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TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Rene INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING B Full Marks | 8 Examination Control Divi | Programme BAR Pass Marks | 32 2075 Chaitra Year/Part_[ N/T Time 3 hrs. Subject: - Structure I (CE 507) Y Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. ¥ Attempt All questions, Y. The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks. Y Assume suitable data if necessary. 1. a9 What are the differences between stable and unstablé*streture, explain with examples. Define the stiftness and strength of the structure, what is its importance in the design of the structure. 2. Draw the AFD, SFD end BMD of the following frame and find out the salient features if - any. 3. Find out the Planar Moment of Inertia about the centroidal axes of the given composite figure. Also find out the polar moment of inertia. 4 4, Define Poisson's Ratio, if an elastic rectangular bar of cross sectional size S0mmx100mm and length 1.5m is applied with an axial tensile force of 8OKN, determine the change in its length and the change in the cross-sectional dimensions. The Young's modulus of elasticity E=200Gpa and Poission’s ratio is 0.32 for the bar. (4) (4) fo) [62] (8] i ith its base fixed. It is cireular in ertically on the ground with it ee is standing v base f 5.9) Asm ro ih 250mm diameter. Altera load of OKN is acting cross section with 250mm lateral load of - top of the pole. Find the detection of the poie at iis iu iG Toad. Take B= 2.1x10° N/mm’. b) Define shear stress, shear strain and modulus ofr a relationship between modulus of rigidity and modulus of elasticity. / 6. A circular steel shaft of diameter 6Omm and a capper shaft of diameter 5mm is connected a8 shown below. If 2kNm torque is applied at the junction determine 7 ‘maximum shear stress developed in steel and copper shaft. Assume that Gyexi~2Geopper 2m < Copper Shaft ‘tel Shaft a 12m 7. Define section modulus. A timber beam of span 4.5m is carrying a uniformly distributed load of 40KN/m. Find suitable depth of beam if the width is 120mm when the safe allowable bending stress is 8N/mm?, [246] 8. A composite bar made up of aluminum and steel is rigidly fixed between two supports as shown in figure below. The two bars are free of stresses at 40°C. What will be the stresses in the two bars when the temperature falls to 20°C if : a) The supports are unyielding and b)_ The supports come nearer to each other by 0.5mm. [8) Itis assumed that the change in temperature is uniform throughout the length of the bar. Take E steel = 2.1x10° Némm’, E alm = 0.7x10° Nimm?, Take a steel = 11.710 AC, « almn=23,4x10% °C op Aluminium = - 4 ) {03 m—>}¢—0.6m—>} t 9. Derive with Euler's equation thatthe erica! lod for a steel column with both ends fixed * is equal to ioe. where all parameters have their usual meanings, [8] 10, Define ie body diagram and describe its importance, : a - / Bird ee sy ee j ea! 4 y a « r — 5 16 TRINNY AN UNIVERSTLY yam. (ERLE INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING BE 5 rol Division B. Arch, Pass Marks | 32 rogramme 2 r/ Part WSL Time 3h ¥ Subject: - Structure I (¢ £507) Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. v YY Auempt All questions. Y The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks. Y Assume suitable data if necessary. 1, a) Define building structure and explain different types ‘of building structure found in Nepal. {6 by/ List two major differences between deformable bodies and rigid bodies. eB) 2 a) {what do you mean by free body diagram and why itis necessary? Explain. (242) y @ +) Define modulus of elasticity and modulus of rigidity. a /petemine centroid and moment of inertia of the given cross-section. Also caleulate seetion modus | &7 shout horizontal axis. [44642] Z 4, 9) Define axial strain, lateral strain and poison’s ratio. (24242) b) A nulld steel bar of size 200 mm wide x 100 mm thick and one meter long is subjected to,an axial ‘compression of 200 KN. Find the dimensions and volume after deformation. Take E =2.5x10° N/mm’, @ $A&plain Hooke’s law, shear stress and shear strain, {51 is Z @ Find the maximum bending moment and draw flexural stress diagram af that section of a beam of cross section 25 mm wide by 50 mm deep if the beam of length 6 m carrying two point loads of magnitude 10 / KN cach at 1/3" of span from each side. (3 7. A solid shaft of diameter 150 mm transmits 10 kN-m torques. Draw the shear stress diagram i i . ds __ the shaft: Find also the angle of twist at the end of 3 m. Take shear modulus = 8x10° N/mm’, aa a [444] 3. Calculate and draw bending moment diagram (BMD) and shear force dis si ecu jagram (SFD) of the beam loaded t 410 kN/im H PEM ihre pete = ale, 1 ~ 9. What do i i What do you mean by buckling load? Derive Euler’s formula for bucki Pin-ended support conditions. eee “ neo p+ eee 16 TRIBUUV AN UNIVE! INSTITUTE C nination Control Di as practicable. sandidates are required to give their answers in their own words 2s ¥ Attempt All questions. e Y The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks. ¥ Assume suitable data if necessary. 1. 9¥ Explain mechanical properties of materials used to make a civil structures: J) Define rigid body and deformable body used in buildings. 2.,3Y Define Poisson's ratio, modulus of elasticity, bulk modulus and moduluis of rigidity. ‘bf Explain principle of equilibrium and its application on mechanics, 3, Determine moment of ineitia of the given cross-section about centroidal x and y axes. 4. The composite bar consisting of steel and aluminum components shown in Figure below it connected to two grips at the ends at temperature of 60°C. Find the stresses in the two se ae when the temperature falls to 20°C, if the end of the support are non-yielding, Take Es = 2.19J0°N/mm’, Ex = 0.70x10°N/mm2, as = 1.17%17*10°/°C, aa=2.17x10°°C. Area of the steel and aiuminuni bars are 250mm? and 375 m’, Abintinium {nan +] «scot — {4] 4] 4) 4) (8) {8] | | \ | shear Calculate average S « giameter Cae shear. 8] 16 KN and rivet 1S in ; : - pea shown in figure a rivet of db} are connected BY oT to the plates trans Y ction at the free end of the cantileve 5. Two stecl plates stress in the rivet i 6. Find the slope and defles h (3) below. Take El=1x10°KN-mm - kN =. en - 1 gmt IL . : in di ‘ts 6 KN-m torque. Find the maximum shear 7. A solid shaft 120 mm in diameter transmits 6 m torq! Saat Seale stress induced in the shaft. Find also the angle of twist at the end of (ana) modulus = 8«10'N/mm". 8 Caleuate and draw shear force diagram (SFD) and bending moment diagram: (BMD) of the simply supported beam loaded as shown in figure below. (444) 412. kNIm, 9. Define modulus of section. A timber beam of s} i i i istri - pan 4 m is carrying a uniformly distributed Toad of 40 KN/m. Find suitable depth of beam if the width i Sete seen 8 rinse pI im if the width is 120 mm, the safe allowable ji raha +7) 10. Derive Euler's formu ippli . Lay ula for crippling load of column when both enids of the column are (8) vee 14 TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING | Examination Control Division | 2070 Chaitra t : ‘Subject: - Structure I (CE507) ¥ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable, Y Attempt All questions, Y The figures in the margin indicate Full Marl V Assume suitable data if necessary. v, 5 41. What do you understand by elasticity? Also draw and explain stress-strain curve for (2+6] mild steel. oS \2Wéfine normal stress and strain and_ shear stress and strain 1 3, L section ig shown in the figure. _ 012) Calculate moment of inertia about the XX axis and YY axis through the centroid. 2 ke 100 100 ,_— Dimensions are in mm. 4. Prove the elongation of a tapered bar of length L that is subjected to an axial pullofP = [12] 4PL AL = Feaias ~———1 4, = diameter of the bar at left end d)= diameter of the bar at right end Subject: Structure -I = Attempt all question we force of /0 kN is acting on a circular rod with diameter /0 mm. Calculate the stresses in the rod. (8] <2 Draw stress strain diagram of steel and describe [8] KY A.cube of 10 dis subjected to stresses ox = 10 MPa, oy = 8 MPa, oy = 5 MPa, If modulus of elasticity = 2 x 10° MPa and Poisson's ratio = 0.28. Calculate final size and chang volume [12] at Dative the Relation between E (young’s Modulus) and G (Modulus Rigidity) (12) (tam Level __ INST RING Examination Control Divisi 2069 Chaitra Subject: - Structure | (CE597)_ 7 Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. Y, Alter lt questions. The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks, Y Assume suitable data if necessary. LY a) Define rigid bodies and deformable bodies. * ') Explain fixed support reactions and roller support reactions with necessary sketches. 4 24 a) Describe free body diagram. : u b) Write and explain the equation of static equilibrium. ¥ a) Define polar moment if inertia. by Describe ultimate strength and working stress. a 4/ Calculate moment of inertia of the "T" section as shown in figure below about its centroidal x andy axes. = “i 12cm Sen 1Sem len PP Fs is pi A and also igid bar ABC loaded as shown in figure below is pin supported at 3 Sooper by a steel wire of 2 em diameter at B. Calculate deflection at C. (3) E,=2x10°Némm? a simply supporte ion 25 fivand 1 cadth) determine the 6/ For a simply suppot .d beam of section 25 em depth ‘and 15 cm (bread Nt ny whi lied without exceeding the allowable maximum bending moment which may be applies a : of 105 MPa. bene 5 fixed supports as shown in figure below. Limiting shear i to : ot A steel shaft wale MPa Determine the maximum torque that can be applied at the SE a ‘then the shear stress at the support A. Joint C. What is eI (3) ie TRIDRUVAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING y:xamination Control Division 2068 Chaitra Subject: - Structure I (CE 507) Y Candidates are required to give thei oa nt > jodie, cir answers in their own words as far as practicable. Y. The figures in the margin indicate Full Mi Y Assume suitable data if necessary, aris 1, Draw axial force, shearing force and bending moment di for the given frame loaded ‘@s shown in figure below. Indicate salient points if any. eee (4 fy, : 3 F 3@ Gh hive a structure, Discuss with neat skctches the types of structural supports and their reactions. [442] ‘Draw a neat sketch of stress-strain curve of mild steel and define the significant points and the processes in the curve” : (8) 3,/} Locate the centroid of the area bounded by two curves y = x* and y* = 3x for all +ve 18) value of x & Y. 5} Determine moment of inertia about horizontal and vertical axes passing through the (6) centroid of the plane area shown in figure below. 3emy 15cm} (>? | 2) 12m — 2) A bar 2cm x dem in cross section and 40cm long is subjected to an axiy tensile lb of 7OKN, It is found that the length increases by 0.176mm and the lateral dimen, ° . ii) Poissi n om decreases by 0.0044mmn. Find (i) Young’s modulus (ii) Poissions rari, 6 Change in volume of bar (iv) Bulk modulus. +. Define Hook’s law, Young’s modulus, ultimate strength and workwng stress, >) A rectangular beam having depth 400mm and width 250mm is loaded a8 shown ; figure below. Determine: : (i) The maximum stress in portion BC of the beam. (ii) Stress at distance 3m from the left end A and at 50mm below the top level, Qt ~ is equal to 4%-EI equai to Gr Where all parameters have their usual me. -anings. aoe _plBHUIVAN UNIVERSITY pvte OF E GINEERING ation Control Division | Programme | B. 3068 Baishakh | Year /Part it ee : Subject: Structurel ‘Arch. pam able. mandi ¢ required to give thei andidates \eir answers in tl ‘ Cob aptary Four questions their own words as far as practic ia the margin indicate Full Marks, re figure , re utobe data if necessary. oe Le sposi i 7 : Keomposite bar made up of aluminium and steel is rigi Yow ‘in figure below. The two bars are free of aes ac ea epee tw 7 jogs, when the temperature falls to 25°Q,ife“** " a) The supports are unyielding and ~ . p) Thesty thermal expansion ports come nearer by O.lmm * Ue Esed sn and steel are 2.34% 10-*PC and 11.7 x 107°C respectively: (10) 22.1 x 10° N/mm’, Eqi =0.7 x 10° Nimm®, coefficient of | alut iene ee eee + [+800 mm ——- +600 am—| imum displacement in the case of simply Sctermine the slope at supports and maxi oe P ly distributed load of intensity ‘Ww’ per supported beam of span ‘L’ carrying uniform! unitlength over the whole span. ain parallel axis theorem for moment ‘am section of 3m clear span to e mid section of the beam. (6) (4 “tate and exp! of inertia of a section. ; igh a rectangular bes carry UDL of 15 kN/im and one point load of 50 KIV at th Given data: issible compressive and tensile pending stresses are 1.68 kN/em? and 1.40 kNicm™ Maximum horizontal shear stress is 0.9 Nit mn Permissible deflection is (L/360)m, where Take E = 1.27 KN/em* (19) span length 4 Hind radius of gyration of section al tX-X axis shown in figure aglow. | radius of gyration of section abou axis sho’ a) Find 6 bi & Copprive an expression for relationships anngsniformly distributed Joad, shear fore, and bending moment. 5. a) Asolid round bar 3m long and Scm in diameter is used as a strut with both ends Of the column hinged. Determine collapsing load and safe load. Take E = 2 x 10 Niom and factor of safety = 2.5. b) Write short notes on: i) Strength, stifiness and stability ii) Volumetric strain and bulk modulus a

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