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Clasa a XI a profesionala

Numele elevului:

I. Match the words with the pictures: castle,

semi-detached house, mansion,
igloo, detached, terraced, cottage, tent, flat, bungalow, penthouse

1. 2. 3.

4 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

10. 11.

Clasa a XI a profesionala
Numele elevului:

II. Underline the correct option in each sentence :

1. All of our vegetables are home – grown / - made.
2. Please come in! Make yourself at / as home.
3. She ordered some fruit from the home – marketing / - shopping network last week.
4. My sister lives in London. Being away for so long, she must feel homeless / homesick.
5. I enjoy visiting the Smiths; they really make me feel like / at home.

III. Choose 5 words/expressions from the given list and create sentences of your own : cosy; stylish
; cheap; affordable ; fully-furnished; spacious; peaceful; in the countryside; isolated;
easy to maintain.
1. ................................................................................................................................................
2. ................................................................................................................................................
3. ................................................................................................................................................
4. ................................................................................................................................................
5. ................................................................................................................................................

IV. Describe the type of house you would like to live in.
Refer to furniture, items, type of rooms, location.
Would you prefer living in the city centre or in the countryside ? Why ? Why not? ( 80 - 100


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