descrive any concerns you have about the morale a this institution? Response: Not being allowed to contact our famiy has made tis place more voltale and dangerous. Everything \Warden has done since he tok ove Fi has caused this place tobe mare dangerous Iman anytime inthe Tay have been here. He should never ben charge of anything let lone other pecs ives ‘Question 57. Open Section: is there anything you would Uke to add that hasnt already been covered? Iso, please exiain Response: Locking us down taking our food and ing Us talk (o famly and lends, not beng abe to feed and cloth isnot unike beingin a pson ina thea word count feeding us bologna for weeks, not 1s, clean our cloths. FCI End of Survey.

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