Aj Gareth Rilee Sample Recipe Formatting

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La Salsa Guapa


Sartén (pan)
6 tomates (Tomatoes)

● Un cuchillo (a knife)
● Una cucharadita (teaspoon) ● 1 cebolla (Onion)
● Batidora (Blender) ● 2 chili verde (Green Chile)
● Tabla de picar (cutting board) ● 8 ramitas de cilantro (Sprigs of cilantro)
● 2 dientes de ajo (Cloves of Garlic
● 1 cucharadita de sal (TSP of salt)
● 1/2 limon (1 half of a lime)
La Receta Paso a Paso (The recipe step by step)

1. Cortar los tomates, Ajo, cebolla y chili. 1. Cut the tomatoes, onion, garlic, and chiles.
2. Calienta un Sartén largo. 2. Heat a large skillet.
3. Cocinar los tomates, ajo, cebolla y chili. 3. Allow the vegetables to char turning once.
4. Mete todos los ingredientes en la batidora. 4. Put the ingredients into the blender.
5. Batir los ingredientes hasta combinar . 5. Blend until all of the ingredients until combined.
6. Mete en un tazón y come! 6. Put in a bowl and eat!

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