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Universidad de Monterrey

Vicerrectoría de Educación Media Superior

Academia de Humanidades
Tópicos de Métodos de Aprendizaje

Activity 15. OPCVL

Name: Fátima Ojeda, Vanessa Ruelas Date: 24/4/23 ID number: 623819,627290

I. Instructions:
In pairs of the same POP, search within the "Points of view" resource (How to enter: ) for an article related to
your research question and make a short video (2min), it can be a tiktok where you mention
the following:

a) Source title.
b) Analysis of the 5 OPCVL points (Origin, Purpose, Content, Value and Limitations) of the
source (See:
8wk-C628cg/edit?usp=sharing )
c) References in APA format.

Paste the link of your video here:

References in APA format:




Micah L. Issitt. (2014).


The author of the article Shifting Gender Roles in the Home and Workplace is Issit, Micah who plays guitar and
sings, he makes things and he writes. Since 2004, Issitt has been working as a freelance writer/researcher.The
article was published in May, 2014, in EBSCO . The reason why this was written is because in the United States
it is very common to identify some stereotypes created by us in the roles of home and workplace. This is to make
aware of the roles plates by a woman and the roles played as a men and that they can be inverted too.

Author claims to inform with respect about the gender crisis we have been dealing with in the United States and
how the roles could be reversed.

Value (origin, purpose and content)

Being my research on gender equality, this source is valuable according to its origin because it is something that
is going on in the actuality and it is a global problem that it has been fighting for a lot of time. On the other hand,
the article is valuable because it presents verified information that talks about stereotypes which is a really
important fact in this topic. As for its content, the article is valuable for the following ideas: stop stereotypes in
society, be equal to everyone and recognize stereotypes in work ambit .

Limits (origin, purpose and content)

Being my research on gender equality, the Shifting Gender Roles in the Home and Workplace of name of the
author Issit Micah is limited according to its origin by the year since it is not recently maybe we won't have
actualize the information of what is happening nowadays with this topic and according to its purpose by trying to
inform the stereotypes that in those years were really visible but maybe not right now. Also, regarding the
content, the article is limited because it is just specified in the United States and only in home and workplace
roles, leaving out the other countries that maybe have more stereotypes or more to say about this .

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