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Be ped! GUI! (ggleet Jacl (nye) oe ol eu! gow lost Lm! oO.) Sglepall Gal Lee ge plall Jae Hebd Aad oleh OU) a ee fost yg pale aly ogee Saal aly gel JE cally Chee) tee gas 8 LAY sell BA SUIS, «Ugaaby SLAM ole dnrenall (PVC) ple pats SII sey SYN Ugaady gibrall ae gb areal Cail VOT (Concrete Pipes & Fittings) Uyalaby GLA) ae V/vor oh tay LAD ClivlpD digllee Yabsy BL Gab oS yaa lice) (Vitrified Clay Pipes & Fittings) Yalsiy el al ath ylyor¥ veel C1) (Fire-Clay) gut goal cp Hepes Lye gt Jed all oss “he si (Surface-Clay) grlett spb 3 (Shale) owisal ookl 3) Bay WSS te aly et eat Sam eal ot or Gp they cieelie JAAS aly Jeet ody hyp dele i> Oh cciclyall ole Bay ya Leb Malley cpa raza (Y) Upiage ee easly gered Maal atl Gat clislyll ode alAY Tigh LS opie dl ag we * vigil) le Ge * ASI Jyte si Roll oliayall 3 pleat Gnsall stew Ob le (rye) poll hy pe og get wt WS tlle Yb’) GUY) OL os Be Ai Sh eye Lelie Sybil J TLS Sytidd 3S (V/V 0) ALS (AsV Ghyll oery ght Lie L5) aaa yb Gps dane 2 9S Spell dene roe (Crushing Strength) tg) iaslin LS Ri ae Ugalady erjall Lidl al pty tals OS OF Cow ee lel Gard be 9 (1/10) pd) Spent cee ASTM-C 301) 452.91 utd) lively (Absorption) oLaxV! bey aap ad UY Golan i Kala Sicilia! Gand ue Udy ULL (A) -(ASTM-C 301) 45.51 5 x(Hydrost Pressure) Stl Jl Lacs Sell op CY) phy BAIS pl ole Les Yow Lents wp gh a Yh me CON Ma ge GV) eral CMM AS Upabiy exyall a) Ul Ole UE ge ela CANA) 95 SL gl bia) AUN) ole Gara te dy 5M a lie Cae ll alt [oil QUE clad de ight yp jan Yy Lis (ASTM-C 301) Se Ul op Leg lad de Maes bbb JRO le at eri pind dah le fant Oba oie colagt 13 YE celal vel Ga Lete (Acid Resistance) at-Vi iayhie CALS V0) oF LAM op TIL ahd Ri yg Yow AGM eld lista Ge lal Gand te Wy (BS 65) 15a ieelll Slawslyall gl (ASTM-C 301) ay) (Y) (x) (a) reve) CA/V0) by dyer Yabdy cerjell jbl ll Olle , ined) gh yd ple 3 cyl eerie ie ool pli wy (ell Jail Sut ol wel (help) (eed Gi) Gh) (ph) in Y he vr ve re Y yr0 aA Ves te Y yor yey yos Ye Y ve yan Yor ve v vay yer Yo. ve Y VE van Tes Ye r ray rv) rve ve Yr tit vat tee ve # ay tty toe re r ove 4at one ve ¥: ety ole oro Ye r ayy oan ioe re r Yeo ww ave Ye y vra TAS Yes Y Yr YAA vy Ye. Ye r ANE ANY AYe Ye y Ate AAS aes Ye ‘ vere aye ave ve. t Ves yet Vee (t-)o) (V/V) ped) Jy Wprby arjell lad) Cob pte) dele Cbg lo) pty by el plist) dys Je Gre | eld Gee i ray = vo vay \Vy0 Vee ray 1,0 yo. Ty Vogt You Tey Yrot Yo. rY,4 yur Yes aur vay rve tty Yeoy tee tAyY THN tee ory Yt55 Ove our Toy. ore NE5T ry4 aids VAS £654 wWe VA tY,0 Vee yrys tay You Aut ere Ayo AY, oAyt ats aur - avo yey = ikea (o-ve) :(Straightness) Uti! C2) oe pelea Aas oe nll JAW alll lps aye Yo Racks bas by Das Gog ae ty ebb pe JS Slike Be oe Hold Spal BL) Ly GW pill Gb le <8 cay inal (Blisters) SA op Mepae WNS g) coydl Ghee de 4 gt ple tye Wome 0) 8 pee ye Ys ay Vy elas (VO) ge gral brill age Vl dad gh ot ty Staal (7) ge teat eNpabe (£00) ge ae elie op Meynae taad sb Cyl qlee de BY gl nls ky Ve (1) rd W EAL LB ow p+ JS ale C192) oe genet! al V0) ge taba ps cae oe elas ge Vy daa J} ob dal gh UW eth Ball op ately ar JS tale 1 Sly pale (006) gent pli! Si i ge YAS gt erp JAW Call ges Woe (7) epee de pS (Glazing) gop! Lb eet oe Ja tee Mealy all JW! tl SSC) PDB WIE ay gl Le egal J UY (Sockets) Gyles bie sealed Olicalyall gb LSI Spo ery pt oe bey Ey Se gerd db OSG OL ow CY) eal one rehall aay Y Janay ghee JS biclyali cca tiller Ob beat Leg CF aml gil oe Jas YN de eH) ILM yp BL C9) oF ght JSICr) 1 Olivslye!! dae SULA Sle gar Siler BL liebe ols dalle WLM pond (a) tS (hb) (a-ve) Wy dbaay obze Jeph Vy GIS lio oda 3 Ye Gopal ket Sjlel bb LI CYL glad GJ GL ke JS ye Ul go WLS Sl CL I Obl IS Yar Ball ULM joe Vy Colic! oil tile Bae ULM as Se) a le pall Eley Gay Ullh oly) lee shell rUpadaiy ge I Cal ylyo.y (Asbestos-Cement pipes and fittings) ph MoM Rela Sli Gil Upabsdy Qe) C Cabl oS Ove 1156) PUpalady Jeaill dy yl pale Call t/00¥ (PVC Sewer Pipes & Fittings) raw C1) ada SLE gle Ugalaby. Jedd yl” alee Goll) Slanted pay La ak SUI Ghd LEM hy Sle ad ald Emel bral! cell dled Con ed hits GA Syl> Jay call bul 3 Ll seeped) IM US yy LS Aaa GAL no foal ay IS pale whe oe CphU ASIK SI Sb) GUI abut yo (yilinby EF ARS Spey) Leb) Sleolyall GF otryy Le oliclyell cagybrall Lael J Upelacn! Cpllaat! lady iadll aya l5” pale at yl pale cali Hemally Ath Min 9 059 abd! est on et Jey BUN abl gd SS all E siege el gle StL a Uyaady Joi ab Jeet ay pale Galil tlamlly ( olal) ASI Olt) Ngadady otell yl alee atl Slential glial Sony . «Lgalaby Othe gel biclyall Bg pe Gai ay IM cdl ab 53 yl BALM eb foseill Ay IT pale Gapl Slearely GLI Spe teach Co) Gp las Dealt Nyaa Jed ay gl pale Cail Gna = gall geil I gage ae 6 geo Gilly onl Leenaell (y-10) hee 200 ine * LSI Jue gl Lebel liolyaS! b Gyllaad! Gaal stows OF che rolls pl Beet 98 LS Ugalady otal yy IS paler ail cohol OSS 212) hy (VINO) dy Syder Ugalady fend yg pole Cobh lolie Wal jdt Le | Cole as pall | ge pl (ee eyuis deel Cole) 4 ol vaYA we ove o AYA ays AY,00 vo aya Oy Veyged yw wr soo VTE \Yo yet suYA years, yas (=) robe C2) 2(Flattening) qdalis) Cy) ple call AS 3G 5 (Split) Glo gsi pels YI Gow eal a ie Sy ga Gel) decane Jedd ay gl AASTM-D 2729) 45,251 told! Stinelyal) > x(Stifffness) 21 Cr) iad J Aland «Joell AyglS pale cb! BL Jat VI ae a ae Sy CEN 0) iy Spel B gga gh ee daa (ASTM-D 2729) 452M 41d) lial! Steal (ayo) (EIN) poby Iybr el dy gS pale Cob! BL Gs tel Ce lgS) shai Ja aod a i OU Gene oj! Ge Ge) tev ole oe ir) ye vo vv 4a Ve Yv ay \¥o oo 4 we (Extrusion) iil (r) (Disintegration) @a 4) (Flake) qlali gs! Dany YI om CRW Grad GF Mlanrnell Jeadll yl pale Galil 3 ASA Reta list Cae cla Gos te Hay (ASTM-D 2729) :(Impact Resistance) pail injlie (£) dy Deed! sill ty ple Call jl ol Gow Sptadl B cecal! byt GUi5) ge tall pall Aylin lar arb RAD) hist ae Oliall Gand te iy (0/10) pds (ASTM-D 2729) 45,1 rokyall ULM yo Site JRA, Sliclall oie tyler IZ Gl oj Gee IY UI eA oe Le JY Jay ipl Ih dayall silyl ode 9 le Gepaiatl cobra 1p obiolpall alles VLE Staal Gar cylin! DBI Shiela! og) tie WLM pons op Vay Bde le eps Vy CIT OliolysS! ode i lel Gepaiall (a) Gy) . (at0) Hille WLM oy RL Opler glert Bos ll ob! e Vy IS SYA bapa led! Gar Sybeel It lbolpal wie) , Coe ol Cony Celie ole) Melee eM ot , Shot! JUS) ais Ge ya! (9/10) ply Jar UY putall deglia glee! Llbae ell Ay sl rahe byt gta! Ol ist Ge) (eh) the a coe ve ae Vhs are \re aye ye (Cast Iron Pipes & Fittings) \galaby (91) —S-! tod! at! of\ory¥ velual (1) Sel aos op Reynan Ugabaiy Cag) Se tated Call OSS doe Gage Ugabady Cab ode OS Ler COW gost Capt) ep Why Lae YLeIA lpg edyabll Sill, a) al) AUG JS ELAN Ya oe SU il pet rGnall () ete SI Cag) So ted eat Gna Slialyall odie old mi LS ole Gee * Gt Gin * LLASM Spt gf Labial Olialyall F cpllanlt Gall sow OF le cecgllaa Gena oa pe ya 29 fe Le agalall eall Jancons (\--y0) rob (eo) pL ile palaiy Cag!) Sh ye Cal ole OSs (1) MVE) 95 SB et VN 0) iy Sgt Ypres Cay) SI ee Ctl Ole Cle) AS el lit el can ile Gino (le ey abe ee ve tye ve 1,0 we to Ve aye £,0 \o. Ay ws You 44° Yo. Yo. 42 vor Tee MW hae rye Poet gt Le Upabaly ob MOL 8 Sylid ay Volos C1) V1 0) 5) Sptral Wee tae Ymplltiy EN (12) ge C10) a gb GS Cr) CAIN 2) pbs Spel creer ga real (>) Haller CNenlaby Cag) St std! abl osha Qa OS (1) cred pell Obs Gale ow Hide eS JEL LG Ody old glee cot dale gel gh (CoakTar Pitch) ead UG ey cabal) Cai obs Coe Ghalw «_jté3) 9\(Non-Brittle) . ayye) (VIVO) pb) Spt Ugabady SI te Call SLlie oss! , ee ct el pit (he) (ple) jot ae Grvase ast | eth al | SL ai) jal ot rot yer ye + a yer yen 10 wet Tt yet ret Ye yen Ven 107 yet ry + vet rye + rs en 130 - 138 - \o+ ryt we + \Ye wen 140 - \yer ot vet yet ye. wen jem we wet wet yet opt yen pom tyr pen Ye + ayo + vet oy t+ Yo. Ve eo - wen ee Yet ayo t \ye + oy t Too ° ye Pe hoor ey wet Wort vet Ay + rye em fe — va pe (yy-10) CAIN) dy Spar So spe atl SibI Gd caylist - (ple) cya el pti At laa) wo | you | ols el ry) le (0) it . i a a xP es a a Be a a ve All Lt op lal ab clad sue Rgall ghlest Gas C1) roMe (a) (Crushing Strength) ret tglie CV) de 5 Ugabaiy Cal) St aed! Coll GSS of Cow aed ee sy db [gpihS (0+) gah far inhi (BS 437) 43a, JI Lal Sliel! > Slat (Hydrostatic Pressure) oS glut daall Cy) e538 Gaby (pj!) SI aed) Catl SG o) Caw UH a [oS (Tee) on OSL Bl bad Jor Ce) oe JY a cali ae x [sip C1¥O) 5 Cao! aU cll yell Gd Uys Surly dio ye ag Y earl SE tl ne Al yy yb Ske (reve) (Air pressure) spl bao (1) etl OSS Ob ow oS Ll daa) led ye el Ge Gian tak Jens Bp Mealy CA) SH adel > ip lik CO) AW ae | 5h (Ve) ot ep eh dada op Aah YE C9) oF JY aed ced UW last gt ela ak Sop yr clas call, dyyame cell SE Gel one Uh seb ! ghee 25 claill robe C3) dae Janey ghte JRe cll dey clilysS! ois tiller AlZY de OLN lp Bae Mh ALAN ce Raby ysl le JS or By elisha) Me (5) Ae Seg Gear Siler IB) Stell ob Milan ALM and jae cans dash Vy eC 0/0001) gerd tell op BS Wale serail ENED pony clades ULE eld py elie ale yeas tell YW, air ble Sl! ear eel HB) Cbinelyell alg) Salar oe ol bey oy cliclgall ody) Maller ph WL end veal) Jybiall dit ge yall eset gil Wiest eda p bSiall & Yay eglleell DLE Aenatt atl eet come 3S ALD Geng Rath) bine) J aradlt Uae ag be) Mallee Gobet = Jos oly) antl ASU asNN Hela ldap) am Mpls Hepelll y Aye! Spd all LOW Se) oh) Heel) Liolpall ae Yay (Styreme-Rubber) ellaat capil att # (ASTM-D 2852) 45-411 > (Reinforced Plastic Mortar) ibaa) Lbpiah oZlill cab * (ASTM-D 3262) 25,41 Gold! olbelyall (ABS) pase gn LSM Held) Slbeyell Cue (Acrylonitrile Butadiene-Styrene) (ASTM-D 2751) 3)(ASTM-D 2680) (\t-10) (Manholes) id Oe JO0y rele v/vour GB Byrn BLS oo all Lie Blas oe isl Ge Las ge bh gh LS YI dab tar ot le Cyl oe Keel yt Spall OLAS Spe (gd yh olan! Yoo) de Slbhawl le be Ya LS pail Ge SLL YS Fee Ge ley Ca (one) ce Wd gle Gl pel fi Cee W Bl plist OS ego Ee bes A ituall Baring gL (IS y Cia lady Jol oy Spey theta ue. cus uni op Mpa Heidt BS clad Ly colielyall abe go (Olea! well aL BL ptt pale (06 X06 6) oe Upalis fie Y dncy pail Ge ayy bbsslpalh day Lens eel Ligh ol pte elle dhLey, We! ASU Jute y! Lol yell dis Ob le CVA) ine Shady Grail Ge ney! hs (00) ce he Y Re Ba abel ey Saba Gere gt Lee WEY calla call dagad gle puarall om upnally finaly « atl Hell iol 3 WY UIE cy pe Gai ay gh bi Geshe Gai JRE OS Rai Ge Lo ELH sll OSS ee Spepell pM aa oF Megas hey Yale CVO0) oe Yibeel ag cl patel Oe ayy LS Gdatall Reza gh LN Obvaill lie Jay VW gle cilaall Mya ee EE he Gl IN ode Coty Lin tale CV) ge ih pe OF) ge te hg Rel GL ys W le ctr JR dee (ro) ge pais ti Gang doye pl ger BL Ay Vy WS lbb de paid] Ge OITLny Gel Ollie sow Ol elt A NN BLL yew ULSI th ties OL Leal pit GZ LL os LS. feolidl ope Landy nj dinky SI Jute 3 iy (we) (re) (>) (a) «) () , (yo-\e) SU peel BE ee dD Ge chet pe OS OI ome Ch) wees eb call cape oe fale (00) oe Jae Y ber ell - east x(Manhole Covers) paid) 32 Hae) v/10 +1 re (1) gh StI Atel op Megan bly paid Gp Ebest OS (1) CUE gh aia Aah J habiyal dk gh clonal! BL At gh Shall Syd op BLE OSG OF le (Fibre Glass) i>lej} JSS by cay) aya gh abtl (LY byes oxy tly! asp me aly Sly op Whey ply litte gant A LAM gle le ba isl GF Sa OS ole OY) et oe Sorry chagrll Joab dayliny clade 23 Ol cdo 2 Seah BE Ny on shally ball apd AasN Lela thelyall By be ele lel a9 & i ala (ry) op pall Yb peal Se agatl, ales Cvyr ide) dadacall (vv E/T 9) Si2Ml Rell Meola! LUIS it Ate cpl ade op Mayne Yatbly atl BP Haél Gard Spy pclilyall Millany Slew (>) sash ota SdLebyal Bay G cette ccbbelall oe wi yo ols bef Gb) tb Cvve lige) 9 Cvyr ite) Boe pall Ob Hell ant od Bly Ay dyath (SY el Ib Ulead I ILM pnd gel ln J SHH) ial Sel JE Wed lial dey olielll ole! Willer nb GE ae ee JS Ue gee and gi BN eel at eyed) LEN jens gl Le beste sc ids VO0t raked \/\ort ep GS taaill ge UW as Gal joel ae ye VI oe ct) BBS gu) ps BES ye (Te) Htysllll gael (varve) cael (fe adi Blas lil GV PF) oe HY tas GIS fell Gee Je VI ow poll av tadly Gals obs OSG Lease Lee CVV) ty Haba SIV! Uae! le tne ga Liles ar lysing! LST gf Pd Sy eres IS ly os GIS Gam be ol Ser ely HU das fn dae BISA ge oe ye nl) le ILE 557 OA Me op Gash Ap ay ee IN jit) liad lcd ie till le Come (V0) Al sow py OF Uap ode oe Cobyioall Sleel) ttl Hyphal (Lael: Laale CLS ol) pete sie Hise pb pty Ride Gale 131 sland! de Cow, odin op (Slo JEN) BUI OU oe C1/ 10 ¥) pd tll ay lielyll fe Alba 9S OL and Calle gene pina Olle ele AW Cla ft Ab Spe Bb pale (1) oe dae Y gba ge Gill ode tl Be rch JR Sy pool! uli le Mad! ESI de Come (PMc BEY Uy Gast Le oo ale (One) ge Jo VLA IS JS Wi alee Ge cles paigtl aly Lee yl pal ollie 2 BASS bpm le Lyar abgal aca Leh) pl GUIS ay Leb Gala H1fi olin! Le saw Mailysy bal Glee ye Le Sliclal ole op (OL eal! Via aalh Le lad, UWL gf Rall gst Gaal tUSy egal Yad ler Gals Jets Cab le LM lig Cat ple ely BAe gy AST Jo SLM DI pe WIS, «ILE ole tn Sy ef Sle ins Wyle ap) Seal adh Jew ule 0! 2 Aey olla op (Olio) Sled) sth GU GF eps Lge 29g LIS” ely -olilyall &) (x) () (b) (vy-V0) feud Yves i Gust Ci) rh) aee Sey (10) dye abel Blas op LEP le Ca ad ws ako ell eal opt GSI Tah oF JE Ds pile le Lap Ln gis Ol de cy dela jal Poet RUS ce palit Bal ey of Jae YG seal Lyi Jae py Aina Eyal De gy LOV= V0) pd) SSH (yon) Slay chad jell Heal op Hey le BL Lats linalgall Be capo ya 39 BS Mem Mpa [pale LoL SU Spe gh 20) Gee (1) ink fhe op he eS (I op A le a oe sy Vale CY) ed See de ipl eh A) Cie) call gael op GpSll Rell of SHY Slt eB (ISIN ag ON le ays WD etall Jl ey gh Zale Poy cen! Bp ee ee nt he tle Ge (1s) days tenet 3) alll GLa ally aI a hte cael op SSN Heath op fe Y ith wh Sh CB! Neb Sp pW Galil pad ay gh Abe Ve) tga Cp die eV 18) hy JE A get 2 LF tora Seal BL CHIT BE LAS pte gf Leth list! vines ale Cree (F) op abe em get Cal BAH 1 og MED oe ea te (tyVo) tnd foe Ge ny Le (10) td Jae eel oe GSH GA ge JB Y Sl Wy ab ON le caps esther gh fale V0) =e gall of iY Gi! oy a be Jo gto ANS Hip (vA-10) oe SSS cee PLS OY 4b Gi eal (ree) +C\-s0) 2€3 ume (4) Pre lames 21 AG gl oh bel oe Es Ge a ous FEY Ly iy pkg Bly Lob) Gliohall Bill pd gh pal (Cree N tect op+ SpSIN tagall Lee aU da pile cle Leyden BISA cat ALE Gy role al pale oe ie V sCy—ye) 2€a) Guo (0) (£5V0) dn Se oe Ll Jol oe ds le CULY! sas eS le 10) Od ge le Ol Sly ay ale Bile any he Byala ON le Cy er pee Sey eps ny a dest lay CY ye JS tiga PLS orth Go pale (To) oe fe Y Ui! gm ail de Bap Jen cddcmall dal Ue iy (V—V0) dy ISN yee OF BY Sly (1s) day Rall BLA oe pled Gs asl ot ting, Spb Hold BLS UE oe GL eae (Vee) 299 1B) eM (106) Say Le postal Lal! cepa peal SS jue Bela) Sbielyall ell ce po Gai re (G) layed C3) 9 CH) (2) CT) eb Glo es (9) ee Cally aerjall Lt bly SLY SSI bY! ay BE Shiba yd key oe ph el Coy ol et AAS pale Gath laa (a) eel) Gre eres (1) bn ole Jad ere Gee CLS ule YI Leb elielall gow (1) oF Len hy (Sl) Gall Slaaael Jpliald Gad Vy ciple Lia co Fy/v0 68) gel at PSS all GLA ot oil eb Mla oe ON) ON) sitll J ayy Liles ee COLI! (Qarve) era re OM) Bae ets deol (ye-yo) as Sha olese Ow Adel ee po Lebel Sah Wve t Yeas ged Sy CUM Wyle Ele cL pill) deol del Gel, (1) SS le Lael aS Jens Uplinll Ob Le byte gt pall aS ASI Uple AS chal de J Wile le bY aby! 557 Jee (CO) eV ose hy OSs OF an ly Ladys YS gt alge gl Yea Bl gle SLEW 5S o> aL Leb le Uiyry phic JE: Yams (ri-vo) Ql Raraieall Sabb) b Lyatyy Uehle tn clay Cah Gamat C=) 39 ap Sly Spit gp Ughty Yard cp FW eI aA beet Yedke o aS Ly lqaard spr aah 3! caysl JS le Sab Ue Oey hye gle Milt sy reel Ugley Jb regi golny Sloat Lebruy cpl cor bs (>) sala 52) DLLs Cae Lae gh petal g| ue i aly ely r Clbdabnal gle Sadona!l Spl can hardens al SG (4) aS SB Mei dee all a> Spel ae EU tiny ail le at Jil ue ab SF fhe cs) PA aS Ca eh St asl ol AL Co tle BEN pes) 1 abattt Jeily LA peat OI Aa EAD eel alee celal or Lene USF one tb Oly bin, (5) tN Re AN a oe W/V) aed Beet 2 LS soya Mink bee IB Ch dy yd gd le gglatl pal Upagy Ulpt ene JS am ply AB ST ab Cs Ce) = gle ler Aad aed Qo Role deals FIG) OUD claneals sy ody Nyaly Hay SN dude ope Hepat iy tes * dlp Gla Gis) yg VoL gle Ge pely Seal ae op Megeaall talaall AAV! Ca¥! Sal ge Baad) ag VU ayo Ye (150) oF ky Y oti Lhe (690) gt aI ae ge they sly BA! Vile ae pty Mya op Mey Hilaall GOV * chy elgale (oe) ge yUash ag Yt aU gid (1) oe AF ASN Mpls (0+) Lala ghd al tM Ye (1) L1ge VGN) gp aap Y oles de peat GUAM ead * real faey t/vort ales at 1) PEbUed! libs Jacl frog OV) Bella) Held) lisa tiller Eble Glib oS * (ASTM-C 443M) 45,5 teal] OLeelyesl 3)(BS 2494) ~ = (rye) com oF ry (Spigot) ys poo Lola! Ua ab sbaayy (Socket or Bell) = Gy oly gd Gp LS oth iW oly Gy Bol BLU oy Lael phat by CE Spy OVE) Rey ell (IG COL boy vdoye (£0) Lyle fag LLY go LS) FAG Be ogden de ge iN LOW Jacl jen HL CVE) ayy dey LOL pla Gow LS tel as Slitly cll aby Way Wale LIC) oe JY aad acta -geM 35 Ub Lb * POLS Sl> Slant, frog Cy) ‘ faetay glial bail OSI Slo 55 WB le Ce gy Gta)! OWS fe Gk Mor desea AM yl Lyd fell OH ot gles sles ll eld OLS Sle Slee) Cat oy gs BPD AG le Ola al ase Uy Bp OdLey Bale Dole Sips! lee hog o Lie OLS Jo ay eye go te Lege tales Lol Biel Al bay Kale bs Slaninly Mor tbedy diye (Ye +) dich (Cr) Ala Oli diyb Jiao GLI UY! olyas dis PO al ag FY cell NM oye (4) by Sd Ce BD We OLS Jpeg) Latilh Oliolyall femelle abl (GS) Piola! Slidell Jel Joh 1) Mia oe T4106) cosa lly C1) iy BAUS ay be ely Re) Steel AU Silas Eble! Slab YS ob le KU) (ASTM-C 425) 45,1 (yry0) POLS Sle Slareels frogll C1) Wn oe E06) gel tl oe C1) oy BAN 29 le eld bt Slane peg (1) Jog Gb plabeel pa 15) CDbedll or tl Mia Jace oe" LOLLY) dente peldl AGI Camel oye Bale Janie * JS Sa ety be ops ol) etl ght le SEA ed LON Heyy Lie hava a9 A ot BI glad Spry Hele Sal lemme Spel vino (40) Lalas tygly Loa ph BG ye Je Y bad pi ae doth eal ey lag Lally ay Day chee * peel CL) Cli dyb Jel gry Jaw! Cott obser ds eA yg WI 6 sepa tal Min oe OV) oy jill n> ible! UD UE LS Je sel lial 8 ce pee Ce Clit :(Bell & Spigot) July 13) 1d ab Joy OV) ASA lB SlnelpaU atlas Eble! Joy) Olde OS® (BS 2494) iillaygll lat) Glivolall s! (ASTM-D 1869) Lops Bele Go ceil SAN Olas ae they EA NGA oe (1) py BAB abt Haalll GLY 1 bY ey OD Sleazy ual) GLY OS Se Ca alll ey pt Ws CutY) Gale gy deynvae (Couplings) 335 joy cb LGM Lebdl Claroline ible oliby C1) tease gob eG Cee boty (ASTM-D 1869) (+) (yt-Vo) 5) ill 3 ayy) bell adele po cil ASN) Ol Ca il eo Tal - 2 geal aid Lia op OF) :Uloint Tightness) Jost its (7) ASN IS oe Sill Re) CN Calll rey diye daca Fadl gyleeWl oiler! 15) deiLall . cot Obed hag tpckinall roy sleet * the! Bat gb apy oil tab ue PY ge Gil (VO) gle Ghe (SL gl bane Meg IE oe cl Spt gh pany tbs jhe Bad call 2 ee lbs tiles 5S Peet Shel ep Che eles te petal coy thet lt * Tell Slialyll Bay Lee thadl g o tpaited! dane SI spl if Gay ob oxy (ASTM-C 428) 451 BAD call pall de oh (V+) ylaie gels oS tly Wy cll oe pd sl dpa (le Gat tee cilia te whe cl lbes dian pe rol dink pant test tusl” sole om estat cat Co) aga eel CO) :(Solvent Cement) isl ew! soldi * ple alll Jury (gb Darnall Syd SD sald OS RSA Law) Olisll Wille (palsy Jel ayls” (ASTM-D 2564) olin) « BP deel ght Gas IZ teal lila O55 Aol op Jeet Ay pale ope Mega coral glaby atl Spdrll J Eerall ESN libs 3h 5 N liens) CAL V0) 9, (re-ve) CALVO) phy dpe eg gh ahs Masia)! Colilared! (PVC) Jill dy sole al 9 OPS Jel Jee Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) ORS Sen! Jee Methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) Aceton Ose Cpl 1 VAs oh) bee So Sih op gibt gd Galt ae AY Crk Cpe Ul pend Una etl aly oS Liat de 96 Jal Ay pale op Hepes caty by Se LU geet SI Spat oe tld C+) dale mega opel to ot reel 2b 0,85 Oe aga Obes DH = _[Tetrahydrofurance (THF )] seen egpeae apd ost = yes aI OS * ail dial Jel Vy ge tele Sr UY! att - yp gh Sool) Shared Repeal! Ghyll pry Fanen see! hye ab (10) an AW day aL Gow — op tye hep (0) 3 Os © ae Be Cra-ve) eS yd doses ley Gy yon by Gee Dal BL SW yl ch! ay — Wa BMI Joos tabad Catt Gee! pM Gy Vd ty ASAI I LS Olde et ply DLN ASL aly DY dy De pF taeda ett ab AN Ss DB yd Jeb Jew dete IW gb lal le Le Gay yl eat Gee Jie Ws le edge dale Jal Ctl Gee MSY! 1 UW Sy cs Kl) Gar EL ge al eel joy AT Peale (ve) Jota ll YI sea ge Slob aay) i egll * gH Uyeey) le AT sel ol SW Gall laced jl, — PH JS Mpls clic Soll Gass) (Thinners) Sides! lal gen - OW! 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Je le LEW Le C08) ge dag Y tee ob! att Cat dae Ib ot Ce) cla elt se Qh bs) Bs oy Uybll bp Hathy ctolyl - lye (o4) gpl gb gle Vite he le ej JS le Agiball le adh WIS «lM AS yd) Ls Gated Ulli Gl C=) epi Mig Kole Eble Slob pludeel «Ce BN) AB SI BL pee led oe Lae C19) GaN etal: dash Sey (>) (ri-\o) ks Gey lie Ngo (18) oe ob ane Cis! age We le pesMl JUS Diy «she AB SAU! op ep el te od al SPAS Al FN MW JEN OD oF Aue YH Ab To) sak re) GRAM clark tbell Jo Le oF JE Y api) lll, abt be Sy poe Shae el op Diy cola gobasdd Auta al oth tole capo ayhil sLall go yolantll ele Ls! 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Pel oI LS oll lid Lek 3S Jl Obyaad) bee GU ts 3501 gps Ob Sy UW glad EL Jl ow eal (10) dhe Spell tS aL elysly GL Gye OI Maa oy Ligh LASSI fla 8b os LD 2M Gil op 550) on 1d Laas aN ony Lia. 8d say ele i) Oyo) bi L5bel AM dy Ll bas lst t/t Se tee Pele Ge ell ais heh KH!) oly byes ss C1) agl g clatt ayale pla! yy VI gle ibe» JS oly Gb 5h Las) lsh 3b WS BBY Cpe Gal 39 IY caley AY Gath lel sist A (Rl LW slat LalAY Sle isl, bY OUIG GC) all iy Ket Gta cltle leglee Les Hoy LVL Sebel) te eld) per ote Ce) SEY LS pce UBT gl Sym pale Gane ae dele Ga cbs Lisl Jule by 106 Cer ost te W glad! Sluts Bybee Gols jill lel tba a 1/106 Medes Steel alles be IF J BLA c foll ade LF Jat alaally 2031 Hepat heel CAB egy ul Cie pe lle Baey ld oe ols! AUS gle by Shy tesl rare Bape gl gale Rll idly GMM, abelly See ye gli le Vion Laeey CRIT gt Ma gl tl yell Uo dna pal gb Sh gh doll lat (re-e) Ley Gales) Jes shall ganiy doally BYP Cam oy LS) Hy Uhl! ysl oe 2S ale poles!) 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