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Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi

Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering

”Network Service Management”

- Course Notes -
Master Study Programme: Distributed Systems and WEB Technologies

Year of Study: 2022-2023

Cristian-Mihai AMARANDEI
Email: cristian-mihai.amarandei@academic.tuiasi.ro
”Network Service Management” – Course Notes

Lecture #05 – Content

Linux firewall

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OSI model - Security features positioning

From: Kenneth Tam, et. al. - UTM Security with Fortinet, Syngress, 2012
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A network security system that monitors and controls the
incoming and outgoing network traffic based on
predetermined security rules.

a hardware or software appliance that can be configured to block
unauthorized access to a network

The systems are configured with a set of rules that
determine which traffic is allowed and which is blocked or

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Firewalls cannot protect:
– against malicious insiders – send proprietary information out of the organization or
copy confidential information on a storage device
– connections that do not go through it – like remote dial-up connections

must be combined with Antivirus software & IDPS
– The term firewall does not necessarily refer to a single router, computer, VPN
gateway, or software program.

Any network firewall is a combination of software and hardware
– the term firewall perimeter might be more descriptive.

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Firewall goals

All traffic from outside to inside and vice-versa passes
through the firewall.

Only authorized traffic, as defined by local security policy,
will be allowed to pass.

The firewall itself is immune to penetration.

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Installing and configuring a firewalls – must be a security

Firewall policies
– Permissive versus restrictive policies

Permissive: Allows all traffic through the gateway and then blocks
services on case-by-case basis

Restrictive: Denies all traffic by default and then allows services on
case-by-case basis
– Enforcement - through setting up packet-filtering rules

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Firewalls policy

Picture from: Guide to Network Defense and Countermeasures, 3rd Edition

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Firewall types
– Software-based firewalls
– Hardware-based firewalls

Firewall taxonomy
– Traditional packet filters

filters often combined with router, creating a firewall
– Stateful filters
– Application gateways

Some firewalls are designed for consumers
– Internet security suite from companies like Symantec, Bitdefender, Comodo, etc
– personal firewalls:

Establishing rules for blocking traffic are done case-by-case

Prompts whether traffic should be allowed or not

Often make use of “default settings” - like let the firewall application decide for you, allow known applications ...

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Firewall Rule Sets

Tells firewalls what to do when a certain kind of traffic attempts to

rules should:
– be based on organization’s security policy
– include a firewall policy
– be simple and short as possible.
– restrict access to ports and subnets on the internal network from the Internet
– control Internet services

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Firewall policy

Firewall policy: describes how firewalls should handle application traffic

Risk assessment provides a list of applications
– identify associated threats and vulnerabilities

steps to create a firewall policy:
– identify network applications that are needed
– determine methods for securing application traffic
– must balance security, user requirements, and cost
– consider all firewalls in your network
– develop a traffic matrix for each location

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Software-Based Firewalls

require extensive work to configure the software
– !!!! secure the operating system by patching or removing
vulnerable services

Free firewall programs
– simplicity
– logging capabilities are not as robust as some commercial
– configuration can be difficult and/or ambiguous

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Software-Based Firewalls

Personal firewalls
– located between the Ethernet adapter driver and the TCP/IP stack
– inspect traffic going between the driver and the stack

Enterprise firewalls
– include centralized management option
– some are capable of installing multiple instances from a centralized
– can offer user authentication, NAT

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Hardware-based firewalls

– do not depend on conventional OSs
– more scalable than software firewalls
– can handle more data with faster throughput

– depend on non-conventional OSs
– more expensive than software products

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Comparison 1

Type of firewall Advantages Disadvantages

Software - freeware Small file size; ease of installation Only minimal features are offered; lack
of technical support

Software - personal firewalls Simple to install; economical; Not as full-featured as enterprise

autoconfiguration features help products and not as robust as hardware
novice users yet give advanced users appliances; usually installed on
more fine-tuned control singlecomputer
systems, which reduces security
Software - enterprise firewalls Usually installed on a dedicated host Can be difficult to install and configure;
for maximum security; centralized tend to be more expensive
administration available for large
networks; real-time monitoring and
other administrative features
Hardware appliances More scalable than software firewalls; Can be expensive and difficult to patch if
offer faster throughput bugs or security alerts require it

Source: Guide to Network Defense and Countermeasures, 3rd Edition

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Packet filtering

works by screening traffic that arrives on the network perimeter

Stateless packet filters
– determine whether to allow or block packets based on information in protocol headers
– Most often, filtering is based on common features of IP protocol headers:

IP address,


TCP flags
– SYN bit set: datagram for connection initiation
– ACK bit set: part of established connection
– vulnerable to IP spoofing attacks, and they have no form of authentication.

Stateful Packet Filtering
– Keeps a record of connections a host computer has made with other computers – maintain a state
– Allows incoming packets to pass through only from external hosts already connected

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Packet Filtering Based on Position

Type of filtering a device can do depends on
– Position of the device in the firewall perimeter
– Other hardware or software

Packet filter placement
– Between the Internet and a host

All inbound and outbound traffic should be accounted for in the packet filter’s
rule base
– Between a proxy server and the Internet

Proxy server: handles traffic on behalf of computer on the network it protects

Rebuilds requests to hide internal IP address information

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Packet filter connecting a proxy server with

the Internet

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Packet Filtering Based on Position

Packet filter placement
– Place packet-filtering devices at either end of the DMZ

Filter on DMZ’s external interface needs to allow Internet users to gain
access to servers on the DMZ but block access to the internal network

Filter on DMZ’s internal interface enables internal users to access
servers on DMZ but not connect to Internet

Internal users connect to Internet through a proxy server on DMZ

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Packet filter routing traffic to and from a


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ACL – Access Control Lists

Each router/firewall interface can have its own ACL

Most firewall vendors provide both command-line and graphical configuration

– one screening router can protect entire network
– efficient if filtering rules are kept simple
– widely available

– can possibly be penetrated
– cannot enforce some policies – i.e. permit certain users
– rules can get complicated and difficult to test

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Packet Filtering (netfilter)

The Linux kernel provides a packet filtering framework
that allows various networking-related operations to be
implemented in the form of customized handlers

incoming packets are filtered by type, source address,
destination address, port

From the packet header can be extracted the following
– Source IP address
– Destination IP address
– TCP/UDP source port
– TCP/UDP destination port
– ICMP message type
– Encapsulated protocol information (TCP, UDP, ICMP or IP

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Packet Filtering in Linux

– ipchains - kernel 2.2.x (based on ipfw from BSD Unix with the kernel 2.0)

Main disadvantage: ports must remain open to accept traffic
– netfilter/iptables (Dynamic Packet Filters or Stateful Packet Filtering) – from kernel 2.4.x

Tracks status and context of session

– traffic management
– Low Overhead / High Throughput.

– No authentication
– allow direct IP connections to the internal network systems

Some configuration tools and GUI available
– UFW https://launchpad.net/ufw
– GUFW – http://gufw.org/
– Portmaster - https://safing.io/portmaster/
– Shorewall - https://shorewall.org/
– Firewalld - https://firewalld.org/
– netfilter/nftables - since Linux kernel 3.13

available in RHEL7, RHEL8; default in RHEL9 deployments
– RHEL9 provides backward compatibility so that scripts that use iptables commands still work on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
– For new firewall scripts, Red Hat recommends to use nftables

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Network Firewall Security Policy

General firewall policy:
– What is not explicitly allowed is prohibited

Block all traffic between two networks except for services/applications allowed

Rules must be written for each application/service

It is the safest method: blocking access to services are not explicitly allowed

Restrictive for users
– What is not explicitly forbidden is allowed

Allow traffic between two networks except for services/applications blocked

Any unwanted application/service must be blocked

Convenient for users but creates large security issues

!! Not recommended
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Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)

is a physical or logical subnetwork that contains and
exposes an organization's external-facing services to a
larger and untrusted network, usually the Internet

The area between the router and firewall for internal

Minimize internal network to external connections from the

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Firewall Glossary

Drop/Deny – packets are deleted and not performing other actions.
There is nothing transmitted to the source. The packet simply

Reject – the same idea as drop/deny except that the source is notified.

State – a specific state of a packet in comparison with a stream of
– When a packet arrives first at a firewall is considered NEW; if part of an
already established connection which firewall is aware of, is considered
– The status is known through the connection tracking system (monitors all

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Firewall Glossary

Chain – A chain contains a set of rules that are applied to packets.
Each chain has a specific goal (what a chain can do) and a specific
set of actions (just redirect packets or only packets destined for a
particular host).

Table – Each table has a specific goal (there are 4 table in iptables).
Table Filter is designed specifically for packet filtering.

Match - some type of header matches some information.

Example: --source means that the source address can be a specific network, or it
can be a particular IP address
– If a packet matches all the rules, the processing then jumps to a particular
rule (example: the packet can be rejected)

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Firewall Glossary

Target – There is a destination for each rule in the set. If there is a full rule
match, then the specified destination indicates what happens with that packet.

Rule – a rule is a set of one or more match to a single destination in iptables.

Ruleset – a complete set of rules that are passed to implement packet filter.

Jump – a jump instruction is closely related to the destination. A jump instruction
is written exactly as a destination in iptables, except that the destination is the
name of another chain. If a match is made, then the packet will be sent to
another chain where it will be processed.

Connection tracking – A firewall which implements connection tracking is able
to track connections and packet flows impacting memory consumption and CPU.

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Firewall Glossary

Accept – accepting a packet; allows it to pass through the firewall rules. It
is the opposite of Drop/Deny or Reject.

Policy – There are two policies to be discussed when trying to implement
a firewall.

Chain policy – defines the default behavior of the firewall when it receives
a packet, be heated in not making any matching on existing rules.

Security policy – represents the security policy according to written
specifications. Security Policies are documents that need to be studied
before deploying a firewall.

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Netfilter – iptables

Rules are grouped in chains
– Each chain is a list of rules
– Six chains


user-defined chain

Chains are grouped in tables
– Each table is associated with a different type of packets processing.
– 3 predefined tables:

filter — this is the default table.

nat — when a packet creates a new connection this is the table that is used.

mangle — is used for special altering of packets

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Packets processing with netfilter

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How a packet traverses the kernel netfilter tables/chains?

Source: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Communication_Networks/IP_Tables
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Filter table - built-in chains

INPUT - is for packets going to local sockets

FORWARD - is for packets routed through the server from
one interface to another

OUTPUT - is for locally-generated packets

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Nat table - built-in chains

PREROUTING - is for packets when they come in

OUTPUT - is for locally-generated packets before routing
takes place

POSTROUTING - is for altering packets on the way out

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Mangle table - built-in chains

PREROUTING - is for incoming packets

POSTROUTING - is for packets going out

OUTPUT - is for locally generated packets that are being

INPUT - is for packets coming directly into the server

FORWARD - is for packets being routed through the

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All tables have predefined targets:
– <user-defined-chain> — user-defined chain. The name must be unique. Intended send the
package specified chain.
– ACCEPT – the packet is accepted (default policy for INPUT, OUTPUT and FORWARD)
– DROP – reject the package without sending any message back
– QUEUE – used to queue packets to User-land programs and applications; It is used in
conjunction with programs or utilities that are extraneous to iptables and may be used, for
example, with network accounting
– RETURN – will cause the current packet to stop traveling through the chain where it hit the rule.
– REJECT – basically the same as the DROP target, but it also sends back an error message to
the host sending the packet that was blocked (i.e. “destination unreachable”)
– LOG – logs the packet (usually to syslog)

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The connection-tracking system (--state option in your rules)
– Available options for --state:

NEW: for an incoming or outgoing packet, which creates a new

ESTABLISHED: for an incoming or outgoing packet, which belongs to an
existing connection.

RELATED: for an incoming or outgoing packet, which is related to, but no
part of, an existing connection.

INVALID: for an incoming or outgoing packet, which could not be
identified for some reason.

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Iptables command
iptables <table> <command> <chain> <command options>
iptables -t tabletype <action/direction> <packet pattern> -j <what to do>

Iptables default table is filter
– iptables -t filter -L
– iptables -t filter -L -n
– iptables -t nat -L OUTPUT -v
– iptables -t mangle -L OUTPUT -v -n --line-number

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Iptables command

Flushing rules
– iptables -t filter -F
– iptables -t nat -F PREROUTING

Default table policy
– iptables -t filter -P INPUT DROP

a new chain (create, delete, rename)
– iptables -N mychain
– iptables -X
– iptables -X mychain
– iptables -E mychain mynewchain

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Actions associated with iptables rules

-A (--append) Appends a rule to the end of a chain.

-D (--delete) Deletes a rule from a chain. Specify the rule
by the number or the packet pattern.

-L (--list) Lists the currently configured rules in the chain.

-F (--flush) Flushes all of the rules in the current iptables

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Filtering by source/destination

-s ip_address All packets are checked for a specific source IP

-d ip_address All packets are checked for a specific destination IP
iptables -A INPUT -s -j REJECT

send “destination unreachable”

iptables -A INPUT -s -p icmp -j DROP

iptables -A INPUT -s ! -p tcp -j DROP

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On EL5 and EL6
– service iptables save

Save rules in /etc/sysconfig/iptables file (EL6 only)
– Starting the iptables service
# chkconfig --level 2345 iptables on
# chkconfig --list iptables
iptables 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off

On EL7
– systemctl enable iptables
– systemctl start/stop/restart iptables
– iptables-save > /etc/sysconfig/iptables

Save rules in /etc/sysconfig/iptables file

– system-config-securitylevel (el5)
– system-config-firewall (el6)

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IP Forwarding

also referred as routing

To allow Linux to function as a router, IP forwarding must
be activated
– Located in /etc/sysctl.conf:
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1

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NAT (network address translation)

NAT is a methodology of remapping one IP address space into another
by modifying network address information in IP datagram packet
headers while they are in transit across a traffic routing device.

SNAT (Source Network Address Translation)
– LAN addresses are translated to addresses in the WAN

DNAT (Destination Network Address Translations)
– maps a public IP address to a private IP address

Commonly used in conjunction with IP masquerading
– in iptables is used when using DHCP to obtain external IP address

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Network Address Translation (NAT)

Network Address Translation (NAT)
– Originally designed to help conserve public IP addresses
– Receives requests at its own IP address and forwards them to the correct IP address

Depending on the level of the OSI stack on which it operates are two types of
– NAT (Network Address Translation) – layer 3
– PAT (Port Address Translation) – layer 4

Allows administrators to assign private IP address ranges in the internal
– NAT device is assigned a public IP address

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NAT Example

Picture from: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/security/firepower/610/fdm/fptd-fdm-config-guide-610/fptd-fdm-nat.html

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Network Address Translation (NAT)

NAT types
– depending on the direction in which the translation is made:
– Inside NAT – LAN addresses are translated to addresses in the
– Outside NAT – addresses from the WAN are translated to
addresses in the LAN

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Network Address Translation (NAT)

NAT types
– One-to-one (1:1)

translate one private IP address into one public IP address
– One-to-many (1:Many)

one private IP address is translated into many public IP addresses.

for each connection the private device initiates with a host on the Internet, the NAT router
chooses a public IP address from a range to translate the private IP address into it.
– Many-to-one (Many:1)

many private IP addresses are translated into one public IP address

if the public IP address belongs to the router, this is also known as masquerading
– Many-to-many (Many:Many)

many private IP addresses are translated using a range of public IP addresses.

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SANT / DNAT / Masquerade

SNAT (Source Network Address Translation) = Inside NAT
– LAN addresses are translated to addresses in the WAN
– static SNAT

one or many hosts behind NAT are translated into only one public IP address
– dynamic SNAT

one or many hosts behind NAT are translated into several public IP addresses
– Masquerade (MASQ)

works exactly like static SNAT does, except that you cannot specify the public IP address to be used.

automatically use the IP address of the outgoing interface of the NAT router (i.e: router use DHCP protocol to obtain external

DNAT (Destination Network Address Translations) = port-forwarding/port-redirection
– maps a public IP address to a private IP address
– is the reverse of SNAT
– used when you have servers behind NAT, so the same public IP address is mapped to different private IP
addresses depending on ports or protocols

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Port Address Translation (PAT)

PAT - translate many private addresses, using a single public
– Because it can not be mapped 1-1 on level 3 it is done on level 4
– Each pair (internal_IP, internal_port) is mapped to (external_IP,
– By default the PAT will attempt to map internal port on the same external

if the external port was mapped to a previous translation, can be mapped on a
random port
– PAT mappings are retained in memory firewall and are used to identify traffic
back and translate it back

Linux: - connection tracking
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Transparent Firewall

Traditionally, a firewall is a routed hop and acts as a
default gateway for hosts that connect to one of its
screened subnets.

A transparent firewall is a Layer 2 firewall that acts like a
“bump in the wire” or a “stealth firewall” and is not seen as
a router hop to connected devices. 1


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Transparent Firewall Network

Picture from: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/security/asa/asa82/configuration/guide/config/fwmode.html

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Iptables - IP Masquerading

masquerading – is a technique that hides an entire IP
address space behind a single IP address in another,
usually public address space
– Eth1 – external interface (IP address obtained via dhcp)
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth1 -j MASQUERADE

– Eth1 – external interface (static IP address

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth1 -j SNAT --to-source

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SNAT Example

Change source addresses to
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j SNAT --to

Change source addresses to, or
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j SNAT --to

Change source addresses to, ports 1-1023
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -p tcp -o eth0 -j SNAT --to

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DNAT Example

Change destination addresses to
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -j DNAT --to

Change destination addresses to, or
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -j DNAT --to

Change destination addresses of web traffic to,
port 8080.
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -i eth0 -j DNAT --to

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Just for reference – we are using iptables !!!
– see lab instruction on how to install and enable iptables on your VMs

The new userland interface to netfilter in RHEL/CentOS

provides a dynamically managed firewall with support for network/firewall “zones” to assign a level of trust to a network
and its associated connections, interfaces or sources.

– https://firewalld.org/documentation/
– Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Security Guide – Chapter 5

– Firewalld HowTo:

– CentOS / RHEL 7 : Beginners guide to firewalld

– RHEL7: How to get started with Firewalld.

– An Introduction to Firewalld


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Reading assignment

Securing & Optimizing Linux: The Hacking Solution (v.3.0)
– Chapters 9 and 10

Securing & Optimizing Linux: The Ultimate Solution (v.2.0)
– Chapters 7,8 and 9

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Deployment Guide
– Chapter 48.8 (Firewalls)

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Security Guide
– Chapter 2.8 (Firewalls)

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This presentation is intended for lecturing purposes only and it is based on the references listed below. Therefore, the students are encouraged to (and they should) read
thoroughly the original documents listed below in order to improve their skills.

1. http://www.netfilter.org/
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iptables
3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netfilter
4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_address_translation
5. Kernel Packet Traveling Diagram http://www.docum.org/docum.org/kptd/
6. Detecting and deceiving network scans http://inai.de/documents/Chaostables.pdf
7. Application Layer Packet Classifier for Linux http://l7-filter.sourceforge.net/
8. conntrack-tools: Netfilter's connection tracking userspace tools - http://conntrack-tools.netfilter.org/
9. ebtables – Linux Ethernet bridge firewalling http://ebtables.sourceforge.net/
10. IPTables Applicable to Centos http://centoshelp.org/networking/iptables-advanced/
11. Netfilter Packet Traversal
● http://xkr47.outerspace.dyndns.org/netfilter/packet_flow/packet_flow9.png
● http://linux-ip.net/nf/nfk-traversal.pdf
12. http://www.danielmiessler.com/study/iptables/
13. https://iximiuz.com/en/posts/laymans-iptables-101/

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