The Silent War-1

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First of all I am thank full to you that you are going to read the
story I have written. I wish you would like it .
Now, as others if you are thinking that merely I wrote the story
then, you are wrong . I wrote the story with the help of my elder
brother, my elder sisters, my teachers ( especially my mentor and
chemistry teacher Rahul sir ) and my friends . I am also thankful to
my parents who provided me all the facilities to write .
At last I would like to say that if you would find any mistake then,
you can message me on my email . My email is and if you would like the story then, you
can follow me on twitter or instagram . The username of twitter
and instagram are : divy_novslist ( the username of both twitter
and instagram are same ) . I would like to tell you that I am also a
photographer and book reviewer. So, If you want to see my
photographs and book reviews then, you can go to whether my
twitter or instagram account .

Thank You !
By Divy

“Jeev, Ma mrithah”
Live, don’t die . Live like a living person, not dead .
Source: Atharva Veda


Hello, My self Ishaan Sharma . I am a director and has written and directed 4 movies out of which 3 are flops
and one not flop but not too hit . My wife used to say,‘ Your movies don’t get too hit because you don’t give
much time to a story and as a result you writes worst stories’, That’s why I am working on a story from 2
years. The story is about a boy, whom God made fatherless at the age of 10, who started doing work for
money at the age of 11 years by working day and night he turn into a rich man but after 15 years i.e. at the
age of 26 he started facing downfalls in his business. The story is loaded with social message, romance,
thrill, adventure, inspiration, grief, …
‘Where are we, Ish?’, asked my wife in a soft tone .
‘We have reached Telangana, Hyderabad’, I said with making the car to turn right through the steering
wheel .
‘Ish, we could go to your village by train’, said my wife .
‘Obviously, but I deem going to village by a car is an exhilarating experience’, I said .
As I had said to my wife I really enjoyed going to village by car especially on Srinagar and Kanyakumari
Highway or NH44, longest highway of India. While riding on NH44 at pace of 110 km/hour we passed with
green forests, fields, tunnels and bridges .


It took us 2 days and 15 hours to reach our village, Motipur – Basti, Uttar Pradesh . It was evening when I
reached my village . A stony path lead to my home in village . I followed that stony path but not alone two
boy was running behind my car .
My house of village was enormous with 4 rooms ( one as a guest room, second for my parents, third for me
and fourth for my brother ) 1 kitchen, 2 bathroom and a yard – inside house . Ahead of house there was also
a yard in which 15 years ago I had planted a neem tree in the right corner .

When I reached my house I perceived my mom was underneath the neem tree around bonfire with two
women, whom I had never seen. After parking car I with my wife got out from car and went to the mom .
‘Mumma namaste’, I said with touching her feet .
‘Khush raho!, Stay happy!’, said mummy with embracing me and kissing me on my forehead .
‘Where is papa mummy?’, I asked after mummy and my wife embraced each other .
‘He has gone to lucknow in order to do business, he will come home tomorrow’, said mummy .
‘Obviously!’, I said and from corner of my eyes I observed two children touching my car . A part of my mind
was telling to stop those child but a part of my mind was telling that once you were also curious like those
child .
I don’t know what all of you would do at this situation but I did what I think was right .

I was around bonfire remembering my school days when those two children had completely observed my
car and came and sat around bonfire with me .
Out of two boys one was pale with short hair and oval shaped face and other boy was fit with broad
shoulders, medium sized hair and triangle shaped face . The common thing in both boys was medium sized
brown eyes, light black skin tone and bare feet .
‘What are your names?’, I asked breaking silence .
‘My name is Ayush and his name is Kumar by the way what’s your name?’, said Ayush, who was pale …
‘My name is Ishaan Sharma’, I said .
‘What work do you do?’, queried Kumar, one with broad shoulders and …
‘Hmm I am a director’, I replied .
‘What does a director do?’, asked Kumar .
‘A director is generally a story teller’, I said after pondering for a while .
‘O! so, you use to tell stories’, said Ayush .
‘Almost correct!’, I uttered .
‘Hmmm can you tell us a story?’, asked Kumar .
‘Ya I can but only on one condition that you both won’t interrupt me when I would be telling you the story’, I
said . I had said no to those two children if I hadn’t watched the video in which SS Rajamouli says “to be a
director firstly you have to a story teller”.
‘Ok begin the story’, said Kumar .
‘Firstly hear the synopsis of story’, I said .
‘What?’, queried Kumar .
‘Synopsis means summary of a story’, I said .
‘Ok, tell’, said Kumar .
‘The story is of my school days . In story because of misusing some special power I lost my power and dignity
but I didn’t accepted my defeat and commence making plan to regain my power …’, I said .
‘Story seems good let’s hear it’, said Kumar with making eye contact with Ayush .

‘No I think the story is boring’, said Ayush .
‘Think Ayush think what was special powers?, how he misused it?, how he lost his power and dignity?, what
was his plan?, why merely he got that power ? and did he got his power and dignity back ?’, said Kumar .
Really the questions Kumar had thought were fantastic and he had did the unimaginable I mean it was a
next level work . After hearing the questions of Kumar I sensed that he can make a very great writer
because thinking questions is crucial for a writer or director because questions leads to answer and precisely
answer leads to a great brilliant story .
‘Can you got your power and prestige back?’, asked Ayush .
‘Don’t be too fast let the story tell answer this question’, I said with smiling .
‘Ok-Ok but tell us whether story is real or not’, asked Ayush .
‘Obviously story is real yaar’, I said with patting on Ayush’s shoulder .
Kumar and Ayush nodded and I commenced telling story and both of boys commence paying attention .

Chapter-1 : Beginning

On 8/Dec/2022
‘I don’t like this period of Hindi ,This mam merely made us to do two things : just write to complete
the course and commence learning when course is accomplished . That’s deterioration of our
education system, Indian’s teachers - except few – only want to accomplish the course’, I said and
my three friends – Anshu Yadav, my best friend, Vaibhav Mishra and Harsh Singh, whom we
affectionately called thakur – heard me .
We all four were backbenchers and sat on a bench. Our positions were fixed – firstly I because as
a first monitor of class I had to went out many times, beside me Anshu, then thakur and then,
Vaibhav .
After four bench i.e. on the first bench of the classroom sat our competitor Himank Jaiswal .
Especially he was Anshu’s competitor because Himank was the only reason for Anshu bhai’s
coming second in class .
Hmm , first of all let me share my time table of those days with you because if I don’t then, you will
get baffle and furious (on me) :

2 am to 6 am Sleep
6 am to 7 am Newspaper – The Economics
7 am to 8 am Bathing, Breakfast, Dressing for
school etc..
8 am to 2 : 30 pm School
2 : 30 pm to 5 pm Group Study ( with friends and
Anil bhaiya)
5 pm to 6 : 15 pm Tuition
6 : 15 pm to 9 : 15 pm Maths ( self study )

9 : 15 pm to 10 pm Dinner, Entertainment, Getting
10 pm to 11 pm Thinking/writing stories and
watching movies
11 pm to 1 am English Grammar/ Novel
1 am to 1 : 55 am Yoga, Meditation, Workout

I know I have to explain some things of my time table because obviously it’s making you more
baffle . So, these are terms and stuffs I want to clear :
• Tuition - I went to one of my neighbor’s to teach their son science and maths .
• Thinking … – I want to be a director and as you know that thinking/writing stories and
watching movies of others is vital to be a director. So , I spend 1 hour on thinking …
• I did group study with my friends and Anil bhaiya at Anil bhaiya’s shop .
• My homework of school was completed by classmate called Aniket .
‘That’s not only deterioration in our education system, Ishaan, there is much and more ,but what
can we do?’, said my best friend, Anshu bhai .
‘Goooood morrrning mam’, said all pupils – except thakur – with standing from the bench as our
Hindi teacher, Aarti Tripathi entered the class room .
Upon sitting on wooden chair, Aarti mam shrieked,‘ Vaibhav beta’.
It was her regular practice because for her Vaibhav and Shubhi, my girlfriend, was merely two
good and ideal student in the whole class .
Thakur had never said good morning with standing from his bench to any of teacher except one
lady teacher – Mrs Annaya Pandey – because she used to thrash terribly severe .
‘I am Horribly starving’,said thakur 5 minutes later the arrival of Aarti mam.
‘Don’t be anxious thakur, today I has brought lunch’, said Vaibhav.
‘Not that Yaar, I am starving to play Vital to run ’, said thakur.
Vital to run is a invention of thakur. The rule of the game is to punch a boy and then run . Running
is mandatory in this game because if you don’t run then the boy would punch you and if you would
run then the boy would also run to punch you ; if you don’t get a punch until 5 minute, you would
win and get the opportunity to eat that boy’s lunch .
We used to play Vital to run when we want to do some action and fascination because we four
rarely brought lunch box .

It was lunch time and I was across Vaibhav. I make a brawny fist and then punched Vaibhav on his
stomach . Before agilely getting out of class and commence running in crowd of students I heard
Vaibhav yelling, ‘Ouch!’ in intense agony .
I ran into a unknown class and from there, commence running straight but the problem was I was
merely few metres away from the end . As I reached the end of classroom, I turned back and
perceived that my friends were together forming an arc around me by holding each another’s
hands. I saw mine dark blue watch, which was gifted by my father, and got to know that there was
still 2 min and 10 sec left . As I lifted my face upward I noticed a familiar student standing beside
me facing his back to the bulb .
This is not any of my friend because this student is obese, I thought underneath of my breath .

On moving further I realized that it was Anshu’s dearest competitor, Mr Jaiswal .
Mr Jaiswal was trying to exhibit me his marks in Science paper. He was exhibiting me his marks
because I had gotten adequate marks and he had gotten abundant .
I ignored Mr Jaiswal’s yap and move one step backward and then jostled Mr Jaiswal toward thakur
but unfortunately Mr Jaiswal lost his control and fell onto Anshu.
As Anshu fell to the ground the arc broke and now, I could run but my heart was telling me to halt
and lift up Anshu bhai but my mind was suggesting to run to get escape from the punches that I
could get if I would went to lift Anshu bhai . Between Heart and Mind I preferred mind’s .
I was running toward my classroom and when I reached on ajarred door of classroom I collided
with my foe and second monitor of classroom, Amit Gupta. Amit Gupta was as my slave because
of the power I possess through the designation of first monitor of the class .
Generally second monitor was for to make the burden of first monitor lighter. Second monitor didn’t
possessed any power but he did get the power of first monitor if first monitor want and also if first
monitor would be absent .
As I collided with Amit , he uttered idiot because he didn’t saw me.
Hearing that I uttered a abusing word which I didn’t had to – ‘Go to hell, rascal’.
Amit became angry 😡 but he didn’t say a word because of the power I possessed.
I move forward to Vaibhav’s bench, took out his lunch box and water bottle . I washed my hands
from water bottle and then, opened the lunch box. After opening the lunch box my soul and body
became elated as the lunch box contained maggi .
Before I relish the maggi, Vaibhav came running and said, ‘You can’t eat my lunch without winning
the game’ .
‘Look at your watch nuts’, I said calmly or may be, impertinencly .

Mohan sir, our English teacher and class teacher, taught us Precis writing and was now going to
put his a tiny copy and a red pen into a minute hand bag because by 7 minutes the school would
be over.
I got frightened upon Himank and Amit’s going to Mohan sir, who was sat on wooden chair .
On perceiving topper and second monitor of class together Mohan sir said,‘ Is there any problem?’.
‘Yes sir, Ishaan abused me while the lunch period and Ishaan also jostled Himank in lunch period
because Himank has gotten more marks than Ishaan’, said Amit .
‘And sir, Ishaan never use to complains about his friends whether they kill any student’, uttered
Krish Singh, best friend of Amit and terribly wealthy student in our class. Actually Krish was from a
aristocratic family .
Hearing all that I became anxious and bewildered ; I reached out of my bench and said calmly so
sir wouldn’t think worst about me, ‘You are saying erroneous’.
‘No, I am saying true’, said all three in unison .
‘So, proof it’, said I and Mohan sir in unison .
I had thought when I will say to proof they will nothing have as proof and I will win but vice versa of
my thought happened.
On hearing the word proof Himank beamed and called out two names,‘ Aastha and Aditya’.
Aastha and Aditya came and Himank went near to Aastha and said,‘ Aastha do you heard Ishaan
while abusing Amit?’.
‘Yes I heard he uttered a terribly bad word’, said Aastha with making various faces .

Few girls like Aastha can’t utter a word without making various faces by the way I was lucky that
my girlfriend wasn’t of Aastha’s type .
Then Amit came forward and asked with Aditya,‘ Were you with Himank when Ishaan jostled him?’.
‘Yes I was’, replied Aditya.
‘So, tell us whatever happened there?’, said Amit .
‘Himank was demonstrating his test sheet to Ishaan as he had gotten more marks in whole class
and because of jealousy Ishaan jostled him’, said Aditya .
On Hearing the statement of Aastha and Aditya I became afraid and frightened. I think that not
merely I can’t became frightened my three friends and my girlfriend, Shubhi Srivastava also
became frightened for me .
My foes didn’t halted. Now, Krish took one step and inquired with all students,‘ Do Ishaan’s friends
talks and bother students?’.
‘Not exclusively Ishaan’s friends Ishaan also talks and bother students’, yelled some students .
The students who hadn’t spoke against me was whether one who has no interest in other’s matter
or whether my beloved ones i.e. my friends and my girlfriend .
‘Sir, proofs are across you now, you have to do the justice’, said Himank .
‘From today Ishaan is no more a monitor…’, said Mohan sir .
Hearing statement of Mohan sir I cursed my foes – Himank, Amit and Krish – underneath my
breath .
‘Sir Punishment?’, said insane Himank .
If someone else had said Mohan sir would have pummel him terribly for interrupting him but it was
topper of class and also favourite student of Mohan sir .
‘Hmm only 1 minute is left until school is over so, I shall punish Ishaan and his friends after three
days i.e. on 12/Dec/2022 because for three days I am going to Vaishnava Devi’, said Mohan with
watching time from his golden Titan watch .
‘And sir who is our new monitor’, said Amit with grinning .
‘Amit is now first monitor and second monitor is Himank . Himank don’t be angry I am not making
you first monitor because Amit has experience and …’, Mohan sir was interrupted as the bell of the
school rang at 2:10 pm .
‘Bhaiya, today relish of dosa is not marvellous’, said Thakur to Anil bhaiya.
Anil bhaiya possessed a room in a village . In that room he used to live, study and work for money.
His room or shop was at very exhilarating location : guava tree ahead of shop, stony brown road
after the tree ; a beautiful and clean orchard of mango trees and after orchard a exquisite sea
(from the shore of sea under last mango tree you can clearly glimpse the sun set and sun rise) .
From when I got admission in my school – Beam of Education (BOE) – and meet with my friends I
– no-no we – regularly ( even on Sundays ) used to went to Anil bhaiya’s s shop . That’s why Anil
bhaiya had became our friend .
We used to regularly went to Anil bhaiya’s shop because of two reasons :
First : In the front of Anil bhaiya’s shop was a tree of guava, which accord fruit in winter ; cool air
and shade in summer .
Second : Actually we had a arrangement that if we teach him English, he would teach us maths .
‘But why on earth you used to study mathematics by a cook’, interrupted Kumar and Ayush nodded in

As he Interrupted my mind released hormones of furious in my blood but I manipulated my hormones
because his question was right .
‘Because his maths was and is very marvellous, he was and is very brilliant’, I said .
‘Then, why he was a cook sir g?’, queried Ayush.
‘Because his English was very poor and English was(as always) prerequisite to be even a human being and
don’t call him cook, today Anil bhaiya is a professor of mathematics’, I said .
‘How Mr Anil became a professor?’, asked startled Kumar.
‘That’s a long story I would tell it on any other day but I want to tell you that he got the success because
according to him everything is Possible’, I said softly .
‘Let’s re-begin the story’, said Ayush .
‘Yes’, said Kumar .
‘Ok, ok I am commencing but don’t question me in the midst of story, you can ask as much questions as you
can in last, ok?’, I said in normal tone .
‘Ok’, said both boy in unison .
I again begin the story like :
‘Forget about dosa, think about the punishment Mohan sir will give us’, said Vaibhav before Anil
bhaiya uttered even a single word about the relish of dosa.
‘Vaibhav you are nuts, Mohan will forget in 3 days’, said thakur .
‘But what If someone will reminded him?’, questioned Anshu interrupting Vaibhav and thakur .
‘No one else than Himank and Amit will try to remind sir about our punishment and I had talked to
both of them, they only want us to say sorry to him in front of every student of our classroom . I
don’t think it’s difficult work’, said Vaibhav .
‘No we can’t say sorry to anyone, we will fight’, thakur shouted in intense anger .
‘But for what we will fight for ?’, said Vaibhav .
‘Dignity and Power’, I interrupted them .
After eating we with Anil bhaiya studied science and mathematics.

Chapter -2 : DAY 1
I became slightly frightened as the hands of clock reached at 12 am . I awoke and study till 2 am
regularly but today I became frightened at 12 am because I suddenly remembered the story of
Bloody Mary, a ghost or spirit, when I watched the table clock .
Actually I was reading a fictional novel and in the novel I was reading a paragraph in which a
student was across his teacher and asking questions. I think the answer of that question is also
crucial for us to know. The paragraph was like :
“‘Sir how British ruled on India for many decades?’, asked the boy .
‘Because they got to know the weakness of peoples of India’, said the bald and old teacher .
‘What weakness sir g?’, asked the young boy .
‘The peoples of India didn’t and don’t have unity’, said the old teacher .”
I re-read the paragraph then, thought deeply on the words of bald teacher and at last I got to know
what I would have to do to regain power and dignity .


‘Bhai yesterday you said we shall fight for power and dignity. I understand the dignity but what is
this power, I mean which power?’, asked Anshu bhai when we was in prayer hall of our school .15
minutes were used to give to us to make vertical lines and stand in those lines in well mannered
Thakur and Vaibhav were not with us because they didn’t like to came to prayer so, everyday they
together hid in a laboratory of school.
‘The power I possess as a monitor’, I said .
What power do yo possess as a monitor?, asked Anshu bhai .
‘I deem you are forgetting two rules of our school’, said Anshu .
‘Which two rules’, queried Anshu bhai .
‘Rule 1: a monitor can beat a student for self protection i.e. suppose if you slapped me once I can
slapped and punched you or whatever I want to and,
Rule 2: you have to obey monitor in absence of teacher’, I said .
‘O! but how will we win when each student of classroom favour our foes?’, said Anshu .
‘We have to scrutinize the weakness of our foes’, I said with grinning and remembering the bald
and old teacher.

‘Vaibhav you have to sit on the Himank’s bench’, I said with Vaibhav in first period .
‘But why’, said Vaibhav .
‘Because One must keep their friends close and enemies even closer’, I said .
‘But why would Himank let Vaibhav to sit on his bench’, Anshu bhai said .
‘Because of Annaya mam’, I said accompanied by a smile .
Annaya mam taught us science . She was not out classteacher but she became in the absence of
Mohan sir because she had authority from principal of our school .
‘I am going’, I said after few minutes .
‘Where?’, said my friends in unison .
‘To meet with Annaya mam’, I said .
‘But why?, you can talk to her in third period, when she will come to teach us’, said Anshu bhai .
‘If I would request with mam to change seat of Vaibhav in front of Himank he would become alert
and I don’t want it . I want him to deem that we have accepted our defeat’, I said and commence
moving toward the teacher who was in our class .
As I reached I asked,‘ Mam, may I go to drink water?’.
‘Yes’, said the lady teacher .

I know I had asked to go to drink water but I went in class 7th‘E’ to meet with Annaya mam .
‘Mam may I come in?’, I asked .
Mam nodded and I moved in .
‘What happened Ishaan?’, mam said with lifting her face up from the copy .
May be you want to ask me that why I went to Annaya man when I can went to any teacher .
Actually I went to Annaya mam because in her sight I and Anshu are a good and ideal student .
‘Mam Vaibhav is very …’, I was interrupted as mam asked,‘ Who is Vaibhav?’.
‘Vaibhav is a boy who use to sit just beside Anshu’, I said .

‘Yes now, continue’, said mam .
‘Mam Vaibhav has now started doing devilish works, He uses abusing language in the classroom
and his shadow is causing affect on us’, I said .
‘So?’, asked mam .
‘So mam I plea you to make Vaibhav to sit on the right first bench’, I said .
As I had thought Annaya mam asked,‘ But why right bench first?’.
‘Right first bench’, I said .
‘Whatever’, said Annaya mam .
‘There are three reasons :
Reason 1: Four students can sit on a bench and there are merely three students – Himank, Krish
and Amit – on right first bench .
Reason 2: Right first bench is just ahead of teacher’s table so, there Vaibhav won’t do any devilish
work .
Reason 3: On right first bench sit monitors of class so, if Vaibhav sit with monitors he won’t do any
devilish work in the absence of teacher also .
Hence, Vaibhav shall become a good boy’, I said .
‘But why are so concerning about Vaibhav?’, queried mam .
I knew she will ask this question so, I had thought of answer prior .
‘Svasti panthamanu charem suryachandramasaviv
Punardadataghnata janata sam gamemahi’, I said .
‘What?’, asked mam smiling .
Mam was not merely master in science, she was also master in mathematics and sanskrit .
‘Just as the Sun and the Moon move on their path, doing good to others, likewise we should walk
the path doing good to others . We should pass on useful things to others ; we should never harm
others, and walk in a just manner, organized, having known the truth’, I said and smirked as I knew
I have gotten success .

‘Goooood morrrning mam’, yelled all the students in unison as Annaya mam entered into class .
‘Sit down’, said Annaya mam with pointing a finger up and down .
In other teacher’s period some mischievous boys never stop murmuring but in Annaya mam’s
period there was a pin drop silence because if anyone grumbled she used to thrash him/her very
badly .
‘Vaibhav come here’, shrieked Annaya mam .
Hearing his name Vaibhav agilely ran toward mam thinking that he would get some respect but as
he reached to mam, mam picked up the wooden duster ; and Vaibhav got hit on hands with that
duster .
After hitting mam said to Vaibhav to took his bag and sat on the right first bench .
On discerning the word of Annaya mam I grinned .
Then, Annaya mam commenced teaching us a fascinating chapter of physics called light .
When Annaya mam’s period ended, Vaibhav came to me and questioned,‘ Why mam used to beat
‘How can I know? And by the way tell me about Himank and his accompaniers’, I said .
‘Nothing special, they were talking about how they won and Amit said that he won because of the
students of our class’, said Vaibhav .

‘I get it!’, I said or may be shrieked in intense joy after thinking for a while on words of Vaibhav
‘What?’, said Anshu bhai, who was as always beside me.
‘The weakness of our foes be in these students’, I said joyfully .

‘Ishaan bhai, Can you tell me how to solve this question, said Anshu bhai with demonstrating me
his rough copy .
‘Obviously bhai but if I knows’, I said with taking rough copy from Anshu bhai’s hand . I read the
question and got to know that question was from a very vital and fascinating branch of
mathematics called Trigonometry.
The question was:
‘Prove that :
1+cosA-sinA =cosecA+cotA’
I was solving as well as explaining the question to Anshu bhai When Mr Jaiswal shouted, ‘Anshu
and Ishaan stand up’.
‘But why?’, We said in unison with anger in Anshu’s voice .
‘Because you both were talking’, said Mr Jaiswal .
‘We were not talking, I was explaining a question of mathematics to Anshu’, I said .
‘Precisely s...’, said Anshu .
Anshu was heckled as Sanjay sir, our maths teacher shouted,‘ Get out from my class’.
‘But sir … ’
‘I said get out’, shouted Sanjay sir .
‘Sir if they will get out of class I shall also get out of classroom’, said thakur .
From the voice of thakur it was evident that he was angry on Sanjay sir .
‘Then, you also get out’, shrieked Sanjay sir .
I with Anshu and thakur went outside of the class and stand just beside the door so, that I can look
round face – with light green eyes, miniature pink lips, brown hair and olive skin tone – of my
sweetheart, Shubhi Srivastava.
‘Bhai’, said Anshu .
I didn’t uttered even a single word because shubhi was gazing me and I was gazing her; we were
exchanging words of affection through eyes .
‘Ishaan! You can stare her later’, steadily yelled Anshu bhai .
I know I can talk to Anshu bhai later but I can’t did it because of his vice tone .
‘Ok bhai ok I am not staring her, now tell me’, I said with turning my head left .
‘Do you remember once you told me that power is fruits of a tree and as much high you climb i.e.
play with dirty politics as much fruits you would get’, Anshu said .
‘Yes I remember so’, I said .
‘So, Insane Himank is climbing more agilely than us’, said Anshu bhai.
‘Precisely he is but the fact from which he is unbeknownst is that ahead the branches are frail and
the fruits are unripe’, I said and smirked .
‘Great, marvellous’, said thakur, who was earlier cursing Himank and Sanjay sir, and hearing that I
smile more broadly and turned again right to gaze at owner of intense beauty but fortunately this
time my eyes fell on Nidhi chaturvedi – She is friend of Shubhi and sat just beside Shubhi . When I
saw Nidhi, she was winking to a boy . After seeing the boy I became startled but then, I smiled as
akin as a crook .

In lunch time I told Vaibhav to went to Krish and said to him that his father, Ishaan, is remembering
him . Vaibhav became frightened and asked,‘ Do you are perceiving what you are saying’.
‘Obviously, and do what I told you to do’, I said .
‘May be today you want all of us to be beaten by Amit and Krish’, said Vaibhav and went toward
the seat of Amit .
Amit and Krish both came together and Krish said, ‘How dare you to call yourself my father?, you
vile and lout’.
‘First of all father has merely called his one son, Krish’, I said and gave a gesture to Anshu and
thakur and they immed incarcerated Amit ; imposed his head with the bench .
I put my arms on Krish’s shoulder and commence walking .
‘I deem that you know how worst Sanjay sir pummel the male bird when he gets to know about two
lovebirds’, I said with walking .
‘Yes so?’, questioned Krish with hesitating .
‘So think how adversely Sanjay sir would pummel you if I would make him know about you and
Nidhi chaturvedi’, I said .
‘What evidence do you have’, said Krish understanding what I want to say in minutes .
‘I know you will ask this question that’s why I had brought you here’, I said and gestured with
fingers to exhibit shubhi .
Seeing Shubhi Krish understand the matter and inquired to me,‘ How much do you want?’.
‘I know in today’s world Money is necessity of people but knowledge and character is necessary
for people’, I said .
‘So, what do you want?’, said Krish .
‘From Tomorrow till three days I want you to provoke Amit and Himank to act against girls,
especially Aastha, i.e. you have to provoke Amit and Himank against Aastha such that they will
use to complain about Aastha to teachers till 3 days and yes remember that 1 day one teacher
another day another teacher’, I murmured in ears of Krish .
‘No!’, said Krish .
‘Nidhi, Krish and Sanjay sir’, I said and chuckled .
‘Ok!’, said Krish .
‘And commence me calling bhai, ok?’, I said .
‘Ok bhai’, uttered Krish .
‘Good! You are more fast than I had thought’, I said .

It was game period and we was in the playground of our school . My friends were playing cricket
but I was not playing because I would became out on the first ball of thakur and then, I would had
to do fielding, which is and was not fascinating for me . So, I sat on one corner of ground with knee
touching chest and hands resting on knees and gazing continuously at waving Indian flag .
On perceiving me alone Anshu bhai came and sat beside me . On perceiving me gazing at waving
Indian flag He asked,‘ What are you thinking bhai’.
‘I am thinking why Ashoka chakra of Indian flag…’I was interrupted as Anshu shouted,‘ what a
good six’.

‘Sorry bhai’, said Anshu as I gazed him with wide eyes .
‘So, I was asking why Ashoka chakra of Indian flag merely possess 24 spokes?’, I said .
’I had read it in a book that each spoke on the chakra symbolizes one principle of life and also the
twenty-four hours in the day’, said Anshu bhai .
‘Ohh, by the way what principals of life?’, I said .
‘I don’t know all but few are : love, courage; mercy, righteousness; kindness and justice’, said
Anshu bhai .
‘Hmm, what is more vital : righteousness or justice?’, I queried after thinking for a while .
‘I don’t know but according to the Bible “righteousness and justice is foundation of your throne”’,
said Anshu bhai .
‘Do you have read the Bible?’, I queried .
‘Half by the way tell me about Amit and Himank’s case’, said Anshu .
‘Nothing special we just have to win the war’, I said .
‘But there is no war’, said Anshu, who was completely baffle with my words .
‘If you look closely there is always a war ; every war doesn’t win with weapons, some wars are
silent war that could win with wisdom’, I said .

‘Anil bhaiya today relish of samosa is exhilarating, give me one more’, said Vaibhav .
‘Today samosas are stuffed with paneer also’, said Anil bhaiya while giving extra samosas to us .
We was eating samosas under the tree of guava when something incredible happened .
My girlfriend came with her cycle , parked the cycle where our cycle was and then started walking
toward me .
I deem I was dreaming because she live with her Aunty and uncle – her dad’ abode was in a
village ( and her abode was and is in my heart ) – so, if she became late she didn’t get the one
time food .
Seeing her my all friends took there samosas and went to backward of shop .
When she sat beside me and let her soft and moist hands in my right hand I perceived that I was
not dreaming . To make sure that I wasn’t dreaming I pinched my thigh with my left hand .
‘Hi’, She said with smiling .
‘H-H-i’, I said .
I could feel her hand’s warmth and her body’s positive energies while, her hand was in mine .
‘Why you are anxious Ish, asked Shubhi softly .
‘Because it’s first time in my life that a girl has sat beside me with no space in the midst’, I said
acknowledging that you can’t anything from your girlfriend .
‘Do you want space between us’, said shubhi .
‘No-No, I am not saying that, I am only telling why I am anxious by the way it’s elating’, I said by
modulating my voice at last .
‘You all boys are akin’, said Shubhi mellifluously with a warm smile and patting my shoulder .
Obviously she was and is belle but while smiling she looks more exquisite .
Prior of my saying for samosa for shubhi, Anil bhaiya brought samosas with two cup of coffee and
gave it to us .
‘Actually!’, we said in unison .

‘You speak first ’, she said softly .
‘No, first priority to girls, I said .
‘No, you speak first’, she said .
‘May I speak’, said thakur with smiling mischievously .
‘No’, I uttered and gestured Anshu bhai to make thakur silent and somehow Anshu bhai got
success in making thakur provisionally inaudible .
‘You speak first’, I said .
‘Why you told Krish to provoke Amit against Aastha merely?’, queried Shubhi .
It was very difficult for me to pay attention on the words of Shubhi because my attention was
getting by her pink miniature lips, which was barely 50 cm apart from my lips, and black mole, just
beside her lips, which was making her look more exquisite .
‘Ish are you hearing?’, asked Shubhi .
‘Ya, What was you saying?’, I said
‘I am asking why you told Krish to provoke Amit against Aastha merely?’, said Shubhi .
‘Because all girls except you trust Aastha so much, If Aastha would go against Amit then, all the
girls would go against Amit’, I said .
‘I want you to provoke all the girls in my favour when Amit would complain about Aastha and if she
will want to talk with me than bring him when Himank and his friends will be out of class’, I said .
‘I would but what are you trying to do?’, Shubhi queried .
‘Divide and Rule’, I said with somehow a smile while sipping coffee .

‘Ok, Now let me go to my home, I am here from 2 hours’, said Shubhi .
‘Wait a minute’, I said and went inside to take Anil bhaiya’s mobile .
‘Now, Close your killer eyes’, I said softly after coming outside from Anil bhaiya’s room .
‘Whom has my killed?’, asked Shubhi beaming .
‘My heart’, I said with placing my palm around her eyes .
‘What are you doing Ish?’, asked Shubhi .
‘I have something very marvellous for you’, I said with making Shubhi stand from the concrete,
which was around the tree .
‘But where are we going Ish?’, queried Shubhi as we together took our first step toward our
destination .
I was thinking how it would be if we take every step of our life together when Shubhi queried about
our destination .
‘Ish?’, said Shubhi as we crossed the stony path .
‘Yes!’, I said.
‘Where are we going?’, asked Shubhi .
‘We are going to say good bye to our splendid sun’, I said as we entered orchard .
After 2 minutes we reached the shore of the sea ; there we sat under the last mango tree and
Shubhi asked,‘ Now, can I open my killer eyes?’, and laughed .

‘No just wait a few more minutes’, I said as I took out Anil bhaiya’s mobile – realme something –
from my pocket .
I opened Spotify and searched Perfect on it and let Shubhi to open her eyes .
As she opened her eyes I played the song and hold her left hand with my right hand .
Let me define that situation in an individual paragraph :
We were under a mango tree on shore with our hand in each other’s hand and we both were
gazing at the orange sun, which had made the whole sky look orange, which was half gone and
crowded by black birds ; and whose some orange beams were also on water, and in the
background Ed Sheeran was singing :
I found a love for me
Oh darling just dive right in and follow my lead
Well I found a girl beautiful and sweet
And when Ed Sheeran, the singer, said “But darling just kiss me slow your heart is all i own” we
both look into each other’s eyes then, I commenced leaning toward her lips and then within ten
seconds her pink lips was on my lips.
While kissing her I felt the heat of her breath on my mouth, the soft music and also saw my own
reflection in her light green eyes .
Not to mention but after that day I again kissed her after 10 years.

‘Now please let me go to my home otherwise I shall have to starve whole night either’, said Shubhi
with beaming .
‘I am not going to let you face any problem or difficulty till I am alive’, I said .
‘So, what are you going to do?, are you going to pummel my uncle with your mafia friend, Harsh?’,
queried Shubhi .
‘Why you always have problem with thakur?’, I asked .
‘Because of his impertinence and attitude’, said Shubhi .
‘Anyway’, I said and went inside the room where Anil bhaiya was packing dosa. I picked up my
lunch box and went outside .
‘Take it, inside it are two dosas’, I said softly with demonstrating lunch box to her .
On perceiving a little bit of worry on Shubhi’s face I said,‘ Don’t be anxious this lunch box is fully
clean and inside it there is also sambhar and chutney of nariyal’, I said .
‘I am not worrying about sambhar or chutney, I am worrying about money’, said Shubhi .
‘Don’t worry about money I shall pay it’, I said.
Shubhi took the lunch and went to her home but before going to her home as she reached to her
cycle she turned toward me and as she turned I opened my arms . On seeing my arms open she
immediately put lunch box on her cycle and came running toward me and then, embraced me . For
few minutes her head rest on my chest and my arms rest on her back .
I gazed at her paddling her cycle till she became disappeared in dust and greenery .
On turning my smile became disappeared and I became startled because my friend was very
closely gazing at me .

‘We are getting how you are forgetting and ignoring us because of a girl’, thakur said.
‘How can anyone forget his best and true friends?’, I said with beaming .
‘I don’t know about everyone but you can’, said thakur .
‘Leave it thakur and let’s eat some dosa together in a thali to enlarge the affection’, I said with
laughing and patting thakur on his shoulder .

Chapter – 3 : Day 2
As I had planned or thought Amit complained about Aastha to Sanjay sir and as punishment
Aastha got hit on her both hand with wooden scale .
Through following my instructions Shubhi provoke all the girls and in the lunch period, when
Himank with his friends had went to wash their hands all the girls together came to me .
‘Why all girls are together, look bewilder and came to me?’, I said .
‘Ishaan we need your help’, said Aastha, leader of girls .
‘How can I help you?’, I said .
‘You have to made Amit resign from the designation of monitor’, said Aastha .
‘What would I get if made Amit resign from the designation of monitor for you?’, I said .
‘What do you want?’, said Aastha .
I multiplied total number of students in our class i.e. 45 by 40 and said, ‘I have two conditions :
First : I want Nidhi to take rupees 1800 from Krish and will give me the money .
And second : You all have to speak in my favour when I shall tell you to’.
‘But how …’, Nidhi became mute as Aastha gestured her to be silent .
I beamed as Aastha said,‘ Ok’.
Girls went on their benches to do lunch and I started solving vital branch of mathematics called
Trigonometry .
I was solving question of my favourite branch, trigonometry when Himank, Amit and Krish together
came to my bench .
Apparently they came to my bench but I didn’t paid my attention on them even I didn’t lifted my
face up from the copy .
To get my attention Himank hold corner of my copy and rudely threw it out of the class.
On perceiving it I became furious and want to pummel on the face of Himank but I didn’t because
they were three and I was alone.
I was all alone because Anshu, thakur and Vaibhav had gone to gazed at exquisite girls. You and I
know it’s not a good thing but my friends ( especially thakur ) never tried to understand it so, it was
there’s regular’s habit .
May be somehow I would beat all three but I had to pay a high price if I would had thrashed
monitors of class .
I went outside –with book of mathematics in left hand – picked up the copy ; plea with goddess
Sarasvati to give pardon and then, went inside and sat on the any random bench . As I sat on the
bench, Himank also came with his friends .
‘Be in your status, bastard’, I said in a low pitched voice .

‘Kya! What you said?’, Himank inquired with putting his little finger or pinky in ear and stirring it .
‘I said be in …’, I was interrupted as a palm with small and hard five fingers landed on my soft
cheek . I thought it was Himank but on turning the face I perceived that it was Amit, whom once I
used to slap .
As he slapped me in front of almost whole class I made a brawny fist as a sensation of anger run
agilely through my each veins .
‘Ya now tell me what you was saying’, said Himank with taking his pinky or … out from his ear and
rubbing it on Arpit’s pant .
‘I will take vengeance’, I announced loudly and bumped the fist five times incessantly on the bench
and a major crack appeared on the bench .
On seeing the length and breadth of crack Himank and his friends become frightened and then, I
went to the bench from where all these matters had initiated .

Chapter – 4 : Prior of Beginning

(7 days prior of beginning) – 1/Dec/2022
‘Rahim ke dohe’, yelped our teacher of a boring subject called Hindi .
‘I am in dire need of money bhai’, I said to Anshu bhai .
‘Focus on the study we shall talk about money later’, said Anshu bhai .
Vaibhav was reading the chapter – rahim ke dohe – and some students were murmuring when
somewhere a mobile rang but all of we ignored it .
Fortunately for me and unfortunately for Ambikesh the mobile rang again and this time all of we
noticed it. On those days I was monitor so, it was my responsibility to scrutinize that who had
brought mobile phone in school . I followed the mellifluous ringtone of mobile and get to know that
mobile is in the bag of Ambikesh .
I took out the Samsung guru1215 from the bag of Ambikesh and gave it to Aarti mam .
‘How dare you to bring mobile in school?’, shrieked mam .
‘Mam I have not bring it maybe my sister, who is infant, had put it into my bag’, said Ambikesh with
tears in his eyes .
I was sure that Ambikesh himself hadn’t brought the mobile because he was and may be is very
innocent and namby pamby but I didn’t even uttered a single word because I had a master plan .
‘I am submitting this mobile phone and if you want it back then, talk with principal’, shouted mam .
‘But mam …’,
‘I said talk about it with principal’, interrupted Aarti mam .

It was lunch period and everyone was eating their lunch but I was writing.
‘What are you doing bhai?’, queried Anshu bhai .
‘I am writing a application to principal’, I said with lifting my face up from the white page .
‘For what?’, asked Anshu bhai .

‘For informing her that out of two bulb of our class one is not working’, I said .
‘Ohh’, said Anshu bhai .
‘Bhai you was saying that you are in dire need of money’, said Anshu bhai .
‘Yes I am’, I said .
‘But for what’, asked Anshu bhai .
‘Actually I want money to buy a novel, I said.
‘How much do you need bhai?’, queried Anshu bhai .
‘The novel is of 110 rupees but I want merely 40 rupees because I have 70 rupees’, I said.
May be some of you would want to ask that if I was in dire need of money then, why I hadn’t asked
for money with my mom and dad ?, Actually I had never asked for money with mom and dad in my
school life. Whenever I need money I earned it from school because I had a enthusiasm to earn
money .
Anshu bhai put his right hand in his right pocket of grey pant and took out a note of rupees 50 ;
gave the note to me .
‘Don’t waste money ; “You must spend money to make money”’, I said .
‘Then, How will you buy the novel’, questioned Anshu bhai.
‘I shall buy the novel with the money of Ambikesh’, I said .
‘But why will Ambikesh give money to you’, questioned Anshu bhai .
‘He will, he will’, I said and read the application and reread the application ; the application was
like :

The Principal
Beam of Education Academy

Subject – Application to inform principal that bulb of classroom is not
working .
Honorable Madam,
With due respect I implore to say that I am monitor of
class 9‘B’. Since prior week one bulb out of two bulbs of our classroom aren’t
working . All my mates are facing too much difficulties as one bulb doesn’t
gives adequate radiance and beams of sun are also not favoring us. I had
informed to our classteacher and he suggested me to make you know about
it .

I wish you would take action on it as agilely as possible
because present of students are in darkness (Our teacher of use to say
that “present is foundation of your future”).
Thanking you
Your Obediently
Ishaan Sharma
I went to the principal office and put the application in the wooden box on which ‘for students’ was
From principal office I went to the location where Vaibhav accompanied by Anshu bhai and thakur
was gazing at girls .
‘Vaibhav you have to do a work for me’, I said .
‘What?’, asked Vaibhav irritated from the thought of moving from his location.
‘Go and bring Aniket Mishra to me’, I said .
‘But why?’, scrutinized Vaibhav .
‘Firstly bring him and then, ask questions’, I said .
As per my order or request Vaibhav had brought Aniket Mishra with him and then, queried,‘ Why you
duressed me to bring Aniket Mishra?’.
‘Because he can do any work for money, am I right?’, I said demonstrating a finger to Aniket, who
was standing across me with Aloo’s paratha in right hand .
‘Obviously Yes’, said Aniket with a greedy smile .
‘So, here is work : go to Ambikesh and talk with him about his phone and tell him that merely Ishaan
can please Aarti mam to return his phone to him’, I said .
‘I can do this work but what will I get?’, asked Aniket smiling as crook.
‘You will get 20 rupees after doing the work’, I said .
‘Not a bad deal’, said Aniket with dumbing last bite of Aloo’s paratha in his mouth .
‘I can also do that work ’, said Vaibhav as Aniket commenced working on plan .
‘Apparently you can but as your are my friend Ambikesh wouldn’t believe you and by the way I have
another fascinating as well as menacing work for you’,
‘What’s it?’, I said .
‘Keep Patience my friend when time will come I shall make you know about your work’, I said .
Ambikesh got trapped in my network and within 5 min he came to the location ( Where I was talking
with Vaibhav) and said,‘ Ishaan I want your help’.
‘How can a poor and weak man help you bhai?’, I asked with grinning as I thoroughly knew the
answer .
‘I know merely you can please mam to return my mobile, please help me Ishaan’, said Ambikesh .
‘No, I can’t do it it’s very menacing work’, I said and on hearing it Vaibhav’s became anxious .
‘Please Ishaan, Please Ishaan’, said Ambikesh with making various faces as akin as girls .
‘I will try to persuade mam to return your mobile to you but only if only you give me 50 rupees’, I
said .
Ambikesh put his hand in his pocket of his shirt and then took out notes of 10 ; gave the notes to me
and said,‘ I has merely 40 rupees’.

I counted the notes and then, said,‘ Your mobile shall be in your hands within 30 minutes’.
‘Vaibhav, now you have to go to Shubhi and tell her that Aarti mam is remembering her and then,
bring her to me’, I said .
‘But why?’, asked Vaibhav .
‘Firstly bring her…’, I said .
‘Ok’, uttered Vaibhav .
After few minutes of waiting I saw Vaibhav and Shubhi coming together toward me. While coming
they were talking about something and smiling . On perceiving it a sensation of jealousy born in my
body . Really it feels very bad when your girlfriend talks with anyone else and you can’t hear her
conversation .
‘How did you remember me today’, queried Shubhi beaming .
‘I remember you with my every breath’, I said with smiling .
Vaibhav interrupted my romantic conversation by coughing .
‘Both of you have to went to Aarti mam and tell her that Ambikesh is very innocent and namby pamby
student, he can’t bring mobile himself’, I said .
‘But why will mam believe us ?’, asked Shubhi .
‘Because you both are her favourite pupils’, I said .
‘What if she won’t persuade to return the mobile’, asked Vaibhav .
‘Then you have to come back to me and I have to go to principal office’, I said with smiling .
‘But why are you so anxious & struggling for this work’, questioned Shubhi .
‘Because of two reasons :
First : Money
Second : I want students to savvy that Ishaan can do anything’, I said .
After 10 minutes Vaibhav and Shubhi came to me with gloomy faces . As they reached me I said
with extending my left hand,‘ Vaibhav give me the mobile’.
‘I am feeling very gloomy in telling you …’
Prior of Vaibhav’s completing his sentence I put my hand in Vaibhav’s right pocket of pant and took
out the Samsung guru1215 .
‘How do you get to know that mobile is in my right pocket’, asked Vaibhav.
‘The brightness of mobile is too high and radiance of display was coming out from pocket of your
pant’, I said with smiling .
‘But how?’, asked innocent Vaibhav .
‘Because your pant is translucent’, I replied .
Mine eyes said good bye to Shubhi and then, I went to Ambikesh’s bench ; accorded his mobile to
him .
Next day I beamed when we – I and my friends – came in classroom and I found that both bulbs
were giving radiance .

Chapter - 5 : Day 3

Before I could reached the group of girls of my class, Anshu bhai came in my way and said,‘ Bhai I
want to tell you something’.
‘Bhai currently I am busy in a work, you can tell me in first period’, I said .
‘But it’s vital’, said Anshu bhai .
‘See, I had said to Nidhi that I will take money from her in prayer hall so, I have to go’, I said and
moved ahead .
When I and Anshu reached to girls I said,‘ Paisa’.
Nidhi took out money from her pocket and gave it to me . I counted it and then, put it in my pocket,
turned to Aastha and said,‘ Aastha tomorrow when I or anyone will ask that did you heard Ishaan
using abusing language, you’ll simply say no and when anyone ask that then, why you lied, you’ll
say that I lied because Ishaan used his power for wrong work and when that student or person will
say that what wrong work then you’ll answer that Once Ambikesh had brought mobile, when Aarti
mam get to know she submitted it then, Ishaan helped Ambikesh to get his mobile back, ok?’, I
said .
‘Ok but repeat it once’, said Aastha .
May be you are thinking that I had repeated it once but I want to tell you that I had repeated it
thrice for her .
After repeating the same thing thrice I asked,‘ Aastha, do you or any of girl has her friend in 9th‘D’?.
‘Yes I have’, said a girl, Chitranshi .
‘So request her to complain with Annaya mam that two boys of 9th‘A’ regularly use to gaze at her
and also wink at her’, I said .
‘But who two boys?’, queried Chitranshi .
‘Himank and Amit’, I said .
‘But Himank don’t use to gaze or wink at any girl’, said Nidhi .
‘You and I know mam don’t know’, I said as well as smiling with Anshu bhai, who was beside me .
‘Bhai I have some questions’, said Anshu bhai after we reached to boys group .
‘Ya bhai ask-ask’, I said .
‘Why you didn’t involve Krish in 9th‘D’girl’s case?’, asked Anshu bhai.
‘Because if I had involved Krish Nidhi will had tell him and about the whole plan’, I said .
‘So, now how will you make Krish to get out from class’, asked Anshu bhai .
‘Don’t worry about it bhai, Krish will have to get out from the classroom’, I said .

The period of Sanskrit ( According to a report of Telegraph India it’s Samskrit not Sanskrit ) had
just commenced and period of Hindi had just ended .
Prior of Aarti mam’s exiting from the class I move onwards from my bench to Krish’s bench .
As I put my right arm on Krish’s shoulder, Krish said or asked,‘ Now what do you want bhai?’.
‘I want you with Ambikesh to be out of class in 7th period for 10 minutes’, I said .
‘But bhai why would Ambikesh go out from class with me ? ’, asked Krish .
‘He shall go out from class with you if you will say that you know how much hour Himank use to
study and what is aim of his life’s’, I said .
‘Will I have to tell the truth bhai?’, queried Krish .
‘Nhi yaar, you will have to say that Himank use to study for 10 hours and the aim of his life is
astronomer’, I said .
‘But why astronomer bhai?’, I said .
‘Because Ambikesh’s physics, mathematics and chemistry are marvellous and strong ; he has
interest in stars, planet etc.’, I said .

‘So what bhai?’ .
‘So, astronomy would be Ambikesh’s aim because Himank is his inspiration’, I said .
‘And remember if you will come prior of 10 minutes the two love birds …’, I said .

In 7th period our teacher of, Supriya mam, entered into class and sat on the wooden chair .
According to my instructions Krish had left the class earlier of Supriya mam’s coming into
classroom .
As she sat on the wooden chair a girl came and said,‘ Mam Annaya mam is calling Himank and
‘Amit and Himank go to Annaya mam’, said Supriya mam .
On hearing that Annaya mam has called Himank and Amit’s vanity touched the sky. They was
thinking that mam had called them to give them prizes and awards .
Subsequently a lambo boy entered our class and said to mam,‘ Mam, for any vital reason you are
called by Vikas, I mean Vikas sir’.
I with my friends beamed together as our teacher of got out from the classroom .
Then, I and thakur went to the midst of our classroom and thakur shouted,‘ Keep quite’ , at the top
of his voice .
On hearing such a cacophonous voice each student become silent .
‘Now listen to me carefully’, I said and sat on the bench, beside the midst location, and putted right
leg horizontally on left leg ( As akin as Pushpa Raj ) .
‘Tomorrow all of you have to speak in my favour i.e. when I or anyone will ask with you that Does
Ishaan misuses his power then, all of you will have to say that no Ishaan has never misused his
power’, I said .
‘But why will we speak in your favour?’, asked a pupil of my class .
‘Because of two reasons:
First : I am going to give 10 rupees to each of you and if tomorrow you will speak in my favour
then, I shall give each of you 30 rupees .
Second : I think all of you know some facts e.g. how terribly Annaya mam use to beat, how terribly
it perceives when anyone beat in winter and I am Annaya mam’s favourite student .
Second reason is for the students who will take money and won’t speak in my favour’, I said with
smirking .
‘I won’t speak in your favour, what would you complain about me with Annaya mam’, said a pupil in
intense fervor .
‘I would like to complain that you in every period use to gaze and wink at Chitranshi’, I said in a
calm voice .
‘What’s the proof?’, asked that very same pupil, Shubham .
‘Chitranshi herself’, I uttered.
Chitranshi stand up and said,‘ Yes Shubham regularly use to gaze and wink at me’.
‘Ishaan do remember that next period is of Annaya mam’, said thakur, who was ahead me with me
one leg on floor and other on bench .
‘What if all of us together complaint against you?’, asked Shubham .
‘Yes!’, said some 20 % boys in unison .
‘How sweet, let me tell you something. If you have ever observed or heard the total strength of our
class is 45 and out of which 21 are girls and 20 ( excluding Himank …) are boys so, as all of you
are my brother and sis no, no as all of you are my friends I want to tell you that all girls are on my

side and after getting money almost 13 would be on my side and majority always win therefore, if
you would go against me you would merely be beaten in winter’, I said smirking .
Hearing that Shubham became startled and without uttering a word sat on his bench .
Within 5 minutes I distributed 10 rupees to each students of our class .
At last I said,‘ And don’t tell anything about these to Himank, Amit and Krish’.
On accomplishly ending the speech and distributing money I gestured to Vaibhav, who was
standing out of class. Perceiving that I am gesturing, Vaibhav went away from our classroom and
then whistled once and came running ; sat on our bench .
After Vaibhav’s sitting on bench mam took 2 minutes more to enter into class .
Now if you are paying attention then, maybe you have some questions related to this part of story
in your mind . The questions are as follows :
• Everything happened at right time, is all the things were planned ?
• Who was that lambo boy ?
• Why Vaibhav whistled ?
• Why I made Himank, Amit and Krish to went out from classroom ?
• Why I made Ambikesh aslo to went out from classroom ?
Now, I am going to tell you the answers of these questions because if I don’t then the story may be
becomes complicated and may be I would also become boring .
So, the answers are :
• Yes everything was planned by me
• lambo boy was friend of thakur and had came to our class on our instructions . In reality
Vikas sir hadn’t called Supriya mam. I made lambo to lie because in presence of Supriya
mam I couldn’t had gave the speech nor the money . Now, here a question rises again : If
mam hadn’t been called by Vikas sir then, how did she took 12 minutes to come back in
Actually I had told Anshu to made any of his topper friend stand at the way of Supriya mam while
returning so that, he could ask questions with mam and keep her busy .
• Vaibhav Whistled because we had told Anshu’s topper friend to halt asking questions with
Supriya mam on hearing the sound of a whistle .
• I made Himank, Amit and Krish to went out from classroom because I didn’t want to make
my rivals know about my next plan. I think a quote – written by Sandeep Maheshwari – can
give the answer to this question more accurately :
“Work hard in silence ; let’s success make the noise” .
• I made Ambikesh aslo to went out from classroom because he is very loyal to Himank .

‘We could save 600 rupees more if you hadn’t distributed the money to girls’, said Vaibhav when
we was at Anil bhaiya’s shop .
‘For rulers ( of whether class or country ) equality is criticality’, I said .
‘But you aren’t ruler of the class’, said Vaibhav .
‘Actually I am, a ruler of class, ruler doesn’t means monitor of class ruler means one who possess
power and regiment’, I said .

‘But where is our regiment’, asked thakur, who was hearing our conversation .
‘The students of our class makes our regiment and obviously, I has created it today’, I said .
Actually that was merely my regiment but I said our regiment because sometimes it’s crucial to
make other feel that you care and adore her/him .
‘Accha, why you made Ambikesh to be out of class’, asked thakur
‘Because he did take money but he would has told about our plan to Himank .
‘Bhai I want to tell you something very vital’, said Anshu bhai, who had went somewhere to do
toilet .
‘What do you want to say bhai?’, I queried .
‘I want to say that someone had had made Himank to go against you’, said Anshu .
‘But How can you say it?’, I questioned .
‘I am saying it because earlier Himank had always admired you and never complained about you
but from few days he is so aggressive with you ; also, earlier he abominate Amit but to replace you
they both are getting to close’, said Anshu .
‘But there’s a possibility that Himank himself …’
Interrupting me Anshu bhai said,‘ No, remember yesterday when you asked from Vaibhav that has
he any news?, Vaibhav said that from few days Himank use to meet with a lambo boy’.
‘Yes-yes, thakur find who is this boy’, I said .
‘Ok’, said thakur .

Chapter - 6 : The Last Day

‘How are you?’, I said to Ambikesh with putting right arm on his shoulder .
‘I am fine but why you have came to me?’, asked Ambikesh .
‘Because I has a work for you’, I said .
‘What?’, scrutinized Ambikesh .
‘Today in Mohan sir’s period when Aastha will say that she complained about me because I helped
you when you had brought mobile then, you have to come forward and say that you had brought
the mobile phone by mistake and if somebody ask what’s proof then, you say Aarti mam after that,
if somebody ask that if I had helped you then, why you went against me at that point you have to
say that you went against me because for helping you I take 40 rupees’, I said .
‘But why will I get in speaking your favour?’, queried Ambikesh .
‘Because I think you knows that only you and I knows that you had brought your mobile phone by
mistake’, I said .
‘So?’, asked Ambikesh .
‘So, if with some students I would go to Principal and complain about you, you would be rusticated
for minimum 1 or 2 months’, I said .
‘You are forgetting that because of you mercy Aarti mam knows that I had brought the mobile
phone by mistake and if you would go to principal with students then, I would also go to principal
but not with any student with Aarti mam’, said Ambikesh smirking .

‘Apparently, you are right because of me Aarti mam believes that you had brought the mobile
phone by mistake but now, you are forgetting that Aarti mam use to trust on Vaibhav more than me
and obviously, Vaibhav is my friend’, I said with grinning like Harshad Mehta ( a scammer of
India ) .

All pupils – except thakur – of our classroom stood up as Mohan sir entered the class .
Sometimes I wondered how thakur has such courage .
As Mohan sir was taking attendance Himank spoke,‘ Sir you had said to give punishment to
Ishaan ...’, and I beamed .
Himank was interrupted as Mohan sir angrily shouted,‘ Shut up!’ .
Now you would question that why Mohan sir shouted on Himank . It’s because he didn’t like when
someone interrupt him . May be you also think that it was coincidence but I would like to tell that it
was not coincidence in assembly I had told Krish to made Himank speak while Mohan sir would be
taking attendance .
After Mohan sir had accomplishly taken attendance I went to him and said,‘ Sir g as you had once
told us that in childhood yours' aim of life was to be a magistrate so, today I plea with you to act as
magistrate to give justice to me and to give justice to your students . Please sir all of us know that
you can make a great magistrate’.
At the end I said, ‘you can make a very great judge’ because Mohan sir used to like to hear his
praise .
‘Ok-ok I would become magistrate but what’s the case?’, said Mohan sir .
‘The case is simple sir three days earlier Himank had proved that as a monitor I was misusing my
powers but today I want to proof that I has never misused my power’, I said .
‘Ishaan and Himank within 2 minutes bring your lawyer in spectacle of my eyes’, said Mohan .
I went in sight of Mohan sir’s eyes and said,‘ My lord I am my lawyer’.
With such sudden actions Himank was startled as well as baffle but when Amit said something in
Himank’ ear, Himank become conscious and came forward and said,‘ I am also my lawyer’ .
Hearing that I beamed .
‘Now, initiate the case’, said Mohan sir with becoming serious to make other feel that he is a
magistrate .
‘My lord with your permission firstly I want Aastha come forward and give her sentence’, I said .
‘Aastha come forward’, said Mohan sir .
Aastha came forward and I asked,‘ Did you heard me using abusing language’.
‘No I didn’t’, said Aastha .
‘Then, why three days earlier you complaint against Ishaan?’, said Himank in a tone of anger
before I could say anything.
‘Because Ishaan misused his power through helping Ambikesh to get his mobile phone back’, said
Aastha .
‘Sir from Aastha’s statement it’s clear that Ishaan misused his power’, said Himank with smiling .
I had thought that from Aastha’s statement Himank would once again become startle and baffle but
he didn’t .

‘Do you want to say something Ishaan?’, asked Mohan sir.
‘Yes my lord with your permission I would like to invite Ambikesh to come forward’, I said .
‘Ambikesh come forward’, said Mohan sir .
As per instruction Ambikesh came forward and I asked,‘ Do you have brought the mobile phone
‘No sir I had brought the mobile phone by mistake. My younger sister, who is 3 years old
mistakenly put that mobile phone in my school bag’, said Ambikesh .
‘What’s the proof?’, said Himank .
He is fighting the case very well, I thought . Really I had thought such questions would be asked by
Mohan sir himself but Himank proved me wrong once again .
‘Aarti Mam is proof’, said Ambikesh .
‘Sir if you say I would like to invite Aarti mam to come and proof that Ambikesh is telling lie’, said
Himank .
‘No there is no need of it I know Ambikesh never use to tell lie’, said Mohan sir .
‘But Ambikesh if Ishaan helped you than why you went against him?’, asked Mohan sir after
thinking for a while .
‘Sir Because for helping me he took 40 rupees with me, which is completely wrong because it’s
duty of a monitor to help each student’, said Ambikesh .
‘Why you charge money for helping Ambikesh?’, said Mohan sir .
‘My lord I charge money for helping Ambikesh because those days one bulb of our classroom was
not working so, after adding 60 rupees from my pocket I bought a LED bulb of 90 rupees and
interpolated that bulb in that holder’, I said with pointing at a bulb holder .
‘Why we believe on you?’, queried Himank .
‘Because till 1st December the bulb was not working and on 2nd December it was working because
on 2nd December I came school earlier and changed the bulb . When I was changing the bulb
Chitranshi was in classroom so, if you still want proof you can ask with Chitranshi’.
‘Sir with your permission I would like to invite Chitranshi to give her statement’, said Himank with
looking frightening an bewilder .
‘Chitranshi come up to Himank and give your statement’, said Mohan sir.
‘Did you saw Ishaan changing bulb?’, asked Himank .
‘Yes’, said Chitranshi.
‘O! Do you remember the timing of the moment?’, asked Himank .
‘No I don’t remember the exact time but yes I remember that the date was 2nd December and it
was early morning’, said Chitranshi as I had told her to .
‘Was there anyone else in classroom?’, asked Himank .
‘No’, said Chitranshi .
‘Then, you can go’, said Himank .
‘Now Himank do you still have any proof?’, asked Mohan sir .
‘Yes sir with your permission I would like to invite Aditya to come forward and give his statement’,
said Himank smiling .
Hash beta Hash it would be your last smile, I thought .
Mohan sir announced for Aditya to come forward and Aditya did then, Himank still smiling
asked,‘ Did you was with me when Ishaan jostled me?’.

‘No I wasn’t with you’, said Aditya .
‘Then, why you complaint against me?’, I queried .
‘Because Krish had given money to me’, said Aditya .
‘What’s the proof?’, shouted Krish .
‘You yourself are proof’, said Aditya .
‘Sir he is telling lie’, shouted Krish .
‘Don’t shout because I can shout as well beat and you don’t need to tell me who is saying lie or
truth’, shouted Mohan sir.
When Mohan sir also shouted on Krish I remembered a idiom my grandma used to say. The idiom
is : ‘Jo bovo ge vohi katoo ge, You would use to reap what you would had swap’.
Himank put his hand on Krish shoulder and silently made him sit .
‘Himank, do you still want to say anything?’, asked Mohan sir .
‘No, sir’, Himank said not smiling this time because this time I was smiling .
‘Ishaan do you want to say anything?’, scrutinize Mohan sir .
‘Yes my lord with your permission I would like to ask a question with all of these students’, I said .
‘You can’, said Mohan sir .
‘So, guys did ever I as a monitor had misused my power?’, I queried .
‘No’, all pupils yelled in unison .
‘But as I remember three days earlier all of you had said that Ishaan misuse his power and he
never complain about his friends and today all of you are saying that he has never misused his
power, what’s the matter?’, asked Mohan sir with doubtful and baffled face .
‘Sir actually Krish had given money to us’, said some students in unison while, some said after
other’s .
‘I hadn’t’, shouted Krish with shaking his head. As he shook his head his long black hair come over
his face .
Within seconds Mohan sir got stand up from his chair and went to Krish . There he collected hairs
of Krish and bumped his head on bench then, lifted his head up through pulling hairs and once
Krish accomplishly brought his face up Mohan sir initiated slapping. After 2 slaps Mohan sir halted
took few deep breathes and then, restarted it . When Mohan sir had slapped almost 6 slaps he
accomplishly halted the slapping and said,‘ I think from today you wouldn’t talking with me in a high
pitched voice and wouldn’t use to shout in my class’.
Krish slightly nodded to Mohan sir because Krish was also in immense anger .
‘Don’t accord money to each students, accord money to barber so that he could cut your hairs’,
said Mohan sir with leaving Krish’s long and black hairs .
‘My lord all truths are in yours’ front so, please do the justice’, I said after Mohan sir got sat on his
chair .
After pondering on every and each things Mohan sir asked,‘ Did you gave money to the students
by yourself or did someone had said you to?’.
‘Sir I didn’t gave money to anyone’, said Krish this time in low pitched voice and moist eyes .
‘Tell me what I asked’, yelled Mohan sir .
There was silence for few minutes then, breaking silence Krish said,‘ Himank and Amit duressed
me to accord money to each students’.
‘O!’, said Mohan sir with looking angrily at Himank .

‘After hearing everybody’s statement I want to say that from today Himank and Amit are no more
monitors, from today merely Ishaan is monitor and as all of us know Himank, Amit and Krish did
the wrong so, as punishment Himank, Krish and Amit would have to do 50 rounds of park of school
incessantly’, said Mohan sir .
Hearing the statement of Mohan sir my eyes came in contact with Shubhi’s and then, we beamed .
‘Sir but ...’
Interrupting Himank Mohan sir said,‘ Shut up’.
‘Sir …’
This time Mohan sir interrupting Amit said,‘ I said Shut up, are you understanding if you aren’t then,
tell me my slaps had made many students to understand’.

‘Where are you going?’, asked Anshu bhai .
‘I am going to take vengeance’, I said smiling .
Before Anshu bhai could ask anything I went ahead .
I reached to Himank’s bench where Himank was doing lunch with his friends .
At Himank’s bench I hold Himank’s lunch box closed it and threw it out of class .
‘How dare …’
I interrupted Himank by slapping him hard across his face with one hand and holding Himank’s
both hand with other hand . As I slapped Himank every student became startled but as 1 minute
passed all girls commenced cheering Ishaan .
After approximately 7 slaps I stopped slapping then, suddenly commenced slapping Amit . I halted
slapping Amit when I had slapped him 5 times accomplishly then, I hold Himank by his hairs and
with him went to the center of classroom so that, each student can clearly see what it mean to
mess with Ishaan .
May be, you would think why Himank and Amit couldn’t slapped me. So, I would like to clear you
this doubt in two words : rule and regulations .
There I said,‘ Be on your knees, hold both ears and then, say sorry bhai to me’.
Himank bend his knees hold his ears but wasn’t saying sorry so, I slapped him once again and
said,‘ I don’t have the whole day’.
‘Sorry bhai’, said Himank .
I picked up my pinky or little finger and putted it in my ear and with shaking it said,‘ What?’ .
‘Sorry bhai’, said Himank this time louder .
I slapped one last time on his right cheek and said,‘ Be in your status, bloody lout bastard’.

‘Congratulations dear’, said my dear .
‘O! What a surprise baby’, I said with embracing her .
After hugging each other we sat together and then, Shubhi said,‘ As usual you won this war also’.
‘Ya!’, I said with slowly holding her hand .

‘Do you remember how you had made me to fell in love with you?’, asked Shubhi .
‘How can I forget it Shoo and correct your self Shoo not merely I had made you to fell in love with
me Anil bhaiya had also helped me’, I said .
‘O!’, said Shoo with looking toward Anil bhaiya.
Before we could talk more something incredible and miserable happened. Shubhi’s uncle who was
going with any work saw Shubhi with me and hand in hand. When he saw her cycle he became
sure and after being sure he came to Shubhi and slapped and yelled at her .
Seeing her uncle Shubhi leaved my hand and begin to weep .
Later slapping her uncle took her with her and prior of going he also slapped me. He went to his
home instantly but notch of slaps given by him went after one hour. He had made me die if Anil
bhaiya hadn’t stopped him .
From that day till 10 years I couldn’t saw Shubhi again even not in school but 10 years later in
month of February on 27 I saw her in another’s arm .

Chapter – 7 : The Conclusion

‘The story was good but I want to ask few questions, can l?’, said Kumar .
‘Obviously yaar’, I said .
‘What if I would tell your wife about Shubhi’, asked Ayush laughing.
‘Nothing she would merely smile because she herself is Shubhi’, I said with chuckling .
‘If you had seen her in another arm’s then how she became your wife’, said Ayush .
‘That’s a different as well as a long story’, I said with controlling my laughs .
‘How was those ten years for you?’, asked Kumar looking sad .
‘I had been died if I hadn’t came across a sage’, I said .
‘Which sage?’, questioned Kumar.
‘I think it’s better if you hear the whole story of my and Shubhi’, I said.
‘We want to hear but it has been 7:30 O clock’, said Kumar .
‘So?’, I asked .
‘It’s time for us to do Aarti’, said Ayush .
‘Aarti?’, I asked baffled .
‘Yes we are sons of pandit of village’, said Kumar.
‘O! but what about story?’, I questioned .
‘Sorry we have to go we am getting late tomorrow we shall listen to your story’, said Kumar and jumped from
his chair and with Ayush went to his house through the stony path .

After Kumar and Ayush went to his home I started looking toward sky .On one side of sky sun was setting and
other side of sky moon was rising. Setting sun and rising moon together were making sky slightly pink .
10 minutes later Shubhi also joined me and then we both under neem holding each other hands were looking at
the pink sky .

I turned the television on and changed the channel to famous talk .
‘Welcome to famous-talk. Today we are with a author known as Kumar. He has written two novels : one fiction
novel and other a autobiography called ‘A Non-destined Writer’. Sir tell us something about the story of a non
destined writer ’, said the interviewer .
‘Through the story I narrate how because of a person I from a normal villager became a author’, said Kumar .
Upon hearing Kumar’s statement, I smiled .
…to be continued
Thank You


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