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Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B:

Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes
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The effects of residual tetracycline on soil enzymatic

activities and plant growth
a a b c a
X. Wei , S. C. Wu , X. P. Nie , A. Yediler & M. H. Wong
Croucher Institute for Environmental Sciences, Hong Kong Baptist University , Hong Kong,
P.R. China
Hydrobiology Research Institute, Jinan University , Guangzhou, GD, P.R. China
Helmholtz Zentrum München, German Research Center for Environmental Health, Institute
of Ecological Chemistry , Neuherberg, Germany
Published online: 25 Jun 2009.

To cite this article: X. Wei , S. C. Wu , X. P. Nie , A. Yediler & M. H. Wong (2009) The effects of residual tetracycline on soil
enzymatic activities and plant growth, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants,
and Agricultural Wastes, 44:5, 461-471, DOI: 10.1080/03601230902935139

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Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B (2009) 44, 461–471
Copyright C Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

ISSN: 0360-1234 (Print); 1532-4109 (Online)

DOI: 10.1080/03601230902935139

The effects of residual tetracycline on soil enzymatic

activities and plant growth

X. WEI1 , S. C. WU1 , X. P. NIE2 , A. YEDILER3 and M. H. WONG1

Croucher Institute for Environmental Sciences, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, P.R. China
Hydrobiology Research Institute, Jinan University, Guangzhou, GD, P.R. China
Helmholtz Zentrum München, German Research Center for Environmental Health, Institute of Ecological Chemistry,
Neuherberg, Germany
Downloaded by [University of North Carolina] at 08:11 12 November 2014

A pot trial was carried out to investigate the adverse effects of tetracycline (TC) on soil microbial communities, microbial activities,
and the growth of ryegrass (Lolium perenne L). The results showed that the presence of TC significantly disturbed the structure of
microbial communities and inhibited soil microbial activities in terms of urease, acid phosphatase and dehydrogenase ( p < 0.05). Plant
biomass was adversely influenced by TC, especially the roots with a reduction of 40% when compared with the control. Furthermore,
TC decreased the assimilation of phosphorus by the plant although the concentration of phosphorus was increased by 20% due to
decreased plant biomass. TC seemed to increase the concentration of dissolved organic carbon (by 20%) in soil. The findings implied
that the agricultural use of animal manure or fishpond sediment containing considerable amounts of antibiotics may give rise to
ecological risks.
Keywords: Soil; tetracycline; bacteria; fungi; Lolium perenne L; plant growth.

Introduction residual antibiotics following the application of manure or

pond sediment to agricultural land.
Pharmaceuticals, such as antibiotics, have been widely used There has been increasing awareness and concern over
during the past decades and are recognized as ubiquitously the environmental effects of residual antibiotics. They can
occurring persistent contaminants. Antibiotics and their provoke resistance in pathogens through long-time ex-
metabolites can enter the soil environment via several path- posure, mainly due to genetic variation, and transfer to
ways, e.g. animal manure as fertilizer. However, limited in- plasmids containing an antibiotic resistant gene, either
formation is available related to the impact of antibiotics directly or indirectly from non-pathogenic to pathogenic
on soil ecosystem. Antibiotics have been and still are exten- microorganisms.[1] Therefore, humans and animals are be-
sively used in animal farms for disease control. During the coming subjected to a rising risk of microbial infections
last few years, the abuse and overdose of antibiotics have that cannot be treated with pharmacotherapy. In addition,
brought great impact on environment. Once administered residual antibiotics may pose a serious threat to human
to an animal, the antibiotics may be present in substantial health through possible accumulation in food chain.
amounts in urine and feces as the parent compound and/or Tetracycline (TC) is one of the most extensively used an-
metabolites are adsorbed and partially metabolized. The tibiotics both on humans and farming animals in China.
use of farm manure (pig or chicken) and fishpond sediment China is reported to rank first in the world in terms of an-
as organic fertilizer has a fairly long history in agricultural nual production of oxytetracycline (OTC) and doxycycline;
countries. Nowadays, manure and pond sediment are still two antibiotics from the tetracycline antibiotics group.[2]
being extensively used as an important component of agri- For example, Chinese shrimp and prawns have been banned
culture. Thus, the soil environment may be exposed to these in Europe and the United States due to the high residual
antibiotics detected.[3] The failure to strictly follow label
Address correspondence to M. H. Wong, Croucher Insti- directions for the correct usage of TC may pose a more
tute for Environmental Sciences, and Department of Biology, serious environmental threat than other antibiotics, since
Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong SAR, P.R. China; TC belongs to a broad-spectrum antibiotic, which can be
E-mail: active against both gram positive and negative bacteria.
Received August 13, 2008. Compared with most of the persistent organic pollutants
462 Wei et al.

(POPs), the half-lives of most antibiotics are much shorter. Table 1. Basic physicochemical properties of the soil.[27]
However, it was reported that TC is fairly persistent in the
environment. For example, as reported, TC can persist in Properties Values
surface water and soil for over one year.[4] It had also been pH (soil: water = 1:5) 6.20
reported that only a moderate degradation of various TCs EC (µS cm−1 ) 173.8
occurred within 180 days in soil.[5] The mean half-life of Texture (%)
oxytetracycline in fish farm sediment was approximately Clay 4.6
120 days, thus indicating a moderate persistence of the Silt 19.6
antibiotic.[6] Sand 75.8
However, unlike other priority pollutants (e.g. heavy met- Total organic carbon (%) 1.26
als or POPs), the behavior and fate of veterinary medicines Total N (%) 0.11
in the environment have not been extensively studied. There Total P (%) 0.12
NaHCO3 -PO34 − P (mg kg−1 ) 4.53
is limited information available on the impacts of an-
Total K (%) 0.95
tibiotics on soil ecosystem, especially on microorganisms
Water extractable – K (mg kg−1 ) 13.43
thriving in soil, which are often several magnitudes more
Downloaded by [University of North Carolina] at 08:11 12 November 2014

sensitive to the toxicity of antibiotics than other higher

organisms.[7] These microbes and plants possess functional Tested bacterial and fungal strains
relationship and constitute a holistic system, therefore any
disturbance to the equilibria among microorganisms and The bacterial and fungal species in the tested soil were
between microorganisms and plants may adversely affect isolated using Luria-Bertani (LB) medium (United States
the stability and productivity of soil ecosystems.[8] This Biochemical Corp., Life Science Amersham International
study aimed at providing a better understanding of the in- plc., USA) and Rose Bengal medium (KH2 PO4 1.0 g, glu-
teractions among TC-soil microbes-plants, with emphasis cose 10.0 g, MgSO4 ·7H2 O 0.5 g, peptone 5.0 g, agar 20.0 g,
on the impact of TC to soil microbes and its environmental 1% Rose Bengal 5.0 mL, distilled water 1.0 L), respectively,
fate. More specifically, the objectives of this study were to according to the standard suspension dilution and spread-
investigate (i) the effects of TC on predominant bacterial ing plate technique.[10] The most dominant bacterial and
and fungal species in soil; (ii) the impacts of antibiotics on fungal species grown on agar plates after incubation were
microbial activities in terms of urease, acid phosphatase Bacillus megaterium and Penicillium chrysogenum from the
and dehydrogenase activities; (iii) the influence of TC on same soil collected from Loi Tung Village (identified by
plant growth; and (iv) the influences of plants on the dissi- Prof. Zhengao Li, Department of Soil Microbiology, Insti-
pation of antibiotics. tute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences), which
were chosen for the following experiment.
Materials and Methods
Lolium perenne L (Perennial ryegrass) was used for this
A loamy soil used for this pot experiment was collected pot experiment. It is the most predominant forage grass
from an agricultural land at Loi Tung Village, the New Ter- species in China and has been widely used for stockbreed-
ritories, Hong Kong (113.52–114.3◦ E, 22.9–22.37◦ N). The ing, soil stabilization and visual improvement (lawn). The
soil was considered clean and free of contamination by an- seeds were purchased from The Ecological Centre of South
tibiotics and suitable for greenhouse trials. The soil samples China, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou, PR China.
were air-dried and passed through a 2-mm mesh sieve be-
fore analyses of physico-chemical properties: pH value (in
Preparation of bacterial and fungal inocula
a 1:5 mixture of soil:water using a pH electrode), electrical
conductivity (EC) value (in a 1:5 mixture of soil:water), to- Samples (2 mL) of late-exponential-phase starter bac-
tal organic carbon (TOC) (%) were analyzed using a TOC teria were inoculated into 300 mL of Luria-Bertani
analyzer (Shimadzu TOC-5000, Japan) by detecting the ex- (LB) broth in 0.5 L conical flasks, under 28 ± 1◦ C and
tracts of organic carbon in soil sample (0.5 g) before adding 200 rpm. Bacteria were allowed to grow to the late-
hydrochloric acid). Total N, total P, total K were measured exponential phase before harvest. The bacterial density
using standard methods.[9] NaHCO3 –PO3− 4 –P (mg kg ) in the broth was counted using a haemocytometer. The
was determined in 0.5 M NaHCO3 extracts after shak- bacterial cells were harvested by centrifugation (6000 rpm
ing for 16 h.[12] Water extractable-K (mg kg−1 ) was ex- and 4◦ C, J25-I Beckman Co., USA) in 250 mL cen-
tracted by shaking with water at 1:5 ratio before analysis trifuge tubes and washed three times with 50 mL ster-
by vaporization-inductively coupled plasma-atomic emis- ilized 0.9% NaCl solution to remove soluble compo-
sion spectrometry.[12] The basic physicochemical properties nents remaining in the media that might interact with
of the soil are shown in Table 1. the antibiotics.[11] Peat moss, purchased from Gartengold
Effects of residual tetracycline 463

Company, Germany, was chosen as the carrier for the Fertilization

microbial inoculum. The mixture served as the microbial Each pot was amended with Multi-cote plant fertilizer
inoculum, in which the final population size of bacteria was (Schultz Company MO USA). The initial nutrient con-
about 1.0 × 109 cfu g−1 inoculum (wet weight). The inocula centrations were as follows: 270 mg ammonium-N, 90 mg
were sealed in sterile plastic bags and stored at 4◦ C before P (as phosphate) and 180 mg K kg−1 soil, respectively.
The isolated fungus, P. chrysogenum, was hyphal-tipped Soil analyses
and stored at 4◦ C in slant. The fungal inoculum was pre- After seed germination, the soil was sampled once ev-
pared according to the standard suspension dilution and ery five days during the whole experimental period of 60
spreading plate technique using Rose Bengal media (Sigma- days. The total bacterial and fungal populations were de-
Aldrich, Inc., USA).[10] The spores on the fungal plate were termined according to the standard suspension dilution
suspended with 10 mL of Milli-Q water and scraped using and spreading agar plate method, using LB medium and
a spatula. The spores were then quantified using a hema- Rose Bengal red agar plates, respectively.[10] The micro-
cytometer and a light microscope and the spore suspen- bial activities in terms of urease, dehydrogenase and acid
sion was adjusted to the concentration of 1.2 × 106 spores phosphatase were estimated.[12] After the plants were har-
Downloaded by [University of North Carolina] at 08:11 12 November 2014

mL−1 . Peat moss, the carrier for the microbial inoculum, vested, the soil samples were collected. Extracts of organic
was mixed with a final population size of 2.0 × 107 cfu g−1 carbon were prepared at a ratio of 1:10 (soil:Milli-Q wa-
fungal inoculum (wet weight). ter) and analyzed using a TOC analyzer (Shimadzu TOC-
5000, Japan). The TC concentration in soil was also ana-
lyzed after 60 days via an HPLC system (Hewelett Packard
Pot experiments Series 1100) consisting of a diode array detector (DAD),
Soil treatment autosampler and a reversed-phase octadecylsilyl (ODS)
column (RP-C18, 4.6 mm i.d. x 250 mm; particle size:
The collected soil was air-dried for 24 h under room tem- 5 µm, Agilent).
perature (20 ± 2◦ C), ground and passed through a 4 mm
sieve before sterilization for 2 h at 121◦ C. TC hydrochlo- Plant biomass and nutrient assimilation
ride (SIGMA-Aldrich Co. USA, 97.3%) was dissolved into
At the end of the experiment, plant samples were collected
deionized water and then spiked into the sterilized soil at
and divided into above-ground shoots and roots, rinsed
four different concentrations: 0, 1, 10 and 100 mg kg−1 soil,
with tap water, washed three times with deionized water,
respectively. The soils were thoroughly mixed and stored
and oven-dried to constant weight at 60◦ C prior to grind-
in a dark room at 4◦ C for 7 days until equilibrium. The ing to 100 µm. The dried plant tissues were then digested
soil moisture was adjusted to 60% water holding capacity [12]
(WHC) with addition of autoclaved deionized water. Each with concentrated HNO3 for total K determination us-
pot (buttom 10 cm × 17 cm × top 15 cm) contained 500 g ing an atomic absorption spectrometer (SpectrAA-20, Var-
soil. ian). Total N and P in plant tissues were measured using
The pot experiment consisted of four groups: bacterial the Berthelot reaction and molybdenum blue methods[12]
inoculation (B), fungal inoculation (F), both bacterial and after digestion with concentrated H2 SO4 (3 mL) and H2 O2
fungal inoculations (B+F), and control (C) for four dif- (1 mL) at 180◦ C. Available soil phosphorus was determined
ferent concentrations of TC (0, 1, 10 and 100 µg L−1 , re- in 0.5 M NaHCO3 extracts.[12]
spectively) giving a total of 32 treatments, each with four
replicates. For B and B+F groups, the bacterial inoculum Antibiotics analyses
was added to the sterilized soil with an initial density of
1.0 × 106 cfu g−1 soil before planting while for F and B+F Chemical reagents and apparatus
groups, the fungal initial density was 2.0 × 104 cfu g−1 TC hydrochloride was purchased from SIGMA-Aldrich
soil. Co. USA (97.3%). Acetonitrile and methanol (HPLC
The seeds of L. perenne were surface sterilized with grade, TEDIA, USA) and other chemical reagents were
10% hydrogen peroxide (Omega Co. USA) for 30 min and also obtained from SIGMA-Aldrich Co. USA. The HLB
washed with sufficient deionized water before planting.[12] SPE cartridge (6 mL, 500 mg) was purchased from Waters
Thirty seeds were sown into each pot. All pots were wa- Co., USA, and Ultra-Clean SPE SAX (4 mL, 500 mg) from
tered with deionized water daily to maintain the soil mois- Alltech Co., USA.
ture content at approximately 60% water-holding capac-
ity (WHC). The pots were arranged under a randomized Extraction procedures and clean-up
block design in a greenhouse with temperature control Samples (1 g) and Na2 EDTA (0.2 g) were placed in glass
(25-32◦ C) and with supplementary illumination (light in- homogenizers into which 5 mL citric acid (0.5 M):MeOH
tensity 250 µmol m−2 s−1 ; under a 14 h/10 h light/dark (pH4.7, 90:10) was added, and vortexed for 30 sec. Samples
cycle). were exposed to an ultrasonic bath for 30 min before
464 Wei et al.

centrifugation (6000 rpm for 10 min and 4◦ C, J25-I Beck-

man Co., USA). After repeating two more times with 5 mL
of buffer, the clear supernatant was carefully transferred to
the Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) cartridges for clean-up
procedure. The clean-up procedure for soil sample was car-
ried out by using HLB-SAX tandem cartridge SPE extrac-
tion, washing with 0.05 M citric acid buffer (pH 4.7) and
eluting the TC from HLB with 0.01 M methanolic oxalic

Parameters for analysis

The residues of TC were determined by HPLC technique.
The mobile phase consisted of: 10% methanol, 20% ace-
tonitrile and 70% methanolic oxalic acid (0.01 M). The
flow rate was set at 0.8 mL min−1 for soil samples from
Downloaded by [University of North Carolina] at 08:11 12 November 2014

the degradation experiment and detection was preformed

at 280 nm.

Quality administration and quality control

The HPLC retention time of TC under the experimental
conditions was approximately 5.1 min at a flow rate of
0.8 L min−1 (Fig. 1). Calibration curves established for
tetracycline ranged from 0.5 to 200 µg L−1 per injection and
were linear with r 2 > 0.999 for the reversed phase high per-
formance liquid chromatography with diode array detector
(RPHPLC-DAD) procedure. Quantification was obtained
by comparing the peak areas of the sample with the exter-
nal calibration curves, using the autoclaved clean soil (the
same soil used for the pot experiment). The mean percent-
age of recovery (n = 6) of TC for the soil samples subjected
to a series of TC concentration of 1, 5, 10, 20 and 50 µg
kg−1 were 101.0, 90.8, 93.6, 91.8 and 95.2%, respectively,
and the limit of detection was 0.5 µg L−1 .

Data analysis
Analysis of variance was performed on all experimental
data. The differences among four treatments of TC (0, 1,
10 and 100 µg kg−1 ) were compared with Duncan’s Multi-
ple Range Test using SPSS 13.0 software (SPSS, Inc). The
correlations between the bacterial or fungal population size
and the enzymatic activities, the total biomass of plants and Fig. 1. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) chro-
TC levels, the DOC concentrations and the antibiotic levels matograms of (a) control soil; (b) 50 mg kg−1 standard tetracy-
were analyzed separately using Pearson’s Correlation Test. cline (TC) (TC peak at Rt 5.09 min); and (c) soil sample from the
Statistical procedures were carried out with the software TC degradation experiment after 30 days (peak at 5.18 min).
package SPSS 10.0 for Windows.
lation of bacteria and fungi in soil accelerated TC degrada-
tion, especially when the initial TC concentration was low
Results and Discussion
(10 µg kg−1 ). However, no obvious combined effect of bac-
teria and fungi on TC degradation was observed. Excluding
The degradation of TC in soil
the B group at 1 µg kg−1 , a general trend of TC degradation
Table 2 depicts the average TC degradation rates in differ- in soil was observed as follows: F > B > B + F > Control
ent initial concentrations throughout the pot trial, which group. The lower degradation rate in the treatments with
were 33% at 1 µg kg−1 , 25% at 10 µg kg−1 and 15% at high TC addition (100 µg kg−1 ) could be attributed to the
100 µg kg−1 , respectively. It seemed that all microbes, in- lower number of microorganisms as a result of the strong
cluding bacteria and fungi, played an important role in inhibition effect at high concentrations of TC, which subse-
decomposing TC in soil. Compared with control, the inocu- quently lowered the extent of biodegradation of TC in soil.
Effects of residual tetracycline 465

Table 2. Residual concentration (µg kg−1 ) of tetracycline (TC) in soil after an experimental period of 60 days.

Bacteria Fungi Bacteria + fungi Control

Treatment µg kg−1 Average degradation rate (%)

TC-1 0.73 ± 0.11 0.61 ± 0.08 0.68 ± 0.13 0.89 ± 0.12 28.3
TC-10 5.57 ± 0.65 6.15 ± 0.41 6.87 ± 0.77 8.11 ± 0.63 33.3
TC-100 63.2 ± 5.17 68.3 ± 5.80 68. 7 ± 6.61 77.1 ± 4.09 30.7
Control (no TC) ND ND ND ND NA

TC-1, TC-10 and TC-100: 1, 10 and 100 µg kg−1 TC in soil initially.

NA: Not available.
ND: Under the detection limit.

Another possible explanation was the fixation of TC to the whereby the bacterial population decreased with increase
soil surfaces or in the pores of the soil matrix.[13] This may in TC concentrations. Thereafter, the number of bacterial
Downloaded by [University of North Carolina] at 08:11 12 November 2014

have effectively kept TC from biodegradation. This was in colonies dramatically increased in all the treatments. The
line with the report that TC could remain stable in the soil present experiment indicated that for TC on B. megaterium,
matrix due to its relatively long half-life in soil of at least the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC), which is
30 days.[14] As reported, TC is susceptible to photodegra- defined as the lowest concentration of an antimicrobial
dation if exposed to direct light.[15] However, it is expected that will inhibit the visible growth of a microorganism, was
that photodegradation in the present study was rather ≤5 µg mL−1 .[17] Compared with other microbial species in
minimal. soil, the MIC of TC for B. megaterium in this experiment
As indicated in Figure 2, the concentrations of dissolved seemed to be higher than those for E. coli (≤0.5 µg mL−1 )
organic carbon (DOC) in soil increased according to in- and for Salmonella sp (≤2 µg mL−1 ).[18] Our study was
creases in TC concentrations. There was a significant cor- in line with the reported results that the MIC for TC was
relation between the DOC concentrations and the antibi- ≤10 µg mL−1 on B. megaterium.[19] This higher MIC value
otic levels ( p < 0.05), which implied that the degradation also indicated that B. megaterium has a greater resistance
of TC may have led to the increase of DOC concentra- to TC compared to other strains. Nevertheless, the degra-
tions in the soil. The death and decomposition of other dation of antibiotics did not seem to result in a decline
microbes under high loads of TC in soil may lead to an in its antibiotic potential in this experiment. The decline
increase of DOC concentration. On the other hand, similar in concentration of TC was not always mirrored by a de-
results have reported that the sorption of TC to dissolved cline in microbial toxicity.[16] The reason may be that the
organic matter (DOM) in soil could potentially increase the metabolites of TC still exhibited bacterial toxicity in soil.[20]
water-solubility, therefore increasing the DOC level.[16] The fungal growth in the soil was also affected by the
presence of TC (Fig. 4). However, no clear dose-response
Effects of TC on bacterial and fungal communities and effect was observed. There was a poor relationship between
enzymatic activities in soil the fungal community and concentration of TC under the
The size of the bacterial populations were significantly af- different treatments ( p > 0.05). This implied that the fungal
fected by the presence of TC within the first 10 days in species was fairly sensitive to TC toxicity since the growth
both B and B+F groups (Fig. 3) when compared with the of fungi could be greatly inhibited by TC even under the
control group. A clear dose-response effect was observed lowest concentration. These results were in agreement with
the report which revealed that Penicillium sp. was the most
sensitive species of four fungal strains tested with CMT-
3, a chemically modified tetracycline.[21] According to the
present results, the fungal population seemed to increase
with increasing antibiotic load within 10 days, especially
for the F group. This may be attributed to the degradation
of the antibiotic. The degradation of TC could result in an
increase of dissolved carbon concentration in soil, which
could also lead to fungal growth after ten days.

Effects of TC on the soil enzymatic activities

Fig. 2. Effects of tetracycline (TC) on dissolved organic carbon TC seemed to have obvious inhibition on enzymatic ac-
(DOC) concentrations in soil. The different letters above the bar tivities in soil (Fig. 5 and 6). Even at low concentrations
indicate a significant difference between different treatments at (1.0 µg kg−1 ), TC significantly inhibited the activities of
p < 0.05 level. urease and dehydrogenase. However, there seemed to be
466 Wei et al.
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Fig. 3. Effects of tetracycline (TC) on bacterial communities in soil. B-bacteria; F-fungi.

Effects of residual tetracycline 467
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Fig. 4. Effects of tetracycline (TC) on fungal communities in soil. B-bacteria; F-fungi.

468 Wei et al.
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Fig. 5. Effect of tetracycline (TC) on urease activity.

Fig. 6. Effects of tetracycline (TC) on dehydrogenase activity.

Effects of residual tetracycline 469
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Fig. 7. Effects of tetracycline (TC) on plant growth (a) total biomass of plants; (b) potassium uptake in plants; (c) phosphorous
uptake in plants. The different letters above the bar indicate a significant difference between different treatments at p < 0.05 level.

no effect on acid phosphatase activity. The degradation piratory pathway of microorganisms.[22] The inhibitory ef-
of the antibiotic in soil probably caused the gradual in- fects of TC on soil dehydrogenase activity (DHA) (Fig. 6)
crease of urease activity. On the other hand, urease activity led to an inhibition of the breakdown of organic matter in
seemed to increase gradually (Fig. 5). A significant correla- soil, and hence adversely affected the growth of plants. The
tion (r = 0.009, p < 0.01) was found between bacterial pop- great inhibition of enzymatic activity by TC also explained
ulation size and urease activity for all the treatments since the low concentration of available phosphorus in soil, espe-
soil microbes, including bacteria and fungi, contributed cially when under high concentrations of TC (100 µg kg−1 )
greatly to soil enzymatic activities.[22] Bacteria in soil are (r = 0.019, p < 0.05).
responsible for a number of enzymatic reactions, e.g. ni-
trogen fixation and nitrification are of importance to the Effect of TC on the plant growth parameters
growth of plants.[23] The same trend was also observed in
dehydrogenase activity, especially when the TC concentra- Plant biomass production
tion was low (1 µg kg−1 ) (r = 0.012, p < 0.05). The total TC seemed to have an adverse effect on the total biomass of
activity of microorganisms could be estimated by measur- plants, however the biomass of shoots was not significantly
ing the activity of a living cell-associated enzyme such as affected by the antibiotics (Fig. 7). There was a significant
dehydrogenase, which plays an important role in the res- negative correlation ( p < 0.05) between the concentrations
470 Wei et al.

of antibiotics and plant biomass, which proved that the dates to maintain a considerable population size of bacteria
presence of antibiotics had a significant adverse effect on and fungi which could accelerate the biodegradation of TC
the plant growth. This was probably due to the effect of TC in the soil.
on the microbial communities in soil, whereby enzymatic In order to reduce the risk of environmental contami-
activity decreased causing a negative impact on the phy- nation, caution should be exercised regarding the use of
toavailability of nitrogen and phosphorous, which are both antibiotics. Guidelines should be strictly followed when us-
essential for plant growth. Efficient recycling of reduced ing antibiotics as veterinary drugs in animal farming and
nitrogen (in the form of urea) is important for plant growth aquaculture.
since urea contains a significant amount of this element.[24]
Accordingly, the plant growth was adversely affected espe-
cially during the early stage (t = 5 days and t = 10 days) of Acknowledgments
the experiment, which indicated that young seedlings were
more susceptible to TC than mature ones. The authors would like to thank Dr. Jinshu Zheng for help-
ful suggestions and critical comments on the clean-up pro-
cedure and the RPHPLC-DAD analytical method for TC
Downloaded by [University of North Carolina] at 08:11 12 November 2014

Potassium, phosphorous and nitrogen uptake in plants detection. Financial support from the Academic Link of
Figure 7 depicts the uptake of K, P and N in plants. TC did Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) and
not seem to exert an obvious effect on the uptake of K and Research Grants Council of Hong Kong (GER/JRS/05-
N in plants. Since soil microorganisms control the cycling 06/01) is gratefully acknowledged.
of several essential elements such as N in soil,[25] the in-
hibitive effect of TC on bacteria and fungi would affect the
supply of N and therefore the N uptake of plants. TC could References
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