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Word Word

Word Base word Meaning Dutch

level Type

obscure obscure not known to many people onbekend

acquaintances acquaintance a person that you have met but do not know well kennis
agricultural agricultural used for farming or relating to farming agrarisch
animate animate having life levend
banality banality the quality of being boring, ordinary, and not original banaliteit

the action of supporting or opposing a particular person or

bias bias thing in an unfair way, because vooroordeel C2 noun/verb
of allowing personal opinions to influence your judgment

a line of people, vehicles, horses,

cavalcade cavalcade stoet c1 noun
etc. following a particular route as part of a ceremony

an older person who is present at

chaperone chaperone begeleider noun
a social event for young people to encouragecorrect behaviour

chime chime to make a clear ringing sound luiden verb

chugging chug to make the sound of an engine or motor, or to move puffen verb
to mention something as proof for a theory or as
citing cite citeren verb
a reason why something has happened
an explanation or more details that makes
clarification clarification verduidelijking c1 noun
something clear or easier to understand

a small group of people who spend their time together and

cliques clique kliek noun
do not welcome other people into that group

to spend time considering a possible future action, or to

contemplating contemplate consider one particular thing for a long time in a serious and beschouwen c2 verb
quiet way
to become covered in many small lines and folds, or
crinkle crinkle rimpelen verb
to cause something to do this
making someone confused about where they are, where they
disorienting disorient desoriënterend adjective
are going, or what is happening

to notice or understand the difference between two things,

distinguished distinguish onderscheiden b2 verb
or to make one person or thing seem different from another

divert divert to cause something or someone to change direction afleiden c2 verb

duskier dusky dark in colour schemeriger adjective

embody embody to represent a quality or an idea exactly belichamen c2 verb
ensemble ensemble a group of things ensemble noun
estuary estuary the wide part of a river at the place where it joins the sea riviermonding noun
seeming larger, more important, better, or worse than it
exaggerated exaggerated overdreven adjective
really is

exploration exploration he activity of searching and finding out about something verkenning noun

featuring feature a typical quality or an important part of something voorzien zijn van b2 noun

serious crime that can be punished by one or

felonies felony strafbaar feit noun
more years in prison
fumed Fume to be very angry, sometimes without expressing it vlaag van woede verb

gag gag a joke or funny story, especially one told by a comedian grap noun
A person, usually a boy or young man, who is
gangly gangly slungelig adjective
very tall and thin and movesawkwardly

gauzy gauzy made of a very thin, light cloth gaas adjective

not behaving, dressing, or appearing in the way gender-niet-
gender-nonconforming gender-nonconforming adjective
that society expects for your gender conform
to spend time doing nothing important or behaving in
goof around goof around gek doen verb
a silly way
grimy grimy dirty smerig adjective

humble humble not proud or not believing that you are important nederig adjective
having none of the characteristics of life that
inanimate onbezield adjective
an animal or plant has

shy, quiet, and preferring to spend time alone rather than

introverted in zichzelf gekeerd adjective
often being with other people

If someone speaks with a lisp, they pronounce "s" and

lisp lispelen noun/verb
"z" sounds like "th"
The narrow piece of land between the two halves of
median strips middenstroken noun
a large road

nebula a cloud of gas or dust in space, appearing either bright or dark

nevel noun
nook a small space that is hidden or partly sheltered hoekje noun
the group of people or things that are the
nucleus nucleus noun
most important part of something

a name someone
Pseudonyms schuilnaam noun
uses instead of their real name, especially on a written work

quipped quip a humorous and clever remark grapte noun

ransacked ransack to search a place or container in a violent and careless way geplunderd verb

a feeling, thought, memory, etc. that a piece of writing

resonance or music makes you have, or the quality in a piece of resonantie noun
writing, etc. that makes this happen
relating to the making of clothes, usually men's clothes, or
sartorial kleermakers adjective
to a way of dressing
looking old and in bad condition because of being used for
shabbier shabby armoediger c1 adjective
a long time or not being cared for

to stand, sit, or walk with

slouches slouch the shoulders hanging forward and slungelig verb
the head bent slightlyover so that you look tired and bored

large group of people who live together in

an organized way, making decisionsabout how to do things
society and sharing the work that needs to be done. All maatschappij b1 noun
the people in a country, or in several similar countries, can
be referred to as a society

sprawls to spread the arms and legs out carelessly and untidily while strekt
or lying
uit dow verb

empty, simple, or obvious, especially without decoration or

stark grimmig ajdective/adver
anything that is not necessary/ extreme

a person or animal that is last in a group to do something or

stragglers straggler achterblijver noun
the last to get to or leave a place
surreptitiously secretly, without anyone seeing or knowing stiekem adverb

an untidy mass of things that are not in a state of order, or

tangle wirwar noun
a state of confusion or difficulty

tousled having hair that looks untidy, as if it has been rubbed verward adjective
traversing traverse to move or travel through an area doorkruisen verb
to have a continuous up and down shape or movement,
undulating undulate golvend verb
like waves on the sea
unquellable quell Unstoppable onbedwingbaar verb

to make
validating validate valideren verb
something officially acceptable or approved, especially after examining it

in a way that uses exactly the same words as

verbatim woordelijk adverb
were originally used
wit the ability to use words in a clever and humorous way geestig persoon c1 noun

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