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CET 1019-Online Practical

To complete this exam, you need to have the VMs Svr1, Svr2, and Wrk created and have the appropriate operating system installed to each. If
you haven’t done this already, refer to the document on Moodle. The VMs need to be set up prior to completing this exam.

For each of your VMs, you should be able to log in with the Administrator account:
 Username: Administrator
 Password: Pa$$w0rd (or whatever password you set for the Administrator account on each of your VMs when you created them.)

If you receive error messages during the exam, you can use the web or your textbook (Mindtap) to troubleshoot the problem. This exam must
be completed independently, however. You are not permitted to discuss the exam with others during the exam session.

Your professor cannot offer troubleshooting advice during the exam. This exam is an assessment of your Windows Server administration and
troubleshooting skills.

If you get stuck on an error message or don’t finish the exam, you should still insert screen captures where you can. You can still receive partial
marks, even if something isn’t working exactly as it should be.

All screenshots must be of your entire screen, including the taskbar and date/time. If your screenshot doesn’t show the taskbar or date/time, I
cannot confirm this screenshot is unique and your work, and you will receive no marks for it.

CET 1019
Created VMs 10

Configure Svr1
1. Log on to the Svr1 server VM using the Administrator account and the Pa$$w0rd password. The Server Manager console
appears. If you are asked if you want to find PCs, devices, and content on this network, click Yes.
2. Select Local Server
Select Ethernet and enter the following addressing information
IP address:
Subnet mask:
Preferred DNS server:
3. Select Local Server
4. Double-click computer name
5. In System Properties dialog box select Change to open the Computer Name/Domain Changes dialog box.
6. In the Computer name text box, type Srv1

When you are prompted to restart your computer, click Restart Now.

Svr1 Install Active Directory and DNS

1. Log on to the Svr1 server VM using the Administrator account and the Pa$$w0rd password. The Server Manager
console appears. If you are asked if you want to find PCs, devices, and content on this network, click Yes.
2. Go to Manage menu, select Add Roles and Features
3. Install Active Directory Domain Services
4. Install DNS Server
5. Promote this server to a domain controller
6. Add a new forest
7. In the Root domain text box, type
8. DSRM password is Pa$$w0rd, select next
9. Continue to select next until you get to Install
Srv1 should restart
10. Click OK to close the Properties dialog box
11. Go to DNS under Tools
12. Click Reverse Lookup Zones. Then right-click Reverse Lookup Zones and choose New Zone
13. Continue to select Next until you come to Network ID, type 172.16
14. Select Next choose Dynamic Updates, select Nonsecure and secure, select Next
15. Select Finish

Insert two Screen captures:

1st screen capture
On Srv1, select Local Server in Server Manager. The screen capture should display AD DS, DNS, computer name,
and Domain and Ethernet IP address.

2nd screen capture

On Srv1, show the DNS manager tool, and have it be showing the Reverse Lookup Zone you created.

Configure Svr2

Log on to the Svr2 server VM using the Administrator account and the Pa$$w0rd password. The Server Manager
console appears. If you are asked if you want to find PCs, devices, and content on this network, click Yes.
1. Enter the following information
IP address:
Subnet mask:
Default gateway:
Preferred DNS server:

Insert screen capture of Svr2

On Svr2, select Local Server in Server Manager. Select Local Server show the entire screen, which will show the IP
address, computer name, and show that Srv2 is joined to the Astro domain.

Configure Wrk
In Control Panel select Network and Sharing Center
Change Adapter settings:
IP address:
Subnet mask:
Default gateway:
Preferred DNS Server:
2. Change Computer name to Wrk
3. Change advanced sharing settings
4. Turn Network Discovery on
5. Turn on file and printer sharing

On Insert screen capture displaying adapter IP Information. This should be of the screen that you just input that
static IP address into.

Logon onto Svr1- create Organizational Unit and add New Users

1. Go to Tools select Active Directory Users and Computers

2. Right click on
3. In Active Directory create the following organizational unit
4. In the Sales unit add New User Janice Lewis. The user logon name will be
For the Password text box and the Confirm password text box, type Pa$$w0rd.
Select Password never expires. Click Next, Finish.

5. Add another New user to OU Sales Todd Williams user logon

For the Password text box and the Confirm password text box, type Pa$$w0rd.
Select Password never expires. Click Next, Finish.
6. Close Active Directory Users and Computers.

Insert screen capture displaying new users created in Active Directory Users and Computers.

Svr1 Create and share a folder

7. Logon to Svr1
8. Open File Explorer
9. Create a new folder on Local Disk (C:) type Data and press Enter
10. Right-click the Data folder and choose Properties
11. Click the Sharing tab and Advanced Sharing button
12. Click to select Share this folder
13. To configure the share permissions, click the Permissions button 8

14. Select Add

15. Enter the object name Todd Williams
16. Change Todd Williams permissions to Modify

Insert Screen Capture of Todd Williams showing Modify permission.

Svr2 Shrink an existing volume and create new volume

1. Login to Srv2 5
2. Start the Disk Management tool
a. Shrink the existing C: volume by 10239 MB, so that you have 10.00 GB on Unallocated space
b. On the Unallocated space (10 GB), create a New Simple Volume:
i. Use all 10 GB (10240 MB) on this new volume
ii. Assign the following drive letter: E: select next
iii. Use the default formatting settings but set the volume label to be your first name.
Insert screen capture showing the 10 GB formatted partition, with your first name as the Volume Label.

Total 50

Once you are done with the exam, upload this Word document (with your screenshots pasted in here) to Moodle at “Final Practical Exam - Dropbox
for Screen captures”.

As soon as you have uploaded the document, you may leave. You do not need to stay for the entire session. However, you must stay connected on
Zoom until you have submitted the exam.

Good luck!

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