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Concept of Quantitative Revolution in geography:

From the late 1950s to the late 1960s, the use of computers, statistical and mathematical
tools, maps, and the laws of physics increased to analyze human and natural phenomena,
these phases or time periods were referred to Quantitative Revolution in geography. The main
objective of using these tools is to identify mappable patterns for various human and natural
For example,
Creating models for optimal location of industries using computers, maps, and laws of
Creating mappable patterns of landslide zones or earthquake zones.

The quantitative revolution came in geography to modernize the learning process in

geography and make use of geography in human development activities.

During the 1950s, there was a crisis in geography because of the following reasons:

 Earlier, geography provided a limited scope of learning as the study of
geography was limited only to the description of the earth's surface. The big
question was, now we had studied the earth's surface, what will be next? what
should be taught in geography?
 In 1948, Harward University closed down its geography department
due to the limited scope of study in geography.
 The importance of geography was being questioned.
 Geography was merely descriptive in nature and the use of statistics,
data, mathematics, etc were nearly absent.
 Most of the geographical theories were borrowed from other subjects.
For example, the Malthusian theory of population is borrowed from an essay
written by an English cleric, Thomas Robert Malthus. Nebular Hypothesis
theory of the origin and formation of the solar system was taken from a
philosophical subject.
Because of the above reasons, the use of statistical and mathematical techniques, maps,
computers, and physics law in geography increased to make geography more objective, use
of these techniques in geography is collectively known as the " Quantitative Revolution" in

The following image explains the tools used in the quantitative revolution. 
Quantitative tool

The Quantitative Revolution has created a race to create geographic models for each
human activity, such as industrial models to find the optimal location of industry,
focusing on locating industries where the cost of production is low and profits are
Some basic assumptions are usually made while making the model; the following are
basic assumptions - 

 Man is considered a rational element who always tries to maximize
 Man has infinite knowledge and every human has the same knowledge;
there is no word like subjective decisions. 
 The geographical area is an isotropic surface means there is no such
physical barrier as mountains and oceans.
 There is no place for some individual and social values in a model like
culture, belief, custom, attitude, traditions, choice, religious values, and social
Basis of the Quantitative Revolutions
The following geographical approaches are the basis of the quantitative revolution:
 Positivism
 Functionalism
 Schaefer views 

Methods used in Quantitative Revolutions 

 Spatial and Location analysis 
 System analysis 
Models developed under Quantitative revolution:
The following are some geographical models which come into importance during the
quantitative revolution;

 Christaller model of central-place theory
 Weber's industrial location theory
 Von Thunen crop intensity model 
 Rank size rule and Primate city concept
 The gravity model of Migration

Merits of Quantitative Revolution Methods: 

The following are some merits of Quantitative revolutions:

 Techniques of Quantitative revolution are rational and are based on empirical
observations that are verifiable.
 It made geography easy and bring it closer to science and was
implementable in the real world.
 It reduces the ambiguity of observation as it does not accommodate the
subjective nature of observation ( as it does not provide the importance of human and
social values ).

Criticism of Quantitative revolution:

The following are some criticism of the quantitative revolution:

 The quantitative revolution reduces the scope of geography to only spatial
analysis and spatial geography.
 Quantitative revolution creates a false sense of objectivity of human decision, but
in the real world, there is the subjective decision as human knowledge and preference
vary from human to human.
 The decision of man is not always a profit motive as human decisions get also
affected by affection, love, and other individual values.
 The quantitative revolution supports capitalist views.

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