Lecture Note 5 QP

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CHAPTE aS ) $ Quanrum Mechanics IN 3D (2fyeragers atom) © Gienerar Discussion We wilh now discuss W Single qrentum pavticle Im 3D. In BD the position and mementumn operatore Have 5 comoponeats A a a ’* 3S on 8 P= SRST + ZE 2 YY, Zt a> AK ACN aa aA ARK P= Pit Pt +Be = 28, 49 Pa The canonical Commutation relations Gre as follows [RBI tb 5 CY, Rl-t5, [2, RI] -t6 All ofher commutators between fhese operokors Vanish . For examples [%, 91 =0,[%,P,J-0, CP P10 ete The position amd momentum eigen tats are as follows QlFy = xlP>, MR>= yl?r, ZF = #1" BI = p[P>o RlP>= RlPrs BlB>= BlP> The owtbroroemality amd closust relation ef these eigen elk one ry . See Big - PEF (8-8) jae [Po Yous) = Cyn ¥ C09) = gly, Saat PCharkyy 8 aE (BH |* 29), BP Sée ee Fee) Due to the eommutotion telatent, Zhe momentum operolers An positimn vep “(7 =(-*k) 2 =(Cth)2 R = Cit) & 9 4 “CRS > ® = Ch) 2, The Hamiltomian és So Bor B44 s A + B2+p? Ya fs H= * + VCE I> Z). 2m The sobriichinger eqmodiow Is Same A fy = 22> Tn position representation , the schrodiinger sgpuotion ts [t(82+ A+ a ave %8)] YEH = tH VG,9 7 [ om (Hey y + (Ha 5+ Chay Od + V%& 2 ¥CF,t) = ih ov) ot > x iB ( 2 ee ze 3% WG + VOyduG) = th ay ) yo "on opesator The Schroclinger Lyuation ds now a PDE in 4 variables : “Pe VHF) + Ve paVGo-= iat GP We scan pert form Rhe usual seperation of vastables Sr axtrect the time dependence: Yyy,2,4) = Php») SO Then PC?) satisfy the time dndependenl- Ahrodinger ey ra 2, a 3 tu -* VOM+VPH)=-EPM, 4-2 Ye t time Nrkabiow Laplacian Stationary States of Saktoveny Sel. This time independent Schriclinger ceyvatton tvitlerr in teans of Ke Aly = El hese £4 tc clear that € is the Cigemvolue of the 3D Heruillonian- All the postlates of QM remains Phe came im ED: Example + SD Howmowc Oscillator: The Hamiltowan of BD Losmromic oscillator ts A Ad a2, Ar L + (3 V2 ar He dC +h FR) + Fmt Ot ¥ +2) Note that this is gust 3 decoupled 1D basmonie oscillators. We can defime $040, F > $y) Qy F oned fa Ab } operntre The Grove state 1 annthifatec! by all Gx Ay) Qa - Q[0>=0, Ay lO =0, % py=0- Any ercitel hate is cblaines by the aston af Gh, Oy, dy on fy the rt My tone. [ny = (af) @) @) |O> 5 Where n= MxtNy tng A Nxt Hy! Mel + ate = 20,/) ple RJ=0 Note, [Ox af]=0 since, [X,4I=0, {,Ry1=0,(9,8570, (B33 Similarly, [a9 0% J =0, 3, aJJ=0, (ar,0b)-0. Hemee, order of af, af ag Goes NOT mattey in above cqnuocton. The emergy eixemsbbs ave by =[(oe trom) Boho = CB Do Note that except the sound otote (v0, f= 2h) All the excited states ave degenemte - Consider the srrst excited shite t= FF? (nd for this stele we dave n=l) n=O, m=O | Nx =0, ny=1, n2=0 Mx =0; ny=0) n2=1 Hence tus first excited sti fas cegenemacy Ay* Ze Similasly, the second oxctte) sfete = Tho ) hy be In genered, He degenemeg ft 1th excited atal= con be calewl ted os Me tiny tig = A Fos fieedm, Ne, Nyy Np can vary from On whi He sum Seimng fixed to m. Lot us abo fix Mg (vewlllver tao) Wyetny = AM Nac Ry Varies Prem O fo nomg with guam being fired le n-ng There ave (M-Ma+4) such poseibilitrer : $i My} =] inns oy 9 {n-ma-b tf wong HA n-ne, {oyn-nayf, n-n2a+) boays How in alm me tam vey tag fom © me So tah igen, 4,7 2 (w-me+l) = 2 Cus’ ~ 2 ne Myrd 2 (ori) A) - Gert) = ® Aneutae Momentum + Three observables which obegs the felewing Lormmulation relotrons Cabgesra) x 2 NY j jelioally change. %)y}92 bn ove ‘elation to get the vest. are called amgular momentum penerntors These Lomautation relations Jove thee ovighn én the Geometeicol Properties of ROTATIONS im 3D space tn our discussion, we will assume these selations % be given (starting point) ancl ask He question what Kind of (cates) ve present these, Commutation relations? |~ Cau possible ? > Operators /observables At First et us define ? = get ay + Ge dx dy ~ Jydx = (i dy ~ dy dy Jw, [x5 0°] + yh Jy ~ Of Se tha, thd, loathing / Subtracting! = (8x, dyJdy + Jy [5] > [Oxy] Jy + [dete Jde + de [db] + Jy [de dy] “ha, ii dy = hg [dedy +dyda] = in ( yey ye - yd - 4) = 0 he. [x J*J=0 Stovilovy We tan show $ (dy, niall =0, (d2,d J+ ©): shea We obsewe, Ix, Jy, dz do not commute widh each ather > Not simultaneouasly iagoraligable Buk, > commutes with all Ix, Jy, de 2 TF and ony one of {xsdysdey ts Stmultoneons by diagondigatle To tovite dou “amuttix’ representations of Dy § Te, Tys Te} we wilh use a basis where ja, Jz) batt axe diagonal. toed oo (this ig «. convensiomal choice - could be Jk o dy let us Further define a,at o de = da tidy’ + a Ttey Non - Hermaihan a = ~tdy We can now shov - are~ [a2 ds | = [dz > dx] +t [4595] 74 = My +t Crh) & [d,, 54] = 4d, = (idy+dx) hd, (de, J) = [ded] -* [d2 24] =h (49; - a) =-hd- [as, d-] ~ (Werta), (ata) = 1G, ay) +t [a,,4,] > 2b d,) = 2hde (d;,d-]= 2% de Also, fa ap] <0, BaJ-2, [D89)~0 Coe pre pa Prrally , tek us observe ded- = (dx +tdy) Cdx-t Jy) = dy dy —§ [dod]. = Ot dy t Hide = (J- ae) +%d, Remember ate ara+ as Similarly , Jd, = (dx-idy) Cdr #5) = dy+ dy —§[4,d.: Ort dy -% de = (J - 02) -hde " Adding dhe above selodions O=b (O44 Te Substitute Dx) Jy in tems of J+, 3 in 5) +39 * The igen values of J * must be positive proofs Lemsider a moxmabzed efsem rector > asith algen value 2 Ther A= <¥1T7 1% Haz + O(a > 4 ola hs [ADP + IAN + | aEwP po \ Norm of : Stote —_ w ° It is wonventional + use the Plooing Symbols for She vigen velues of Tz em é T*)¥> = FE rb7 1¥> > 420 Blyy = mb/¥> 2° LO ensuses LCLtI) 4? Is aluags positive ° A factors absote the dlimensions. Land m are dimensionless » mM Can tave ang wgn- ° 1Y> can be the tommom agen vector of a de * The observables LA may not form o CSCO. There mog be obser qaontum Dumber (Such at Energy) which may be sequired! Is Specify a basis vndayue ly . cet us denote such a untyue basis vector by Ik, gom> Genetically emotes otter qrvarttuon pumbers Thus, we tm wwite, for a Common set of orthronormal 2igenvedos . srs 2s FD [Kim = FG Kam [Kgs = mb [Kom he will now see that the angulor momentum eonanmlation telations Strongly Lonsteoins the possible ralues of gZ ancm. Le Df BF wy jsmy = IGF ly jmy } > MKjsm> = mb Im joy “3S mK Gh Same eigenvector ref Pay Ky gsmy IP = yo Id- [Rpm = ? mt m — 4Cj*) =O Now i Gt)- m(mtl) 7O. ne “THT FARR roots: m= jy -G1) rr Gm) Cate) Z0 2 y = tt GP +4jty* 2ns = 14 @+/) . 2 = $.-Gt) Factors must be either both positive or beth negative. A) jmyo, (m+j+N zo jym 5 m -jA 2|-Grlem _My-Jjy me jt Hj Km < itl possible @ m+jpgo, jt-mgo DS me}, my ft not possible since fro We smust ond) Jove Guy =9 (null Ket) If my-Jy I-|kyj,my = 4 [k, Joer-DD where N is some nosmali sabion. peat: G@ If m=-j) then J d-|s il) = jG) -wham| _70 m9 mop (see above) Only possible if J- ) Ky =& + @) YY m>-j da ( d- |k,i,™) -(a.2, - [2,32] [si “es 13. = Jgd- fest tere cancels = (3-2) Ik, d,m> — dQ |K jmp NO = mb J- [Kym — 4 d- [Kj = @)t (J_lkiry) Detesonining She novmaligation Nt N Kim Ki my = d- [ki These ave nownelized Taking the nosm of the Stale NP = || I-lyi> I” > N= (4G) - mem) 5% Hence, - \k, amy [k, m-t> BN Gt) ~ mcm-) TL Given 2 [es ism> = IGF jum |p sm = mb | jum> @) If m= j > I,]k) jotd> =O (nat ket) Gi) Tf me jy Ie |Kjymy = X[k, DMD where N ts some normalisation + proof : @& Tf raz j | 2 l dk [K jamy ll = (ied - m(me) =0 moj meg D Ap [Kyjamergy = O (zero wet) Remember (Ss, d43= +4, [Bey Ig_)-- 4} (Hy Tf m3 Jz (dy [kK jdm) = (aia - Yede]) [Kb > = (mid, + dy) Ik,j mm. = (mt) 6 (2 by iomty Ik, ivy) " Elgenshle of dy witheigen value mH) Determining Ke hoximaliation + N [Rk pmtdy = de [odmy Normalized Taking norm Square on bott, sides. . 2 N= |] del doll = (FG) — meme) N shy 4G +i) — mm (wet) Hence, 5 |bimtly = delim by 4G +i) —m (mtl) Allowed values of Jj and m Consider Ja lk, by = ™|bbm> 4 xm dq J [egmy To Kim -.- Llyimy ds m-| m-2 m-P For Some integer Pp, mp =-j} Otherwise, stete weuld muver getannilvlated boy Some poweref J. and Oz eigen value would q post —f -(walich te mb possilde) Stimnilonrlg , It [ksh Gay rire... aM jy 00 Jp: m*] fm +9. m+. For cone integer ay, mta=q- Otherwise, d+ wparted action ill result im on edger Stole of de ltth etgen value more thom 5 - (not possible). Hemce, m-po-¥ J iz Yy me ik eg rs. my =} Subtrne Finny : (9) > 37 4 must be integer Binded by 2 qe 4514, 2 92 5 Pox avery value df jm vories from Hfocdth oy jt2y ey Fa SS 2441 Sites “Basic pnatrices Fe prestening {, Jp 5345 ante, (25+) xj) Aimanstenod , with j bel, am integer ox half snsteger- These are the bwlds Yoexs. These bute bhoks Lan be pub together fo form Mauger dimensions /makrives . 2 “tl Pel _ 29+) bloce Framplt pus say aye fre je 2 sy Matzices 47% w=0 2 A dimensional Yepesonbabion 7 AL of (2 Ix; Jy, dz) ae gust Zero Reanember i a [Hime = dlsim l 5 4G) — m Got) 25+) = 2 (4)1 = 2 dimemefonral rmotrices- Base IK 5a-by 9 Ik go>: 4 ™ 3” 2 4 0 1 0 Se = 3") ( 1) 74 0 ‘) w_ 1 dy = 3 (3 4 Codon {d_ fdo my = HY EGH)— mle) Op, mes neh male n= sm=—J, e O o 0 Jess ne mete neh meh = 4 (j 8 L Oo Silay, <5 g00| OF lb ah 5G*)- Mn+) S nytt neh, math ney yme-4 ty O 4 J,* = neKym= Jp ne mes 0 0 Hence. ‘H=b(F0) > de = *(8 8) Oo 8 d= (af +O) Pa ck+idy 3-= dx -tdy oO" “3 € 0 : dy = (od dy = (d,-9- tag \Ct ae = J--3,) Fi t : : = E(t- ~~ (O77 2 1 O Concin: 0-8 (9 d)o P-F(2H, HAE) Sotisty Be Gonaplone pmtrmaunborrn, Legh (a, afi ep ae x jetb dz, $ y These 2%2. amotrtees ase palled Paul! Mater «Jd jot, m=-1,0,1 2 4 +4) = 3B dimensional wotrices Basis: {Ika > » [k34,0, IK fy 7 jm a= see © 4 00 dz = ®(o 00 o ont GOr OrFO FOG \ Noto, ba] d_ [kta my = HYLGet) — mm) By m-1 n=4,m=4 n=4,m:0 net, me-4 oO _ 0 ° d- =h Vn= 0, me 4 n=O, m=O n=O, me-} v2 0 0 n=, me4 Vine-t, m2 net) m=-} Sinvilarly, etn] dy [oto my = Hy1Get) — mm) Bam n=1,m=4 “n= tamns 0 n=tym=-4 @) 0 2 O° dyo=hy . oO, m4 W=0, m=O “n=O, =~} 0 0 v2 n=l, m=! Ne-l, m=z O ne-l, m=-l Oo 0 9 © /9 00 o ote Ye o1\. Hemeey 32 =" (: a > J+ ag 33) o4 cee Cust Nike Li amatatices Be 3x3 puatrices algo veges Kee soane objecks satis fry the: Kormmudohion rlat ut of Giongu heyy frre ture: Complete chssrfreaben Awp D ON vce fer Sigher values af 4 > ad Mabriees epresearting Aresynlory prormnem tuner aliglre- @4) Oreital ANGULAR Momentum Recah aungalone pmomembuaw Foou clozs col ameclomies C- xB AA aa Ly = YR — 4Py Remmemabey on AA AA Ly, Pl=0=L2,%,3 lye ZR ~XB Le =P, - 99, [La by Jthle [Lx by | J] (Cy ,ig-th (ts, Lx}ly aN (YB, 2 P, | t 2P, xP] Other fide yelations —ArA AWA, OTS 3299 Con Le Aosived = Y [ Pp» 2] K rate P, J J- by veplacing a ° (KP IG -ibL, ry rw I Hence the components of = BB is an example of observables sabe Fying Gongulat tnnmentyn algebra. Note that there is another ph sical ohgowable Known as the’ spine af o particle, © ishase Aomnponents sahisPy ‘ Geng monnagttoms algeoca, but whieh camrat Le desived fem RxP eg? the COleteoE spin J,’ hich means the dlectrenn its Oxitlamce as a 2X2 mmotric representation the aentyalon snconmbmtunn Melee im addthon fe tts “wave Fumebton" + For Sxample af wpe pak an electson Sav a Darmowie potentiod Luety omesyy eigen state, Ahold noe be further Sabeled by & pty ~ apmaeatwm no iilhert sper S|, $=5=4 > rds roi ord Mroatle Aegencsar Where y N= Nxtny + Ne ‘mn addition to q the usual 4 I" Sp S57 ~ QZ yn Gri) (ne2) a dg 8 lM) S45 S225) = ) bo degenency: Aly spaeeys CD 5,10) Shost >= &) ro The spin of the leew Fs an intyinss Gprooorctugnr Concept, hich does QOD fave any Classical analogue, But osbthd Gnngeabore Jmraynevtum Bos ow Lassieal annlegue, The mame “spin” is demerthad milerdinge I+ SONG Sat this Spin yefes? IS a classreal ball Sprrnnins On ats oxi However, She. Spin Guaattom. crumber ches encode He Lehawler of the clectron ander ‘volations “ FIRST ExpER\MENTA VERIFICATION ® STERN GERLACH ExpeRiment- The experiment weed sibar atoms. Rertroles Uke gives otyms ov The cleotron posseses imtorinsic ragntbie Aipole moment propartira! 45 ils spin. Those ting qusmtuon rrogmebe Lipdles on be deflected am tntmrnogencovs extemal rogue. See. Tris won he wusecl ts smeasure the Welur BR span of te pontiele atorl. Come out bs be Miscrete G4): We will now tetwrn back fo the iiscusstew f orbibal arnegaleer ameanembunen Nolice hak since L, <8 - 22, L? [duty =L0H) hay Aw Le [K,Q)my = mb | &, body Ly . SR -% pe 21 La =P, ~ y Py hence the orbit angular monuntuon Ses o nice pasthon losie vepresentot fen ° 2 L. = Oh) | y8 - #3 Ly= Gta) [ 22 -~2, | Oz =e] ~2 - 9%] Fox discuss’ Penspalixs Jivomundugn 54 is convenient tr f° Ws Spherical polar coordinedsa K= Sin® cosep ¥70 42 v Sin@ Sinep OL BLK 9 = ¥cosB On perm Simbor Lr poor Loordinates Souk im one Shisher dimension Investing pa (eb tyteey* tang = % x (osQ = —2 Care ye 22 ye Tn tegration meoswse * Br = dudgde (inv cartesian) Pre= rrsmedr dp dg Cin Spherieal por) 2 AO = sin9d0 89 sing ag Solid anghe elemirt along 8, 4 x Now, a ora 4 28 82 4+ OF D a oe Ot ox 08 x OP or. _* sgn an” @aganye EP 2 ae : = oe on * Gs = (xtt prese — Sir de = 7% dx (pt > BO _ C088 sim cos cp = 4 CosO cosep ax v sim r de. ax 4 tan = 0 ¢ x | dp= - oO _ —¥ sine So caste Ix x® Tate cos 5 AP. si > * Y siv@ : 28. 1 coe a? Sin Be = simBearp » SB =f covPasp 4 OE ane Stomtleshy Oe sinGeine? , oY ae Cos SiuG cin —_L cos® snc oy “Frems © t dep ~ 1 a Cos*p dy x Vsin§ sD de _ cs t Y sin a 22 = Cad. 2 Greyueye Ot _ 92 ; 1 0 €s0) L——,, + ——— € ) (3% 3 Bye % ey = G8 1. _. sind rainB rornd +r ao 02 2 - sme 2 L cos 2 _ sine 2 im 8 cosp ar * : cos® cosep Ss aoe ay By LesOcmg 2 4 S09 2. Sm ese a ON oe tee 2% - cos? 2 — sind 2, 22 oe no B Slo, Le cine - +3) = Gh) | vendre [7 en oe * oe a = Sin8 sng] a, 2 + Lcosbeerp % — ae 6 | @ © 2 Cos*@ + sin? P | 39 = -th& oF “os 2 22 Ly =r) | 4 2 *% | =(-t rsinO sin wos8/2 — snO B Gx) rem (A > 2) cos Sin @sd — FoosO (saphennd Sit et ae =) | = Gk) [ ¢ Siv’g inp — CoS”O sine) oS ~ Ss se | 0 Frokly L, =Gin) | 22 - xe 3 G ) | OK * az G4) reo [ sntyh 3 + Lcosbcor 2 — SP 2 oy ¥ oH een & FP _ rn org [ op! — snd OD ] ar yw 4 = (tk 2828 co iu 2 i ct ) [¢ S28 cosep + 79 cos P) ST Sin 2 ton® 2 = ik | - cosep S + wt z) Puttin every Fling Sav the postion. basic tame Hoe forren together fhe onbilal Ornsgalery pramurtuienr Le = ti ( sing 2 4 csp 9 26 ly = tr (/ lp > -t Ep ~ cosy Be + Smeg o fond OP on 2% 12 = Ch) (sme 2, 2 4+ GSP oO Cn? Ze a + Cosp Q =€n)| sintg 22 207 tame PP Jen 2Q 4 2sinepeosp 9 2D — Sindcosp 2 Sinre + cost ep OY & tend 20 9% Costep BR singeosP 2 tem OF tent OP tom> & Oe Ber =O) L sintep 2, LsinQcsP O DB tam a8 op ~ sinpeas (slag + am) § ag t ne 3e costp or teurOo ay J Ly ext [ae Boy ee 2 | rops a ae 8 ax Tab et ot QV -eny] est 2, -2simeene 2 2D Ae 3 ay 4 sintp a arig @ 2 ten ag + cerosin @ & sine oP + Sin PcesP ec =Ch) | wstp 22 — 2empesd 2 2 ee End 27H + congessg re a Sinep 3 sin fea _) Bp ' Fon ° + snzp fem? 3G? J 2°) (35) Ls cr)” Cet 22 _ Leupp csp em + YT esp 2, CY % 2, Lt Ly + Ly © 2sin a 2 =c4) [ sete & ae a cosy 2 ~ sees (arg/* ie) 5 ae +e oe cos2p 2” + ~ie ay J O at a Sim2ep 3 ef one) 2 ' t,6 2 + ae a J tem? ® xe + oneney ( + chy 2 " ee (2\,1 2,1/ CF) (Ze FO tor BP oo, Bo dpatde Sd Jen® 20” SPB oer = th( sme d eee 2) Similarly Lay LL Leth sing 2 ot 2) meg be expressed ac t by (, coup B+ Si 2) ieee B La = ly +i ly = Gr) [ Gre- \ 6 dL ao tend BY yet] & + tate 2] Los lx wily e i Gs one 2 - (én) [ (spat coop) 2, + po @ I f si ip sip ip sy en(eS8 2% a i +e") eltee ie =n [2°23 + SF 2] —o ne e? [-3 & gp tere SE | Sunmunary ¢ * 2Gr) 2 So Pe Lea Lpale 2 Ao 2 4 1 Ss \ " ce " ‘) * ° dem 28 sme 29) ees Le 2 Engen wale awolors dw posthen space _ (s + tg 2nth ie %) Yea) = Leen, ‘eo oe SivO Se 412 Y'RO =m Y; tee) oe These yy" (0.9) ave polled Lhe Sphesrical Hoxmew'es. These funekions re completely dolermind Lrough there aRayniotiera - 1n onder fe satify 3, 4" (ag) = ¥," (Be) The spherical Shormowies /must Srose fhe, generel foo ¥"(a) = FO eo”? Remmomember (PO, 2A]. Continuity of ¥"©@@) ok P=O0, P=2A means w "(8,0) - ¥/" (® 2) 7 e- =4 T2am 4 2 =a > WM (and hence L) must be an aonten et for obf tod amauta Avormentivn - For , Spin L,am can be torteged or $ integral. For oslortal angular Amomntantynn dom must be integrod & integrod ds not allowed ) We van determine obL Yy™" (8,0) by the action of Ly, L- as Follows : At firat sensider vy" ap 7 L, ye (8,0) =0 ie /Q . 3 L Lp =O he (4 +teoto 2, R®) & = d -lote\ £09) =0 > (4 ) FCS) 27 dre) = 2 G88 de. = @ Alsind) He sin® Smee D PEO =Llw sin «A mo~ | ¥"@O fom aoe.) FE (o) = G (Sind) ( aoe / / Flo) B awshiod fed vot / We may now act witt L_ t obtain all the States costespomdling de dif forsenct values of m Le [L,m> = Fy acerp — mem-D | 2,m—> \ Easy 20 “ renee YW @%)> & (sing) ge! Ordhonosmal functions +» = Spor Sym Qn Jae fmode yon Ye (8,9) = Say On, . i A dQ = sinO dBAA Orthromovanallity Jon position sep x 2 (ap [sno a0 GOP = K » leh (apf s0do Gmey” u an Pes fesciwinng Lhe @ Antegro ? 4+ J G9) rt 9 w= os x = | -Csinedd) (\— ws’ ene a? © - = J —du (- wy - Jace) -f (eu) OT da J (i- apt — je Cu! du “4 = Tp — 5 uw Ce)" du Tnteguate- by posts Ate y few a 2 1 (8)! 20 “1, =H u(y - fu is ( ow ‘| as c-wtdu + | Bee " 0 -i td > oy vt Heme, Tye Iya - i L, = = 2h ty > (+4 jh Jg-y 2 y OL+l e/ I 2 Sau = 2. =| T- (2k T (2041) - (24) ; 2Q -2 . W-4 Lit) 2a pn -4 Rl Ty- _ QD!! ql - 2 (2n)!! ‘ee (2n+i)!! whee, Wil = 2 Cr2) Ura) 2 (21) 4) (22-2) Gta (20-4) (ati) 4) Ct-i) Gt-2) CL3) Gla) 2 2 BU _ 224A (2h+1)! chy in the fact ohep we used s (20!) > 2 (20-2) Gta). | = 2(0)2(4-1) 2C4-2)- --- = 2!C0.en.&)--) =otgl. Hemee, ey 2 CO” on 2 iso! = Da+i)! => [Cel = x a (een! By Convention o pluse of Gy* is put ine Ca! oy = CO feu oh ht Fos example : For l=4 Ine ak yo) = Cr Grey’ °* hed = Cy sin® OP? XL —_— p= YD [erst = a! ,| 3. 2h yl 2 4X . 4n 01 Remeamber : d -|simy . | = [4K bet BN G+) ~ m(m-i) Fos orbital Gen egalen snenrenbvan Le | KLymy = Hy Let) - (ord | Ket For, Lat, mets L-[K 4,05 = alo Ik, Loy L-= 8 EFC + toto 2 In posthon. ve pee stmbation ~iep 3 . 9 We) 0 ne (- % tiete a) Ys = We Met os 6 PL 2 +i tO 2) cy sind Ci? oye ONCE #) 1 gin © =92°(- os0 +1 ws8G)) e? Ve =-(2 Cy cos @ -a5 . /3 . = 4p [2 cos8 = 55 Cost Again act with L- L- [etm = BL LCer=mfmr) | Yuriy Fox, =A, m=03 L-|k,4,05= 7/2 1K, 8-1 = Se (_ Bo 4 2) l-sFeé G & * toto Z,) In position ve pee stmtution ft . Wo 4 re? CR tiete 2) a = Y., -| o° 2 +i ot 2 Wa 3) cs | Ya 2B (- 3 7) = 2 gin ee? BA S chokes foo Let gov position Se preseentadion - yl = ef OF y,” = fe 8 Thstead of using the La y We Ram aléo obtotu the ye by Aivect ly solving fhe differabial Lapuattons- ~ a, "es _ (& + swe Se Se wis 5 ) yy @® = acer), é) “ M -t 2 % @&® zm %, (ey) oF The second equation somplies Plot 4 m imap yt = BM eel Putting this into the first ogmobion gpves _ (2+ ae (im) + ke ah F"@)= LG) F, “©. a Fy" A Fi’) — m_\£"() =0 $ v ©) 4 1, = + (a+) “) 1 (®) sin AAO + SinBeos® AF") 4 (ate) sivto—y?) fa d8 Je sind A ( sine 4 Fe) + (20 ht —w-) FO) *0 # er snp AY set AF Go®) [+ (2(es) wate -w) FU @-0 2 yl Stess), i ( ) a8 i) 4 ( 4 rv) + (LOH) (2) -w) RMG9 0 Thes és a famous decord onder difperentiol Lanotlon Aalled Lhe GEenerRAL Lemenoeae EQUATION . The sbluftors are FuN®) = A RG) herve B®) ave the Associatep Lewenore Parynomais. Note Hut fer denteger Sym Rhe sdubrons oe polymenlals. These Polymonnals con be obtained by 200 fosmunsg a veyies Solution - P 3b These sotutyens are also somsped bg speeted/ in the Sotowing ay wm. ANY m ie -er COA Aw where Py) ove Lemenree Povynomiars givton bog P,&) ° i ay (ati The mormolizations Lei Chomdard — Comvennbons ae Ob 3) Tie HyDRomEN ATom The Aydrogen dom js the problem of finding the bound states of the electron and proton interacting with each offer by the Coulomb force > os e (R-¥) gc * Bo- Be -£ 5 ® 2 boing She Decotion of the dectrom and paoton 30 = > = vespectioely, R= T-G, |#=v, -£ a Electsostabie polenhiah will Dave a Sector og €' less} The. potential emery of the system ~~ @ +t __k V ( r) = mE At first a may seen this peoblean is gxactly the Same 06 the Kepler problem of phoretasy wetion where K= GM)M2 59 Mio beim the mass ef the 400 bodies tnfersctiny by grovitodioned foxee. But planetary rrotion bs a Classical problean and for bydogem alow We |NEED |qmantuon mmebomics. @) CLASSICAL Two-BODY PROBLEM Re fore Aeoussing the Yuantum vession of Lhe pacblea fel us briefly cbiseuss ( recap) the elessical problem Neurton’s flaw for both, particles (Eom) “ 52 pm #08 , soos bm, B= - 5a? let, r= 7-8 R= re em = Center of mass (+ m2) Coordinate ay <> 2 Adding EOMs * mytm,6 =O D> R=0 Le. the cent ef swoss is af vest or mores with tonstank velocity : Subtoa ching €OMe so} A > 5 -¥% = ih $07 + OF = Mtm) 40? MyM, > pe = POOP ee IM veduced M,4+M2 /\mags. This ts the mon-trivial Ayromital saation which me 4ove tb solve > = Notice! ne y, =f 4 Me Pr z => y= 2 wy +m P= myimye prima (m, + rm) me Wy + Ay So, if we go amb. sit om top of the comtes of anaes and deelowe iF fe be the ovigin hen, Bn such a frome R-0, R-o oP ~ mw a D> _ MA ~ In Bris pose, Regt ry, B= - Se tM y+ wy, qT . = 2 Iw Limit mopm,, T= R=0, 578s pom Im this Liw't, the EOM pre foot te mething bk the Ay annies of the singe (smaller amass) pooticle fmoutuy under Rie Soree of the Augher mass pactile. In any Casey Since mow we Gove to solve Wis Sirgfe, cow MP = f(o# Therefore fhe two body poblem vednes Stigle becky Potton This problem can be sotved easily by aaking Use of Aonsesved Gruomtities - a Anqutar Momentum: Simce, F = fT, Tosque, Cavx Foor =o »D Arcgialoor ameyarnhaan is conserved ! Fxpy =O > Pr Confirmed fF plane, perpendicden bk P. Since Sivection of Tig Pimedl wtthouk Does ef grnealily we gan choose cur Z-axis along C . > 3D one-body preblem reduces Lo ow 2D one body prchlean Choosing 31; P) Coordinates gn x4 plane mre fO? > { »(®-rg) = FO) M(rptrtp) = 0 Where we Dave used : T= Fanb)% + (vp +216) 9 How ts ts obtaimed t K= Twos Y @aPsnps cose Or Ssin®e Saye Pe ate ¥ 3 Ne rer? dr: depyy af dt t at But, dt A (feos +f cing) od Ht = sing $+ cosep ) = oo Hemce , dv _ 7R4OP “4 ws : Loe os av. Now, ~(# + 4 at) GB +48 P+ vps) . a” A “But, do a (-singp t+ cos p 7) = C corp &-simep # )§ =-9F So, # =(€%4 6a) 4 (HB + 1g P+ vG 49) - at PP TTP P TOP Se = (P4668) (FSF + WG-H*P). = (¥-16) 0 + (Lig 4 rg) O Se, our €0M wedwces Kk »(®-rg*) = ft) A(rpt2rte) = 0 Instead of satus Lhese, Laymodtems Aiweet ly , we again use Comserved oonitres. In veduetinty the problem Ga ID pablean we Bawe erly mused dicechon 5 To Rub the pmsguide of Diy alia Ronsived = |e] = L fixed A is come Ronstowdt fired by Anitiel pomditers: ve £4 y= rd = 1P 4 1OQ Hence, Pe Px x py = ex (nitned #) “pep? El= pg = t a-2-t = “one L LL. det. Pp he > |OG)-8k) ye J. pp How to ebtain ri)? We ean use Lonservation of energy. Eueray = Kinetic Energy + Potential Energy: & vin --& zit 2 v E > pre + vO) 5 yo see there) tO. | # Bab, pee aL p= - = deve, . 2 Es £ ple + rt) + v(t) BE =tpit+ yy. oh ype ) 6 » -4K. = Note, fhe EOM te cbtaimed by diffesenbiating She Byuchins (amd Q — te conservation this. Comsevnedion (aus? ston he ured Og performing ane ofp the Iucfegresbrons img She oqmahtor of mation Thus ord, we Just meed Kk seve She zqmotten Lay -¢ apy + —_ Effechve potential +t find 1 Vers CY). gt Nete the dpmbinetten Vege (¥ = -§ + Oa rr is an effechive potential. and a pet egg ( = € ds Vike eelviny the trajectory of oO stvgle 4D spavtiele Proving iw a prtembal Vey ° Sctvinng ¥ ~ iz E Vere) pl 4 @) cl) 9 (as = - (|< —— %, 1 if (Fm ( E- Veep () ach) dr tt = —— 1 NV 3 (© ~ Vers) We need to povfewm Rais whegretion amd Imvac the velation + Sx press 6 Ga a fiunch on aA tine det us ecamime fhe mofure of Vege | Nene) & Vegp- Ee + E ie negative €>-é| them the potion vis bounded => the classical hound statec Motion is unbounded bf £70 AL smergiet EY Vaan 9 (Venta being Phe. mrivirma, of Vegp) are allowed as am imitial pomnditiow- (Chssieally Ete centinueus) We can find the cqvotion of the tonjectoriec aA follows 3 se =——~_______,_ r os 2 K 2 [(26* - c 42 Sur] ar P-h = L J os, 1 (2epr+ dKper— LF) z The ategrol fan fe pospone to Aten og. = ant (wir ) oH pK apts Solving for rs Wr 14 {i+ (2° fue) Sin( P-P) v Lt ts ftemventional to fave 8,2-% FT 2 Fléo, de firing € af Hee 9 t “oe we get} 2 | r re 4 — Ecos P This es the vqpsbiow Of Coie batter tm poler coordinls utth eceentrreity E, and one Sous at the ovigdn Bounded odtiss 6 COCA > ody LEX ¢4 a BM =) - BE YE x 0 ap Comdlition for bounded obits. Note 2 k ee oP L Net 209 ~£ 4K =9 ay pe > vy, = pe vy, Vwi = Vere (nm) = v — K_ Gey Ge) pe BRE meh pe 2g m ae Comelustor & Clacsreatly bewded ecbits ave a Lonhinunushy verhnl emecyy fom —BO fo. The bounded osbris are ae elliptic dn general, Sub Lecomes Cranley af the Drwer bend Engg This és 60ecouse im tus “ose ow Bowe a single ollewed value (At E = Vwi) E=0 oF = Gunn > Ellipse becomes civele. Problem with this classical salmtion $ The preten- electron System bs ehecged and Sourees electroamagrehe fielde. Te configuration Fob a mon-gero electrte Lipole amomint which, Choanges ast. time. Such a aunfigusation ynust eat EM radiate: Te cacktotior ented axl veoluee ne totol knew of She system Ond tye llectrom woul! obbiomastely wtlopse em te proton Bot THAT Does NOT HAPPEN: QuantUA MecHanics ts the vig descriptor tos drag dagen atone and mot Gassteal smechonies Th QM, Bhis system ootld Rave oo Dari tomian the 2toemn otter of Fhe Locmiteviam & schri dimgav eymodion)- The bound amergy Ligenstates af fhe proton omdl tke cleehon ave thus tn ef omy axtesmol pertusloation - Also, the ground stote enery'y iw OM ts non-zero Cixe armonie oscillator, due to quantum uencertoirely This emsuves electrow does mot collapse into peoton kn She Classical sense. e absense FUN FACT More Conserved Quantities Before moving Ub the, quantuan version of Khe problem 4 Sk us mote, that the classical versiow of this problem bas additreral xertesved yrantities Aran get angular anementum. Let us again stast vid the, 2opuakiow ef wnotion Com) p r= fT We Cam tewette this ag P _ ge) > 3 ry “pe (mass x vdoatty) Now ), Com oder pxe= $698 x #8) = pio [wx (#x r) 1 vr = _ 2 pxL poy (=- m) ye-& #0--% a) 2 £.(Prt)> po CD = OA (FE) Ce nature of foe ts iim portant fo > 4 ( PxE - c@ ) =0 rv The grandity , A= PxP -pK® és Aonterved throughout motion gust bike > Ean@ Ll. Question: Is W independend of E and v ? We Can show 9 2 Components of R ore detewuned by Coke; ® RP = (Pet _ pe?) -L 2? = ( R@xl)—pe * (P#9) = 0 rr Re 2 A. L =O wmeang A is a vectr tn the plane af smokions and hence St Beqyuises two sompomuls Be be specified (4) Bisa fixed (condesved veetor) On the place of mobion. Let us cnote the angle porened & Rutt this ® veetor fo be ~m : —> K.P = Arcos NOTE: We cantake d=Y-%, @ beeng Some eorston Now, we also Love, RP (Pel - put)? P.CBaBH pene 5 since = E(PeB) — pk, ginee = [DP pe Le ~PKE Lg hung the sersrved peganébadeok Aagulor morintom- Arcos -%,) = Gra pk r > 1 > FF Hence » . a C14 A cos Cp-A)) which és mething but the aeyuntrorn of the Prajectory A with the eocentricity provede d we identity re But ako as hevived! onrter the same cecentriecty as Gepressed bn terms of consemed Energy 2 + gee Ae Powe > APs pe + 2mEL™ Since ® Pas Zcomponents which aust satisfy the Linn, Conditions @ R.P=0, @) AP = pret 2m e* Therefore, Wwe eonchile tnt B fos only ene Component independent of Eana lL. Thus, this system hob 5 cersered qwonthee [> c, one component of A}. These S quomtities provides imfomution of the size, shope and cotentation of the orbit Dgeshes with, the Enxfoomation where the protiele 1 Socatedl at tnitial time on the ortit (pluc Hhese © = St) =b)> they cletesmine the initial conditrow af Pond P (6 imitialconditien) — o point om plage space Hyromen Atom % Quantum Teeat Ment For the Guombvon COSEy again we Com Yo +o the Canter of awass frame seduce the problem & me bedy problenn. The center of mass 18, She combened Ay drogen ator heboves Jie o FREE Quomtum Pastiele Since the mass of the proton is 16! timer Stat of electron, She reduced mess és pratically the mas & electrons The reduced 1 bocly dynomite fs also effectively the dymamics of the electron for Mis reason mem mp>>Me > ome b zm. Mp +Me Solwing the lnewgy Ch genigstean Jt be reduced) tbody problem is thus eepprontmately eyuirolent to The energy Cgensysheu of the electron whoh is bound tm the VOr)=-K potential exeated due Is the proton: this Gamiltonian ts 2 pe ue G_ 4K fo Het B+ VG) = — , y 2Me © As, we tove cbiscussed tpwards the byineting of this abap ter 2 = a oe pry 5 hese V-22 42 +k2 x asith 2, 4)k beang the amit yeckou alow Ree Hp fy 2 divectrors Tespechuely widh this a ef BF, we com write 32.2 _ 42 +e 4 oe = +2 2 Pos PP = —% mat ay +e) v Dae kif ferentiod operator vr fs table! the 2D Loplou'an. The hapluan vag be wetter En uphesoak Polar coorlimates 45 a Catesian, ve= (22 e + 5) Sphewicoh = (1 & Lf2 44 i Tor "* n( * jon 28 % * Site be polar Vhe aphewteal plow oxpressiow for VY" may be ebtarned by Change of voriable fom Cx y2®) coordinali: (5 (685) coordinah This ts a Sight iy tedious palewntien. This expression far V~ 5. Consjolered Wx be very stondarcl omcl onag be picked up from any mmotheanattect Method text book . The effective veduced Hemiltoniaw Pr the. Sydsrgea. atom problemr here fore Das be from 2 2 H= £@4yy --2 V'- XK 2mMe 2M © a1 es) ) Pf 1 Br £2 te -*£ mg oy r So tab 28 site OF r a Lyetlky+ LZ opewolor- je) ——_»_ Y=" Now, we mote thal fw the faplaciam vy’, the 8 ond p derivatives get together ard take the foo of v opesntoy kn position tepresewtahion: 2. +> (2,412 + be Se L* = \a6? 8 20 sme BG (see discussion of amgulax awomeakunr aleave)) J panel ~K. Henee, we wosite - ( 2 Om re = - 4 y r ame. v OF me! DReaWl that Lx, ly la are apemtors whose position representation ds Such thak only devinotives of 8,@ ase Smvolved © Alo. recall thot, [Lx 1-0 [hy J-o,[L.4 J=0 = + 2 Uy-kK O@x#=-B(+8r+b ) s ame T xr ye dewivetives of r amd functiows of ¥. Cmaing As a sesult of these Scbhsesvotins we must Dove (H, Lx J =0, [H, Ly 50, [H,Le]=o, [h, U)-0 As we will cbiscuss boter, this ts @ very dupociont Popied reeult. This cesustés valid for all central force porentiale fe. VOoy2)= VO), whee ra Ce yrayt). We ave tvitexestest in the engen system of this barniltorian HI hy = &» /fy osheve “n! tS on dnteger which Keeps count of chistranct igen States omdl tye values Ht Since, H commutes vite all the somporents of L ond l?, Shere fore fH, 4, Lo} fowms a set of Commrmutting cbseavables SE thus prcblem- { Hj, lef fs Hhe poxiirmunn mo of observables among fH, c, Ly} wach, Comrnutes with ene amafher. We wish t find G comenon orthorormal losis of Liga vectoxs Sor $M, Lela) Stamultaneously. csco Such a basis mong be Sabeled by the Cigemralues of HL? Le and we san asvite 4. Hn byw = Ee fn a> 2 Pind = LCL Hn, Landy 3. Ly [yyy = anh |r Lady Equations (2) and @) we dove aready sdved Sov position Yepresentation C the answer is Yy™ (®) This tells us fhot the full ket |n,lym> im position sepresentotion Abuld aye the foro KP [nay =P CH, =R 19 Ye"). wim The, 8 9 Aeperdence of the mavefumnetiom of electron is firecl from the fet Hak he stabronary states ore alto SAmultoneors Ligentates GF L?, Lg This &m turm was possible becouse C7 =O 5 whieh as we soll brtef ly oliseuss hater €s a stateannl of ROTATIONAL SymmeTRY ? Owe final fob ts Be find the explicit forma of Rr), ane! tn the peotess determune, the tracey Cigeroolnes on The stationary states must salve (M&M = Ey |oGna> in position vep “1 ® +L Le Vr |= Ce Feat inl Egat OG] = BR Assuming the amsaky 5 GP =R YN thie equodion reduces 40 yh hm e a EL FRR, (MOE vey) 09-6, 0,8 2Me d Y 2 me t No “wm” tm Lis eoyodiow, 50 WE om Avop Lhem in Room Further, for cimpltty substitute R= + wud — uy MDH vey EU Lime dar 2s let us defimet = (| ~2ttet » (EXO for bound states) th 2 A ds> r t — AO + WD y + be CRU = -CE)Y dvu= (1+ LC) 5 _ anf 1) U, He ae (RP) Hea OY Furcthey defime : Then ft eynobion fer U weoluces to = (1- Po LCi+) aa Let us analyre, she aceymptotic. bebourers ef UD: ®) pre du _ ou ol p* u@=e Aeh+ og No blow up wy pro _ du ; o(041) : Substitute W@= 8 or" e> S(s-) poe Mey -¢ ptt ch ug= © P+ of se) = 104). No blow up Regudary ok ovdgin emforces W770» 9 Yoo seal, -2- Now make ame amsad, by Jincorpovarhing his assyymplotic behovior vor pet do. Grp e? ve).- pu e® vo 48h ap - pie®| (tp) ve) 4 pe, du - be (_ay- b(t) ) v fu = pe [(2t2+e + ) AY Vv ap + 2(Lt-5) A + fp £ Poking Phis back junto du. (,- S . 2a ap ( Fe ) we get pt + 2(iti-g) # + (S-2(e4))u =0 We mow Ache Bhis eqmakion by Se method of Sevtes colistion ‘This 4 Bos noting todo Lot, os 5 voit, amgilor «momentum Vp) = 2 C3 e°, Che +s axe tobe Veo: Aetermined from diff. *) Di f. feventbiabing dv . zt iG e” = 2 Ge) Cony P Sg do Qa. q* 4 ie 3 Vawishes for Ni > Ot) 7 zo — on : As teakinbrnny Tis orce 5 4G") Gal Se fro We mow jmsext fhese Lewies Suto ouv dif ferembiod agmokiew edu + 2(1+ti-g) # + (S-2(eH) Ju =0 ae* = 24+) x a - 24) nied - 2p 2 ij 8 7 p> pri (both " cuiealet) 00 8 00 ‘ 2 2G Gy, pi + 2b) 2 Gr) Cnt? jro 7°° -22 4G 97 + [9-20 12 9p ~ fre ye Collecting Coe fficteml= of gi and sething it ir yee : AG) Gian + 2CL4) Gt) Sper — 25 J+ [8 - 2G] G =O > Ch = 2(f +84) - 9. © TG + eG 7) Cpe (ae ] CG Cie) Gj th) This €3 the vecursion fosrrndo totycl, determines Lh the coefficrenks in tevms of the tawes? power cooffeiel G- Remembering the ment Step from the [D Hoxamome escillofor. Lit us analyse the behavior of 3 fr vege prelanes & 3 ~ 2h ja * % = 2G jit) 9 yw » G= Ac. D> 7 5 G Ov P 9 v= & 2 2 pl -cet at jr — Does mot amatley because Qoxoe valires j Captures the Sarge nous ok E sh. Buk remember 5 ule = pu EF VQ) = wt eS This cleanly Stowe up. This problem Con be add vested Lf She sewies touncates, ancd therefore, Loge Volnes a d ase mot possible Thig means V(e) wold bea fintie ovtlet polgmornialein g Jeocrated LamverRe Rhwomit. Conditiew for the trumeation of sentes is Cy, #0 but Cy =O, for some integer N>O te. N= 4,2) S)- This toples, from the cecussior fovmmnlee 2CN+2) -p =d Defining me Nth, RK =2nun- Since, N and L awe imlegess, vm is ahro an integer Now eecall, Eos - ine _ 2me7 5 Ae 2 me Ax EO gz -- [te (aay Lo ==). * Qh” \ 4% bo nv yn —I3-Gev. For senme Integer Ne 1) 2,3 NeLan > D (NeWL 2 Lualae mnotecceed f= Wl fo, fora givim wy allowtd valuec of L= O12) 3, 4, 0. We) SPECTRUM e=Et . , [n2, 0, med Bs " * amd Sine Jet, m=1> [n-2, Let, m=1p | ne ee Rad Vea, tet, moy 2P tar, bat, m-oy Bp ra btwe? [ben te, mot Len, tes) mety FP meas thy mod Im, t2, wed Degeremey of every Sova a = Z Qs = p2 gor Zenda we g2e\n tua n YL N owamalizrodtion ; Sar [f,.CB) p= Ses Ch Spar [R, ‘ oo se {sine 4 by oxthomormeedity of yy" y" cabs) =4 Dd fade | yal |? 24. 4 ( ar|u,coah= d Again Let us recall, 2 Me @* i a = 2k > gen 9 a= (Be =)% AX EWE. AX boh™ \ We de fume, a= Gan? whese 4K fb - a, = 10 an ig dhe’ Bohy tadius _ Me @* Also remember, A°T=P 2 POP Ther hak is the mohse of the ground) stote? fox, n=4, Cy =O) C2#0. 5 L=O Qn -9 Hence, w= P eC Ve) = OP ef -9 Co 6 ao - Loaee = oe Ri = eS P,o,0 C8 @) = Ryo) Ye (&® = Ry NE ~9& 1 cge Ya, aan G ty detesmumed by the reasruvalign Xion fardition - oO 2d Sf 5 [Rp Co) Par * fet Se Ya ay 8 a y a (cP 0? 0 eX dk 24 sf a@real BE L - 257 o% x & QP & 2 24 ° & oO x = ase ax (oft = 4. = er) a: ft. =1 Zo a 2 Hence wave funckiow fer 1s Skate Le” Foo? alan © Probability af Sincling the elecon ontedy THA is ex pponentally Smal Ex. Show thal, A Ryo (¥) = & Ci-Eye “% - & ~Yoo Ry, (ry ae re - Find Co in both he eases, Viswobize fhe Lative BD wsavefunchiow by approprialx plate. OPIN AND STATISTICS OF ELEcTRON The eketsom bos an bmn tainsic spin S- This Spin observable SF Commuter sity the porn terion. Hence, avexy stode, of the Ayolengen ofom &s doubly degemenrde due to His spin. Se me 18 [Nel KO,n0, 83> [N= L-0, 0-0, sof Intevactions Letwoen Spin and orbital angulotanamintum sesult im mew tetme in Hamiltonians which wesult tn Splitting of amereryy beele (pavtol lifhng of some of Aese Aegemenveies) Feammi- Stotisties of Electson Follows from velabwishe dorsidarobigns Spin $ pasteles anus t Gove Fermi gtotishes- Suppose we Save 2 pacticles yt) 5 ® (BD a 7 State inky If we ‘on distingwizt. the parheles , the combined wave functow wilh dake the pom pone Product of stotes im \ ys Je BEDYR the +tilbest spoce. If the pastilee ave Indistingwislable ) We gonnot Know which, paste as in wil state and ue aootte Ys (BR) =AL YG) BOD EEG ¥,c8)| + Bosens > Syammmetiic under interchange py, Gre) = + YOR, — 2 Fesmieng Genki Seyamamabrie, pandey” donter Change BOB) =- $028) So if two Adenbieal Fexnwions occupy the seme stale CR) =< ALY) KID) ~ KO) HJ =O NOT PoOSsrBLE : PAUL) EXCLUSION pRiInupLe - Must be considered while putting multiple electyoms tw Hydro gew Like systemas Symetries And Conservation Laws Time eveludiow? tk 2 = HIWy 9 “tHE Sl = CWI, ug | IW = How does expectation walue of obsemable evolve? An observable smog ee plicit ly depend. om time A dtp = 2 This Aas noting, 40 do ith qpaubum Heme evolution - - (x) Aly + 2 Creu gE . i Now , oo [ee J. iP am wm \ (xX) PJ =th 1B VCR] = te VG Exj-t- (x, P™] =thn pm Agsume his, and then ponsider [KoP™ | = [KP] P+ plx, pry te PT + ep Gan Ph). = %& (nti) p? Hemee by mmnacthe motical tndutton 5 we Lave shown Lx, PD = ten Pm" Als, FCP)= 2% p" any Junction F may be ns fovmatly Repanded im Pose vsesies 2) (x, FO) = Z of, (ia)n Pr > ak F'(p) Similasha , (P, VO) =-tk V'&) o> * w ~> ’ o& h 4 o Hence , we eon write -P Ox ay [®, vy J=-th VCR) RiaRjree Gpoing beck | aS = RET = bX d€> = =E Ike> Now, [V> = QP is anew stite- H/P>= HAsO = QHD = El. Hence, [P>, Q/P> bok Bas Some encegy- he meecl mneltiple qnenturn mos (eigen nralucs to <3 a ante Aoompltey, ) “6 ee Symmebiits <> Conmemahin Lins <9 Degioreroetes. Qovntoon Srbensltiert Fp We he OO Us In — Cr INI, Wty ~~ Hr >, Ee <—« Bell's tnequedifee

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