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The Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) is recently formed national Orthodox Church from Unification

council in December 2018, After mergers from Ukrainian Orthodox Church—Kyiv Patriarchate, Ukrainian
Autocephalous Orthodox Church and parts of Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate). The
title of its primate is "His Beatitude (name), Metropolitan of Kyiv and all Ukraine".[33][34][35] The
church uses Ukrainian language as its liturgical language

The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church traditionally constituted the second largest group of believers after
the Christian Orthodox churches. The Union of Brest formed the Church in 1596 to unify Orthodox and
Catholic believers. Outlawed by the Soviet Union in 1946 and legalized in 1987, the church was for forty-
three years the single largest banned religious community in the world.

The Church of the Latin Rite is traditionally associated with historical pockets of citizens of Polish
ancestry who lived mainly in the central and western regions. It uses the Polish, Latin, Ukrainian and
Russian as liturgical languages.

As of 2016, Protestants make up 2.2% of the population of Ukraine, with a strong concentration in
western Ukraine (5.3%).[1] In the country there are communities of Baptists, Pentecostalism,
Charismatic Christianity, Evangelicalism as well as Lutherans, Presbyterians, and others. There is also a
Sub-Carpathian Reformed Church with about 140,000 members, which is one of the earliest Protestant
communities in the country.

Islam in Ukraine is the second largest religion after Christianity. Islam in the lands of Ukraine is hundreds
of years old, it has a long and complicated history here.

Historically, there were two main ways of spreading Islam in Ukraine: the eastern (North Caucasus) and
southern (Crimean Khanate and the Ottoman Empire).

Islam in Ukraine does not have any special specifics, it did not lead to the emergence of new trends,
directions, groups, etc. Muslims in Ukraine always profess Sunnism.

The size of the Jewish population of Ukraine has varied over time. Jews are primarily an ethnicity, closely
linked with the religion of Judaism. Jews in Ukraine are estimated to be between 100 and 300
thousands. However, ethnic Jews may be irreligious or practise other religions than Judaism. It is
estimated than only 35–40% of the Jewish population of Ukraine is religious. Most observant Jews are
believers of Orthodox Judaism, but there are as well communities of Chabad-Lubavitch and Reform
Judaism, Conservative Judaism and Reconstructionist Judaism.

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