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New Model Questions and Answers according to Specification Grid, 2065

Subject: Compulsory Science Class: 10 Time: 2.:15 hrs. 1. Full Marks: 75 Pass Marks: 24

Physics (a) The probability of getting hurt is more when a man jumps from a significant height, why? The mass of the earth is 6 10 24 kg and its radius is 6400 km. What is the mass of a man weighing 977 Newton in a spring balance? (Universal gravitational constant is 6.6710 11 Nm2/kg2 and use all the data given in the question. (2U+2.5HA=4.5) Ans: Acceleration is produced in falling body towards earth's surface due to the influence of gravity. The velocity of the falling body also increases in every second of time at the rate of 9.8m/s [Therefore, g = 9.8m/s2]. The force of the body increases as the increase in velocity. Therefore, the probability of getting hurt is more as a man jumps from significant height. Given, Mass of the earth (M) = 6 1024 kg Radius of the earth (R) = 6400 km = 6400 10 3m Gravitational constant (G) = 6.67 1011Nm2kg2 Weight of the man (W or F) = 977 N Mass of the man (m) = ? According to the formula, G Mm F = R2 F R2 or, m = GM 977 (6400 10 3)2 = 6.67 10 11 6 10 24 977 6400 6400 10 6 = 40.02 10 2411 977 6.4 10 3 6.4 10 3106 = 40.02 10 13 40017.92 10 12 = 40.02 1013 = 999.948 1012 10 13 = 999.948 101 = 99.99kg The mass of the man = 99.99kg (b) What is thermonuclear fusion reaction? Write any two points to justify that urbanization brings energy crisis. (1K+2U=3) InnovationEducation & Empowerment! Ans: The reaction in which nuclei of light atoms (like hydrogen) combine to form a heavy and more stable nucleus (like helium), with the liberation of a large amount of energy is called thermonuclear fusion reaction. Increasing urbanization brings energy crisis due to the following reasons: (i) Along with the increasing urbanization, the demand of petroleum products has been increasing day by day to run automobiles, industries, etc. Such enormous demand of energy brings energy crisis. (ii) The urbanization of present day world is due to energy for heat, light and power. To meet the necessities of increasing population, the demand of energy sources is increasing throughout the world. But till now we are depending mainly on petroleum products, which cannot last longer as they are non-renewable energy sources and their stock is limited in nature. Therefore, we can say that the increasing urbanization brings energy crisis. 2.(a) StatePascal's law. If pistons A, B and C of the apparatus given in the diagram are supposed to be frictionless, what is the area of the piston B? What force is exerted on the piston C? (1K+2HA=3) Ans: Pascal's law of liquid pressure states that, "when pressure is applied in an enclosed vessel, the pressure transmits equally in all directions." Given, = 250N Force on piston A (F1) Area of piston A (A1)= 20cm2 = 20 104 m2 = 375N Force on piston B ( F 2 ) Area of piston B (A2) = ? According to the formula, F1 F2 = A1 A2 F2A1 or, A2 = F1 375 20 104 = 30 104m2 = 250 The cross sectional area of piston B is 30 104 m2 or 30 cm2. Again, Area of piston C (A3) = 10 cm2 = 1 0 1 0 4 m2 Force on piston C (F3) = ? According to the formula,

For more Free Downloads please log on to: F1 F3 = A1 A3 F1A3 or, F3 = A1 250 10 104 = = 30 104m2 20104 The force exerted on piston A3 is 125 N. (b) If a small stone is weighed first in air (A) and then in water (B), as a given in the diagram, in which condition (A or B) will have greater weight and why? Why? Which law can be verified from the given experiment? What difference will be observed if Ureka Can is filled with salt water instead of fresh water?Give reason. (2HA + 1K + 1.5 HA=4.5) Ans: The condition A (i.e. when the stone is weighed in air) shows more weight because the up-thrust given by water is more than the upthrust given by air. Archimedes principle can be verified from the given experiment. The weight of the stone in salt solution would be decreased if Ureka Can is filled with salt water instead of fresh water. Reason: When salt is dissolved in water, the upthrust increases due to the increase in density of water (upthrust density of liquid). As a result, the weight of the stone decreases in the salt solution. 3.(a) Define heat and write its SI unit. What is the specific heat capacity of water if 2.1105 joule of heat energy is required for 2 kg of water to raise its temperature from 25C to 50C? (1.5K+2HA=3.5) Ans: Heat is a form of kinetic energy which gives the sensation of warmth. In SI system, the unit of heat is joule (J). Given, Mass of water (m) = 2 kg Initial temperature of water (t1) = 25C Final temperature of water (t2) = 50C Change in temperature (dt) = t2 t1 = 5025 = 25C Amount of heat required (Q) = 2.1 105J Specific heat capacity of water (s) = ? According to the formula, Q or s = m dt 2.1 105 = 2 25 InnovationEducation & Empowerment! s = 4200J/kgC (b) If lighting candle is placed at the distance of 4 cm from a convex lens having the focal length of 2 cm, draw a ray diagram to show the formation of image. Calculate the magnification of the lens. (2U+ 2HA=4) Ans:

Fig: Ray diagram when a burning candle is placed 4cm away from a convex lens Given, Object distance (u) = 4cm Image distance (v) = 4cm [Therefore, The object is at 2F] Magnification (m) = ? According to the formula, v 4 m= = =1 u 4 The magnification of the convex lens is 1. 4.(a) What is heating element? Which heating element is used in a heater? Write any two differences between filament lamp and fluorescent lamp. (1.5K+ 2U=3.5) Ans: Heating element is the wire having very high melting point and resistivity which is used in electrical heating appliances to convert electrical energy into heat energy. Nichrome wire [an alloy of nickel (60%) and chromium (40%)] is used in a heater as a heating element. Two differences between filament lamp and fluorescent lamp: Filament lamp Fluorescent lamp 1. It can convert 10% of 1. It can convert 30% of electrical energy into light electricity into light energy energy and 90% of it into and 70% of it into heat heat energy. energy. 2. Its life span is 1000 hours. 2. Its lifespan is 3000 hours.

For more Free Downloads please log on to: (b) Which type of transformer is given in the picture and what is used to laminate its core? Write any one application. Calculate the voltage produced in secondary coil. (2U+2HA=4) Ans: The type of the transformer shown in the given diagram is step-up. Application: Step-up transformer is used to convert a low voltage AC into a high voltage AC. Given, No. of turns in primary coil (n1) = 100 Primary voltage (V1) = 220V No. of turns in secondary coil (n2) = 1000 Secondary voltage (V2) = ? According to the formula, n1 V1 = n2 V2 V1 n2 220 1000 or, V2 = = n1 100 = 2200V The voltage produced in the secondary coil is 2200V. Chemistry 5.(a) In which groups of the Modern Periodic Table are there very active metals and very active non-metals? Clarify the relation between the size of the atoms of these metals and non-metals with their chemical reactivity. Write the formula equation for the chemical reaction between any one of the very active metals and very active nonmetals. What type of chemical reaction is it? (1K+2HA+lU+0.5K=4.5) Ans: Very active metals are placed in the group IA whereas very active nonmetals are placed in the group VIIA of the modern periodic table. The reactivity of active metals increases as the increase in their atomic size whereas the reactivity of active non-metals decreases as the increase in atomic size. But the reactivity of active non-metals increases as the atomic size decreases. The formula equation for the chemical reaction between a very active metal and a very active non-metal is given below: 2K + Cl 2 2KCl (very active metal) (very active non-metal) The type of the chemical reaction is combination reaction. (b) Draw a labelled diagram to show the laboratory preparation of Ammonia. Write the name with structural formula of the substance InnovationEducation & Empowerment! formed due to the displacement of three hydrogen atoms of propane with three hydroxyl (OH) radicals by chemical reactions. (2HA + 1U=3) Ans:
Gas jar

NH3 Hard glass testube CaO


Delivery tube Stand

Fig: Laboratory preparation of ammonia gas The name and structural formula of the compound formed due to displacement of three hydrogen atoms of propane with three hydroxyl (OH) radicals is glycerol.

For more Free Downloads please log on to: (1.5K + lU + 2U = 4.5) Ans: Nitrogen is essential for the plants for following purposes: (i) for rapid growth (ii) to increase protein content (iii) for synthesis of more chlorophyll (iv) to yield more crop A chemical fertilizer that supplies nitrogen in the soil is urea [CO(NH2)2]. The name of two raw materials required for the preparation of soap is: (i) Sodium hydroxide (ii) Animal fat or vegetable oil Any two differences between thermosetting plastic and thermoplastic: Thermosetting Plastic Thermoplastic 1. Thermosetting plastic cannot 1. Thermoplastic can be be changed into various changed into various shapes shapes by heating. by heating. 2. It becomes much harder but 2. It melts when heated and does not melt when heated. becomes solid if cooled. Bakelite can be taken as its Polythene, nylon, polyvinyl example. chloride, etc. are its examples. Biology 7.(a) What is tropism? Why is hormone known as chemical messenger? When a pin is suddenly pricked in the foot, how does the transfer of stimulus take place? Explain it. (lU+1K+2HA = 4) Ans: The slow movement of a part of plant (root stem, leaf etc.) in response to, an external stimulus is called tropic movement or tropism. The tropism in living organisms result in growth movement towards the particular direction of the stimuli or away from it. The tropism depends upon the nature of stimulus. Hormones are the chemical substances carried by blood to all parts of body through circulation, which bring about the harmonious working of the body. So hormones are called chemical messengers. Hormone on reaching target organ shows its effect. When a person suddenly steps on a pin, at first, receptor organ receives the stimulus through sensory ending in the skin and it stimulates the afferent nerve of that area. The sensory nerve fibre takes the impulse from receptor organ to the spinal cord. The intermediate (connector) nerve fibre carries impulse from upper part of spinal cord to the lower

6.(a) Which metal is obtained from bauxite? Write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction between dilute hydrochloric acid and that metal. Which compound is formed from this relation? (0.5K+2HA+ 0.5U=3) Ans: Aluminium can be obtained from the bauxite ore. The balanced chemical equation for the reaction between dilute hydrochloric acid and aluminium is given below:

A salt (i.e. aluminium chloride) is formed by the given reaction. (b) Why is nitrogen necessary for the plants? Name a chemical fertilizer that supplies nitrogen in the soil. Write the name of two raw materials required for the preparation of soap. Write any two difference between thermosetting plastic and thermoplastic. InnovationEducation & Empowerment! part. Then the efferent (motor) nerve carries impulse from the spinal cord to the effector muscle of the affected area, i.e. foot. As a result, the person screams and lifts the foot from the pin. The reflex arc produced in this process is shown below:

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(b) Which cell of the human blood does HIV affect? Draw a diagram of heart showing the blood circulation in human body? If a person has blood pressure I40/I00 mm Hg, what does it mean? Write briefly. (0.5K+2HA+lU=3.5) Ans: HIV affects white blood cells (leucocytes) of human blood.
Superior venacava Right pulmonary veins Right auricle Pulmonic valve Inferior venacava Tricuspid valve Right ventricle Right pulmonary artery Aorta Left pulmonary artery Left pulmonary veins Left auricle Aortic valve Bicuspid valve Left ventricle Septum Pericardium

Heart Fig: Showing the working of heart in blood circulation A person has blood pressure of 140/100 mmHg means that the upper limit of the systolic pressure of the person is 140 mm of Hg and the lower limit of the diastolic pressure of the person is 100 mm of Hg. 8.(a) The given diagrams are the anaphase of mitosis and meiosis-1. Write two main differences between these two phases. Write two importance of mitosis cell division. (2HA+2K=4)

Ans: Two differences between anaphase of mitosis and that of meiosis-I are given below: Anaphase of mitosis Anaphase-I of meiosis 1. Division of 1. Division of centromeres does not centromeres takes take place in anaphase-1 of place. meiosis-I. 2. Chromatids separate 2. Chromatids are not separated from from centromere and centromere anaphase-I but they are alike. homologous chromosomes separate from each other. Two importance of mitosis: (i) It is a method of asexual reproduction in unicellular organisms. (ii) In multicellular organisms, mitosis is responsible for growth and development from a zygote. (b) Both the asexual and sexual reproduction i s necessary to complete life cycle of fern plant, clarify it. What is secondary mycelium in the life cycle of mushroom? (2.5HA+lU=3.5) Ans: In the life cycle of fern plant, the fern plant is diploid and distinct stage which produces spores from the sporangia. The sporangia are present inside the sori on the ventral surface of leaf. The diploid fern plant i.e. sporophyte reproduces asexually and forms haploid spores. On suitable condition, the spores germinate and forms heart-shaped structure i.e. prothallus. It represents gametophytic stage which reproduces sexually by producing male and female gamete by the fusion of haploid male and female gametes (i.e. antherozoid and ovum), oospore (2n) is produced. It finally develops into diploid fern plant. Therefore, we can say that, both the asexual and sexual reproduction is necessary to complete the life cycle of fern plant. In the life cycle of mushroom, the secondary mycelium is a binucleated mycelium which is produced by the fusion two primary mycelia of opposite strain. 9.(a) What is food chain? Describe the consequences that occur if a l l the tigers are killed in that food chain. Also, classify the maize plant with a special characteristic of it. Maize Plant Deer Tiger (1K+2HA+1.5U=4.5) InnovationEducation & Empowerment! Ans: Food chain is a process of transfer of food energy from one organism to another organism by eating and being eaten. As in the given food chain, if all the tigers are killed the number of deer i.e. primary consumers will increase. It decreases the number of producers. As a result, the herd of deer might have to face the scarcity of food, which imbalances the ecosystem of that area.

Classification of maize: Kingdom : Plant Sub-kingdom : Phanerogams Division : Angiosperms Sub-division : Monocotyledons Type : Maize One characteristic: (i) A seed contains only one cotyledon. (b) What is mutation? Draw a chart to show both phenotype and genotype structure of the result obtained in the first and second filial generation of offspring of mouse, having black colour and white colour, according to Mendel's experimental result. (lU+2HA=3) Ans: A sudden heritable change in the genetic material of an organism is called mutation. The given chart shows both phenotype and genotype of the result obtained in the first and second filial generations of offsprings of black mouse and white mouse:

For more Free Downloads please log on to: 10.(a) Living beings were evolved after millions of years of the formation of the earth, why? Write any two effects of the increasing quantity of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Also give its reason. (1.5U+2HA=3.5) Ans: The earth evolved about 4.5 billion years ago. At the time of evolution of the earth, it was very hot and there was no suitable environment for the evolution and survival of living organisms. So there were no life at the time of the evolution of the earth. The two effects of increasing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are given below:

Geology and Astronomy

Causes (a) When the quantity of greenhouse gases is increased, it does not allow the heat to escape from the earths surface which increases the temperature of the earth due to the greenhouse effect. 2. Effect in climate (b) Due to the increase in temperature, rate of evaporation of water increases. As a result, snow melts and water level of sea increases. (b) Mention any three reasons of launching artificial satellites into the space. Why do some stars look much brighter in a clear sky at night? The tail of a comet seems longer when it is nearer to the sun and it seems shorter when it goes far away. Give its reason. (1.5K+lU+1.5HA=4) Ans: Any three reasons of launching artificial satellites into the space are given below: (i) for telecommunication like radio, television broadcasts, long distance telephone calls, telex, fax, etc. (ii) for weather forecasting and for spying of military purposes. (iii) for gathering information about other heavenly bodies. The stars which are comparatively near to the earth and are relatively bigger than other stars look much brighter in a clear sky at night. When a comet approaches the sun, some of its frozen matter begins to evaporate into gases due to heat of the sun. These gases rush out by rapid vaporization in the form of jets, carrying solid particles with them. In this way, a long tail of a comet is formed due to the motion of the comet and effect of solar wind. But when the comet moves away from the sun, the ice does not vapourize due to low temperature and it seems shorter when it goes far away as there is less effect of solar wind and heat. 1.

Effect The temperature of the earth increases.

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