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Introduction to the Brain Unit 1: Lesson 4

Review of Lesson 3 - True/False Questions

Student Instructions: Read each statement and consider the bolded word, determine
whether the statement is true or false. Highlight your answer. If the statement is false,
provide the word or phrase that would make the statement true.
Sample Question: The child brain is losing connections that are not used.
True False
The answer is false. It is the teen brain that is losing connections that are not used.

1. Nerve cells that transmit nerve signals to and from the brain are called cell bodies.
True False

2. A part of the neuron called the axon conducts the nerve signal in a neuron. It is a
long extension of a nerve cell and takes information away from the cell body.
True False

3. A protective coating known as wax insulates the axon which increases the
transmission speed along the axon.
True False

4. Dendrites branch from the cell body and receive messages.

True False

5. A soma occurs when terminals from one neuron connect to another neuron’s

U1L4 – True/False Question Worksheet 1

Introduction to the Brain Unit 1: Lesson 4
Review of Lesson 3 - True/False Questions

True False

6. As you grow and mature, your brain gets rid of the connections it does not need
and strengthens those that are used regularly. This is known as neural
True False

7. The amygdala, thalamus and hypothalamus are all parts of the forebrain.
True False

8. The teenage brain is made up of mostly myelinated axons.

True False

9. The hindbrain is responsible for breathing, heartbeat, and balance.

True False

U1L4 – True/False Question Worksheet 2

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