Practical Research I

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Practical Research I

Fourth Grading Examination

I. Read each question carefully and choose the letter of the best answer. Write the letter on
your answer sheet.
1. Which of the following is not a probability sample?
a. Theoretical Sample c. Simple Random Sample
b. Cluster Sample d. Stratified Random Sample
2. The Research Design which “involves the study of an intact group, logically defined, in its natural
context for a sustained time interval. The research is typically an observer or a participant
observer”, is:
a. Phenomenology c. Case Study
b. Grounded Theory d. Ethnography
3. The qualitative research design where the researcher “ a single person, program, event, process,
institution, organization, social group or phenomenon is investigated with a specified time
frame, using a combination of data collection devices” most likely refers to:
a. Phenomenology c. Case Study
b. Grounded Theory d. Ethnography
4. The qualitative research design, the purpose of which is to understand participants’ perspectives
and view of social realities is:
a. Phenomenology c. Case Study
b. Grounded Theory d. Ethnography
5. Regarding historical research, which one of the following statements is incorrect?
a. Can be quantitative or qualitative depending on the purpose of the study.
b. Is used to explain the past and describe the relationships between persons, places and events
c. Is conducted in natural surroundings
d. Is very similar to quasi – experimental research
6. Which the following is not included in Non – Probability sample?
a. Convenience Sample c. Purposive Sample
b. Multi stage sample d. Snowball

7. The data collection strategies, “participant observation”, “interviews”, and “artefact analysis” are
most frequently associated with __________ research.
a. Case Study c. Ethnographic
b. Historical d. Grounded Theory

8. The qualititave research tradition where the researchers must research transcripts to find
“meaningful units” so that the themes and patterns emerge is called ______.
a. Phenomenological c. Grounded Theory
b. Historical d. Case Study

9. Historical research study focuses on records, diaries, oral histories, photographs, and other
a. artificial data c. Narratives
b. artifacts d. Paintings

10. Grounded theory designs generate __________________ about a basic social process.
a. axioms c. Theory
b. hypotheses d. Themes

11. In phenomenology, how is analysis done?

a. describe, explain or assess and evaluate a phenomenon
b. describe a culture/cultural group
c. discern the essence of the lived experiences
d. describe, analyze, and explain past events

12. Which of the following is NOT true about qualitative research?

a. aimed at gaining deep understanding of an organization or event
b. provide an explicit rendering of the structure, order and broad patterns found among
c. generates data about human groups in a social setting.
d. A deductive process of organizing data into categories
13. What is a good literature review?
a. an effective evaluation of selected documents on a research topic.
b. an annotated bibliography
c. constructed in an arbitrary way
d. confusing and long winded

14. Which is not a function of the review of related literature?

a. demonstrates knowledge of the research problem.
b. indicates your ability to integrate and synthesize the existing literature
c. demonstrates knowledge and understanding
d. depends so much on secondary sources

15. Which of the following is not a good literature review have?

a. Establish and explain the theories and concepts the researcher is working with
b. Examine the links between pieces reviewed
c. Lead the reader to see the gaps and spaces and to agree on the need for your study
d. Compile all available resources

16. Why plagiarism should be avoided?

a. It is cheating and dishonest.
b. It respects the intellectual property rights of the author
c. It is useful and convenient.
d. All of the above

17. To find out what known about your topic, what should be done?
a. Talk to older people
b. Consult bibliographies and references
c. Consult reading list for different modules
d. Search the internet

18. When one makes a synthesis, he should do the following except:

a. Get an overview of one article only
b. Group the articles by categories
c. Create an outline that puts your topic in a logical order
d. Note closely how the article relates to your topic

19. Which of the following is the correct format for a reference list for books:
a. Austin, J.H. (2011). Zen and the Brain. Cambridge MA: MIT Press.
b. Austin, J.H. 2011. Zen and the Brain. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
c. Austin, J.H. Zen and the Brain. Cambridge, MA. MIT Press, 2011.
d. Zen and the Brain. Austin, J.H. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2011.

20. For an article in a journal in making a reference list, the name of the ______ is written first.
a. Author b. article c. publication d. publisher

21. In the review of literature, which of the following is the most convenient source of information?
a. Private school library c. public school library
b. Website d. all of the above

22. The APA style for in-text citation is____.

a. 1998, Cruz c. (1998, Cruz)
b. Cruz, 1998 d. (Cruz, 1998)

23. If the author’s name is mentioned in the narrative, the format is _______?
a. (Abad) 1998 c. Abad, (1998)
b. Abad, 1998 d. Abad (1998)

24. When paraphrasing,

a. There is need for an in - text citation.
b. There is no need for an in-text citation
c. There is no need for page numbers
d. All of the above is correct
25. If the reference is to an exact quotation, which is included?
a. Author, year, page number
b. Author and year
c. Author and page number
d. Author alone

II. Enumeration
1 - 4 Give reasons why we do a literature review
4 - 8 Data from the book that we need to write a reference list for a book in APA format
9 - 12 Qualitative Research Designs
13 - 15 characteristics of a good literature review

III. Give an example ( 5 points each)

A. Bibliography for a book
B. Bibliography for website

IV. Explain

Discuss the salient features of the chapter one of your research (50 points)

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