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HIL Limited

Statutory audit status report

Name of the Unit
. Status report/
N Due date for Actual date of comments/
O Area/ Name of the Freq of renuwal./ submission/ submission/ observations by the
. statute Statutory & Regulatory Requirements submission completion completion auditor
Factories Act
1 Factory Liscence 1 to 5 years
upto the latest
Approved Plans construction
Safety officer Regular
Stability certificate 3 years
EOT- Cranes Yearly
Hoist Yearly
Chain pully blocks Yearly
Pressure vessel 1/2 yearly
Fork lift- Capacity Yearly
Work place Noise monitoring Yearly
Safety committee meetings and minutes Quarterly
Safety policy document Regular
On sight /Off sight emergency plan Regular
Safety audit Yearly
Medical examination and medical record Half yearly
Use of PPE in the plant Regular
Fire extingushers/Fire hidrant Regular
Ambulance room Regular
Medical Doctor ( Regualar/ Visiting, if Visiting
Doctor, Frequency of the visit in a week) Regular
Ambulance( vehicle) Regular
First aid Box as per the Factory rules Regular
Accident Register Regular
All the registers as per Factories Act Regular
Canteen Regular
Canteen committee minutes Monthly
Over time ( maintenance of 50 hours in a
quarter) Quarterly
Exemption of Over time hours up to 75 hours
under section 65(2) of Factories Act Quarterly
Half yearly return 1/2 yearly
Annual Return Yearly
2 Explosives Explosive liscence-HSD 3 Years
3 Polution control Renewal of Consent-Water Yearly
Consent-Air Yearly
Environment statement Yearly
STP Discharge Water Yearly
Return to Ministry of Environment and Forest Half yearly
Ambient Air Yearly
4 Boiler Stack monitoring- Boiler Yearly
Boiler Testing Yearly
5 Electrical Transfarmer Yearly
Noise Dg sets Yearly
Dg Sets stack Yearly
Electricity Bill Monthly
6 PF PF nominations Regular
P.F.Challans-company Monthly
HIL Limited
Statutory audit status report
Name of the Unit
. Status report/
N Due date for Actual date of comments/
O Area/ Name of the Freq of renuwal./ submission/ submission/ observations by the
. statute Statutory & Regulatory Requirements submission completion completion auditor
P.F. Returns- company Yearly
PF chalan- Contractors Monthly
PF returns- Contractors Yearly
7 ESI ESI nomination Regular
ESI Challans- company Monthly
ESI Returns- company 6 Months
ESI Challans- Contractors Monthly
ESI Returns- contractors 6 months
Panchayat/ Upto latest
8 Municipality Approved plans construction
9 exchange Employment exchange returns ( ER-1) 3 months

Employment exchange returns ( ER-1I) 2 years

### Welfare fund Welfare Fund Yearly
Yearly /as and
### Contract labour Contract labour Registration Certificate when required
Contract labour Licence - All contractors Yearly
Agreement with the contractors Yearly
Wage registers of the contracors Monthly
Counter signature on the wage register of the
contractors by the representative of HR dept. Monthly
Mode of Payment of wages to the Contract
labour : through Bank or Cash Monthly
Other records under Contract Labour Act like
isssue of identity card by the contractor, Pay
slip etc Regular
Contrcat workers Half year Return Half Yearly
### Minimum Wages Min. Wages act Annual return Yearly
### Water cess Water Cess Return Monthly
Weights and
### measures Weight & Measures Inspection. Yealy
### Fire NOC Fire Deptt. Yearly
### Professional tax Professional tax !/2 yearly
Names of the Factory inspector, Labour officer
### Notice Boards etc Regular
Extracts of Factories Act, Minimum wages act,
Gratuty Act, payment of Bonus Act, Certified
standing orders (if applicable) Regular

Signature of
Signatue of the Unit HR Head Signature of the Unit Head the Auditor

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