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Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 19 (2019) 155–166

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Review Article

A review on lake eutrophication dynamics and recent

developments in lake modeling
Biswajit Bhagowati, Kamal Uddin Ahamad *
Department of Civil Engineering, Tezpur University, Napaam 784028, Assam, India


Article history: Lake eutrophication is one of the major ecological concerns over the world in recent times.
Received 12 July 2017 Most of the [21_TD$IF]freshwater lakes and wetlands are facing the problem of water quality
deterioration and ecological imbalance due to the increasing anthropogenic activities
Accepted 6 March 2018 particularly in developing countries. The understanding of the mechanism and
Available online 12 March 2018 identification of the sources of eutrophication will be beneficial to [2_TD$IF]mitigate the problem
through proper management policy. Mechanism and effects of eutrophication[23_TD$IF] described
Keywords: within various case studies all over the world, and [24_TD$IF]the [25_TD$IF]evolution [26_TD$IF]of [27_TD$IF]modelling approaches
Algal bloom
for their mitigation has been reviewed in this paper. [28_TD$IF]With [29_TD$IF]the [30_TD$IF]advancement [31_TD$IF]of [32_TD$IF]ecosystem
[3_TD$IF]modeling, [34_TD$IF]it [35_TD$IF]has [36_TD$IF]become [37_TD$IF]feasible [38_TD$IF]for [39_TD$IF]the [40_TD$IF]governmental bodies and [41_TD$IF]policy [42_TD$IF]makers [43_TD$IF]to
Static models
[4_TD$IF]propose [45_TD$IF]better [46_TD$IF]lake [47_TD$IF]control [48_TD$IF]schemes [49_TD$IF]and [50_TD$IF]restoration [51_TD$IF]programs, [52_TD$IF]through [53_TD$IF]their better
Dynamic models predictive capacity. [54_TD$IF]While [5_TD$IF]prediction [56_TD$IF]and [57_TD$IF]control [58_TD$IF]of eutrophication of lakes now has
[59_TD$IF]become [60_TD$IF]easier [61_TD$IF]than [62_TD$IF]before, [63_TD$IF]refinements [64_TD$IF]are [65_TD$IF]still [6_TD$IF]going [67_TD$IF]on [68_TD$IF]owing to the ever-increased
complexity and [69_TD$IF]lake [70_TD$IF]specific [71_TD$IF]problems [72_TD$IF]that [4_TD$IF]require [73_TD$IF]wider [74_TD$IF]experience [75_TD$IF]and [76_TD$IF]more details. The
current status of knowledge about lake eutrophication and advances in ecological[7_TD$IF] and
hydrodynamic modeling will be of great use for future research prospects.
ß 2018 European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the deeper parts of the waterbody due to the decay of

detritus which leads to fish kills (OECD, 1982; Schindler
Eutrophication is one of the most challenging environ- et al., 2008; Wang and Wang, 2009). Eutrophication may
mental problems that the surface water bodies are facing lead to severe health hazards to human and animals
in present time (Smith and Schindler, 2009; Li-kun et al., through various pathways. It is a major health threat if
2017). Eutrophication is an ecological process, similar to drinking water is collected from [78_TD$IF]an [79_TD$IF]eutrophied [80_TD$IF]waterbody.
aging, in which a water body is increasingly enriched with Eutrophication also results in serious ecological problems
essential nutrients of the aquatic plants (Rast and as well as have impact on the esthetic view and economy.
Thornton, 1996) which results in increase of the primary In general, lake eutrophication phenomenon can be
productivity, i.e. rate of photosynthesis of the aquatic classified into two categories; natural and cultural. Natural
ecosystem (Qin et al., 2013). The most common signs of eutrophication process takes place very slowly in geologi-
eutrophication in lakes and rivers involve heavy algal cal time but can be greatly accelerated by anthropogenic
blooms resulting in high turbidity and anoxic conditions in activities which is generally referred to as man-made or
cultural eutrophication (Rast and Thornton, 1996; Khan
and Ansari, 2005; Serrano et al., 2017). Increases in
* Corresponding author. populations, environmental pollution in various forms,
E-mail address: (K.U. Ahamad). intensification of land use and application of nutrients as
1642-3593/ß 2018 European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
156 B. Bhagowati, K.U. Ahamad / Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 19 (2019) 155–166

agricultural fertilizers in the developed countries from the agricultural areas, carries fertilizers, pesticides, sediment,
1940s onwards (Chloupek et al., 2004) and use of and/or industrial effluent that accelerate eutrophication
phosphate compounds in laundry detergents from the when discharged into a [94_TD$IF]waterbody (Smith et al., 1999).
1950s (Kroes, 1980) have accelerated cultural eutrophica- Surface waters may host increased growth of algae or
tion of water bodies all over the world. In the middle of cyanobacteria, wherever conditions of temperature, light
twentieth century eutrophication was recognized as a and nutrient status are conducive. When such propagation
water pollution problem in many [81_TD$IF]Western European and is dominated by a single (or a few) species, the phenomenon
North American lakes and reservoirs (Rohde, 1969). is referred to as an algal or cyanobacterial bloom (Chorus
Thereafter, it has become more widespread, especially in and Bartram, 1999).
some regions; it has caused deterioration in the aquatic Eutrophication is a process of nutrient enrichment and
environment and serious problems for water use, particu- is used to characterize the state of aquatic ecosystems. The
larly in drinking-water treatment. ‘trophic status’ of the [94_TD$IF]waterbody is used as a description of
It is generally accepted that excessive nutrient input the [94_TD$IF]waterbody for this purpose. To understand the nutrient
mainly nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), are the key factors status of a [94_TD$IF]waterbody the terms oligotrophic, mesotrophic,
accelerating the process of eutophication in aquatic eutrophic and hypertrophic are normally used (Walmsley,
ecosystems (Vollenweider, 1968; Hecky and Kilham, 2000). Oligotrophic is the state of low in nutrient
1988; Lowery, 1998; Smith, 1998; Gurkan et al., 2006). concentration and not productive in terms of aquatic
Because nutrients can come from different point and non- animal and plant life. These lakes have very little algal
point sources comprehensive strategies are required to production and suitable for drinking purpose. Mesotrophic
mitigate or reverse eutrophication (Carpenter et al., 1998, is an intermediate level of nutrients, fairly productive in
Smith et al., 1999). Earlier studies revealed that eutrophi- terms of aquatic animal and plant life and showing the
cation can be managed by limiting the nutrient input (N or initiation of signs of water quality problems. Eutrophic is
P) to the waterbody (Schindler, 2006), however, proper the state where [94_TD$IF]waterbody is rich in nutrient concentra-
knowledge of physical, chemical and biological processes tion, very productive in terms of aquatic animal and plant
that occur in the waterbody during eutrophication process life and shows increasing signs of water quality problems.
gives better restoration success (Lewtas et al., 2015). With Due to the increased algal load, water becomes less
the advent of mathematical modeling approach to transparent. Hypertrophic is the state where excessive
encounter eutrophication problem after the work of nutrient concentrations prevail, and plant growth may be
Vollenweider (1968), Schindler (1977), Dillon and Rigler determined by physical factors. Water quality problems
(1974), etc. few decades back, new dimension has been are serious and almost continuous. Water becomes less
achieved in lake restoration programs as these models can transparent and aquatic life ceases at lower depths due to
give a better insight to the problem and very much loss in dissolved oxygen content. To assess the trophic
accurate in terms of its predictive power (Bryhn and status of a [94_TD$IF]waterbody there is no perfect or fixed evaluation
Hakanson, 2007). In this paper, an attempt has been made criteria. However, to assess the trophic stage or eutrophi-
to review various lake eutrophication cases all over the cation, the general parameters adopted were total nutrient
world and recent advances in ecological modeling for lake concentration (N and P), algal chlorophyll, water transpar-
restoration and eutrophication control programs. The ency and dissolved oxygen concentration etc. Although
development of ecological modeling from the late 80s, there are numbers of assessment parameters, for simplici-
different model types, various factors and processes ty it is convenient to associate the trophic status in terms of
considered in modeling context especially the recent ones nutrient concentration as this is the key factor controlling
has been addressed in this paper which may be useful to the process (Yang et al., 2008). General guideline for the
encounter new research challenges. nutrient concentrations representing different trophic
status of a [94_TD$IF]waterbody are summarized in Table 1.
2. Eutrophication mechanism and assessment It was reported by Yang et al. (2008), that as the total
phosphorus and nitrogen [95_TD$IF]concentrations [96_TD$IF]exceed 20 mg/L
Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are the key elements for and 300 mg/L respectively[97_TD$IF], this initiates the concern of
the algae, bacteria, protozoa, and other aquatic [82_TD$IF]organisms eutrophication. Richardson et al. (2007) have considered a
that compose the [83_TD$IF]freshwater ecosystem. But excessive threshold concentration of total phosphorus [98_TD$IF]at 12–15 mg/L
inflow of these elements may result in eutrophication of which creates ecological imbalance of algal, macrophytes
water bodies. To minimize the organic pollution of water, and other aquatic organisms. Apart from the mentioned
general practice is to reduce the biochemical oxygen indicators to assess water eutrophication some other
demand (BOD) level of household and industrial waste- parameters also have been developed in recent times.
waters which positively [84_TD$IF]correlates [85_TD$IF]with organic pollution. Cheng and Li (2006) have defined total nutrient status
[86_TD$IF]Higher [87_TD$IF]concentration of nitrogen and [8_TD$IF]phosphorous in the index (TNI) as a parameter to measure the trophic state of a
public water areas, may cause negative ecological con- [94_TD$IF]waterbody. TNI is a parameter which relates all other
sequences on aquatic ecosystem structures, processes and parameters concerned viz. total nitrogen (TN), total
functions, [89_TD$IF]result in fast growth[5_TD$IF] of phytoplankton[6_TD$IF], and phosphorus (TP), Chlorophyll a, dissolved oxygen (DO),
deteriorate water quality, especially in the summer. chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biological oxygen
Application of [90_TD$IF]fertilizers and chemicals to[7_TD$IF] crops and their demand (BOD) of water. Yang et al. (2008) have
subsequent [91_TD$IF]runoff to the nearby [92_TD$IF]waterbodies may also [93_TD$IF]cause recommended the use of biological indicators for moni-
nutrient enrichment. Runoff, especially from urban and toring aquatic ecosystem health as eutrophication results
B. Bhagowati, K.U. Ahamad / Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 19 (2019) 155–166 157

Table 1
N and P concentrations in different trophic states of water bodies.

Trophic status Total phosphorus (mg/L) Total nitrogen (mg/L) References

Oligotrophic 5–10 250–600 Cheng and Li (2006), Richardson et al. (2007), Yang et al. (2008)
Mesotrophic 10–30 500–1100
Eutrophic 30–100 1000–2000
Hypertrophic >100 >2000

in degradation of the same. Biological indicators may different parts of the world are summarized in Table 2
include aspects considering structural and functional along with the major causes for eutrophication in the
mechanisms. Structural aspect such as phytoplankton cell particular lake. For most of the cases presented here, it has
size and biomass, zooplankton[1_TD$IF] size and biomass, phyto- been observed that the major cause of lake eutrophication
plankton to zooplankton ratio etc. can be considered. are human induced ones and, so it is the cultural
Functional indicators can be resource use efficiency, eutrophication which needs to be given utmost attention.
production to respiration ratio etc. According to the widely It is evident that cultural eutrophication cases are ever
accepted definition, eutrophication is the process by which increasing in all parts of the world.
water ecosystems become enriched in dissolved nutrients In China, water eutrophication has been reported in 67
(mainly phosphates and nitrates) – this means that the lakes which is about 51.2% of the total number of lakes.
cause of eutrophication is always the excess of biogenic According to Yang et al. (2008), approximately 30 billion
substances. However, the effect of eutrophication may be ton of polluted water would be discharged directly into the
deterioration of water quality and blooms of algae and lakes, therefore, by 2030, all the urban lakes and most of
cyanobacteria. For these effects to occur, the conditions the medium-sized lakes at the urban–rural fringe areas in
that favor them are necessary like high concentration of TN China may be facing the problem of water eutrophication.
and TP, favorable temperature and environmental condi- In India, majority of lakes and urban water bodies are also
tions, slow current velocity and microbial activity and facing the problem of water quality deterioration and
biodiversity in the [94_TD$IF]waterbody (Li and Liao, 2002). decrease in water volume because of rapid urbanization
and industrialization. In the beginning of 1960s Bangalore
city had 262 lakes, now only 10 hold water. Similarly, in
3. Case studies 2001, 137 lakes were listed in Ahmedabad city, and over 65
were reported being already built over (Excreta Matters,
According to the survey of International Lake Environ- 2012). There are other examples in India that shows such
ment committee (ILEC), (1988–1993), in the Asia Pacific devastating state of urban water bodies and degradation of
Region, 54% of lakes are eutrophic; the proportions for water quality. Garg et al. (2002) have conducted a study on
Europe, Africa, North America and South America are 53%, three lakes of Bhopal viz. Upper Lake, Lower Lake and
28%, 48% and 41% respectively. Tremendous increase in Mansarovar Lake in India. The potential fertility of lake
human population in the last century have converted waters and aquatic flora was examined, and it was
eutrophication from local issue to a global concern reported that the highest level of eutrophication was
(Wassmann and Olli, 2005). So limnological studies on found in Mansarovar Lake. Lake Mirik in the Darjeeling,
lakes, rivers, and streams have been emphasized in recent was studied for its hydro[10_TD$IF]-biological properties and it was
times due to degradation of water quality due to [102_TD$IF]demonstrated that in various portions of the lake nutrient
eutrophication (Saxena et al., 1988). Lake Erie, one of concentration[103_TD$IF] had been very high and potable water
the largest of the Great Lakes in North America is a best quality [104_TD$IF]had been spoiled (Jha and Barat, 2003). Other cases
example of eutrophication due to manmade problems. The of [105_TD$IF]lake [106_TD$IF]eutrophication have been reported to Fatheh Sagar
lake (388 km long and 92 km wide) has a maximum depth lake in Udaipur[12_TD$IF], Sagar lake in Madhya Pradesh (Pathak and
of 64 m and an average depth of 19 m. Since the lake is Pathak, 2012)[107_TD$IF]; the reasons for deterioration of water
shallow and warm, and it is highly rich in nutrients, the quality for all the cases primarily being high nutrient
lake is biologically the most productive (Reutter, 1989). enrichment through anthropogenic activities.
Nutrient enrichment mainly with phosphorus in the lake
has resulted in huge blooms of floating blue-green algae
and the attached green algae. The blooms resulted in lesser 4. Eutrophication control and modeling approach
light penetration in the lake which reduced the photosyn-
thesis and oxygen production by other phytoplankton For a successful lake restoration and eutrophication
groups. Further depletion in the dissolved oxygen was mitigation plan, the basic aim is to identify the sources of
observed as the bloomed algae died (Reutter, 1989). It was pollution and their subsequent remediation. Prevention of
observed all forms of [9_TD$IF]phosphorus entering Lake Erie were domestic and industrial wastewater disposal into the
not biologically available to phytoplanktons; the reduction water bodies, removal of nutrients in wastewater treat-
of bioavailable or soluble phosphorus is more important ment level were used successfully for lake restoration in
than reducing total [10_TD$IF]phosphorus (TP) input to control 1960s in some of the lakes. In 1936, Lake Monona in USA
nutrient overloading (Welch and Cronke, 1987). A sum- was successfully restored by diverting the sewage to
mary of different cases of eutrophication in major lakes in another lake and algal bloom reduced noticeably
158 B. Bhagowati, K.U. Ahamad / Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 19 (2019) 155–166

Table 2
Lake eutrophication cases from different parts of the world.

Region Lake Depth The main cause References

Florida, USA Okeechobee Lake Max. 3.7 m, Large P inputs from surrounding area. Schelske (1989)
Ave. 2.7 m.
Florida, USA Apopka Lake Ave. 4.7 m. High P loading from floodplain farms; elevated Coveney et al. (2002)
levels of nutrients, phytoplankton, and
suspended matter.
Louisiana, USA City Park Lake – Sewage contamination from the neighboring Ruley and Rusch (2002)
Washington, USA 17 Western – Internal P loading was reported as major cause Welch and Cronke (1987)
Washington Lakes compared to external sources for summer algal
Northern Greece Pamvotis Lake Max. 11 m, Ave. Discharge from Agricultural, industrial and Romero et al. (2002),
4.5 m. urban sectors in last 40 years. Søndergaard et al. (2007)
Poland Jaroslawieckie Lake Max. 6.56 m Large catchment area of agriculture and forests Peleehaty et al. (1997)
Mean 3.68 m
Greece Kastoria Lake – Surface runoff rich in agricultural wastes and Koussouris et al. (1991)
underground seepage from urban and rural
Between Switzerland Lugano Lake Max. 288 m High discharge of P (140 mg/m3) and oxygen in Barbieri and Simona (2001)
and Italy (Glacial lake) Ave. 134 m the hypolimnion reduced to zero
Netherlands Majority of the Shallow lakes The input of P & N and of polluted waters from Gulati and van Donk (2002)
lakes the rivers and canals
Denmark Majority of the Shallow lakes High nutrient input from domestic sources and Jeppesen et al. (1999)
lakes agricultural activities
Zimbabwe Chivero Lake Max. 27 m Hypereutrophic with sewage effluents Nhapi (2004)
(Ramsar wetland)
China Taihu Lake Ave. 2 m Nutrients unloading from local industries and Weimin et al. (1997), Jin
(Shallow lake) agricultural areas et al. (2005)
Japan Biwa Lake (surface Max. 104 m Urbanization and industrialization in the Yamashiki et al. (2003)
area 674 km2) vicinity of the lake
India Lake Bellandur Max. 9.21 m Addition of effluents from the urbanized city Chandrashekar et al. (2003)
(surface area and presently in hypereutrophic stage
3.61 km2)
Assam, India Deepor Beel, a Max. 4 m Continuous flow of sewage and municipal solid Churing Still Water (2012)
RAMSAR wetland Ave. 1 m waste dumping have degraded the water
quality severely

(Edmondson, 1969). But it was quite obvious that this obtained from the work of Schindler (1977). Schindler
measure just shifted the problem to the other lake. In a (1977) conducted study on three experimental lakes in
joint effort between US and Canada in 1972, lake Canada for several years and observed that algal biomass is
restoration had been implemented to Lake Erie which dependent on TP concentration and not on TN as the short-
mainly focused on reducing the domestic and industrial term N deficits are compensated by cyanobacterial fixation
input to the lake and it was reported that phosphorus loads of atmospheric N in due course of time. Therefore, it was
from municipal discharges reduced by 84% in 1985 concluded that it is the TP and not the TN that need to be
(Makarewicz and Bertram, 1991). However, presence of removed in order to prevent eutrophication. But generality
other species such as Microcystis, Anabaena, Aphanizome- of this concept has been disputed in the later phase by
non, etc. were observed thereafter and other factors such as other researchers (Elser et al., 1990; Bergström et al., 2005)
increased agricultural runoff, climatic factors[108_TD$IF], etc. contin- where mainly N was found responsible for lake eutrophi-
ued to alter the natural ecosystem balance of the Great cation and considerably low N fixation rate has been
[109_TD$IF]Lakes (Kane et al., 2009; Hecky et al., 2004). Similarly, observed. Though the debate was centered mainly on N
water quality improvement in Lake Washington has been and P, some other micronutrients such as iron, sulphate,
reported by Edmondson (1969), by nutrient removal in silicon, molybdenum and organic micronutrients (e.g.
waste water treatment plants. However[10_TD$IF], more detailed and vitamins) were also paid attention by Rast and Thornton
scientific insight to tackle eutrophication came after the (1996). But these components were found to be of more
work of Vollenweider (1968, 1976), where algorithms importance in case of marine ecosystem (Riley and
were provided to calculate nutrient retention in lakes. He Chester, 1971; Provasoli and Carlucci, 1974; Rast and
gave the concept of permissible levels of total nitrogen Lee, 1978). Based on these findings several [13_TD$IF]static (Vollen-
(TN) and total phosphorus (TP) by considering the volume weider type) models have been developed in the succeed-
of the [1_TD$IF]waterbody [12_TD$IF]where high volume of nutrient loading is ing period which were more or less accurate in terms of its
permissible for larger lakes. Other parameters such as predictive power and [14_TD$IF]were site specific. However, with
internal phosphorus loading from sediments, water the development of dynamic time dependent models
retention time, gaseous nitrogen fixation, etc. and their in recent times, it has been possible to apply them with
role also has been considered in this work. Another major better accuracy and also has wide range of limnological
scientific knowledge on eutrophication mitigation was domain (Bryhn and Hakanson, 2007). Development of the
B. Bhagowati, K.U. Ahamad / Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 19 (2019) 155–166 159

above-mentioned types of ecological models and their the scientific insight of this work. The work of Sakamoto
applicability has been discussed in the succeeding section (1966), where the relation of nutrients and chlorophyll-a
and more emphasis has been given to the recent was first established by conducting study in some Japanese
developments in dynamic modeling for lake eutrophica- lakes, were used with data of North American lakes by
tion control. Dillon and Rigler (1974) to form a statistical model
between TP and Chlorophyll-a. In this model correlation
4.1. Modeling approaches coefficient (r2[20_TD$IF]) was 0.95. Another model gained popularity
in eutrophication control is the OECD model, which is an
In general, all the ecological models are more or less empirical modification of the Vollenweider model. This
empirical and mechanistic (Aldenberg et al., 1995) and can model was tested for 87 lakes with varying values of TP
be classified as static Vollenweider type models and concentration and retention time and results yielded
dynamic models (Bryhn and Hakanson, 2007). Static correlation coefficient (r2) value as 0.86. Many other
models consider that lake has received a constant nutrient similar static load models were presented thereafter by
input for a long time; that is, based on steady state Kirchner and Dillon (1975), Larsen and Mercier (1976),
assumption. These models calculate nutrient concentra- Jones and Bachmann (1976), Nicholls and Dillon (1978),
tion in lake water from lake specific parameters such as Ostrofsky (1978), Chapra and Reckhow (1979), Nurnberg
nutrient retention time, mean depth of [15_TD$IF]a [80_TD$IF]waterbody, water (1984), Ahlgren et al. (1988), etc. All these static models
flushing rate apart from nutrient input rate etc. and are were designed in more or less similar fashion. It is
based on comparative studies. It has the advantage that, it considered that the lake is a completely mixed steady
is suitable for non-specialists and are easy to use and can state reactor and one or few simple equations were
give rough estimation of nutrient concentration. On the employed to calculate the outflow load of nutrients, mainly
other hand, dynamic eutrophication models require more P, with outflow water and the quantity of load retained in
input parameters compared to static models and they sediments. The input variables considered in these models
show the variations with time while the latter is bound are nutrient influx (TP concentration), water retention
within certain time span. A dynamic model generally time and occasionally water mean depth. General output
consists of ordinary or partial differential equations and variables are TP in the lake water and TP retention. These
describes the dynamic mass balance of nutrients in aquatic models are very simple as the input variable for any lake
ecosystem. Since nutrient fluxes [16_TD$IF]into [15_TD$IF]a [80_TD$IF]waterbody are not can be measured and by using simple empirical relation-
constant but vary with time, a dynamic model may predict ships output variable may be found out. Nutrient
the nutrient concentration more accurately as shown in concentration in inflow water can be measured directly
Fig. 1 (Bryhn, 2008). However, many of the driving and by conducting morphometric study, mean depth of
variables in dynamic modeling may come with certain water and water retention time can be found out. For
uncertainty whose variations and knowledge are generally example, Canfield and Bachmann (1981) adopted follow-
very poor (Jensen et al., 2006) so getting rid of such ing empirical equations to predict mean annual TP
uncertainty is a major challenge in dynamic modeling. concentration in lake water.
Most of the eutrophication models in the early develop-
TP ¼ 0:8L=ðDm ð0:0942ðL=Dm Þ0:422 þ KTÞ
ment stage were static types, but rapid development in
TP ¼ 0:49L=ðDm ð0:0926ðL=Dm Þ0:510 þ KTÞ
dynamic modeling has been observed in the recent times
TP ¼ 0:603L=ðDm ð0:257 þ KTÞ
as these models can give a deeper insight into the
eutrophication mechanism with higher predictive power. where TP is Annual mean lake TP concentration in mg/
m3[17_TD$IF], L is area TP load in mg/m2-year, Dm is mean water
4.2. Early development stage depth, KT is lake water retention (or sedimentation) rate in
year1. Due to their simplicity, static models gained
The first eutrophication model was given by Vollen- popularity and frequently used in practical lake mitigation
weider in 1968 as discussed earlier. Development of and control plans. But these models do not account for
ecological modeling in the succeeding period was based on factors such as internal nutrient loading from the
sediments, bioavailable nutrient concentration, seasonal
variation of nutrient flux etc. which lead to uncertainty in
predicting nutrient concentration for individual lakes
(Håkanson, 1999). Especially, its nutrient predictive
efficiency will seriously hamper in case of recovering
lakes having internal nutrient loading where the lakes are
not at all in steady state (Jensen et al., 2006). These factors
prompt the development and popularity of dynamic
models in the recent times and are found to have better
accuracy over the static ones.

4.3. Recent developments in modeling approach

Fig. 1. A dynamic mass balance of an aquatic ecosystem. From the late 90s to till date, ecological modeling has
Source: Bryhn (2008). developed tremendously. Now it has become possible to
160 B. Bhagowati, K.U. Ahamad / Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 19 (2019) 155–166

Fig. 2. Typical dynamic eutrophication model diagram showing different variables and processes.
Source: Jørgensen (1999).

find a eutrophication model suitable for any kind of lake mean depth, nutrient inflow and climatic factors had been
with better predictive capacity. But still new lake models considered for model input variables. From the model
are developing day by day, having wider and complex uncertainty and sensitivity analysis it was concluded that
domain for better restoration policy making. Now a day, quantifying allochthonous and autochthonous SPM gener-
the dynamic models are quite advanced and tend to ation were quite uncertain to predict compared to internal
consider various aspects of the problem by coupling processes like sedimentation and mineralization.
ecological and hydrodynamic processes, adaptation and
alteration in species composition in[19_TD$IF] a waterbody, etc. 4.3.2. Integration of sophisticated mathematical approaches
(Jørgensen, 2010). Fig. 2 illustrates a typical dynamic in ecological modeling
eutrophication model with different variables and pro- Yadav et al. (2017) have used satellite remote sensing (a
cesses (Jørgensen, 1999). Models such as ‘‘PCLake’’ Landsat-8 image) to develop a model for shallow, eutrophic
(Aldenberg et al., 1995; Janse, 2005) ‘‘Lake Mab’’ lake Biwa in Japan. The model was used to evaluate the
(Håkanson, 2000; Håkanson and Boulion, 2002), ‘‘LEEDS’’ submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) coverage area and its
(Håkanson and Carlsson, 1998; Håkanson, 1999a,b; biomass for the peak growth period. Algorithm based on the
Malmaeus and Håkanson, 2004) etc. developed in the linear regression approach (R2[18_TD$IF] = 0.77) was used to deter-
late 90s gained popularity and modifications were mine the water clarity for the period 2013–2016, which was
implemented in the later phases are well documented later used for SAV classification and biomass estimation. It
in the literature, hence not repeated in this paper. In the was found that water clarity is very much essential for the
present paper a general overview of the new techniques SAV detection and biomass estimation using satellite
and factors that are being considered in ecological remote sensing in shallow eutrophic lakes and the results
modeling in recent times are discussed as presented demonstrates the successful application of satellite-based
below under different sub-headings. approach for SAV biomass estimation in shallow eutrophic
lakes. Yan et al. (2017) have proposed a rough set and
4.3.1. Suspended particulate matter (SPM) multidimensional cloud model (RSMCM) for prediction of
Malmaeus and Håkanson (2003) have given a dynamic trophic status and nutrient status value of water bodies. This
model for prediction of suspended particulate matter model was applied to 24 major lakes and the results were
(SPM) in lake water. Various pathways of SPM have been very much consistent and give more accuracy compared to
considered such as tributary inflow, indigenous produc- other models.
tion, sedimentation, transportation, erosion, re-suspen-
sion, mixing etc. The model has been tested against 4.3.3. Hysteresis response of vegetation and water quality
empirical data set of several European lakes and it was Zhang et al. (2003a,b) have developed a structurally
seen that it had close agreement with the empirical data dynamic model for Lake Mogan to show the hysteresis
set. All the easily accessible variables such as lake area, response of vegetation and water quality with increases
B. Bhagowati, K.U. Ahamad / Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 19 (2019) 155–166 161

phosphate concentration. The model had[120_TD$IF] in total nine state 4.3.5. Biomanipulation
variables including P in phytoplankton, zooplankton, the Another model was given by Gurkan et al. (2006), for
sediment, the pore water in the sediment, the submerged Lake Fure in Denmark, considering three prognosis
plants, epiphytes, the detritus, soluble reactive phosphate scenarios for forecasting the restoration effects. The model
(PO42) and planktivorous fish in the lake. It was found that was validated by taking two years data and it was reported
in between TP concentration 0.16 and 0.25 mg/L, water that the combined effect of aeration of sediment and
state changes from fresh to turbid bringing in significant biomanipulation by removing the trash fish was more
changes in submerged plants. The model was able to successful for reduction of Phytoplankton and TP in the
predict the shifts from submerged vegetation to phyto- lake compared to individual application of processes.
plankton at about 0.25 mg/L P-concentration and again However, the model had some limitation as the data used
from phytoplankton at about 0.10 mg/L P-concentration were having lower confidence which resulted in large
which similar to the observations by Scheffer et al. (2001). deviations in the validation simulations for zooplankton,
Through the model results, it was concluded that restora- the peak values of cyanobacteria, and the timing of
tion of shallow lakes is much slower than eutrophication phytoplankton, zooplankton and cyanobacteria in the
rate and above the threshold concentration of P, i.e. calibration and validation simulations. In a study carried
0.25 mg/L, restoration of submerged plants may not be out by Ofir et al. (2017), a food web modeling approach
feasible. have been used to predict the impact of lake biomanipula-
tion on water quality by taking Lake Kinneret as a case
4.3.4. Multi variable models study. In this study, a time dynamic model (Ecosim) has
Arhonditsis and Brett (2005a,b) had proposed a complex been used which is based on Ecopath model to study lake’s
multi elemental model for restoration of Lake Washington, food web (Ofir et al., 2016). The model was used to see the
USA. The model takes into account multiple nutrient cycles effect of the long term biomanipulation program imple-
(C, N, P, Si, O), different phytoplankton and zooplankton mented in the lake from 1996 to 2012. The model includes
diversities. The model provided a good fit between total 26 groups, considering different groups of phyto-
simulated and observed monthly values with relative error plankton, zooplankton and fish species to represent
below 20% for major water quality parameters like TP, TN, important components of lake foodweb. The simulation
DO, phytoplankton, etc. The model could successfully results revealed that the biomanipulation program applied
simulate the loading scenario of 1962 (when the lake in the lake failed to improve the water quality, rather it
received maximum treated sewage effluent) and predicted deteriorates the water quality with increase in phyto-
the phytoplankton response, nitrogen and phosphorus plankton growth.
cycles accurately. Zhao et al. (2008) have proposed
consideration of wide range of variables for improvement 4.3.6. Seasonal variation of [12_TD$IF]nutrient [12_TD$IF]budget and foodweb
of eutrophication models. They suggested use of multiple interactions
nutrients cycles (P, N, Si, C and O), functional groups of Jensen et al. (2006) have developed an empirical model
phytoplankton (diatoms, green algae and cyanobacteria), for seasonal fluctuation of TP concentration to external
and inclusion of two zooplankton groups: copepods and loading in 16 shallow eutrophic lakes in Denmark based on
cladocerans into account. Their model results suggest that 7–8 years mass balance data. The model was intended to
use of recent advances in stoichiometric nutrient recycling describe the early recovery phase where external loading is
theory is beneficial in examination of the food quality. Their low compared to internal loading. Model results revealed
results indicate significant model improvement but param- that estimated mean TP concentration deviated 12% on
eterization particularly of the zooplankton processes should average compared to the observed values and closely
be reliable and robust. resembled the seasonal dynamics following the external
Mukherjee et al. (2008) have developed a model for loading reduction. However, the model was not able to
analysis of the carbon cycle in a simulated pond for describe the seasonal variations during the shift from
assessment of cultural eutrophication. The major processes turbid to clear water state. Håkanson and Boulion (2002),
studied were photosynthesis, respiration and decomposi- have developed a model named ‘‘Lake Foodweb’’ to
tion that play an important part in balancing the nutrient quantify all lake foodweb interactions where a sub-model
content of the system and maintain a dynamic equilibrium. ‘‘LakeMab’’ was first presented for TP, which is a process
In eutrophication models, the carbon cycle is usually not based mass balance model. Thereafter this model has been
considered in detail, but this model study shows that the modified by Håkanson and Bryhn (2008) for TP applicable
nutrients processes are dependent on proper and detailed to all types of lakes. This model is based on ordinary
description of the carbon cycle. Insights of this work may differential equations and mass balance of inflow, outflow
have great application in development of eutrophication and internal fluxes. Model was tested for different 41
models. Perhar et al. (2013), have given a zooplankton numbers of lakes and it was found that that model could
submodel to study the behavior of zooplankton physiology successfully predict the TP concentrations in water.
and behavior by enhancing an existing eutrophication Moreover, it can give additional information regarding
model of Arhonditsis and Brett (2005a,b). The model TP in sediments, sedimentation, temporal changes, surface
simulates the interplay of N, P and highly unsaturated fatty and deep-water volumes etc. not only in surface water
acids (HUFA) through the grazer’s digestive tracks. The level but also in deep water level and sediment level.
model provided a good epilimnetic and hypolimnetic Zhang et al. (2008) has given a two-dimensional
patterns in Lake Washington (USA). eutrophication model of Lake Erie, by considering coupling
162 B. Bhagowati, K.U. Ahamad / Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 19 (2019) 155–166

between hydrodynamics and the food web of lower trophic 4.3.8. Mathematical models to predict dissolved oxygen
levels. This fine scale dynamic model considers air concentration
temperature, wind conditions and inputs from atmosphere Mishra (2007) has proposed a model for ecosystem
and tributaries. This study also considered detailed dynamics in [126_TD$IF]an eutrophied [94_TD$IF]waterbody by considering
zooplankton model and how to include impact of zebra concentration of nutrients, densities of algal population,
and quagga mussels. The model has 18 state variables and zooplankton population, detritus and the concentration of
was acceptably validated. Results indicated that dreissenid dissolved oxygen as the variables. Here the nutrient input
mussels have weak direct grazing impacts on algal was considered from water runoff from agricultural fields
biomass, but indirect effects of their nutrient excretion unlike the work of Voinov and Tonkikh (1987), where they
have a greater impact on the ecosystem. Seasonal variation have considered detritus as only nutrient source and not
of [123_TD$IF]phytoplankton and nutrient budget in Bizerte Lagoon, any other external. The model analysis successfully
Tunisia, was reproduced in a 3-D coupled biogeochemical simulated the eutrophication process and was able to
model (Béjaoui et al., 2017). Model simulation results draw relationship between the variables considered.
showed that plankton production is highest in the inner Results showed that as the supply of nutrients increases,
part of the [94_TD$IF]waterbody due to high water retention time and the densities of algae and other aquatic species increases. A
contribution of nutrients from boundary. Both N and P decrease in the concentration of dissolved oxygen is
loading contribute to the production of plankton. Intensive observed when the density of detritus increases. Shukla
use of fertilizers in the catchment and contribution of et al. (2008) gave a mathematical model for [126_TD$IF]an eutrophied
Mediterranean Sea to the [124_TD$IF]lagoon have impact on the [94_TD$IF]waterbody affected by organic pollutants. The cumulative
increased plankton growth. Several other authors have concentration of organic pollutants, the densities of
presented three dimensional models to simulate hydrody- bacteria, nutrients, algae, detritus and the concentration
namics and nutrient cycling in shallow lakes which are of DO are the variables considered for the model. Model
effective in forecasting water quality and algal growth (Jin analysis revealed that the simultaneous effect of both
et al., 2007; Li et al., 2011; Zhang et al., 2013). water pollution and eutrophication decreases the DO level
Page et al. (2017) have conducted a study on the at a higher rate compared to presence of only one
Windermere, Bassenthwaite Lake and Esthwaite Water, in phenomenon. Alvarez-Vázquez et al. (2009) presented a
North West England. They have used model PROTECH (Elliott mathematical model simulating the interactions of nutri-
et al., 2009; Elliott, 2010, 2012) for process representation of ent, phytoplankton, zooplankton, organic detritus and
algal community using high frequency in lake observations dissolved oxygen into the eutrophication processes. For
for real time forecasting of algal bloom. The model’s the observed five variables, unique solution has been
uncertainty and sensitivity were tested within the General- achieved for eutrophication with non-smooth coefficients.
ized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation framework which
includes pre-defined Limits of Acceptability for simulations. 4.3.9. Climate change
From the model simulations, it was observed that differences Reid and Crout (2008) have developed a thermody-
between underwater light in real lake systems studied and namic model of freshwater Crooked Lake in Antarctica.
model’s representation and the uncertainties associated From the model simulations, it was observed that
with nutrient fluxes are of great challenge while forecasting freshwater lake ice is affected more by air temperature
algal bloom. Li-kun et al. (2017), have[14_TD$IF] developed a 2- than any other variable and so can serve as a useful
dimensional uncertainty eutrophication model for urban indicator of climate changes. The model could successfully
lakes in China. The model could simulate the interactions reproduce earlier data with r2[14_TD$IF] value 0.89 and can be used to
between nutrients, phytoplankton and zooplankton and also follow the climate changes and compare different climate
seasonal and regional water quality changes can be change scenarios. The impact of global warming on lake
described. Comparison between model simulation and field water temperature have been addressed by Yamashiki
data revealed that the model could calculate the hydrody- et al. (2010). Sensitivity analysis for climate change
namic data and eutrophication dynamics reasonably with scenario on lake water temperature was done by
relative error less than 11%. The results showed that the integrating MRI-GCM with 20 km outputs and BIWA-3D
concentration of nitrate, phosphate, ammonia and chloro- model for lake Biwa in Japan. A significant temperature
phyll-a at the vicinity of lake was higher than at the middle increase in surface water during summer have been
indicating that rainwater runoff had a major impact on the projected for the very hot year determined form MRI-
algal bloom which needs to be taken care. GCM output for the year 2099 compared to the tempera-
ture in 2002. Model results also revealed that the thickness
4.3.7. Life cycle of Cyanobacteria of epilimnion also increases for very hot year owing to
Hense and Beckmann (2006) have modeled the life higher atmospheric temperature and the accumulated
stages of Cyanobacteria considering four life stages. The heat in the hypolimnion may result in severe degradation
investigation indicates that for better prediction of of lake ecosystem.
Cyanobacterial blooms, knowledge of all stages of the life
cycle has to be made and it is not sufficient only to consider 4.3.10. Integration of hydrodynamics and ecological
temperature and P/N ratio into account. The model study processes
improved the understanding[125_TD$IF] of harmful cyanobacteria Fragoso et al. (2008) have developed a 2-dimensional
bloom and its prediction as it is the major part governing model that to describe the spatial heterogeneity in a large
eutrophication mitigation and control. shallow subtropical lake in Brazil. The model had [127_TD$IF]three
B. Bhagowati, K.U. Ahamad / Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 19 (2019) 155–166 163

modules[128_TD$IF]: hydrodynamic module, nutrient module and and sensitivity analysis techniques, application of artificial
biological module to describe phytoplankton growth. The intelligence and remote sensing etc. are gaining popularity
model depicts the advantages that can be achieved by in lake modeling in recent times. Impact of climatic factors
coupling of the hydrodynamic and ecological components and effect of global warming on eutrophication dynamics
in lake modeling. The model was able to identify zones are also gaining popularity in modeling context. General
with a higher potential for eutrophication, so can be very developments in recent modeling compared to the earlier
beneficial tool for eutrophication control to predict trophic ones can be summarized as below.
status of subtropical lakes and estuaries. The hydrody-
namic model Hydrax (Oppermann, 2010) and the water i. Incorporation of multiple nutrient cycles (P, N, C, Si, O)
quality model QSim (Kirchesch and Schöl, 1999) were used gives better insight of the eutrophication mechanism
by Lindim et al. (2015), to study the effect of nutrient (Arhonditsis and Brett, 2005a,b; Zhao et al., 2008).
reduction (N and P) to lake restoration in a German shallow ii. Effect of different [123_TD$IF]phytoplankton and [129_TD$IF]zooplankton
lake. The simulation results reveal that for a successful diversity, zebra and quagga mussels in eutrophication
water quality control both internal and external P load modeling have been tested (Zhang et al., 2008).
should be reduced. Combined reduction of both N and P iii. Response of aquatic vegetation, different phytoplank-
was not found to be beneficial as compared with only P ton and zooplankton and fish species and their
whereas reduction of only external N load was not found to alteration and adaptation with respect to nutrient
have significant impact on ecosystem. It has been reported loading in different trophic condition have been
that P loading of only 400 g may lead to production of 350 checked (Yadav et al., 2017; Zhang et al., 2003a,b).
tons of algal bloom (Sharma, 1998). These findings are also iv. Cyanobacterial bloom, often considered as major
in agreement with the findings of Wang and Wang (2009). threat to lake ecosystem, has been given special
From the long-term studies in 40 Yangtze lakes and the attention in many ecosystem models (Hense and
lakes of North America, it was generalized that N Beckmann, 2006).
abatement may not decrease the phytoplankton as it v. Advances in stoichiometric nutrient recycling theory
can stimulate nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria and P is the has been applied in some eutrophication models
key factor governing total phytoplankton biomass. How- which helps in examination of the food quality (Zhao
ever, effect of climate, nitrogen and other factors should et al., 2008).
also be considered for proper lake management program vi. Eutrophication control through biomanipulation has
(Watson et al., 2016). Rucinski et al. (2016) have given a been paid attention (Gurkan et al., 2006; Ofir et al.,
model for forecasting of ecosystem response to altered 2017).
phosphate loading to Lake Erie. The 1-dimensional model vii. Use of 3-[130_TD$IF]dimensional models coupling hydrodynamic
was a linked hydrodynamic and eutrophication model and models, watershed models and lake models are
calibrated with 19 years of observations of the lake in the gaining popularity in recent times in terms of better
central basin. The results demonstrate that hypoxia can be predictive capacity and understanding of the in-depth
reduced by controlling nutrient loading however varia- mechanism (Fragoso et al., 2008; Lindim et al., 2015;
tions will be observed depending on the climate and Rucinski et al., 2016; Béjaoui et al., 2017).
meteorological conditions. The model was quite effective viii. Incorporation of advanced methods of uncertainty and
in setting phosphorus loading targets to meet the water sensitivity analysis like Generalized Likelihood Un-
quality standards of the Great lakes. A mass balance model certainty Estimation framework, have resulted in
was given by Chapra et al. (2016), to simulate TP better accuracy of the models with lesser relative
concentrations for Lower Great Lakes based on measured error in simulations (Page et al., 2017).
and estimated TP loading in time series for managing long ix. Seasonal variation of nutrient loading, sediment
term water quality. The model results showed that loading transport and nutrient release, suspended particulate
control on Lake Erie would have measurable effect on matter, climatic and temporal variations have been
offshore phosphate concentration of the Lower Great paid attention (Jensen et al., 2006; Malmaeus and
Lakes. Håkanson, 2003; Reid and Crout, 2008; Yamashiki
et al., 2010).
5. Discussion and conclusion x. Advanced tools like remote sensing, rough set and
multidimensional cloud model etc. have been applied
It is quite evident that dynamic modeling has under- in ecological modeling (Yadav et al., 2017; Yan et al.,
gone tremendous refinement in recent times and several 2017).
new processes have been tested and the results obtained
are very much consistent to be used as a predictive tool for With the advancement of ecosystem modeling, it
lake eutrophication control specially in cases where [13_TD$IF]becomes feasible for the government bodies and policy
adaptation and species composition plays a crucial role makers to make proper lake control and restoration
in the ecosystem. Coupling of ecological models, hydrody- programs. Lake restoration done in recent times in some
namic models and watershed models are continuously of the lakes, like Lake Washington, Lake Erie etc., has been
getting evolved. Factors such as effect of different possible mainly due to lake modeling approaches. Also,
phytoplankton and zooplankton diversity, mussels and drawbacks of already implemented programs and their
biomanipulation studies on eutrophication dynamics have remediation has been possible with the help of modeling
been given more attention. Use of advanced uncertainty studies like the case of Lake Kinneret. Recent dynamic
164 B. Bhagowati, K.U. Ahamad / Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 19 (2019) 155–166

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