Page 104 (11) ST Game Make and Expressions With Make

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Read the sentences and match the expressions with ‘make’ to the correct

2. Supply the correct prepositions for the following sentences that contain an
expression with ‘make’.

- up - of (x3) - off - out - for (x2)

- on - with (x2)

1. It is easy to make light _____ other people's problems.

2. He picked up his umbrella and made _____ the door.

3. There wasn’t much food in the fridge or cupboards, but we made do _____ what we

4. After seven years in prison, he’s home with his kids and making _____ _____ lost time.

5. The singer’s manager has been accused of being _____ the make.

6. His first film has all the makings _____ becoming a cult classic.

7. I find him really hard to make _____.

8. The thieves made _____ _____ all the band’s equipment.

9. A simple apology will do. There's no need to make a meal ____ it!

3. Discuss the following questions with a partner.

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you had to make do with limited
resources? How did you manage to overcome it?

Can a single mistake really make or break a career, a relationship, or even a life? How
can we avoid such high-stakes situations?

How can we make up for past mistakes or wrongdoings? Is it always possible to make
things right?

When someone has all the makings of a successful person, what traits or qualities do
you think they possess? How can we cultivate these qualities in ourselves?

Have you ever been a victim of theft or fraud, where someone made off with your
belongings or money? How did you cope with the situation and what did you learn
from it?

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