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GhapherS - pure Shear oe of zt constant — a beam. rae ae oe ng—moment and it fs Gee From shear force | then thi ‘ iS Onchito ‘c ‘ Flexure. on__'6. called pure _ ben ding or os a hon geneous and hogs. (icayee lan Pes = Med atuc= oF. elasicity for tension and ues are et eet age é the bes ic _ininatty — cross 2S cot! ony _ ae =A Jood act in “pecpendiculan arealon pest tothe long itudinal ani oF beam Sight Pei ore content —_ — #_Tvareverse Ben 4 a Th ea eondition of Hee. where fo_the _-heraing _ywoment__is__ appl ied perpendicular! long: tudinal Oris of a_member._ Plane Bending —It is A 00ndjHOn where tho. plate ha é —~herg O21 plane such as a chear Wall Yoit, Nerfzental and ertical Forces which ave pli, fo Tits plane ANd ABEL reduce lane bending moment oi ® Q gnivation of Flerural i @ Small piece oF beam _Subjeded_ to pure vin figuve Let be vadivg of Siew as, i gigt as ———themge in feng Hh cep righ ye = = ree, Strain im layer oe eS Ss ee shonge in length ae et Original length _ i Bee: ata et pee Rdg —_ Te Sr he the Streis developed alate ding to. Hooks aw, yee is ~ tensile a eign af bene + tate ak Mak adivinte 4 Mow, _ rs are Moment oF tnis force _ _from — _ Force ‘wn tris nic eal a= ayout neutral aaic(tn) Fic yn Ic equation + 7 Khown as. Rerun} Position 0 © iy neat ra [quis Tn the “pore igre there qré__ cOompresy've aid tensile _ Stress above gna bow the neutral aw + dAhejse Send“ ave? Calied. J@anding Stenc _ oe Consider ny Ove “Seebioin ” fs ig dn in equi bn _ Fore ao a) ee = sof ap 2Or 5 og pee ee a tot: £26 £040) — > £2, re “mus be (n_centre.¢ 2 UW his figure Fe and Ege retutanh, Comfrey ee 2A tensive © Sheng ube Aedop tHe couple and ——— a Wale bees "and: Bending Mo, slope) dePlectian | yadtue oF turvature ment Fe consider a, Stry ly Supported Beam. AB. carry) YFrans vet se. lode aac which beam. def ts 48 shown 'n figure. fj S shawn tm pipe. aw Beam AB as) “= consider a small pertton in 7 F len.) tan’ whreh —L into c'D' araw targen, 7) te C'CM+pD' Ch) which fs srowntn He ~ let ©sangle rade by ANGE Cutty Xe 14 8+d@: “ange made by — b _talPth (erry ee Angle substended bythe ara dL at Cenree '@? WP] be da. a (Ks Radius. op converting: ot. nx Say profes rian of “elim y-axts. Pe FO. 1% r AL=RAO it ya < L:d@ \ 2 blhen AL > § tren ne ae ment WX2 + ow xPs7 > LT ee = oN aT {C160 x10-3) X cro x103) 4 64 ie Es orator Tostow © = 1904103 por me, D icw ~ loyjo & b Osxw - 5 4 SW x4 = Jer0 F v2 A Wa ta “3 ers. . We tere ee SKC IQs We 4300 y | i J Sage ao Mysw(aen) ot Ee os ) : Aomeiga ted se ae ay y= a le Mop acs cat neha ee ee | hypen = so (LP Rak ee wr (er tz = : we 7 ae (4-4) at ie see a (dt. ae eR ao © 4 HovFzontal Shear stresg (D = ag Ty Ta ve (a 42) ‘4 4 a en tls an shove th2 sheavin Parabolic Where Shas dination sen, The. depth ee 7 Wad T+0 Zz JO T= dv. oy 8I ea, Revived =. Tavy ne)

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