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1. Why do you want to be an au pair? Why have you decided to be an au pair? Why have
you decided to become an au pair? What makes you want to be an au pair?
I like spending time with children and taking care of them . I want to practice English. I
want to meet different cultures and share my culture.

2. What do you mean by practicing English? Why do you need practicing ? – I learned
English at school but I need to practice.
3. Why do you like caring for children? Why do you like spending time with children?
Why do you like children? I love caring for children because I feel happy with them and
they are happy with me too. I can do many activities with them.
4. What kind of childcare experience do you have? Have you had any childcare experience?
--I took care of my neighbor’s daughter.
Her name is …..
She was a baby when I took care of her
I was changing her diapers , feeding with a bottle, putting her to sleep, taking her out…
-- I also took care of my friend’s son.
His name is …….
He was between 5 and 7 when I took care of him.
I was helping him with his homework, we were riding a bike, I taught him how to swim
and how to write letters, I was bathing him and preparing his breakfast.
5. What ages of children have you cared for?
I looked after children aged between babies and 11 years old.
6. Have you ever cared for children for 45 hours a week? No, I looked after children 35
hours a week.
7. What is the longest amount of time you have cared for children? holidays/ summers
8. How many children have you cared for alone at one time? Only one but for long time. /// I
took care of two children at the same time, Merve and Ali. (referansta varsa)
9. Would you be comfortable staying home with kids all day? Yes, of course. I stayed with
Aleyna all day.
10. Can you look after babies? – Yes, I looked after Mert – he is my friend’s son.
11. What is the hardest part when you look after babies? How do you handle? – I think a
baby bathing is hard . I can help my host mom with bathing.
12. What do you expect to learn or experience from the program? - I want to have a lovely
host family and to improve my English. I believe I will be helpful for my host family.

13. What types of things do you want to accomplish in your au pair year? – I will have a
wonderful year with my host family. I will gain more experience in child caring. I will
improve my English.
14. If you were happy with a host family would want to stay 2 years? – yes, I would be happy
15. What would you do if a child has a fever? Would you call us or call doctor? Would you
give him medicine? – I would call you first. I never give medicine without your
permission. I will inform you in all emergency situations.
17. What would you do if a baby refuses to eat with a bottle?- I would take him outside for
fresh air or playing, this will make him feel hungry. In such situations I will try to handle
situation. But it continues for a many hours I will call you.
18. What if you had an Au pair friend who offered to drive you and child to the park but she
had no child car seat? – I will not take him by car without a car seat. My host child’s safety is
very important for me.

Driving ability

1. Do you drive? Yes, I drive our family car / I drive my own car
2. How often do you drive? - I drive 3-4 days week
3. Do you have a car now? Do you own your own car? Yes/No
4. Do you drive an automatic or stick shift car? I can drive both automatic and manual car.
5. Have you ever been in a car accident? No
6. Have you ever driven with children in the car? Yes, I took my cousins to the park.
7. Have you known anything about American traffic rules? How do you prepare to drive in
America? No, I will search on the internet and learn when I’m in USA.
8. How long have you had a driver's license? I have a driver’s license since 2017
9. Have you ever driven in snow? Yes / No, it’s not snowing in my region so I did not drive in
snow. But I can learn easily.
10. Do you have experience of driving in heavy traffic? YES, Istanbul is a crowded city, I feel
okay in heavy traffic. / No, I got my driving license recently
11. Have you ever used GPS? Yes , I sometimes use it.
12. Do you know how to install a child car seat? – Yes, my cousin has a car seat in her car, she
showed me how to install it.
13. Do you know how to put the child in it? – Yes I know.

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