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Batch (2021-2023)
Submitted To:
Assistant Professor

Submitted By

Roll No.: 2102630700059



I, “NEETI JAIN” hereby declare that the SIP report entitled “RECRUITMENT


being submitted to the Prof. DIVYA RANA Asst. Professor, VSB Meerut for the

partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Business

Administration affiliated to Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

is my own endeavors and it has not been submitted earlier to any institution/university

for any degree.




ROLL NO. 2102630700059


It is my pleasure to be indebted to various people, who directly or indirectly

contributed in the development of this work and who influenced my thinking,

behavior, and acts during the course of study.

I am thankful to Head Office Delhi for the support, cooperation, and motivation

provided to me during the training for constant inspiration, presence and blessings.

I also extend my sincere appreciation to Project Guide Prof. DIVYA RANA

Professor of Management Department VSB, Meerut who provided her valuable

suggestions and precious time in accomplishing my project report.

Lastly, I would like to thank the almighty, parents, Director of the institute for their

moral support and my friends with whom I shared my day-to-day experience and

received lots of suggestions that improved my quality of work.



















“The art of choosing men is not nearly as difficult as the art of enabling those one has
chosen to attain their full worth”.
According to Edwin B. Flippo, “Recruitment is the process of searching the candidates
for employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization”.
Recruitment is the activity that links the employers and the job seekers. A few
definitions of recruitment are as stated in the next page:

A process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. The process
begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applications are submitted.
The result is a pool of applications from which new employees are selected.
Recruitment of candidates is the function preceding the selection, which helps create a
pool of prospective employees for the organization so that the management can select
the right candidate for the right job from this pool. Recruitment is a continuous
process whereby the firm attempts to develop a pool of qualified applicants for the
future human resources needs even though specific vacancies do not exist. Usually,
the recruitment process starts when a manger initiates an employee requisition for a
specific vacancy or an anticipated vacancy.

 Recruitment is the process by which organizations locate and attract individuals to fill
job vacancies. Most organizations have a continuing need to recruit new employees to
replace those who leave or are promoted in order to acquire new skills and promote
organizational growth. Recruitment follows HR planning and goes hand in hand with
selection process by which organizations evaluate the suitability of candidates. With
successful recruiting to create as useable pool of candidates, even the most accurate
selection system is of little use Recruiting begins when a vacancy occurs and the

recruiter receives authorization to fill it. The next step is careful examination of the job
and enumeration of skills, abilities and experience needed to perform the job
successfully. Other steps follow: v Creating an applicant pool using internal or
external methods v Evaluate candidates via selection v Convince the candidate v And
finally make an offer Scope: To define the process and flow of activities while
recruiting, selecting and appointing personnel on the permanent rolls of an

Any amendments to and deviations from this policy can only be authorized by the
Head-human Resources and the Managing Director. Exclusions: The policy does not
cover the detailed formalities involved after the candidate joins the
organization .ACTIVITY FLOW The organization philosophy should be kept in mind
while formulating the recruitment procedure. The HR department would set the
recruitment norms for the organization. However, the onus of effective
implementation and compliance with the process rests with the heads of the respective
functions and departments who are involved in the recruitment and selection process.
The process is aimed at defining the series of activities that needs to be performed by
different persons involved in the process of recruitment, the checks and control
measures to be adopted and information that has to be captured. Recruitment and
Selection is conducted by: v HR & Branch Manager Functional Head.



Human resource management means employing people, developing their resources,

utilizing, maintaining and compensating their services in tune with the job and
organizational requirements with a view to contribute to the goals of the organization,
individual and the society.

Features of HRM:
1. HRM is concerned with employees both as individuals and as a group in
attaining goals. It is also concerned with behavior, emotional and social aspects
of personnel.
2. HRM covers all levels (low, middle, and top) and categories (unskilled, skilled,
technical, professional, clerical and managerial) of employees. It covers both
organized and unorganized employees.
3. It is a continuous and never ending process.
4. Individual employee-goals consist of job satisfaction, job security, high salary,
attractive fringe benefits, challenging work, pride, status, recognition etc.
5. It is the central sub-system of an organization and it permeates all types of
functional management.

Functions of HRM:
These are broadly classified in to two categories
1. Managerial functions
2. Executive / Operative functions

Managerial Functions

Managerial functions of personnel management involve planning, organizing,
directing and controlling. All these functions influence operative functions. These are
as explained below.
a. Planning:
It is a predetermined course of action. Planning pertains to formulating strategies of
personnel programmes and changes in advance that will contribute to the
organizational goals. In other words, it involves planning of human resources,
requirements, recruitment, selection, training etc. It also involves forecasting of
personnel needs, changing values, attitudes and behavior of employees and their
impact on the organization.

b. Organizing:
An organization is a means to a team work. It is essential to carry out the determined
course of action. Complex relationships exist between the specialized departments and
the general departments as many top managers are seeking the advice of the personnel
manager. Thus, an organization establishes relationships among the employees so that
they can collectively contribute to the attainment of company goals.

c. Directing:
The next logical function after completing planning and organizing is the execution of
the plan. The basic function of personnel management at any level is motivating,
commanding, leading and activating people. The willing and effective co-operation of
employees for the attainment of organizational goals is possible through proper
direction. Tapping the maximum potentialities of the people is possible through
motivation and command.

Executive / Operative Functions:

The operative functions of HRM are related to specific activities of personnel
management viz., employment, development, compensation and relations. All these

functions are interacted with managerial functions. Further these functions are to be
performed in conjunction with management functions.

It is concerned with securing and employing the people possessing the required kind
and level of human resources necessary to achieve the organizational objectives. It
covers functions such as job analysis, human resource planning, recruitment, selection,
placement, induction and internal mobility.

1. Job Analysis: It is a process of study and collection of information relating to the

operations and responsibilities of a specific job.

2. Human Resource Planning: It is a process for determination and assuring that the
organization will have an adequate number of qualified persons, available at proper
times, performing jobs which would meet the needs of the organization and which
provide satisfaction for the individuals involved.

3. Recruitment: It is the process of searching for prospective employees and

stimulating them to apply for jobs in an organization.

4. Selection: It is the process of ascertaining the qualifications, experiences, skills,

knowledge etc., of an applicant with a view to appraising his/her suitability to a job.

5. Placement: It is the process of assigning the selected candidate with the most
suitable job in terms of job requirements. It is matching of employee specifications
with job requirements.

6. Induction and Orientation: Induction and Orientation are the techniques by which
a new employee is rehabilitated in the changed surrounding and Introduced to the
practices, policies, purposes, and people etc., of the organization.

Human Resources Development:

It is the process of improving, molding and changing the skills, knowledge, creative
ability, aptitude, values, commitment etc. based on present and future job and
organizational requirements.

This function includes:

1. Performance Appraisal:
It is the systematic evaluation of individuals with respect to their performance on the
job and their potential for development.
2. Training:
It is the process of imparting to the employees technical and operating skills and

3. Management Development:
It is the process of designing and conducting suitable executive development programs
so as to develop the managerial and human relations skill of employees.
4. Career Planning and Development:
It is the planning of one’s career and implementation of career plans by means of
education, training, job search and acquisition of work experiences.

It is the process of providing adequate, equitable and fair remuneration to the
employees. It includes:
 Job Evaluation: It is the process of determining relative worth of jobs

 Wage and Salary Administration: This is the process of developing and
operating a suitable wage and salary programmer.
 Incentives: It is the process of formulating, administrating and reviewing the
schemes of financial incentives in addition to regular payment of wages and
 Fringe Benefits: These are the various benefits at the fringe of the wage.
Management provides benefits to motivate and to meet their life’s
 Human Relations: Practicing various human resources policies and programs
like employment, development and compensation and interaction among
employees create a sense of relationship between the individual worker and
management, among workers and trade unions and the management. It is the
process of interaction among human beings. Human relations are an area of
management in integrating people into work situations in a way that motivates
them to work together productively, co- operatively and with economic,
psychological and social satisfaction.

Understanding and applying the models of perception, personality, learning, intra and
inter personal relations, intra and inter group relations.
 Motivating the employees.
 Boosting employee morals.
 Developing the communication skills.
 Developing the leadership skills.
 Improving quality of work life of employees through participation and other
 Providing a comfortable work environment by reducing fatigue, monotony,
boredom and industrial accidents.

 Counseling the employees in solving their personal, family and work problems
and releasing their stress, strain and tensions.

Industrial Relations:
It refers to the study of relations among employees, employer, government and trade
unions. It includes:

 Indian Labor market

 Trade Unionism
 Collective Bargaining
 Industrial Conflicts
 Worker’s Participation in Management and
 Quality Circles

Recent Trends in HRM:

HRM has been advancing at a fast rate.

The recent trends in HRM include:
 Quality of Work life
 2 Total Quality in human resources
 3 HR accounting, audit and research and
 4 Recent techniques of HRM


The Scope of human resource management in the modern days is vast. In fact, the
scope of HRM was limited to employment and maintenance of and payment of wage
and salary. The scope gradually enlarged to providing welfare facilities, motivation,
performance appraisal, human resource management, maintenance of human
relations ,strategic human resources and the like .The scope has been continuously
The scope of Human Resource Management Include:

• Objectives of HRM
• Organization of HRM
• Strategic HRM
• Employment
• Development
• Wage and Salary Administration/Compensation
• Maintenance
• Motivation
• Industrial Relations
• Participative Management and
• Recent Developments in HRM


PLANNED: The needs arising from changes in organization and retirement policy.
ANTICIPATED: Anticipated needs are those movements in personnel, which an
organization can predict by studying trends in internal and external environment.
UNEXPECTED: Resignation, deaths, accidents, illness give rise to unexpected


• Attract and encourage more and more candidates to apply in the organization.
• Create a talent pool of candidates to enable the selection of best candidates for the
• Determine present and future requirements of the organization in conjunction with its
Personnel planning and job analysis activities.
• Recruitment is the process which links the employers with the employees.
• Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.
• Help increase the success rate of selection process by decreasing number of visibly
under qualified or overqualified job applicants.
• Help reduce the probability that job applicants once recruited and selected will leave
the organization only after a short period of time.
• Meet the organizations legal and social obligations regarding the composition of its
• Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate



Work by Korsten (2019) and Jones et al. (2021):

According to Korsten (2019) and Jones et al. (2021), Human Resource Management
theories emphasize on techniques of recruitment and selection and outline the benefits
of interviews, assessment and psychometric examinations as employee selection
process. They further stated that recruitment process may be internal or external or
may also be conducted online. Typically, this process is based on the levels of
recruitment policies, job postings and details, advertising, job application and
interviewing process, assessment, decision making, formal selection and training
(Korsten 2019).

Jones et al. (2021) suggested that examples of recruitment policies in the healthcare,
business or industrial sector may offer insights into the processes involved in
establishing recruitment policies and defining managerial objectives.

Successful recruitment techniques involve an incisive analysis of the job, the labour
market scenario/ conditions and interviews, and psychometric tests in order to find out
the potentialities of job seekers. Furthermore, small and medium sized enterprises lay
their hands on interviews and assessment with main concern related to job analysis,
emotional intelligence in inexperienced job seekers, and corporate social
responsibility. Other approaches to selection outlined by Jones et al. (2021) include
several types of interviews, role play, group discussions and group tasks, and so on.

Any management process revolves around recruitment and failure in recruitment may
lead to difficulties and unwanted barriers for any company, including untoward effects
on its profitability and inappropriate degrees of staffing or employee skills (Jones et al.
2021). In additional, insufficient recruitment may result into lack of labor or

hindrances in management decision making, and the overall recruitment process can
itself be advanced and amended by complying with management theories. According
to these theories, the recruitment process can be largely enhanced by means of
Rodgers seven point plan, Munro-Frasers five-fold grading system, personal
interviews, as well as psychological tests (Jones et al. 2021).

Work by Alan Price (2007):

Price (2007), in his work Human Resource Management in a Business Context,

formally defines recruitment and selection as the process of retrieving and attracting
able applications for the purpose of employment. He states that the process of
recruitment is not a simple selection process, while it needs management decision
making and broad planning in order to appoint the most appropriate manpower. There
existing competition among business enterprises for recruiting the most potential
workers in on the pathway towards creating innovations, with management decision
making and employers attempting to hire only the best applicants who would be the
best fit for the corporate culture and ethics specific to the company (Price 2007). This
would reflect the fact that the management would particularly shortlist able candidates
who are well equipped with the requirements of the position they are applying for,
including team work. Since possessing qualities of being a team player would be
essential in any management position (Price 2007).

Work by Hiltrop (1996):

Hiltrop (1996) was successful in demonstrating the relationship between the HRM
practices, HRM-organizational strategies as well as organizational performance. He
conducted his research on HR manager and company officials of 319 companies in
Europe regarding HR practices and policies of their respective companies and
discovered that employment security, training and development programs, recruitment
and selection, teamwork, employee participation, and lastly, personnel planning are
the most essential practices (Hiltrop 1999). As a matter of fact, the primary role of HR
is to develop, control, manage, incite, and achieve the commitment of the employees.
The findings of Hiltrop's (1996) work also showed that selectively hiring has a
positive impact on organizational performance, and in turn provides a substantial
practical insight for executives and officials involved. Furthermore, staffing and
selection remains to be an area of substantial interest. With recruitment and selection
techniques for efficient hiring decisions, high performing companies are most likely to
spend more time in giving training particularly on communication and team-work
skills (Hiltrop 1999). Moreover the finding that there is a positive connection existing
between firm performances and training is coherent with the human capital standpoint.
Hence, Hiltrop (1996) suggests the managers need to develop HR practices that are
more focused on training in order to achieve competitive benefits.



Main objective of the research is to have an analysis of different companies. To

accomplish this objective it has been divided into following:

 To determine reasons behind opting for an insurance sector.

 To know the most preferred recruitment process.

 To determine customers perception towards max insurance company and their
expectation from other companies.

 To determine the feedback on services provided by an agent.

 To study the types of benefits provided by recruitment process.



 To structure the Recruitment policy of company for different categories of


 To analyze the recruitment policy of the organization.

 To compare the Recruitment policy with general policy.

 To provide a systematic recruitment process.

 It extends to the whole Organization. It covers corporate office, sites and works
appointments all over India.

 It covers workers, Clerical Staff, Officers, Junior Management, Middle

Management and Senior Management cadres.




ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company is a joint venture between ICICI Bank -
one of India's foremost financial services companies-and Prudential plc - a leading
international financial services group headquartered
in the United Kingdom. Total capital infusion stands at Rs. 47.80 billion, with ICICI
Bank holding a stake of 74% and Prudential plc holding 26%.

 We began our operations in December 2000 after receiving approval from Insurance
Regulatory Development Authority (IRDA). Today, our nation-wide team comprises
of over 2100 branches (inclusive
of 1,116 micro-offices), over 290,000 advisors; and 18 bank assurance partners.

ICICI Prudential is the first life insurer in India to receive a National Insurer
Financial Strength rating of AAA (Ind) from Fitch ratings. For three years in a row,
ICICI Prudential has been voted as India's Most Trusted Private Life Insurer, by The
Economic Times - AC Nielsen ORG Marg survey of 'Most Trusted Brands'. As we
grow our distribution, product range and customer base, we continue to tirelessly
uphold our commitment to deliver world-class financial solutions to customers all
over India.

Our vision:

To be the dominant Life, Health and Pensions player built on trust by world-class
people and service. 
This we hope to achieve by:
 Understanding the needs of customers and offering them superior products and
 Leveraging technology to service customers quickly, efficiently and

 Developing and implementing superior risk management and investment

strategies to offer sustainable and stable returns to our policyholders

 Providing an enabling environment to foster growth and learning for our


 And above all, building transparency in all our dealings

 The success of the company will be founded in its unflinching commitment to 5 core
values -- Integrity, Customer First, Boundary less, Ownership and Passion. Each of
the values describes what the company stands for, the qualities of our people and the
way we work.
We do believe that we are on the threshold of an exciting new opportunity, where we
can play a significant role in redefining and reshaping the sector. Given the quality of
our parentage and the commitment of our team, there are no limits to our growth.
Our values:

Every member of the ICICI Prudential team is committed to 5 core values: Integrity,
Customer First, Boundary less, Ownership, and Passion. These values shine forth in
all we do, and have become the keystones of our success.

Management Profile:
Board of Director
The ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited Board comprises reputed
people from the finance industry both from India and abroad. 
Mr. K.V. Kamath, Chairman
Ms. Chanda Kochhar, Director
Mr. Barry Stowe, Director
Mr. Adrian O’Connor, Director
Prof. Marti G. Subrahmanyam, Director

Mr. Mahesh Prasad Modi, Director
Ms. Rama Bijapurkar, Director
Mr. Keki Dadiseth, Director
Ms. Shikha Sharma, Managing Director

Management Team
The ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited Management team comprises
reputed people from the finance industry both from India and abroad.

Ms. Shikha Sharma, Managing Director & CEO

Mr. N. S. Kannan, Executive Director
Mr. Bhargav Dasgupta, Executive Director
Ms. Anita Pai, Executive Vice President – Customer Service & Technology
Dr. Avijit Chatterjee, Appointed Actuary
Mr. Puneet Nanda, Executive Vice President & Chief Investment Officer


Product Details of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Products:-

 Life Time Gold

 Premium Life Gold
 Life Stage Pension
 Life Time Super Pension
 Hospital Care
 Life Link Super
 Premier Life Pension
 ICICI Pru______ + MediAssure
 Invest Shield Life


People's skill sets rather than technology drive the growth and success of software
organizations, where ideas and information form the basis for profit generation and
wealth accumulation. This article is an attempt to establish the significance of
recruitment strategies, especially in the Indian software industry. The size of an
organization, among various other factors, plays an important role in determining the
type and shape of a strategy, including human resource strategies. This article aims to
examine the different strategies of recruitment by software organizations on the basis
of size (in terms of number of employees) with the help of a survey. The findings
corroborate the proposition that recruitment strategies of such organizations vary with
their size and that such strategies are focused to meet short-term requirements. The
recruitment strategies formulated by the companies include:

In sourcing or Outsourcing:

Companies recruit the candidates, employ them, train and develop them and utilize the
human resources of these companies. This strategy is called In-sourcing. Some
organizations employ and develop the candidates with a view to provide the human
resources to other companies which concentrate on manufacturing, servicing and such
other activities. Vast and Fast Source:

The fast developing IT industry and high technology oriented industry invariably
require vast human resources within the short span of time. The best strategy to get
vast human resources immediately is Internet.


Traditional sources of recruitment

The sources of recruitment are broadly divided into internal sources and external
sources. Internal sources are sources within organizational pursuits. External sources
are sources outside organizational pursuits.

Internal sources: These sources include

 Present permanent employees
 Present Temporary/Casual employees
 Retrenched or retired employees
 Dependents of deceased, disabled, retired and present employees.

1. Present Permanent Employees:

Organizations consider the candidates from this source to higher-level jobs due to
availability of most suitable candidates for jobs relatively or equally to the external
source, to meet the trade union demands and due to the policy of the organization to
motivate the present employees.

2. Present Temporary/Casual Employees:

Organizations find the source to fill the vacancies relatively at the lower level owing
to the availability of suitable candidates or trade union pressures or in order to
motivate them on the present job.

3 .Retrenched or Retired Employees:

Generally, a particular organization retrenches the employees due to lack of work. The
organization takes the candidates for employment from the retrenched employees due
to obligation, trade union pressure and the like. Sometimes, the organizations prefer to

re- employee their retired employees as a taken of their loyalty to the organization or
to postpone some interpersonal conflicts for promotion etc.

4. Dependents of Deceased, Disabled, Retired and Present Employees:

Some organizations function with a view to develop in the commitment and loyalty of
not only employee but also his family members and to build up image and provide
employment to the dependent(s) of deceased, disabled, retired employees. Such
organizations find this source as an effective source of recruitment.

External Sources: External sources include

 Campus Recruitment
 Private Employment Agencies/Consultants
 Public Employment Agencies
 Professional Associations
 Data Banks
 Casual Applicants
 Similar Organizations and
 Trade Unions

1. Campus Recruitment:
Different types of organizations like industries, business firms, service organizations,
social or religious organizations can get inexperienced candidates of different types
from various educational institutions like colleges and universities imparting education
in Science, commerce, Arts, Engineering and Technology, Medicine, Management
studies etc.

2. Private Employment Agencies/Consultants:

Private Employment Agencies or Consultants like ABC consultants in India perform
recruitment functions on behalf of a client company by charging fees. Line managers
are relieved from recruitment functions so that they can concentrate on their
operational activities and recruitment functions are entrusted to a private agency or

3. Public Employment Exchanges:

The government set up Public Employment Exchanges in the country to provide
information about vacancies to the candidates and to help the organizations in finding
out suitable candidates.

4. Professional Organisations:
Professional Organisations maintain complete bio-data of their members and provide
the same to various organisations on requisition. They also act as an exchange
between their members and recruiting firms in exchanging information, clarifying
doubts etc. Organizations find this source more useful to recruit the experienced and
professional employees like executives, managers, and engineers.

5. Data Banks:
The management can collect the bio-data of the candidates from different sources like
employment exchange, educational training institutes, candidates etc. and feed them in
the computer.

6. Casual Applicants:
Depending upon the image of the organization, its prompt response, participation of
Organization in the local activities, level of unemployment, candidates apply casually
for jobs through mail or handover the applications in the personnel department. This
would be a suitable source for temporary and lower level jobs.

7. Similar Organizations:
Generally, experienced candidates are available in the organizations producing similar
products or are engaged in similar business. This would be the most effective source
for executive positions and for newly established organizations or expanded

8. Trade Unions: Generally, unemployed or under employed persons or employees

seeking change in employment put a word to the trade union leaders with a view to
getting suitable employment due to latter’s intimacy with the management.
Management decides about the sources depending upon the type of candidates needed,
time lapse period etc. It has to select the recruitment technique(s) after deciding upon
the source.

Modern Sources of Recruitment

These include Walk in and consultant in, head hunting, body shopping, mergers and
acquisitions, Tele-recruitment and outsourcing.

1. Walk-In:
The busy organizations and the rapid changing companies do not find time to perform
various functions of recruitment. Therefore, they advise the potential candidates to
attend for an interview directly and without a prior application on a specific date, time
and at a specified place. The suitable candidates from among the interviews will be
selected for appointment after screening the candidates through tests and interviews.

2. Consult-In:
The busy and dynamic companies encourage the potential job seekers to approach
them personally and consult them regarding the jobs. The companies select suitable
candidates from among such candidates through the selection process.

3. Head-Hunting:
The company’s request the professional organizations to search for the best candidates
particularly for the senior executive positions. The professional organizations search
for the most suitable candidates and advise the company regarding the filling up of the
positions. Headhunters are also called ‘search-consultants’.

4. Body Shopping:
Professional organizations and the hi-tech training institutes develop the pool of
human resources for the possible employment. The prospective employers contact
these organizations to recruit the candidates. Otherwise the organizations themselves
approach prospective employers to place their human resources. These professional
and training institutions are called ‘body shoppers’ and these activities are known as
body shopping. This is mostly used for computer professionals.

5. Mergers and Acquisitions:

Business alliances like acquisitions, Mergers, and take-over help in getting human
resources. In addition companies do also have alliances in sharing their human
resources on Adhoc basis.

6. E-Recruitment:
The technological revolution in telecommunications helped the organizations to use
Internet as a source of recruitment. Organizations advertise the job vacancies through
the www. The job seekers send their applications through the email using Internet.

7. Outsourcing:
Some organizations recently started developing human resource pool by employing
the candidates for them. These organizations do not utilize the human resources;

instead they supply HRS to various companies based on their needs on temporary or
adhoc basis.


Recruitment techniques are the means or media by which management contacts

stimulate them to apply for jobs. Management uses different types of techniques to
stimulate internal and external candidates. These techniques are classified as
traditional techniques and modern techniques.

Traditional Techniques include:

1. Promotions:
Most of the internal candidates would be stimulated to take up higher responsibilities
and express their willingness to be engaged in the higher-level jobs if the management
gives them the assurance that they will be promoted to the next higher level.

2. Transfers:
Employees will be stimulated to work in the new sections or places if the management
wishes to transfer them to places of their choice.

3. Advertising:
It is widely accepted technique of recruitment, though it mostly provides one-way
communication. It provides the candidates in different sources, the information about
the job and company and stimulates them to apply for the jobs. It includes advertising
through different media like newspapers, magazines of all kinds, radio, TV etc. This
technique should aim at:
 Attracting attention of the prospective candidates.
 Creating and maintaining interest and
 Stimulating action by the candidates.
Modern Techniques:

1. Scouting:
It means sending the representation of the organizations to various sources of
recruitment with a view to persuading or stimulating the candidates to apply for jobs.
The representatives’ provide information about the company and exchange
information and they clarify the doubts of the candidates.

2. Salary and Perks:

Companies stimulate the prospective candidates by offering higher-level salary, more
perks, quick promotions etc.

3. ESOPs:
Companies recently started stimulating the employees by offering stock ownership to
the employees through their Employees Stock Ownership Programs (ESOPs).


The selection procedure is the system of functions and devices adopted in a given
company to ascertain whether the candidate’s specifications are matched with the job
specifications and requirements or not. Selection is the process of finding out the most
suitable candidate to the job out of the candidates recruited. The selection procedure
cannot be effective until and unless;
 Requirements of the job to be filled have been clearly specified (Job Analysis
 Employee Specifications (physical, mental, social behavioral etc.) have been
clearly specified.
 Candidates for screening have been attracted.

Significance of selection process:

The ability of an organization is to attain its goals effectively and to develop in a

dynamic environment largely depends upon the effectiveness of its selection
programmer. If right personnel are selected, the remaining functions of Personnel
Management become easier, the employee contribution and commitment will be at an
optimum level and employee-employer relations will be congenial.


Job Analysis:
It is the basis for selecting the right candidate. Every organization should finalize the
job analysis, job description, job specification and employee specifications before
proceeding to the next step of selection.

Human Resource Plan:

Every company plans for the required number of and kind of employees for a future
This is the basis for recruitment function.

It refers to the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to
apply for jobs in an organization.

Development Bases for Selection:

The company has to select the appropriate candidates from the applicant’s pool. The
company develops or borrows the appropriate bases for screening the candidates in
order to select the appropriate candidates for the jobs.

This is also known as application form. The technique of application form or CV is
traditional and widely accepted for securing information from the prospective
candidates. It can also be used as a device to screen the candidates at the preliminary
level. Information is generally required on the following items in the application
 Personal background information
 Educational attainments
 Work experiences
 Salary
 Personal details
 References

Written Examination:
The organizations have to conduct written examination for the qualified candidates
after they are screened on the basis of the application blanks so as to measure the
candidate’s ability in arithmetical calculations, to know the candidates’ attitude

towards the job, to measure the candidates’ aptitude, reasoning, communication,
knowledge in various disciplines.
Preliminary Interviews:
The preliminary interview is to solicit necessary information from the prospective
applicants and to assess the applicant’s suitability to the job. It is useful as a process of
eliminating the undesirable and unsuitable candidates. They are short and known as
stand-up interviews or screening interviews.
Psychological tests play a vital role in employee selection. A Psychological test is
essentially an objective and standardized measure of sample behavior from which
inferences about future behavior and performance of the candidate can be drawn.

Testing usually follows final interview. This is the most essential step in the process of
Selection. In this step, the interviewer matches the information obtained about the
candidate through various means to the job requirements and to the information
obtains through his own observation during the interview.
There are different types of interviews namely:
1. Panel Interview
2. Stress Interview
3. Group Interview
4. Informal Interview
5. Formal Interview

Medical Examination:
Certain jobs require certain physical qualities like clear vision, perfect hearing,
unusual stamina, tolerance of hard working conditions, clear tone etc. It reveals
whether or not a candidate possesses these qualities.
Reference Checks:

After completion of the final interview and medical examination, the personnel
department engages in checking references. Candidates are required to give the names
of references in their application forms.

Final decision by the Line manager:

He has to make the final decision whether to select or reject a candidate after soliciting
the required information through different techniques. The line manager has to make
much care in taking the final decision not only because of economic Implications and
of the decisions but also because of behavioral and social implications.

Job Offer:
The organization offers the job to the successful candidates either immediately or after
sometime depending upon its time schedule.

The company may modify the terms and conditions of employment as requested by
the candidate. The company employs those candidates who accept the job offer with
or without modification of terms and conditions of employment and place them on the


TMI follows different recruitment processes that are the different for all its verticals.
The process is as follows:

Analysis of Vacancies:
First an analysis is done in order to find out how many vacancies are there and how
much requirement is there. This is the first stage of the selection process where in the
HR Associates meet the Sr. Associates and discuss about the active requirements of
the company. Here the Sr.
Associate interacts on various sources to track the needs and the process is initiated
through this analysis itself.

Preparation of the requirement sheet:

For internal use a requirement sheet is prepared, which contains the following
information regarding a requirement:
 Designation
 Experience Level
 Skill set
 Qualification
 Salary
This sheet is posted in to the recruitment Tracker and the HR Associate will be
the Task of sourcing the profiles to the concerned recruiters or to post in the job
portals and they are explained about the positions clearly and given specific deadlines
with in which they will close the positions .

Commitment of deadlines:

In other words commitment of deadlines is nothing but TAT (Turn around Time).
After analyzing the requirement the concerned person commits on TAT to the client to
close the positions. Adhering to the committed TAT is very vital to the reputation of
the organization.
The breakup of the TAT is as follows:
 CV outflow- 9 hours
 CV short listing (from client end) – 24 hours
 Organizing interviews (by consultancy) – 36 hours
 Short listing or closure of positions – 48 hours

Team setting:
This depends on the number of positions, criticality of the requirement and the TAT,
and the priority of the requirement.

1. Collection of Resumes:
TMI is following mainly 3 ways of sourcing resumes as explained below:

2. Internal Database:
A common database is placed in the organization. All branches across the country are
linked to this database.

3. Referrals:
Collecting references from the Candidates who have been interviewed Employee
or by Word of mouth.

4. Job Portals:

This is the best way of generating the quality resumes pertaining to the requirement.
For instance some of the portals that are used are naukri, jobs ahead, times jobs,
monster etc. This acts as an interface between the candidate and the client.

5. Head Hunting:
Searching for the best candidates particularly for the senior executive positions. They
search for the most suitable candidates and advice the company regarding the filling
up of the positions. Headhunters are also called search consultants.

6. Short-listing Resumes:
After collecting resumes, short listing happens on the following parameters:
• Communication skills
• Presentation skills
• Qualification
• Experience
• Salary
Here the actual compilation of data takes place from the recruiter in the areas of
sources, and also comparing the hit ratio of the profiles from various sources takes

Arranging the interview with client:

Interviews are organized for the candidates who have been short listed by the
concerned senior
recruiter wherein the overall fitment of a candidate is checked again in few aspects by
concerned persons.
Follow up for Offer letter for Short listed candidate
The short listed candidate are followed up till the issue of offer letter and till they get
the date of Joining.

Closing the requirement:
This is the last stage of the recruitment process. At this stage a proper follow up is
done on the candidate to ensure that he/she joins the company within the stipulated
time. The below mentioned processes are implemented by us practically and the
methodologies are listed as follows.

ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company is a joint venture between ICICI Bank - one
of India's foremost financial services companies-and prudential plc - a leading
international financial services group headquartered in the United Kingdom. Total
capital infusion stands at Rs. 47.80 billion, with ICICI Bank holding a stake of 74%
and Prudential plc holding 26%.

It began the operations in December 2000 after receiving approval from Insurance
Regulatory Development Authority (IRDA). Today, our nation-wide team comprises
of 2099 branches (inclusive of 1,116 micro-offices), over 276,000 advisors; and 18
banc assurance partners.
ICICI Prudential is the first life insurer in India to receive a National Insurer Financial
Strength rating of AAA (Ind) from Fitch ratings. For three years in a row, ICICI
Prudential has been voted as India's Most Trusted Private Life Insurer, by The
Economic Times - AC Nielsen ORG Marg survey of 'Most Trusted Brands'. As it
grows its distribution, product range and customer base,

ICICI Prudential continues to tirelessly uphold its commitment to deliver world-class
financial solutions to customers all over India. The ICICI Prudential edge comes from
its commitment to its customers, in all that they do - be it product development,
distribution, the sales process or servicing. Here's a peek into what makes them

1. ICICI Prudential products have been developed after a clear and thorough
understanding of customers' needs. It is this research that helps us develop Education
plans that offer the ideal way to truly guarantee your child's education, Retirement
solutions that are a hedge against inflation and yet promise a fixed income after you
retire, or Health insurance that arms you with the funds you might need to recover
from a dreaded disease.
2. Having the right products is the first step, but it's equally important to ensure that its
customers can access them easily and quickly. To this end, ICICI Prudential has an
advisor base across the length and breadth of the country, and also partners with
leading banks, corporate agents and brokers to distribute its products.

3. Robust risk management and underwriting practices form the core of ICICI
Prudential business. With clear guidelines in place, we ensure equitable costing of
risks, and thereby ensure a smooth and hassle-free claims process.

4. Entrusted with helping its customers meet their long-term goals, ICICI Prudential
adopt an investment philosophy that aims to achieve risk adjusted returns over the

5. Last but definitely not the least, its team is given the opportunity to learn and grow,
every day in a multitude of ways. ICICI Prudential believe this keeps them engaged
and enthusiastic, so that they can deliver on its promise to cover you, at every step in

ICICI Prudential Vision:
To be the dominant Life, Health and Pensions player built on trust by world-class
people and service. This ICICI Prudential hopes to achieve by:

• Understanding the needs of customers and offering them superior products and
• Leveraging technology to service customers quickly, efficiently and conveniently
• Developing and implementing superior risk management and investment strategies to
offer sustainable and stable returns to its policyholders
• Providing an enabling environment to foster growth and learning for its employees
• And above all, building transparency in all its dealings

The success of the company will be founded in its unflinching commitment to 5 core
values -Integrity, Customer First, Boundaries, Ownership and Passion. Each of the
values describes what the company stands for, the qualities of its people and the way
ICICI Prudential work. ICICI Prudential do believe that ICICI Prudential are on the
threshold of an exciting new opportunity, where ICICI Prudential can play a
significant role in redefining and reshaping the sector. Given the quality of its
parentage and the commitment of its team, there are no limits to its growth.

Intent of the Relationship with the Client:

The intent of the client was to give the organization a deal to hire candidates for the
post of unit managers for the company by selecting the appropriate candidates for the
training course called PGPMI which is being taught by ICICI Prudential Life
Insurance Company Limited itself. After the successful completion of the course the
candidates would be given the post of unit manager with a package as promised during
selection process. The client would first give a job description according to which the

TMI would screen candidates. The below mentioned content is the job description for
the unit managers.

Job Description for Unit Managers:

Position: UNIT MANAGER – 366746
Job Family: Sales
Location: New Delhi

Specific Responsibility Areas:

Recruit, manage & motivate advisor sales teams
- Business generation and subsequent business
- Prospecting: Managing the prospect base of advisors
- Lead Management
- Develop advisor quality through on-the-job training. (Product knowledge/
selling skills etc.)
- Activity ratio: ensure that all the Advisors are activated.

Preferred Candidate Profile:

Preferred candidate should have interest in insurance should be interested in course of
Education: Graduation - ANY Post Graduation - N/A

The ICICI Prudential Company wants TMI to source candidates as per the
specification given by the company with respect to the job description which will be
given by the client. Here in this
Scenario TMI designs the recruitment process and screens the candidates and
coordinates with both client and candidates till the candidates join the company. Now
based on this discussion itself the entire plan of action would be designed for this

assignment. There are few steps through which this entire process would be carried
out. The steps are as follows:
1) Designing the recruitment plan
2) Allocation of resources
3) Performing propaganda activities
4) Ensuring foot fall
5) Briefing
6) Short listing & coordinating

Designing the Recruitment Plan:

The recruitment process will start with an efficient and effective plan. First TMI
would chalk down the plan of action. Especially for this particular assignment TMI
first had to prepare the entire recruitment process step by step. Now TMI had a
conference with client in order to have an idea regarding the profile of the job and the
need of the client. After this phase TMI has started to do various propaganda activities
in order to ensure certain footfall. This is the initial stage of the entire process. In this
phase the number of rounds for the selecting the candidates would be decided and the
plan would be executed accordingly. This interview process involved mainly in
conducting aptitude test, group discussion and a personnel interview.

Briefing: This is the first stage after ensuring foot fall. Here we are supposed to give
client details and also few details regarding the course. Ensuring the sustainability of
interest levels among the candidates we shall proceed further to the next rounds. Here
in this briefing part the entire details of the course are explained by counseling the

Round 1: This round is purely aptitude test round. Here the candidates are filtered
based on cut off marks obtained by the candidate. The cut off mark being 60% the

answers are evaluated as per the key sheet given and the candidates are short listed and
forwarded to the next round.
Multiple Choices
Aptitude & Ability Test -> Exam Condition
Strictly Timed

Aptitude and ability tests are designed to assess your logical reasoning or thinking performance.
They consist of multiple choice questions and are administered under exam conditions. They are
strictly timed and a typical test might allow 30 minutes for 30 or so questions. Your test result will be
compared to that of a control group so that judgments can be made about your abilities.

Aptitude & Ability Test

Pencil & Paper Online

You may be asked to answer the questions either on paper or online. The advantages
of online testing include immediate availability of results and the fact that the test can
be taken at employment agency premises or even at home. This makes online testing
particularly suitable for initial screening as it is obviously very cost-effective.

Aptitude & Ability Test

Speed Test Power Test

Aptitude and ability tests can be classified as speed tests or power tests. In speed tests
the questions are relatively straightforward and the test is concerned with how many
questions you can answer correctly in the allotted time. Speed tests tend to be used in
selection at the administrative and clerical level. A power test on the other hand will
present a smaller number of more complex questions. Power tests tend to be used
more at the professional or managerial level.

There are at least 5000 aptitude and ability tests on the market. Some of them contain
only one type of question (for example, verbal ability, numeric reasoning ability etc)
while others are made up of different types of question. Types of question can be
classified as follows:

Verbal Ability – Includes spelling, grammar, and ability to understand analogies and
follow detailed written instructions. These questions appear in most general aptitude
tests because employers usually want to know how well you can communicate.

Numeric Ability - Includes basic arithmetic, number sequences and simple

mathematics. In management level tests you will often be presented with charts and
graphs that need to be interpreted. These questions appear in most general aptitude
tests because employers usually want some indication of your ability to use numbers
even if this is not a major part of the job.

Abstract Reasoning - Measures your ability to identify the underlying logic of a

pattern and then determine the solution. Because abstract reasoning ability is believed
to be the best indicator of fluid intelligence and your ability to learn new things
quickly these questions appear in most general aptitude tests.

Spatial Ability - Measures your ability to manipulate shapes in two dimensions or to

visualize three-dimensional objects presented as two-dimensional pictures. These
questions not usually found in general aptitude tests unless the job specifically
requires good spatial skills.

Mechanical Reasoning - Designed to assess your knowledge of physical and

mechanical principles. Mechanical reasoning questions are used to select for a wide
range of jobs including the military (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery),

police forces, fire services, as well as many craft, technical and engineering

Fault Diagnosis - These tests are used to select technical personnel who need to be
able to find and repair faults in electronic and mechanical systems. As modern
equipment of all types becomes more dependent on electronic control systems (and
arguably more complex) the ability to approach problems logically in order to find the
cause of the fault is increasingly important.

Data Checking - Measure how quickly and accurately errors can be detected in data
and are used to select candidates for clerical and data input jobs.

Work Sample – Involves a sample of the work that you will be expected do. These
types of test can be very broad ranging. They may involve exercises using a word
processor or spreadsheet if the job is administrative or they may include giving a
presentation or in-tray exercises if the job is management or supervisory level.
Round 2:
The second round of the interview is group discussion round. This round is
particularly conducted in order to short list or filters the accurate candidate with good
communication skills. This is conducted at venue itself on the same day. In this round
the short listed candidates would be formed into teams. Each team would comprise 8
candidates and they would be given a topic and asked to discuss regarding it. At that
time of discussion various assessments are made on the candidates and prospect
candidates are short listed and lined up for the final round. From each team three
candidates would be short listed and are lined up for final round. Some of the
personality traits the GD is trying to gauge may include:-
_ Communication skills
_ reasoning ability
_ Leadership skills

_ Initiative
_ Assertiveness
_ Flexibility
_ Creativity
_ Ability to think on ones feet

The reason why institutes put you through a Group discussion and an interview, after
testing your technical and conceptual skills in an exam, is to get to know you as a
person and gauge how well you will fit in their institute. The Group discussion tests
how you function as a part of a team. As a manager, you will always be working in
teams, as a member or as a leader. Therefore how you interact in a team becomes an
important criterion for your selection. Managers have to work in a team and get best
results out of teamwork. That is the reason why management institutes include the
group discussions as a part of selection procedure.

Personnel Round:
This round is the final round for the interview. This particular round would be
conducted at the clients place itself. In this round the interviewer would be client
itself. Among the lined up candidates the client would select the appropriate
candidates after assessing the candidate and if he feels the candidate to be suitable.
Various formalities would also take place in this round itself. Some of the formalities
would we package discussion, issuing offer letter and explain the reporting
relationships as well as joining checklist.

Post Interview Process:

After the personnel round the entire details of the candidate are mentioned up in a
format of excel sheet known as MIS sheet and kept aside. The candidate is given with
the offer letter which will come into existence as soon as the candidate completes his
course PGPMI successfully. Till then an effective follow up of the candidate is made

by TMI till the candidate joins PGPMI. In this entire drive conducted by TMI the
success rate is calculated by the number of candidates joined PGPMI.

BASIX is a livelihood promotion institution established in 1996, working with over a
million and a half customers, over 90% being rural poor households and about 10%
urban slum dwellers.
BASIX works in 15 states - Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Orissa, Jharkhand,
Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Tamilnadu, Rajasthan, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, West
Bengal, Delhi, Uttarakhand, Sikkim and Assam and over 10,000 villages. It has a staff
of over 3500, of which 80 percent are based in small towns and villages. BASIX
mission is to promote a large number of sustainable livelihoods, including for the rural
poor and women, through the provision of financial services and technical assistance
in an integrated manner. BASIX will strive to yield a competitive rate of return to its
investors so as to be able to access mainstream capital and human resources on a
continuous basis.

BASIX strategy is to provide a comprehensive set of livelihood promotion services to

rural poor households under one umbrella. The rationale behind the Livelihood Triad
strategy is as follows: Micro-credit by itself is helpful for the more enterprising poor
people in economically dynamic areas. Less enterprising poor households need to start
with savings and insurance before they can benefit from micro-credit, because they
need to cope with risk. However, in backward regions, poor people, in addition to
microfinance, need a whole range of Agricultural/ Business Development Services
(productivity enhancement, risk mitigation, local value addition, and market linkages)

need to be provided. To offer these services in a cost-effective manner, it is not
possible to work with poor households individually and they need to be organized into
groups, informal associations and sometimes cooperatives or producer companies. The
formation of such groups and making them function effectively, requires institutional
development services. Hence the Livelihood Triad. The Holding Company of the
BASIX Group is called Bhartiya Samruddhi Investments and Consulting Services
(BASICS Ltd.) which started operations in 1996 as India’s first “new generation
livelihood promotion institution”. It set up two fund based companies – Bhartiya
Samruddhi Finance Ltd, a micro-finance NBFC in 1997 and Krishna Bhima
Samruddhi Local Area Bank Ltd in 2001. Both were among the first in class. BASICS
Ltd also started providing fee-based business right from the outset by offering
consulting services in microfinance and livelihood promotion, training, HRD and
institutional development (ID) and information technology (IT) applications for
microfinance and livelihoods.
Indian Grameen Services, Section 25 not for Profit Company forms the research and
development arm of BASIX. Besides carrying out research and development in the
area of livelihood promotion, it also designs and develops financial products for
extending credit, evolving distribution channels for delivery of its services and
developing necessary systems for service delivery such as accounting and MIS.

The Livelihood School is an independent society promoted for knowledge building

and training of livelihood professionals in NGOs, government agencies, banks and
MFIs. It also provides training to BASIX staff. It is involved in building the
knowledge base required for supporting livelihoods and disseminating the knowledge
so generated for building the implementation capabilities of various organizations
playing a critical role in supporting livelihoods.
The fund-based, fee-based and social businesses of the BASIX group have a
tremendous synergy and contribute to each other’s growth and prosperity. The credit
business enables customer acquisition, while the insurance business mitigates

customer and credit risk, and the AGBIDS business enables customer retention by
enhancing their incomes. The consulting and IT business allows BASIX to earn
revenues from offering services that it needs for itself anyway. The social businesses
enable research and development and knowledge building.
The BASIX Livelihood Triad includes the following services.

Intent of the Relationship with the Client:

The intent of the client was to give the organization a deal to hire candidates for the
post of field executives for the company by selecting the appropriate candidates for the
training course called BASIX which is being taught by BASIX Limited itself. After
the successful completion of the course the candidates would be given the post of field
executive with a package as promised during selection process. The client would first
give a job description according to which the TMI would screen candidates. The
below mentioned content is the job description for the unit managers.

Job Specification:
- The candidate must be ready to join a course of one year
- The candidate must be able to complete the course successfully
Job Description for Field Executives:
Position: Field Executive – 6674
Job Family: Sales
Location: Karimnagar
Specific Responsibility Areas:
Manage & motivate teams
- Business generation and subsequent business
- Prospecting: Managing the prospect base of advisors
- Lead Management and also ensure that there is appropriate recovery of finances
- Develop advisor quality through on-the-job training. (Product knowledge/ selling
skills etc.)
- Activity ratio: ensure that all the Advisors are activated.

Preferred Candidate Profile: Preferred candidate should have passion towards

helping rural people should be interested in course of BASIX
Education: Graduation - ANY Graduation

The ICICI Prudential Company wants TMI to source candidates as per the
specification given by
the company with respect to the job description which will be given by the client. Here
in this
Scenario TMI designs the recruitment process and screens the candidates and
coordinates with both client and candidates till the candidates join the company. Now
based on this discussion itself the entire plan of action would be designed for this
assignment. There are few steps through which this entire process would be carried
out. The steps are as follows:

1) Designing the recruitment plan

2) Allocation of resources
3) Performing propaganda activities
4) Ensuring foot fall
5) Briefing
6) Short listing & coordinating
Designing the Recruitment Plan:
The recruitment process will start with an efficient and effective plan. First TMI
would chalk down the plan of action. Especially for this particular assignment TMI
first had to prepare the entire recruitment process step by step. Now TMI had a
conference with client in order to have an idea regarding the profile of the job and the

need of the client. After this phase TMI has started to do various propaganda activities
in order to ensure certain footfall. This is the initial stage of the entire process. In this
phase the number of rounds for the selecting the candidates would be decided and the
plan would be executed accordingly. This interview process involved mainly in
conducting aptitude test, group discussion and a personnel interview.

Briefing: This is the first stage after ensuring foot fall. Here we are supposed to give
client details and also few details regarding the course. Ensuring the sustainability of
interest levels among the candidates we shall proceed further to the next rounds. Here
in this briefing part the entire details of the course are explained by counseling the

Round 1: This round is purely aptitude test round. Here the candidates are filtered
based on cut off marks obtained by the candidate. The cut off mark being 60% the
answers are evaluated as per the key sheet given and the candidates are short listed and
forwarded to the next round.
Aptitude and ability tests are designed to assess your logical reasoning or thinking
They consist of multiple choice questions and are administered under exam
conditions. They are strictly timed and a typical test might allow 30 minutes for 30 or
so questions. Your test result will be compared to that of a control group so that
judgments can be made about your abilities.

You may be asked to answer the questions either on paper or online. The advantages
of online testing include immediate availability of results and the fact that the test can
be taken at employment agency premises or even at home. This makes online testing
particularly suitable for initial screening as it is obviously very cost-effective.

Aptitude and ability tests can be classified as speed tests or power tests. In speed tests
the questions are relatively straightforward and the test is concerned with how many
questions you can answer correctly in the allotted time. Speed tests tend to be used in
selection at the administrative and clerical level. A power test on the other hand will
present a smaller number of more complex questions. Power tests tend to be used
more at the professional or managerial level.
There are at least 5000 aptitude and ability tests on the market. Some of them contain
only one type of question (for example, verbal ability, numeric reasoning ability etc)
while others are made up of different types of question.

Types of question can be classified as follows:

Verbal Ability – Includes spelling, grammar, ability to understand analogies and
follow detailed
written instructions. These questions appear in most general aptitude tests because
employers usually want to know how well you can communicate.

Numeric Ability - Includes basic arithmetic, number sequences and simple

mathematics. In management level tests you will often be presented with charts and
graphs that need to be interpreted. These questions appear in most general aptitude
tests because employers usually want some indication of your ability to use numbers
even if this is not a major part of the job.

Abstract Reasoning - Measures your ability to identify the underlying logic of a

pattern and then determine the solution. Because abstract reasoning ability is believed
to be the best indicator of fluid intelligence and your ability to learn new things
quickly these questions appear in most general aptitude tests.

Fault Diagnosis - These tests are used to select technical personnel who need to be
able to find and repair faults in electronic and mechanical systems. As modern

equipment of all types becomes more dependent on electronic control systems (and
arguably more complex) the ability to approach problems logically in order to find the
cause of the fault is increasingly important.

Data Checking - Measure how quickly and accurately errors can be detected in data
and are used to select candidates for clerical and data input jobs.

Work Sample – Involves a sample of the work that you will be expected do. These
types of test can be very broad ranging. They may involve exercises using a word
processor or spreadsheet if the job is administrative or they may include giving a
presentation or in-tray exercises if the job is management or supervisory level.

Round 2:
The second round of the interview is group discussion round. This round is
particularly conducted in order to short list or filters the accurate candidate with good
communication skills. This is conducted at venue itself on the same day . In this round
the short listed candidates would be formed into teams. Each team would comprise 8
candidates and they would be given a topic and asked to discuss regarding it. At that
time of discussion various assessments are made on the candidates and prospect
candidates are short listed and lined up for the final round. From each team three
candidates would be short listed and are lined up for final round. Some of the
personality traits the GD is trying to gauge may include:-
_ Communication skills
_ Reasoning ability
_ Leadership skills
_ Initiative
_ Assertiveness
_ Flexibility
_ Creativity

_ Ability to think on ones feet
The reason why institutes put you through a Group discussion and an interview, after
testing your technical and conceptual skills in an exam, is to get to know you as a
person and gauge how well you will fit in their institute. The Group discussion tests
how you function as a part of a team. As a manager, you will always be working in
teams, as a member or as a leader. Therefore how you interact in a team becomes an
important criterion for your selection. Managers have to work in a team and get best
results out of teamwork. That is the reason why management institutes include the
group discussions as a part of selection procedure.

Personnel Round:
This round is the final round for the interview. This particular round would be
conducted at the
Clients place it. In this round the interviewer would be client itself. Among the lined
Candidates the client would select the appropriate candidates after assessing the
candidate and if he feels the candidate to be suitable. Various formalities would also
take place in this round itself. Some of the formalities would be package discussion,
issuing offer letter and explain the reporting relationships as well as joining checklist.

Post Interview Process:

After the personnel round the entire details of the candidate are mentioned up in a
format of excel sheet known as MIS sheet and kept aside. The candidate is given with
the offer letter which will come into existence as soon as the candidate completes his
course BAISX successfully. Till then an effective follow up of the candidate is made
by TMI till the candidate joins BASIX. In this entire drive conducted by TMI the
success rate is calculated by the number of candidates joined the course of BASIX.
The candidates who have completed their course would be posted in their district




A big boom has been witnessed in Insurance Industry in recent times. A large number
of new players have entered the market and are trying to gain market share in this
rapidly improving market. The study deals with ICICI in focus and the various
recruitment processes it uses. The study then goes on to evaluate and analyze the
findings so as to present a clear picture of trends in the Insurance sector for


This is a limited study which takes into consideration the responses of 100 people.
This data can be exported to take in the trends across the industry. The significance for
the industry lies in studying these trends that emerge from the study. It is a rapidly
changing and evolving sector. People are only beginning to wake up to its vast
possibilities. A study like this can attempt to guide the future of the industry based on
current recruitment trends.


To facilitate and provide useful information for the study of the company and
recruitment in the insurance industry and also provide recommendations for ICICI and
other companies.




The research is primarily both exploratory as well as descriptive in nature. The sources
of information are both primary & secondary.

A well-structured questionnaire was prepared and personal interviews were conducted

to collect the customer’s perception and buying behavior, through this questionnaire.


Sampling Technique:

Initially, a rough draft was prepared keeping in mind the objective of the research. A
pilot study was done in order to know the accuracy of the Questionnaire. The final
Questionnaire was arrived only after certain important changes were done. Thus my
sampling came out to be judemental and convinent

Sampling Unit:

The respondents who were asked to fill out questionnaires are the sampling units.
These comprise of employees of MNCs, Govt. Employees, and Self Employed etc.

Sample size:

The sample size was restricted to only 100, which comprised of mainly peoples from
different regions due to time constraints.



It is defined as a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the

requirements of

the staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting that manpower in
adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an efficient workforce. It can also
be defined as the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them
to apply for jobs in the organization. Recruitment is only one of the steps in the entire
employment process.
It is generally followed by selection. It precedes the selection function and it
Includes only finding, developing the sources of prospective employees and Attracting
them to apply for the jobs in an organization, whereas the selection is The process of
finding the most suitable candidate to the job out of the Candidates attracted (i.e.



1. What source you adopt to source candidates?

a. Employee referral b. Campus recruitment c. Advertising
d. Others






 Employee referral is taken sometimes when the candidate is good.

 Campus recruitment is taken after every 6 months.

 Advertisement is published quarterly.

2. Do you use any of the following tests during the process of recruitment?

a. Written b. Group Discussion

c. Personal Interview d. Other






 Written test is taken sometimes.

 Group discussion is conducted sometimes.

 Personal interview is taken everytime.

3.How do you track the source of candidate?
a. Manual b.Software
c.Online d.Windows.Xls






TOTAL 100%


 The candidates are tracked

a. 5% manually

b. 25% through software

c. 50% through online mode

d. 20% through windows XL



Cover Future Uncertainty 55 55

Tax Deductions 20 20

Future Investment 25 25

TOTAL 100 100


 55% of the respondents believe that covering future uncertainty is the biggest benefit of an
insurance policy.

 Whereas, 20% and 25% of them believe that the other benefits are Tax deduction and future
investments respectively.


1. Age of the respondents

Less than 25 11 11%
25 - 35 40 40%
35 - 45 20 20%
Above 45 29 29%
TOTAL 100 100

Age of the Respondents







Less 25 - 35 35 - 45 Above TOTAL
than 25 45


From the survey it was found that amongst 100 respondents

a) 11% of the respondents are less than 25 years old.

2. Qualification of the respondents.

Graduate 52 52%
Post Graduate 29 29%
Diploma 8 8%
Other discipline 11 11%
TOTAL 100 100%

Qualification of the Respondents

Graduate Post Graduate Diploma
Other discipline TOTAL



From the survey it was found that amongst 100 respondents

a) 52% of the respondents were graduate

3) Occupation of the respondents

Business man 34 34%
Professionals 18 18%
Job holders 37 37%
Others 11 11%
TOTAL 100 100%

Occupation of the Respondents

Business man Professionals Job holders

Others TOTAL








From the survey it was found that amongst 100 respondents

a) 34% of the respondents are businessmen.

b) 18% of the respondents are professionals.
c) 37% of the respondents are job holders.
d) 11% of the respondents are background.

4) Average annual income of respondents.


Up to 1 lakh 33 33%
1 lakh - 3 lakh 43 43%
3 lakh - 5 lakh 20 20%
5 lakh & above 4 4%
TOTAL 100 100%

Average annual income of



Up to 1 lakh
1 lakh - 3 lakh 60
3 lakh - 5 lakh
5 lakh & above



From the survey it was found that amongst 100 respondents

a) 33% of the respondents have an average annual income up to 1 lakh

b) 43% of the respondents have an average annual income from 1 lakh to 3 lakh
c) 20% of the respondents have an average annual income from 3 lakh to 5 lakh
d) 4% of the respondents have an average annual income above 5 lakh

5) Family size of respondents


Below 5 members 50 50%
5 - 10 members 32 32%
Above 10 members 28 28%
TOTAL 100 100%




below 5 members
5- 10 member
above 10 member



From the survey it was found that amongst 100 respondents

a) 50% of the respondents are below 5 members.

b) 32% of the respondents are between 5 to 10 members.
c) 28% of the respondents are above 10 members.

6) According to life insurance is.

Risk Coverage 10 10%
Tax Savings 3 3%
Good return 4 4%
Security 3 3%
All the above 80 80%

Life Insurance is

Risk Coverage Tax Savings Good return

Security All the above TOTAL








From the survey it was found that amongst 100 respondents

a) 10% of the respondents say risk coverage.

b) 3% of the respondents say tax savings.
c) 4% of the respondents say good returns.
d) 3% of the respondents say financial security.
e) 80% of the respondents say all of the above.

7) Awareness of ICICI Prudential life insurance


Yes 17 17%
No 83 83%
TOTAL 100 100%

Awareness of ICICI Pru









From the survey it was found that amongst 100 respondents

a) 83% of the respondents say that they are aware of ICICI Prudential life insurance
b) 17% of the say that they are unaware of ICICI Prudential life insurance co

8) Awareness regarding insurance.


Yes 2 2%
No 98 98%
TOTAL 100 100%




From the survey it was found that amongst 100 respondents

a) 98% of the respondents say that they are aware of insurance.

b) Only 2% are unaware of insurance.

9) % of respondents who are under different plans of ICICI Prudential life insurance


Invest gain plan 41 41%
Unit gain plan 36 36%
Child gain plan 8 8%
Whole life plan 15 15%
Pension plan No No
TOTAL 100 100%



8% 41%
Invest gain plan
Unit gain plan
Child gain plan
Whole life plan
36% Pension plan


From the survey it was found that amongst 100 respondents

a) 41% of the respondents are under invest gain plan

b) 36% of the respondents are under unit gain plan
c) 8% of the respondents are child gain plan
d) 15% of the respondents are whole life plan
e) No body under pension plan

10) % of respondents benefits of choosing the particular products


Risk coverage 60 60%
Additional benefit 20 20%
Maturity date 12 12%
Sum Assured 8 8%
TOTAL 100 100%

Benefits of Particular Products

70 Risk coverage
60 Additional benefit
Maturity date
Sum Assured
1 2


a) 36% of the respondents say that a benefit of choosing the particular

Product is for Safety of life.

b) 20% of the respondents say that a benefit of choosing the particular products is
for additional benefit to family
c) 12% of the respondents say that a benefit of choosing the particular products is
for maturity date
d) 8% of the respondents say that a benefit of choosing the particular products is
for sum assured

11) % of disadvantages in insurance plan


Liquidity 35 35%
Lapsation 20 20%
Unable to decide 19 19%
High risk coverage 14 14%
Fixed Term 12 12%
TOTAL 100 100%

Disadvantages in Insurance Plans


Liquidity Lapsation
Unable to decide premium High risk coverage
Fixed Term TOTAL


From the survey it was found that amongst 100 respondents

a) 35% of the respondents say that disadvantages in insurance plan are

b) 20% of the respondents say that disadvantages in insurance plan are
c) 19% of the respondents say that disadvantages in insurance plan is
unable decide premium.
d) 14% of the respondents say that disadvantages in insurance plan are
high risk coverage at high premium.
e) 12% of the respondents say that disadvantages in insurance plan is
fixed term

12) % of respondents who want to invest in these different avenues.


Recurring Deposit 40 40%
Equity Fund 25 25%
Balanced Fund 10 10%
Mutual Fund 11 11%
Debt Fund 5 5%
Cash Fund 9 9%
TOTAL 100 100%


11% 40% R.D
Balanced fund
Mutual Fund
10% Debt Fund
Cash Fund


From the survey it was found amongst 100 respondents

a) 40% of respondents say that they want to invest in R.D

b) 25% of respondents say that they want to invest in equity
c) 10% of respondents say that they want to invest in balanced fund
d) 11% of respondents say that they want to invest in mutual fund
e) 5% of respondents say that they want to invest in debt market
f) 9% of respondents say that they want to invest in cash



There are many findings which we have encountered during the instance of
recruitment drives Conducted for ICICI Prudential, Basix and NDDB companies.
They are listed below:
_ As such PGPMI & BASIX are offering a job through course many of the people are
not showing interest in this kind of jobs because of various reasons.
_ Main reason for not preferring this kind of courses is financial problems.
_ Basix course is sustaining the interest levels among few candidates but the duration
of the course seems to be too long for one year.
_ The perception of the candidates towards this kind of jobs through course is not
trusted by many candidates as there is no awareness regarding these courses.
_ Many times the candidates are not turning up to pay the fees of the course after
receiving the offer letter.
_ Some of the candidates are not answering the phone calls during the time of
telephonic interview.
_ Candidates are not showing interest towards medical representative jobs.
_ Few candidates are not interested in the job profiles but they are trying to get
through the interview for sake of package.
_ Even though many people have attended telephonic interview, they are not turning
up to the venue for further rounds.
_ many candidates are not eligible for getting loan for studying courses PGPMI and
Before proceeding further, I like to share some facts about recruitment, probably
known to you, in a survey it has been found that –

1. 38% of organizations produce no reports on recruitment activity whatsoever and are

therefore unaccountable for the time and spend involved.

2. 77% measure Cost per Hire (CPH) in some way or the other. The largest number
the Staffing/Cost Ratio 52% of those that measure CPH make no differential between
discipline or role rendering the CPH figure relatively meaningless Easily measured
hard costs were most usually tracked (e.g. agency fees) Measurement of soft costs
(e.g. management time) was rare

3. 66% measure Speed to Hire (STH) in some manner most common start point was
vacancy sign off most common stop point was start date - potentially very misleading
due to different notice periods or other factors which determine the actual start date.
Very few tracks the whole process consistently making it very difficult to pinpoint
bottlenecks This lack of tracking exposes organizations to potential legal challenge

4. 58% have some Customer Satisfaction measurement of these, 77% measure only
'overall satisfaction', again making it difficult to address specific issues only 10% uses
Service Level Agreements (SLA)

5. Only 54% have some measure of Quality of Hire, potentially the most important
metric of all The most common measurement was the appraisal process -
unfortunately whilst this is entirely appropriate for specific organizations it does not
help promote standardization across industries Most analysis is made against people at
the same level leaving no room for an assessment of speed of progress to that role.
6. Only 8% have any form of competitor benchmark Process measurements, which
focuses on quantity (number of CVs) rather than quality (shortlist, initial CV rating
against the job specification, hire ratios to CVs). Again lack of logging of critical
process details leaves organizations potentially exposed in any legal action and
indicates widespread non-compliance with Data Protection Act requirements. Let’s
start with existing recruitment Sequence/procedure as listed below:

1. Identify vacancy
2. Prepare job description and person specification
3. Advertise
4. Managing the response
5. Short-listing
6. Visits
7. References
8. Arrange interviews
9. Conduct the interview
10. Decision making
11. Convey the decision
12. Appointment action



The recruitment process for most organizations is designed along the same path;
applications are received, either via an online application form, a postal form or a CV.
Candidate are short-listed and invited for interview. The interview format can vary
considerably, as we discuss later, and can include assessment centers. The number of
interviews also varies. Some companies are satisfied after just one interview whereas
others will want to bring back a further shortlist of candidates for one or more
interviews. If you are successful at the interview stage you will receive an official
letter offering you the job.
When considering whether or not to invest, most of us ask perfectly sensible questions
"What will the return be?", "What's the risk?" and "How quickly will I get the
returns?" Would you put your hard-earned money into high-risk investment schemes
without knowing about their past performance? Would you invest with professionals
who are very thorough, but who can't prove that their methods deliver business
results? At the end of the day, the organization is interested in knowing the return on
recruitment investments and HR Manager/Recruitment
Manager is responsible for it and hence can be questionable. I remember, once
someone asked me, how HR department can become "Earning Department", it is only
by saving costs and saving expenses.
As organizations, one of the biggest investments we will ever make is in recruitment.
Fortunately, as HR professionals, we can all prove that the business is getting
outstanding returns on this investment. We can point at the money spent, and put
candidates who end up being employed. Very few organizations expect that the true
impact on business performance can ever be proven, or recruitment processes fine-
to deliver precisely the business benefits required. Instead, recruitment is allowed to
carry on without anyone ever knowing if it is delivering the goods, or if opportunities

are being missed. But is it really so unrealistic to believe that we can measure the
business impact of different approaches to recruitment? More and more organizations
are asking these questions, and the ones who can respond effectively are achieving
surprising business results through their HR functions. A wide range of organizations
in western countries, have invested in examining the business success of their
recruitment practices, and achieved clear returns. Organizations are starting to find
that, with some skill, it is possible to assess the return on investment.

What should a Recruitment/Hiring Manager do to calculate the return on investments

on recruitment?

A. Start off with a clear analysis of the organizational and commercial outcomes
required from recruitment. What is the business trying to achieve, and what part will
successful candidates need to play?
B. Develop clear ways of tracking and measuring these outcomes
C. Carry out an objective and open-minded analysis of the qualities people need to
perform. Ruthlessly avoid your judgment being colored by past practice or "knowing
what works from experience". if doing this well seems expensive in the short run, it's
never as expensive as doing it badly in the long run!
D. Ensure that you assess the full range of qualities needed for success - include
personality, motivation and aptitude as well as experience
E. Ensure that everyone involved in recruitment is trained to the highest possible
F. Carefully connect recruitment to induction, training, management and performance
management - to ensure that the business does not just get the right people, but
nurtures and capitalizes in them as well These approaches deliver returns of
investment because
intelligent estimates on the financial and human benefits accrued. We can show that
our recruitment processes deliver outstanding performance, control costs, increase

sales, maintain efficiency and develop the organization. We do not employ poor
performers. How many organizations expect sensible questions about the return on
recruitment investment to be answered? The truth is that very few really do.
Recruitment is evaluated on the basis of the speed with which positions are filled the
feedback from participants and the percentages of

• They identify people who perform,

• Reduce the risk of employing people who cannot (or will not) perform,
• Cut the costs of recruitment and development, and
• Play a major part in driving forwards organizational change.
In common with all people processes, recruitment is there to deliver tangible human
and business benefits. Devoting a little time to considering the return on investment is
not a nebulous luxury - it is essential to delivering the results the organization needs


 Suggestions Regarding Aptitude Tests:
Employers should use aptitude tests (such as SHL, PSL and the GTIOS psychometric
test) alongside interviews, personality tests, application forms, assessment centers,
academic results and other selection methods also in the first rounds of the selection
process. No test is perfect, but all aim to give an indication of how candidates will
respond to the challenges they will face in their day-to-day role at a firm.
The following are few more types of initial rounds to filter the candidates which one
can adopt for recruiting candidates:

_ Critical Thinking
_ GTIOS Psychometric Test
_ Numerical Reasoning
_ Perceptual Speed
_ Personality and Preference Inventory (PAPI)
_ Rust Alpha
_ Situational Judgment Test
_ Spatial Visualization

 Suggestions Regarding Group Discussions:

The following are the parameters a recruiter should take into consideration while
selecting the candidate in group discussion round. Selection is to be done based on the
impact created by each candidate on the group. Who should get selected is explained
_ One who expresses his ideas clearly
_ One who has rationale behind arguments

_ One who has sufficient knowledge of topic and convinces the group by his
argumentative presentation.

 Suggestions Regarding Telephonic Interview:

Practice is useful, especially if you haven't worked in an office or used a telephone to
talk to candidates in previous jobs. If you can, try getting friends or family members
by calling them asking interview questions. Recruiters who don't think they'll have any
trouble with this style of assessment are often the ones that have difficulties.

It is important to find out as much as you possibly can about a company, and a job
role, before conducting any type of interview; a telephone interview is no exception.
You may receive some information from your prospective client, but make sure you
also visit their website, competitor websites, read relevant trade press and keep aware
of current industry specific commercial awareness issues. Be aware of the size of a
company, its structure, its products and services, its markets, competitors and future

Plan for possible questions you have to ask the candidates before interviewing itself.
Asking your own questions shows you are interested to hire appropriate candidates for
the client. For example, ask questions that are relevant to job profile.
How Should A Recruiter Conclude a Telephone Interview?
Part of reason why firms conduct a telephone interview is to find out appropriate
candidates who are having interest about working at the clients company and in the
particular job role applied for. It is important to be enthusiastic throughout your
telephone conversation, but make a particular effort to be forthcoming at the close.
Interviewer should be able to tell candidates at the end of the conversation if they
would like to see you for a face to face interview. Thank the candidate for attending
interview through telephone and ask them for some further details, such as: when,
where are they interested to attend the interview. Please give the candidate appropriate
feedback and suggest them for certain rectifications if any.



With largest number of life insurance policies in force in the world, insurance happens
to be a mega opportunity in India. Its business is growing at 15-20% annually and
presently is of the order of Rs. 450m. Together with banking sector it adds about 7%
to the GDP.
Like in the case of BPO’s, Insurance sector too faces the problem of attrition. Thus,
recruitment is an ongoing process carried throughout the year. The project is based on
the study of recruitment process. The various recommendations suggested have been
the result of the study. The idea is to generate ways of dealing with high attrition and
making hiring process manageable and efficient.
Data Used
There were mainly two sources of data collection
 Primary data:
 Survey method

 Personal interview with candidates

 In depth conversation with the placement agency

Secondary data:
 Study of recruitment policy
 Websites

 Published articles


Name –

1. What source you adopt to source candidates?

a. Employee referral b. Campus recruitment c. Advertising.
d. Others

2. How many stages are involved in selecting the candidate?

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. More

3. Do you use any of the following tests during the process of recruitment?
a. Written b. Group Discussion
c. Personal Interview d. Other

4. How do you track the source of candidate?

a. Manual b. Software
c.Online d.Windows. Xls

5. Apart from the HR Manager, who all from the other departments are required
to get involved in interviewing process?
a. Sales b. Administration
c. HR Executives d. Other

6. What is the average time spent by sales dept. during recruitment (each

a. 10mins. b. 10 to 20mins.
c. 20 to 30mins. d. More

7. What is the average time spent by HR dept. during recruitment (each

a. 10mins. b. 10 to 20mins. c. 20 to 30mins. d. More

8. What is the average time spent by Admin dept. during recruitment (each
a. 10mins. b. 10 to 20mins. c. 20 to 30mins. d. More

9. Do you follow different recruitment process for different grades of employees?

a. No b. Yes

10. What is the back out percentage of candidates after being offered?
a. 1-5 b.5-10 c.10-15 d. 15-20

11. What percentage of candidates leaves within the period of less than1- 3
a .1-5 b.5-10 c.10-15 d. 15-20

12. What percentage of candidates leaves within the period of less than3- 6
a .1-5 b.5-10 c.10-15 d. 15-20
13. What percentages of candidates leave within the period of less than 6-12
a. 1-5 b.5-10 c.10-15 d. 15-20

14. Does the company reimburse the traveling cost incurred by the candidate for
appearing in the interview?
a. Yes b. No c. Depends

15. Do you take any technological support for the process of recruiting?
a. Telephone b. Video conferencing
c. Online support d . Other

16. What kind of verifications you do?

a. Educational qualifications b. Legal background check
c. Professional background check d. Reference check

17. Out of 100% recruitment that you did in the last fiscal year, please determine
which source generated what % of candidates?
Through –
a. Advertising - ………% b. Employee reference - ……….%
c. Recruitment agency - ……….% d. Job portals - ………%

18. Do you have a legal advisor for HR department? Yes/No

If yes, then is it..
a. Internal b. External

19. Have you ever thought of any way to reduce the time to hire and not have
impacted the quality of the hire?
a. Yes b. No









 -


Andersen, K. H., Farnsworth, K. D., Thygesen, U. H., and Beyer, J. E. 2007. The
evolutionary pressure from fishing on size at maturation of Baltic cod. Ecological
Modelling, 204: 246–252.

Anderson, J. 1988. A review of size dependent survival during pre-recruit stages of

fishes in relation to recruitment. Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Science, 8:

Bang, A., Gronkjaer, P., Clemmesen, C., and Hoie, H. 2021. Parental effects on early
life history traits of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus L.) larvae. Journal of
Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 334: 51–63.
ICES WGRP Report 2007

Heyer, C. J., Miller, T. J., Binkowski, F. P., Caldarone, E. M., and Rice, J. A. 2001.
Maternal effects as a recruitment mechanism in Lake Michigan yellow perch
(Perca flavescens). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 58: 1477–

ICES 2021. Report of the Study Group on Recruitment Variability in North Sea
Planktivorous Fish (SGRECVAP). ICES CM 2021/LRC:03. 78 pp.

Kamler, E. 2005. Parent-egg-progeny relationships in teleost fishes: an energetics

ANALYSIS: Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 15: 399–421.

Lister, J. S., and Neff, B. D. 2021. Paternal genetic effects on foraging decision-making under the
risk of predation.
From the surveyEthology, 112:amongst
it was found 963–970.100 respondents

g) 40% of respondents say that they want to invest in R.D

h) 25% of respondents say that they want to invest in equity
i) 10% of respondents say that they want to invest in balanced fund
j) 11% of respondents say that they want to invest in mutual fund
k) 5% of respondents say that they want to invest in debt market
l) 9% of respondents say that they want to invest in cash


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