Test - Feelings - Unit 10 Si Unit 11

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Name :
Test Paper
10 points granted

I. Complete these sentences with the correct form of the phrases in the box:

spend money waste electricity save time waste water save paper

1. I try to ……………………………….by using old envelopes again.

2. Going by bus is very slow. You’ll ………………..……….. if you go by car.
3. Turn the tap off! You’re ……………………….a lot of……………………!
4. Don’t …………………………! Please turn the lights off when you leave.
5. I’m going to………….. all my birthday …………on some new computer games. (5x0.30=1.5p)

II. Write the given feelings below in the right column (positive or negative) :

depressed; cheerful; frustrated; calm; relaxed; hopeful; aggressive; happy; worried;

angry; nervous; upset; furious; tense; optimistic; fine; amazed; excited;
shocked; relieved . (20x0.10=2p)

positive negative

III. Choose 5 adjectives used to describe someone’s feelings and write 5 sentences of your own
using these adjectives.

IV. Combine the adjectives/verbs with the prepositions and complete the sentences with the
formed phrases:

complain; interested; worried; famous; believe in; about; for; on

1. I’m not …………………………………..……………science fiction.

2. You shouldn’t be ……………………………………..your exams. I’m sure you’ll pass.
3. I don’t ……………………………………….………astrology. I think it’s all rubbish.
4. I’m going to …………………………………………………………….the food. It was too cold.
5. Justin Bieber is …………………………………………………….being a good singer.

V. Write an argumentative essay about one of the following subjects ( 150-180 words):
- How to have a healthy life?
- Why is social media so dangerous?
-Why is smoking so bad for your health?
Don’t forget to write : - introduction (general truth about the topic )
Name :
- body (paragraphs regarding the arguments )
- conclusion 3p

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