Test A XI A Making A Living and Make Yourself at Home

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Numele si prenumele elevului : 1 p granted


I . a) Write the adjectives below in the right column (positive or negative) :

strong, lazy, honest, patient, frustrated, intelligent, decisive, tense, stressed, quick-thinking, alert, cheerful,
persistent, depressed, hardworking, angry, persuasive, courageous, caring, punctual. 2p (20x0.10)

positive negative

II. Fill in the sentences below with the words and expressions: savings, pocket-money, cash,
interest, to spend : 2p (5x0.40)
1. Will you pay in …………………. or by credit card ?
2. Paying for the house to be repaired has really eaten into his………………..
3. John earns a lot of………………………….on the money he has invested.
4. How much…………………………does she give the children?
5. I don’t like …………………..all my money on clothes.

III.Choose 5 words/expressions from the given list and create sentences of your own : cosy; stylish ; cheap;
affordable ; fully-furnished; spacious; peaceful; in the countryside; isolated; easy to maintain.
1. ...................................................................................................................................................
2. ...................................................................................................................................................
3. ...................................................................................................................................................
4. ...................................................................................................................................................
5. .................................................................................................................................................. 1.5p (5x0.30p)

IV. Describe the type of house you would like to live in. Refer to furniture, items, type of rooms,
location. Would you prefer living in the city centre or in the countryside ? Why ? Why not?

V. Underline the correct option in each sentence : 1.5p (5x0.30p)

1. All of our vegetables are home – grown / - made.
2. Please come in! Make yourself at / as home.
3. She ordered some fruit from the home – marketing / - shopping network last week.
4. My sister lives in London. Being away for so long, she must feel homeless / homesick.
5. I have been all over the world, but there’s no place like home / house.

VI. You have seen the following advertisement for a part-time job:
” Do you have free time? We are looking for motivated, hardworking and sociable persons to work in
our business administration department. Write and tell us a little about yourself and why you think
you would be suitable for the job.”
Write your letter of application (100 – 140 words).
Refer to: introduction, what you are doing now, future plans, past work experience, details about your
personality, being free to attend an interview when convenient, and conclusion.

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