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l0I. The cyclic integral ofentropy, {ds is equal to
(t) Absolute entropy, S (2) Unit"!

(3) Zero (4) Ineversibility

102. Ihe expansion work dorc by the gas inside a rigid cylinder which is thoroughly mixed by a
atirrer is
(r) JFdv
(z) Jvar
(3) Sti(er work (4) Zero

103. l he nolecular mass expressed in gtam of all gases at N T ll occupies a vohrtnc of

(1) 0.224 litrcs (2) 2.24 liltes
(-l) 22.4 litres (4) 224 litrcs

104- lo an isolherrnal process, the internal energy of gas molecules

(l) Remains constant (2) Decreases :. ::1.:,
(3) lncreascs (4) Work done
105. Ila heat ongine attains 100% therrnal eflicicncy, it violates :

(I) Zeroth law of thermodynamics (2) Fkstllad itcs

(3) Sccond law of thefirEdyramics tion of encriiy

106. For a given compression ratio, with ratro ot spec,tlc hcats dl oonstant
pressfic and 0t aonstant volume. the.l ()
(l) Decreases
(3) Remains constant (4) Increases and then decreases
107. A carburator i
(2) Petrol, air afld lubricating oil
(4) Petrol and air
ency of a four strok€ diesel engine is
(2) Between 50% and 80%
80% atld 95Yo (4) Bctwcen 95% and 100%

or very high pressures, following compressor is used )

(1) Rcciprocating (2)A.rial
(3) Centrifrrgal (4) Roots blower
1 10. Thc efficiency of a jet engine is higher at
(l) Low speeds (2) Low speed and low altitude
(3) Low allitudes (4) High altitudes

\\-!r igri:.iiSS s\::'ti :\\i.':: lrs s\:$i s" s ss""'' - (ECtT 201 3) *.-. -:.r!sN ilRrs l$: !ir.:.: i.i\: i:'ilt[\ISSI
156 St:.:ti:l:,$ssi r\* \S* !s! s":ls..-r.. $sns\:s\r.-*-- ECET fFDHI MECS{AN|iJAL ENGITEEB|NG
llt. If'x' is the weight ofthe dry steam and 'y' is the weight ol water in sirspension" then the dr]'iess
liacticn is equal to ()
(1) r(x yl (2) v(x - v)
(3) x{x r y1 (4) y/(x + y)
112. lfthe llou, is to be conlinuously accelerated fron a subsonic Yelocity to a supersonic velc4ity in
a noz:le. it niust be ()
(1) Ci0vergent (2) Divergent
(3) Conve.gcnt - DiverE.i1 (4) Divergent - a-olrvcigurii
113. Which ol-the following is rot an air-breathing cngine ?
(1) Liqirid propellant rocket (2) Solid propellarlt rock.l
(3) MoDo propellanl ro.kel (4) Turbo propellaot
ll4, Wiriuh or'rhe following has thc highcst Mach number assuming the olircr conliti rns ro bc sd;e
lor ali '.' (,^if
(r) Ram joi (2) Pulse jer ..:. tji '%*
(i) Tuiiio.iet propellrnt
(4) Turbo
'f:: '!"
ll5. Whicl\ .rf ihe following steirm turbines has high shalt speed ? ". ... , . ":. ( )
(l ) dc Lnval turbine
(3) ltrtearLr l urhine
116, Whidl of tho lirlowing is not a boiler
(1) Fusible plug
(3) leed check valve
ll7. ]'he lriction associated with -of steam in the nozzie has the following effect
conrpxred to the liiction ()
(l) I ity ,:' (2) Decrease in cxit cntropy
(4) Dgcreass in cxit (nthalpy
m velocity at the nozzle exit that gives speed to the blade is

:l) Absolute velocity at inlet ofblade

(4) Atrsolute velocity at the exit of the blade

119. Ihc i$ce acting on an impulse turbine blade is maximum when the bladc sneed is
(l) Zero (2) Sarne as idet steam leiocity
(i) Iiall ol inlet steam velocity (4) Salne of exit steem }ll,rcity
E CET 2O1 3 QUESTIoN PAPER .. ss rs, j* ss N r$1 Ns sslN s$s a$s iNe$ Sn N 1 57

120- Which of the folhwing is a water tube boiler ?

(l) Boilcr
Cochrao (2) Lancashire Boiler
(3) Cornish Boiler (4) Stirling Boiler

121. The formation of frost on a cooling coil in the refiigerator ()

(1) Improves COP of system (2) lncreases power consumption
(3) Increases heal tansfer (4) Reduces power consumption
122, The effect ofincrease of evaporator pressure on the €\9 rP: o-f v-apor compression refiigeration
i"i'PlT (
system )
(l) Ircreases :f:.
. ,".-1,*,
(2) Decreases ;.
(3) No effect :,.,1:, .j*
I, ';',..
' r:?
(4) Decreases up to camot c,o,P. ura titren incJises
123. Refrigerant used ill the Li-Br vapor absolption letigeration system is
(l) Ammonia (2)Li-Br
(3) Dry ice (4) Water

124, Air refrigera{i'', !yslem work (m

(l) lrnoir (2) Bell col

(3) Reversed cilrnot cycle
125. Mercury doe$ not $et the glass in which it is property of liquid
krtowtt as ()
(1) Cohesio)
(3) \,iscosif,
126, The pressure ol thc fluid
(t) Directly proportional to
of the fluid
l' of fluid
to (density)l' of fluid
fluid do€s not change uith the rat€ of defofination, the fluid is kno n as
uid (2) Ideal fluid
NeMonian fluid (4) Non-Newtonian fluid
In flow thtough tubes, the maximum local velocity occurs at
(1) Near wall at the tube entrance
(2) Near wall arvay ftom tube entraice
(3) Alo[g rhc central axis at the irbe entraoce
(4) Alollg $e cenlJal axis away ftom th€ eDtrance

x***- (ECET 201 3) + *1 ss * ss.!s {s $its ffi SNEXJ'SI

SNN Ns \\..+s..:. .. .i! irR rE s* "
158 s\\ i\]! r-i:\\ \s sss s s.* ns: s N ssis ss* ECET IFDHI MECHANICAL EITTGTNEERTNG

129, The ratio ofthe normal force ofjet of water orr a pla& inclined at an angle of300 as comparerl
to that when the plane is nomEl to lhejet is ( )

ot /a (2) tD

(3) I (4\ J'

130. A Pelton wheel is
(I) Tangential flow impulsc turbine (2) Radial flow impulse turbine
(3) Tangertial florv reaction turbine (4) Radial flow reactior turbine
131. In a centrifugal pump, the regulating valve is provided on the
(1) VoiLitc casing (2) Delivery pipe
(3) Sur:-iorr pipe (4) Impeller
132. Which of $e lollowing hydradic urdts is based on Pascal's law
(l) Air lili punp (2) Jet purnp
(3) I lydraulic couplirrg (4) Hydraulic press
I33. The rise ofths ijquid along the walls ofa rotaling cylinder about
thc dijpi,.ssion (,)1'the liquid at rhc axis of rotation
(l) Sanre

(3) Lcsi llun rhar at axiii (4x,.{ot relm, "Y

134. fhe _ _j$fipedFoss
conrt r'ring rods are generalll made of
-,r,T f

-J.. &3r,,@H
*1. 'i;i -. . '--H {.4)

135. ll theuirfucl mix ignites befor!"@Si4g tikcs place at the spark plu& the condition is cntlcd
-r\, ;. "':' l )
(l) (2) lgnition
(3) (4) Rumble

(2) Altemator shaft

shaft via drive belt (4) Crank shaft directly
mair function of exhaust mumer is
(l ) Optinrization of exhausl cfficiency
(2) Reddclion of exhaust noise
(3 ) Itc.luction of nitrogen oxide irl the exlEust gases
(4) Reduction of exhaust gas volume

r.**i i:$;rr:-i..i !-:is\ \\\si rii -rs**. (ECIT 201]) s.":s\-\ Ns *S N,r:i,:*i ri:i
' SaS
ECET 2013 QUESTIoN PAPER ". i:ssi_:;Fn.,s ^:s' ssr ss N:S\N ISS 159
138. Odo[Mer is used for the measuremelt of
( )

(1) Power (2) Fuel consurnption

(3) Engine speed (4) Distance

139. The condition that lesults iD large quantities of HC emission is

(l) High teriperature combustion

(2) lncomplele combusrion
(3) Low temperarure combuslion

(4) High ahnospheric tenperature combustion

140. The float in the carbuetor of a p€trol cngine cootrob
( l) Flow rate of air
(2) Flow rate of lirel
(3) Flow rale of ait-fue! mixturc
(4) L€vcl of pen ol in the float chamber
141. is independent of sales tbrecast
(l) Productivity (2) Capital
(3) Production, plarDing and control (4)
irre. Such a situation
142. The production ofthe whole section stopped duelkprea
could arise in
(1) Procass layout
(3) Oroup layout
143. Critical path on a.PERT
(l) Maximum slack (2) Minimun slack
(3) Average (4) Zeio slack
changes ir projoct n€twork by replarming and rescheduling ls
( )
(2) UPdating
(4) Smoothing
is usually coosidered as relatio[ ship betwe€n
(l) Utility and cost (2) Profil and cost
(3) Psychclogy and reliability . (4) Appearance and utility
146- which is rct the tool used i t statistical quality contol ?

(l) Cor xol chan (2) Theory of sanpling

(3) Analltical €stimating (4) Frequency distritrutio chatt

The probability of a <levice perfoiming its purpose adequately for the period of time
urulei operation corulitions encouotered is knorar as ) (
(i) Product quality (2) Product reliahilitY

(3) Acccpted rate (4) Maintainability \

148. The fype oforganization prefet€d for a steel industry is

(l) Line organiiation (2) Funclional organization

(3) Line and $tafforganization (4) Line. satf 8nd funclional organization
149. ln inventory control theory, the economic order quantity is () :1

(I ) Average level of invenrorY

(2) Optimum tot size
(3 t Capacily ofa warc ilouse
(4) Lot size oorrespording to break'even aDalysis
150. Job evaluation is thc rrreilrotl of determiling
( 1) Relative values ofajob (2) Workeds
(3) Wonh of a machinc (4) Value of over al

151. For small and intricate castings, the sand graios should be
(l) Fine
(3) Coarse
152. Which of the following rnaterials will of riser for tho sanrc size of
( )
( I ) .Aluminum

(3) Steel (4) Copper

15!. Centrifugally
with high d€nsity
rvith low density
of slug towards the outEr skin of castitlg
the multi spot welding prccess ()
(1) Seam welding (2) Projection welding
(3) Percussion welding (4) Forge welding

155. The presence ofresidual flru after the welding operation leads to

(l) Porosity (2) Corosion

(3) Crack forrnation (4) Eabrittleme

NNSS;5;SN',.--.=**- (ECET N\\n\$ \ir {1:-:r rr:issssssNNN

PAPER i$S\ '161
ECET 20-13 QUESTION sr$ s\i\\ !d\'.iJ -\'N \l\St :,'Sl::.-- s$rs
156. J tle process of porlling nnlten nEtal in the cavity of a melallic mould by gravity is known as
(1) Die casting (2) Permanent mould casting
(3) Pressed casting (4) Shinkag.c
157. The vefiicai su.iaces of a pattern are provided with a taper known a$ allowance ( )
(1l Distortion (2) Machiting
(3) Draft (4) Shrinkage
158. V-block is used in the workshop to check ()
( l) Dimensions ofaD oval job (2) Roundness of a cylindrical block
(3) 'laper on a Job (4) Angularity ofjob fiom verlical positiou

I59" u/hich of lhc fbllowing gauges is used for checkrng the accuracy ofcalipers, dial indicato$ and
nric(r meters elc..
{l) PIug (2) Rhg
(i) slip (,1) Feeler

160. Which ol ihc llilowing is not a$sociated with the angle me

(l) Sirrc har (2) Bevdl protra
, li \rutr fla'r (4)

ldl, N{snln is a casling dcfect which occurs due (

r I I V\.ry high pouring rcmperarurc of rneg!- itv of the ft()lL.n mctal

I l, Absorf'tj,\ll (,fgxses by liquid llret# r alignment of th,) mould flasks

[62. ll Aro \1'eldi[g, arc blow (
(1) Magnclic field around (2) Electrical field around {re el0ctrode
(:J ) lonizatiolr (4) Ionization of sunoutding air
163. Prr heatins
'1, Io ml*c _.ry soller
, t}Iir nr\4y 6fl. grease etc., from the sudace of work piecc
t cold cracks
{):?revont piate distortion
ln { mciric ihread designated by M l0 x 1.25, specilr ailat

(i) Nominal diaoreter 10 mm and pitch 1.25 nrm

i2) Cr.,ss sectional area 10 nrm2 aod depth 1.25 mm

ii) I.Iominal iliameter 10 rtun and number of threads pel mm are 1.25

\4, Yir.:lr IC ,nnr rnd depth 1.25 mm

.-\i\! \Sir'!:, !.r -r.,:rii:,,\\rsssslissriissi*:s i {FCtT 2r)'l3l i.E i,, r\: sr: iN s\! i}:t \.\n sii:rs: iss ISSNN
162 !-t:,i..isi\- rs:.\\ i,r!.i-,\ \\\ -:.:: r.:; s.:r' - - . ECET IFDHI MECHANICAI ENGINEERING

165. Aprilley, 100mmintliumetcrdrilesapulley1500mmindiameterbymeansofabeltof20mm

thick. lfthe driver pulLey turns 200 RPM, the speed ofthe &iven pulley in RPM would be closer
to ()
(t) 42 12)
(3) 435 (4) 9s0
166. Foi a given fractional change of speed, il the displacement of the sleeve is high, then the
governor is ()
(I) Hunting (2) lsochonous
(3) sensitive (4) Stable
167. In case ofa fly wheel, ihe maxjmum fluctuation of energy is ( )
i l, Sum ol Lhe maximum 'rnJ minimtlm encrgics
(2) Differencc betweelr the maximum and ninimum energies
(3) Ratio of maximrnn rnd mini,num energy i
14) Ratio of the lninimun and maximum cnerg] ':''ilii]i
( *-}
168. lhu{rain\ilu(ofrl(.r lrrrrr is '
(l) llqrol t() the velocily ratio ol'a gcar train (2) Recjprocal ofvceity tfio'Oig"*,aui,
(J),.\lways greater thari urli[y (4) Always less thA&Bity.

169. Which ol the following has a head at one end ard the holc in the part
to bc.ioinod ? ()
i l) Stlrd
(.i) Cap screw
( l) Saddlc key
(-) ) Woodruff key -,,. (4) Tangcnt key
1? l. .4 closedcoil
riilg is nli0c ofa wire ofdiameter, dand length. /. The mean roil diameter
of the sori the num6er ofturns nre a. The spring index equals ()
(2) t/d
drvell pcriod ofcam, thc lbllovrer (

(2) Moves in shaight line

{-1r \4oves with a uniform speed (4) Moves with a simple harmonic motioo

173. A shalt is rotating at a speed less than the critical speed. The phase differ€nce between the
dlsp)aoement and the cenrrifugal force would be {)
( i) ilo Q) Aso

(l ) 9oo (4) l8oo

ECET 2O13 QUESTION PAPER r'.,.']irrn \\:a *$ s'.:\r !:!\r:+r '::':s r"rr::'i \ in'_\S \-'llsr ::r::::'l $\i_\* 163

174- Which of the cam prolilc eliminates the shock and vihrutions at the beginning of the stroke ?
(l) Shaighl line (2) Circular arc
(3) Cyclical (4) Double harmonic
175, When two sput gears are to be in mesh, vhich one of the follo\rying slatements is true ( )

1l; Their modulc nrust hc {ame

(21 Axes rnusl he Parallcl
(3) Direction ol rotation {rf both geaN must be same
(4) Number of teet} on bolh gears must be same
176. Free carbon in the iron makcs the metal
(1) Soft and giles a coarse grained crystalli[e siructure
(2) Soft alld givcs a fine grained crystallinc stlucture
(3) Hard and gives I coarse grained clystalline structure
(4) Hard and givcs a llne graincd crystalline structurc
177, Which of the lbllowing metal has lhce centered cubic structure ?

(l) Ztnc (2) cold

(3) Magnqsium (4) Cadmium "',L':r:: '::i,i:,..

178, [f the stee! al lhe room temperal$c is magnelic, the prlrscoce of th6ilbllowing can be
ruled out.
( l) Femite
(3) Austenrle
179. Specily tliij sciuolce coflectly
(l) Grain lrrowth, rcorystallization,
(2) Stress rclief; grain
(3) Strcss relicf: recrystalli

(l) 121 Su41"" luidening Process

( (4) l)uctility enhancement proccss
of aluminiurr increases when is added to aluminium
(2) Magncsium
ilicoo (4) Lead and Bismuth

The maximum deUection of a cantilever beam of effective length (L), rnoment of

inertia 0).
modulus of elasticity (E) when subjected to an uniformly distributed load, W will be ( )

/ ll,t tqwcAt
t3t Wl / G\ \\ L/9ty1
N\S$N Nsl sls i\: . r: :::'.. :r! ri.: r': I \: s' ** { EC ET 2013) . -. ri.,,i: ss.N s.s s\s:\\! -si Sn: ls-N S\\$:!
164 r\\i:$\\i sris !\\\ s:\r-\ iris -:\.s:N: \r!i rs siJ s r. ,'- ECEI IFDHI MECHANICAL EiIGINEERING
133- The phenomenon ulder which the staain of a matcrial varies under constant siress is knoln as
(i) Crcep (2) Sirain hardening
(3) Bouchingcr's etlect (.4) Hysteresis

184. The compressioi membe$ teod to buckle ir th6 ilirection of the ( .)

(1) Axis ofload (2) Perpcndicl ar to thc axis ofload

(3) Minimum cross seclion r i) I ccsr radius ol 8)T alion

185. A solid steel shaft (Modulus of rigidity, G = 80 kN/mm2) of 80 mm diameter is subjected to a

twisting momert. If the shoaring stress is nrlt lo excccd 50 N/mn?, the aryle of twist io riidian
lbr a lcngth of B n would be, ()
( r) 0.0625 (2) 0.08
(l) 0.125 (4) 0.1857
186. lor the loadcd systell dcpioted in the figurc, lhl ibrce induccd in the sting AB

(1) ng tar 0
(3\ ,t1.9 sn i)
187. A 2 ,, long rod ofmatcl ial ela-?icity, E = I00 GNlm2 and coeflicietr iiflirrcar
r\P.Losion. q - l2 \ jtl.6 K. 20('c to 900c. lfthe expansion due to tcrap.mturc
!od wi gilrr,:'cssiv< srress equal to in MN/nr2 ()
0) 42

i1) r68
irg is not true in the rio'r,..xr r)f ellect of cold working on mctol:r

ase of strength and hardness of

(3) Relinement in grain structure
(4) Surtacc finish is inrproved and close tolcilrncr maintaincd
189. Which arrnrg,sl lhe fbllowilg does not reprrsenl thc oblique cutling proccss 1 { )

il ruller
) N4illjng (l)Drill
{3) Planner i4) Bruaching

.r,:.:.\ \r :r: {.:. i.:t \$ \ss!\s - (EC El .LII I s .- -- \- }_s s*s\a -ir\ .:: :j.S riiil
-sN\.\-{!S\ 'ri
ECET ZO13 QUESTION P/\PIR } ::r 'i :'.:!!is ss:s.i :;+l\ S*\\ 165
t90- A steady rest is the lathe unit thai is uscd for ( )
(1) Supportiry thc bed ' (2) Holding very long and hearyjobs
(3) Extemal taper turning (4) Pcrforming the lnurling operation
191. In a lathe gear box for changing spindle speeds, the provision fbr speeds is made in ( )
(I) Ariihrnetic progession (2) tleoi)relric progressioD
(3) Harmonic progrcssion (4) Random fashion
192, Removalofmetai in a drilling opoiation is by
(1) Shearing (2) Skaring and extrusticn
(3) Compression (4) Shearing and compression

193. The operation ofmaking a conr: :;l-'aped enlargement oflhe end ofa hole is ctlled ( )
(l ) Counter sinking (2) Counter
(3) Spot lacing (4) Stcp drilling

194" Among the conveniionat rnechinitg processes, rLaximum soecific encrgy is c

(I ) Turning (2) Drilli'1g

(3) Planning (4) (irinding

,t5. Horing ca,r corrcct irregularitics. but grindiog cdntlol, br:c,4gpg.froffi workr with
(l) Small conlact area and sk)w$pecd 121 srrrallbontffirilifrflfri4 ligh specd

(3) Largc oontrcl a.c{r and also $pecd .ffi$e,retir,i*fitaCB6rea

6fr4,,g"1 higli spca'd
i;)r!. ofaa job
f'eeding or
l';eedtng is cntle
shaper ls
Job rn a snaper dntlE oy b) ./..
. , . lit
*; ,

(i) Ram mo\emcnt

mo\emcnt 'jj (?) I'abl.
tabtc rnovemert

rl) lndexing centrcs + ifui+t oivl,tlng rrcaa

! 9"/, Thc operation of machininpl siv&atturfaces of a work piece sihultanconslv is callei-l

(l) Protile rqill&. --. (2) Cadg milling

t3) SayrJ.rit&dru f (4) Hclical milling

198. ibr 3ri0ding materials of hiPi teh$ile strenglh is

(2) Alurninium oxide
(4) Diamond
;traight fluted drill is used for ct illing a wbrk piece madc of
(l) Cast iroo (2) High carbon steel

(3) Brass (4) Mild stecl

zii$. Reaming opemtion on a job is l{)llowed by ()

(1) Broaching (2) Driiling

(3) Iuming (4) Grinding

'..:i N\:SS Sis S\\ S\'sr'ss''s ' (tCET i2013) ....,.i \-* !: \\ \\ s!\ rrii i: i ':i::iN Rs:- SN!S.
Si$ '
166 \S !:l\ l-:i\t:!,s.\\ rrit -..:is :.i:i \\ \: s\ s: s:s\:\ s ECET tFDHl MECHANICAL E'*GINEERING

10t 3 102.4 103 3 t04. l 105.3 106.2 10'7. 4 108. 4 109. l 110. 4

I11. 3 112. 3 t13.1.2,3 114. I 115. I 116.2 tt1. 3 118. 2 ll9. I t20.4

t2t. 2 t22. I 123.4 t)l ) 125.4 t26.3 r2i.3 129. 2 130. i

131. 2 l3t. l 134. I 135.3 136. I 137. 2 t38. 4 139.2 140.4

l4 t. I 142. I 143. 4 144.2 145. I 146.3 147. 2 I48" 4 149.2 159.4

t. 152.3 151.2 154.2 155.2 156. 2 157. l 158.2
15 I
ffiFi Juoq
d{,#, rr& j l?0.
i"- 'l*.
161.2 '162. 1 163.3 164. 1 165. I 166.3 t67. 2 r

t. r76J
"." q ,i,r'
t7 1 172. I 173. I 174.4 175. I L t t;14
fa8.3 t79.3 t80. 2
181. 3 1t\2.2 I t33. I 184. 4 189f3 ro.Sr 187 3 t88.3 t89.4 190. 2
t9t.2 192. 2 193. I ,*ffiffi
4t96. 2 191. 2 r98. 2 199. 3 200.2

No Answcr ... 'Q

_,i., 1

.r& ..:,

'fl[i; I
-lh^1 .ElttT--':: ii



N\Nii\\SNsssss\\sss**(EC€T 2013)':.:rsIslsssNNS\S

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