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BRU-200 and BRU-500 Brushless Drives Instruction Manual Electro-Craft® Servo Products Electro-Craft BRU-200 and BRU-500 Brushless Drives Instruction Manual P/N 0013—1028-001 Revision B Reliance Motion Control, Inc. 6950 Washington Avenue South Eden Prairie, MN 55344 612-942-3600 Technical Support: 800-328-3983 | ONLY QUALIFIFED ELECTRICAL PERSONNEL FAMILIAR WITH THE | CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF THIS EQUIPMENT AND THE HAZARDS INVOLVED SHOULD INSTALL, ADJUST, OPERATE OR SERVICE THIS EQUIPMENT. READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS MANUAL AND OTHER APPLICABLE MANUALS IN THEIR ENTIRETY BEFORE PROCEEDING. FAILURE TO OBSERVE THIS PRECAUTION COULD RESULT IN SEVERE BODILY INJURY OR LOSS OF LIFE. f WARNING THE USER MUST PROVIDE AN EXTERNAL, HARDWIRED EMERGENCY STOP CIRCUIT OUTSIDE THE CONTROLLER CIRCUITRY. THIS CIRCUIT MUST DISABLE ‘THE SYSTEM IN CASE OF IMPROPER OPERATION. UNCONTROLLED MACHINE OPERATION MAY RESULT IF THIS PROCEDURE IS NOT FOLLOWED. FAILURE TO OBSERVE THIS PRECAUTION COULD RESULT IN SEVERE BODILY INJURY. Copyright © Reliance Motion Control, Ine. 1995, All rights reserved “The information contained inthis manual is subject to change without notice, Electro-Crat isa registered wademark of Reliance Electric Company or it subsidiaries ‘Tandy is a registered trademark of Tandy Corporation IBM isa registered tradematk of International Business Machines Corporation. INTEL isa trademark of Intel Corporation AMP is a trademark of AMP Incorporated ‘Molex isa registered trademark of Molex Incorporated. Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I- INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose. ii ee sos 1 1.2 Product Description 121 Power Supply Modules (BRU- 500 On) 1.22 Drive Modules. 123 Motors and Encoders. 1.24 Transformers 1.25 Auwdliary Power Supply (BRU-500 Only) SECTION Il - SPECIFICATIONS. 2.1 Ore Module Specifications. 22 Pomer Supply Module Specifications (BRU-500 Only) ‘S-Series Motor Specifications (TENV) 24 F-Series Motor Spectications (TENY)... 25 }Series Motor Speccations (BRU-500 Only). on eet 7 28 Encoder Specifications. 8 ‘Teansformer Specifications. 8 22 Maxizum Power Losses. 9 SECTION Ill - INSTALLATION 4 Mourting the Power Supply and Drive Modules, : Beara) 32 Power Wiring 10 10 " 321 BRU-500 Power Wiring 322 BRU-200 Power Wiring... 33 Motor Mounting and Wiring... " 34 Extemal Shunt Mounting and Wiring (BRU-200 DM-30 Option Only)... " ‘BRU-200/BRU.500 Brushless Drives Instruction Manual Table of Contents SECTION IV - INTERFACE CIRCUITRY 4.4. Drive Module Interface Connectors. 42 Drive Module Interface Signal Specifications 4.3. Power Supply Module Interface Connector (BRU-500 Only) 4.4 Power Supply Module Interface Signal Specifications (BRU-500 Only). SECTION V - START-UP AND ADJUSTMENTS, 5.1 Initial Start-Up Procedure 5.1.1 Initial Start-Up Procedure (BRU-500) 15.1.2 Initial Start-Up Procedure (BRU-200) 5.2 Adjustments. '.2.1 Power Supply Module Adjustments (SRU-500 Oniy) 5.22 Drive Module Adjustments. 5.2.3 Serial Interface Operation. 5.23.1 User Terminal Requirements. 5.2.32 Operating the User Terminal 523.21 Help Page 523.22 Status Page. 5.2323 Setup Page.. = 52.8.3 Mult-Drop Host Mode Serial Protocol 5.3 Tuning Procedure... 8.3.1 Using Auto-Tune Mod 5.3.2 Using Tune Mode. 8 888 BERNSNSBee RES 5.4 Personality Module Installation. SECTION VI - TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE 6.1 Introduction 6.2 LED Diagnostic Information 2.1 Power Supply Module LEDS (BRU-500 On). 622 Drive Module LEDs... &@ £82 & 68 Serial Link Diagnostic Information, ‘BRU-200/BRU-500 Brushless Drives Instruction Manual Table of Contents ‘SECTION VII - OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES 7.1 PRO-Series Controller Kit Installation Instructions. 7-2 Spindle Orient and Auxiliary Function Card Installation Instructions (BRU-500 Only) " 46 7.3 BRU Series Control Station eter 7-4 RS2320/RS422 Converter. . 2 pee a0) SECTION VII - APPLICATION GUIDELINES. 1 Tongue Sharing Operation of BRU-Series Drives, 1.1 General Description. 8:12 Theory of Operation... Multiple Slave Drives. 8.1.22 Unequal Torque Sharing. 813 Set-Up Procedure. Wiring Instructions... 81.32 Tuning, BRBl2SaR SECTION IX - REPLACEMENT PARTS 7 Power Supply Modules (BRU-500 Oni)... 22 Drive Modules. 23 Personality MOdUeS nnn ‘25 Spindle Orient and Auxiliary Function Card (BRU-500 Only) ‘ 87 27 Cables. 28 Transformers. 189 Motor Mating Connectors. : 2.10 Motor Shaft Seal Kits... SECTION X - CUSTOMER REFERENCE DRAWINGS 10.1 List of Drawings, ‘BRU-200/BRU-500 Brushless Drives Instruction Manual v Table of Contents vi INDEX Index. LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1. BRU-500 Series Servo and Spindle Drives... Figure 1-2 BRU-200 Series Servo Drives. Figure 3-1 S-Series Motor Connections Figure 3-2 F-Series Motor Connection oe Figure 33 |-Series Motor Connections. Figure 5-1 PSM Jumper Location nun Figure 5-2 DM Jumper and Personality Module Locations. Figure 6-9 Serial Terminal HELP PAGE... Figure 6-4 Software and Personality Module Identiication, Figure 5-5 Serial Terminal STATUS PAGE Figure 5-6 Serial Terminal STATUS PAGE After Faut. Figure 5-7 Serial Terminal SETUP PAGE (Velocity Mode). Figure 5-8 Serial Terminal SETUP PAGE (Torque Mode) = - Figure 5.9 Serial Terminal SETUP PAGE (Tune Mode) ae Figure 6-10 Serial Terminal SETUP PAGE (Auto-Tune Mode). Figure 6-11. Control Block Diagrams of Operating Modes. Figure 5-12 Typical Small-Signal Response for Well-Tuned System. Figure 5-13 Personality Module instalation... Figure 7-1. Spindle Orient and Auxiliary Function Application (BRU-500 Only). Figure 7-2 BRU-Series Control Station. Figure 7-3 BRU-Series Control Station Connection Diagram ‘BAU-200/BRU-500 Brushless Drives Instruction Manual PEN TUUUVESESSVVVSSSVSSSSSSY Table of Contents LIST OF FIGURES (Cont) Figure 8-1 Examples of Torque Sharing Operation... Figure 8-2 Recommended Wiring for Torque Sharing when Motors Rotate in Same Direction Figure 8:3 Recommended Wiring for Torque Sharing when Slave Motors Rotate Opposite of Master Motor Figure 9-1 Personality Module Model Number Description Figure 92 Motor Model Number Description. LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A - Gelting Started With the Tandy 102 Terminal ‘APPENDIX B - User Terminal Communication Codes. APPENDIX C Getting Started With an IBC PC Terminal ‘APPENDIX D Communication Problems and Possible Cures. =] ‘BRU-200/BRU-500 Brushless Drives Instruction Manual vil Introduction SECTION I - INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose “This manual describes the Electro-Cratt BRU-Series brushless servo drives and spindle drives along with standosd Siecro-Cratt motors recommended for use with the BRU-Series drives. The manual i intended for use by quaified engineers or technicians directly involved in the instalation, operation, and field level maintenance of the drives and motors. 12 Product Description ‘The ERU-SOD is a high performance sinusoidal brushless industrial dive employing a modular package sates to single or multiaxis applications. The drive modules can power S-Series and F-Series permanent Sagnet synchronous motors as servo drives or I-Series squirrel cage induction motors as spindle drives. {AE eves share 2 common power supply to achieve the most economical system package. Figure 1-1 ‘shows the standard BRU-500 components, ‘The SRU-200 is a high performance sinusoidal brushless industrial drive employing a modular package ‘sates © single or multiaxis applications. The drive modules power S-Series and F-Series permanent magret synchronous motors. Figure 1-2 shows the standard BRU-200 components. Forsingle axis positioning applications, the Elactro-Craft PRO-Series controller cards are available as PRO- ‘Seses Controller Kits to be integrated into the BRU-Series drive module. This eliminates the need for a seperate controller package. Figure 1-1 BRU-500 Series Servo and Spindle Drives ‘BRU-200/BAU-500 Brushless Drives Instruction Manual q Introduction Figure 1-2 BRU-200 Series Servo Drives ‘Abe description ofthe BRU.Series major components flows. 1.2.1 Power Supply Modules (BRU-500 Only) ‘The power supply module (PSM) can supply DC power to as many as sbx servo or spindle drive modules. ‘The AC voltage input to the PSM is non-isclated or isolated three phase power. The output, which is daisy- ‘chained to the drive modules, is a two wire DC bus. The PSM requires no adjustments, protects itself, ‘provides trouble-shooting diagnostics, and has a builtin solid-state "soft charge" of the DC bus capacitors to reduce AC inrush currents. It also includes a bull-n dissipative shunt regulator that provides quick ischarge of the DC bus capacitors and doubles as an emergency synchronous motor dynamic brake. 1.2.2 Drive Modules ‘The drive modules (DM) provide control and power for either S-Series and F-Series permanent magnet ‘synchronous motors or I-Series squirrel cage induction motors (BRU-500 only). The DMs are available in a range of current ratings to best complement the variety of avalable motors. The DM control circuitry utlizes a 16 bit microprocessor to provide high performance and a simple serial interface from a host ‘computer or user programming terminal tothe servo drive, ‘ll set-up and tuning is performed by a personality module (PM) which plugs into the DM. The PM ‘customizes the DM for each specific motor and encoder type. The standard decimal Ine count encoders are factory installed on the motors. 2 ‘BRU-200/BRU-500 Brushless Drives Instruction Manual Introduction A standard RS-232/RS-422 serial interface is used to modify tuning, change limit values, or monitor variables/status in the BRU-Series drive modules. Any changes made through the serial interface can then be stored in the PM. A VT-52 compatible serial terminal is required for the easy-to-use menus. Refer to Section for user terminal requirements. Allematively, @ multi-drop host mode communication protocol is also available for direct connection to computer hosts. Refer to Section 5233, 1.23 Motors and Encoders A wide range of Electro-Craft S-Series and F-Series permanent magnet synchronous motors and |- ‘Sens induction motors are available for use with BRU-Series drives. Each motor includes an internally mounted encoder. The BRU-Series also provides the encoder signals for the position controller to use for the most economical system, Most motors are available with optional spring-set brake, optional SSR oll seals, and/or optional fanpack. The synchronous. motors have a rear shaft available for smounting optional feedback devices. 124 Transformers Mutt-tap three phase isolation transformers are available in a variety of power ratings for line voltage smaiching for the BRU-500. A multitap single phase isolation transformer is available for line voltage matching for the BRU-200. 125 Auzliary Power Supply Ax mexiéary power supply module (PSM-AUX) is available to supply DC power to the logic supplies of, == four DMs if the PSM is tuned off. The PSM-AUX uses single phase 115 VAC power as the input “The PSM-AUX option is used if DM logic power must stay on even when the motor supply (the PSM) is, sumed off. Absolute positioning with PRO-Series controller kts is one example where the PSM-AUX ‘moult De used. Another example would be maintaining DM logic power so that the DM serial interface coutt be used for trouble-shooting and diagnostics, See drawing 9101-0134 in Section X for additional ‘etommation on use of the PSM-AUX and the optional PSM-AUX isolation transformer. ‘The suxliary power supply is built into the BRU-200 drive modules as standard equipment. See ‘seaming 9101-1329 in Section X for additional information. ‘BRU-200/BRU-500 Brushless Drives Instruction Manual SSCS Specifications ‘SECTION Il - SPECIFICATIONS 2.1. Drive Module Specifications BRU.500 Mode! DM.25 DM-s0 DM-100 DM-150 DM-150x Continuous. 20 40 50 65 85 Amps{t] Peak Amps{t] 25 50 100 150 150 Bus Voltage 125-375 voc. (825 VOC with 230 VAC input) ‘Command Signal + 10 VOC (13.3k Ohms impedance) Input Range ‘Ambient Temp. 32°-122°F (0"-50°C) Weight 24.2 Ibs (11.0 kg) BRU-200 Mode! DM-20 M30 Continuous 10 16 ‘Amps (1] Peak Amps [1] 10 20 30 Input Volts 100-240 VAC RMS (Single Phase) Intemal De. 141-340 voc Bus Voltage (825 VDC with 230 VAC Input) ‘Command Signal +10 VDC (13.3k Ohms impedance) Input Range Continuous sow ‘Shunt Power @ Peak Shunt Power 45KW a ‘Ambient Temp. 32°-122°F (0"-60°C) Weight 15 Ibs (6.8 ka) [1] peak value of sine wave per phase [2] M30 has provision for optional extemal shunt resistor that provides 200 W continuous and (6000 W peak shunt power. See drawing 9101-1328 in Section X for additional details. co “"BRU-2007BRU-600 Brushless Drives insiruction Manual SSS Specifications 22 Power Supply Module Specifications (BRU-500 Only) BERLS00 Mode! PSM-50, PSM-125, wt Vos 88.265 VAC RMS (Tee Phase) Ons ons 125.875 voc (825 VDC with 230 VAC Input) Contrunus Amps (06) Py 100 Pes Amps (0) 180 0 — ow 1200 Soeroe Pent ust Power zoww souw Amtaert Temp. ~122" F (0° -60° C) a 26.21bs (11.0) ‘BRU-200/BRU-500 Brushless Drives Instruction Manual 5 ‘Specifications 2.3 S-Series Motor Specifications (TENV) [5] eset _ |] s-z00a | 600s | s-aen7[soous] sso | sanno | wns | cio | e200 | See | Saame| 600 za | 2 | » | @ | » | 1 | a | os | oo | oo wie 7 fae [as [as [ae | ae aw [fo | o essa | 20 | oe aol aa] se | aa o.e0e2|o. ver tux?» || coon. cose corso. cee 2025 o.oo 0.0004 oo rise do od i) eB) 8) iO} 5) ‘maximum continuous operating speed peak amps of per phase sine wave peak volts of ine to line sine wave phase to phase {totally enclosed nonventiated ‘BRU-200/BRU-500 Brushless Drives Instruction Manual 2.4 F-Series Motor Specifications (TENV) [5] meet [sc | Feme | For [aro | Fane | am we ]es | es | ez | es Jame) com [on Pace | ct [eer occ (a= [ow low Specifications Be ites continuous operating speed pest amps of per phase sine wave pest volts of line to line sine wave iJ hese to phase ety enclosed nonventilated 25 Series Motor Specifications (BRU-500 Only) Rotor cont. 30 min. | Base | ax. ral mes | Sete. |e | Sets | Sete | adie | etent | sore | wae | KW Pr | Kame] kg/lbs | 53° | 5.5/7.4|7.5/10.0| 1500 | sooo | SU | 70/154 | pH-100 | 5720 | 1500 | e000 | %93f | 108/238 | on-150% *]___totally enclosed air over (TEAO) ‘BRU-200/BRU-500 Brushless Drives Instruction Manual Specifications 2.6 Encoder Specifications ‘Motor Type S-Series Series Line Count 1000 [1] 2000 [1] 2000 [1] ‘Supply svc 5 VDC (190mA DC max) 5 VDC (245mA DC max) Line Driver 261831 261831 [1] standard tine count CAUTION ‘THE ENCODERS MOUNTED INSIDE THE S-SERIES AND F-SERIES SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS ARE FACTORY ALIGNED AND MUST NOT BE MOVED OR IMPROPER OPERATION MAY RESULT. HOWEVER, THE ENCODERS MOUNTED ON THE I-SERIES INDUCTION MOTORS MAY BE MECHANICALLY REALIGNED TO ANY ARBITRARY POSITION IF DESIRED. 2.7 Transformer Specifications BRU-500 Rating(kVA) 30 60 120 180 Input 1208/230/240/380 /460/480 VAC RMS (Three Phase) Output 115/290 VAC RMS (Three Phase) ‘Ambient Temp. 32° -122" F (0° 50° C) Weight 86 Ibs 195 tbs 200 Ibs 325 Ibs (9 kg) (61 kg) (@1 ka) (148 kg) Refer to drawing 9101-0131 and drawing 8101-0132 in Section X for transformer outline drawings and load regulation data, .BRU-200 Rating(kvA) 3.0 Input +220/230/240/440/460/480 VAC RMS (Single Phase) Output 115/290 VAC RMS (Single Phase) Ambient Temp. 32° -122° F (0° 50° C) Weight 62 Ibs (28 kg) Refer to drawing 9101-1056 and drawing 9101-1087 in Section X for transformer outline drawing and load regulation data. 8 ‘BRU-200/8RU-500 Brushless Drives Instruction Manual Specifications 2.8 Maximum Power Losses Model Maximum Walts Loss Dé.10 50 + dissipative shunt Dé-20 100 + dissipative shunt Déso 180 + dissipative shunt ‘3 KVA Transformer (1 Phase) 380 Daas 120 paso 180 Du-100 278, paso 300 Dae-150x 360 Peso 110 + dissipative shunt PsM.125 240 + dissipative shunt 3KVA transformer (3 Phase) 350 ‘SEVA transformer (3 Phase) ‘600 ‘12 KVA transformer (@ Phase) 950 18 KVA transformer (8 Phase) 1200 The maximum power losses are shown to help in sizing a NEMA 12 (or equivalent) enclosure and any required ventilation. Typical power losses are about one-half maximum power losses. ‘As an addtional aid in sizing an enclosure with no active method of heat dissipation, the following ‘approximate equation is used: T= 4.08*(Q/A) + 1.1 where T is the temperature difference between inside air and outside ambient (° F), Q is heat generated in enclosure (watts), and A is enclosure surface area (t°). The exterior surface of all six sides of an enclosure is calculated as: A= (2dw + 2dh + 2wh)/144 where d (depth), w (width), and h (height) are in inches. ‘BAU-200/BRU-500 Brushless Drives Instruction Manual 9

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