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Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi

Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering

”Network Service Management”

- Course Notes -
Master Study Programme: Distributed Systems and WEB Technologies

Year of Study: 2022-2023

Cristian-Mihai AMARANDEI
”Network Service Management” – Course Notes

Lecture #09 – Content

Linux system security

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”Network Service Management” – Course Notes

System security

The security of a Linux server depends on the actions of
system administrator
– Eliminating potential security risk – remove all services and
applications that are not needed
– Make a list of potential sources of attack, internal or external
– It is recommended to disconnect the network before securing a
Linux server

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”Network Service Management” – Course Notes

System security

– Use access password
– Do not allow boot from the floppy, optical drives, USB drives,
– It should be considered that these measures can not be
considered if there is physical access to the server

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”Network Service Management” – Course Notes

System security

Security Policy
– a list of what is allowed an what is not – upon which decision
are made

Any security policy is based on a certain degree of
– you must achieve a balance between allowing users access to
necessary information and complete blocking of access to the

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”Network Service Management” – Course Notes

System security

Choose right passwords
– !!!! all passwords can be broken - either by brute force or social
engineering methods
– there must be a way to block weak passwords
– Rules:

Passwords must be at least 6 characters, preferably 8 and contain at least one
number or special character (/etc/login.defs)

Must have a validity period.

If passwords were entered incorrectly a certain number of times, then the access
to the account must be blocked.

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”Network Service Management” – Course Notes

System security

Single-user mode
– Use a password to block access to the boot manager options

For grub:
– Add a line like the following one
password --md5 $1$bgGCL/$4yF3t0py.IjU0LU.q7YfB1
– enerate passwords using the command:


For grub2:
– grub2-mkpasswd-pbkdf2 - Generate a PBKDF2 password hash.
– grub2-setpassword - Generate the user.cfg file containing the hashed grub bootloader password.

How to Set Password for Grub Menu (Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS):
– Change the file /etc/inittab and add the following line

Disable Ctrl-Alt-Delete
– add “#” in the file /etc/inittab :

#ca::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t3 -r now

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”Network Service Management” – Course Notes

System security

– Do not allow direct login as root: edit the file /etc/securetty defining consoles
where direct root login is allowed
● $ echo “ “ > /etc/securetty
– Set login timeout

add: TMOUT=7200 (in seconds - 2h)
– into the file /etc/profile for all users
– into .bashrc for each user you want
– Set history size
● in the file /etc/profile
● HISTFILESIZE=0 – remove .bash_history file at logout

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”Network Service Management” – Course Notes

System security
● /etc/exports
– controls which file systems are exported to remote hosts using
NFS and specifies options
– configure the file with the most restrictive access possible
● Option no_root_squash
– root users on client is the same as root on server

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”Network Service Management” – Course Notes

System security

Limit the number of virtual consoles
– the default is 6
– edit /etc/inittab file to look like
1:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty1
2:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty2
#3:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty3
#4:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty4
#5:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty5
#6:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty6
● Run the command /sbin/init q to restart de init process (the parameter q or Q tells to the init
process to read the inittab file again)

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”Network Service Management” – Course Notes

System security
● file /etc/services
– maps port numbers to named services.

Only root shoud modify this file
– Set the immutable attribute on the file to prevent accidental
deletion (including root)
● chattr +i /etc/services
● chattr -i /etc/services – unset immutable flag

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”Network Service Management” – Course Notes

System security

Special user accounts
– Various applications have a special account in which they run

If these applications are not installed, the account should be removed
– Also delete related groups
– Check that after upgrades have not appeared again in the
– Set immutable flag on files:
/etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, /etc/group, /etc/gshadow

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”Network Service Management” – Course Notes

System security

Partitions mount options
– In the file /etc/fstab, the following options can be added:
● defaults - Allow everything (quota, read-write, suid) on this partition.
● noquota - Do not set users quotas on this partition.
● nosuid - Do not set SUID/SGID access on this partition.
● nodev - Do not set character or special devices access on this partition.
● noexec - Do not set execution of any binaries on this partition.
● quota - Allow users quotas on this partition.
● ro - Allow read-only on this partition.
● rw - Allow read-write on this partition.
● suid - Allow SUID/SGID access on this partition.

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”Network Service Management” – Course Notes

System security
● /usr – can be mounted read-only (static data)
● /etc/init.d
– Only root should have full access (chmod 700)
● /etc/cron.daily/
– Change access rights from 750 to 550

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”Network Service Management” – Course Notes

System security

find all files with SUID or SGID bit set and eliminate as
many of them
– !!!! Not all of them; your system needs some suid root programs
to work properly, so be careful (i.e. /usr/bin/passwd).
find / -type f \( -perm -04000 -o -perm -02000 \) -exec ls -l {} \;

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”Network Service Management” – Course Notes

System security

Don’t let internal machines tell the server what their MAC
address is
– add them manually to the ARP entries of the Linux server
– If someone change the IP address, the server simply won't talk
to them
● #arp -s 00:50:DA:C6:D3:FF
● #arp -s 00:50:DA:C6:D3:09
● #arp

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”Network Service Management” – Course Notes

System security

look everywhere on the system for unusual or hidden files

Unusual filenames can be used to hide informations:
”...”, “.. “, “..^G”
● find / -name ".. " -print -xdev
● find / -name ".*" -print -xdev | cat –v

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”Network Service Management” – Course Notes

System security

Find group and world writable files and directories
find / -type f \( -perm -2 -o -perm -20 \) -exec ls -lg {} \;
find / -type d \( -perm -2 -o -perm -20 \) -exec ls -ldg {} \;

Find all unowned files
find / -nouser -o -nogroup

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”Network Service Management” – Course Notes

System security

Find .rhosts files
– you should not have any .rhosts files on your system after a new install
● find /home -name .rhosts

Use a cron job to periodically check for, report the contents of, and delete .rhosts files
– As root create the file /etc/cron.daily/rhosts.cron
/usr/bin/find /home -name .rhosts | (cat <<EOF
This is an automated report of possible existent ..rhosts files on
the server, generated by the find utility command.
New detected ..rhosts. files under the ./home/. directory include:
) | /bin/mail -s "Content of .rhosts file audit report" root
– chmod 550 /etc/cron.daily/rhosts.cron
– chown 0.0 /etc/cron.daily/rhosts.cron

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”Network Service Management” – Course Notes

System security

Use specialized utility for checking system integrity
– Host-based Intrusion Detection System or Host Integrity Monitoring System




– Use rpm features to verify the integrity of existing applications

rpm -Va > /root/rpm_chk.txt &
– Sentry Tools:

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”Network Service Management” – Course Notes

Reading assignment

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 System Administrator’s Guide
– Chapter 26 (grub2)

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Security Guide
– Chapter 4, 6

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Security hardening
– Chapter 7 (AIDE)

Securing & Optimizing Linux: Red Hat Edition (v.1.3) -
– Chapter 3

Kurt Seifried, Linux Administrator’ Security Guide

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”Network Service Management” – Course Notes

This presentation is intended for lecturing purposes only and it is based on the references listed below. Therefore, the students are encouraged to (and they should) read
thoroughly the original documents listed below in order to improve their skills.

1.Matthew West - The Linux System Administrator's Guide -
2.The Linux Network Administrator's Guide, Second Edition -
3.Red Hat Enterprise Linux Documentation -
4.Verifying Files with Red Hat's RPM -
5.Hardening Tips for the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 -
6. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Security Guide
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