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Jasper: Please welcome your todays host Jhem Vitan and Alexis Carlos!!

Alexis: Good afternoon everybody!!

Jhem: Good afternoon passengers!

Alexis & Jhem: This is Tic Tac Talk with Jhem and Alexis !

Jhem: And hop in and laugh with us here.

Jhem: So many of us aspire to be a celebrity someday am I right?

Alexis: And some us have dreams for their siblings and their self, just like this 2 inspiring women of joy.

Jhem: Please welcome the two freshest faces of ABJ ZBN….

Alexis & Jhem: Ms. Kim Althea and Ms. Hanslei!

Hanslei: Hi Jhem! Hi Alexis!

Kim: Hi Alexis! Hi Jhem!

Alexis: Finally we met! Jhem and I were very excited when we heard that you 2 are invited here on our

Kim: So first of all I just want to say thank you very much to Tic Tac Talk for inviting me and Hanslei
here on your show.

Hanslei: And thank you for approaching us even though we are new in showbiz community.

Jhem: We also appreciated your both presence here inside the studio and for making it here on our show.

Alexis: So can you tell us how did you got viral or so popular.

Hanslei: So we have this famous app called tiktok where you can record yourself doing some trends, so
we use that app without expecting any huge amount of viewers, likes and followers.

Kim: So the first plan was Hanslei will do some tumbling and splits so that we can be recognize by a lot
of people, but I changed the plan. What if we make a tiktok trend that entertain people? Then we both

Hanslei: We use the song that Mommy Toni Fowler made and after we posted it, we are so shocked when
we both so a lot of comments about us and they said that we nailed it….. like totally we won the trend.

Jhem: And then you said earlier that the ABJ ZBN company just message you after your video was
posted, so what do you think is the reason why the company messaged you?

Kim: So I think it is because of our video, I think we made a lot of people laugh that’s it.

Hanslei: Me too I agree to what Kim said.

Jhem: Ok so are you ready for the next part of the show?

Alexis: We will BRB after a short break.


Alexis & Jhem: Welcome back to Tic Tac Talk with Jhem and Alexis.

Jhem: This part of the show needs a mouth that is fast as fast and need a brain to a tricky questions.

Alexis: This is the Tic Tac FAST TALK!

Jhem: So are you both ready for the questions?

Hanslei: OMG im so nervous! maka isbu nakun!!

Kim: ME TOO!!
Jhem: Let’s start!

Alexis: What is your favourite to do on your vacant time?

Kim & Hanslei: (Dancing)


Kim: (K-Drama)

Hanslei: ( Filipino Movie)

Alexis: Dinosaur or Tiger?

Kim: (Dinosaur)

Hanslei: (Tiger) ROARRRR!!

Jhem: Love or Career?

Kim: (Love)

Hanslei: (Love)

Alexis: Big or Long?

Kim: How big is that ba? Charot (Big)

Hanslei: Oh My Lord I love big (Big)

Jhem: Lights on or Lights off?

Kim: (Lights off)

Hanslei: (Lights off) every night!!

Alexis: Sweet or Spicy?

Kim: (Sweet)

Hanslei: (Spicy) coz im hot

Jhem: Best time for happiness?

Kim: Always,everyday

Hanslei: Every time

Jhem: Complete the statement: I am Hanslei and I am…..

Hanslei: Awsome

Alexis: Complete the statement: I am Kim and I am……

Kim: Purposeful

Jhem: Alright, let’s move on to the next part of the show.

Alexis: This is the Tic Tac Talk TO BASHERS!

Jhem: So we have here some bashers of this to ladies and also we have here good people and we let them
both react to the videos.

Trisha: (In my own opinion they don’t really deserve to be an actress, because they only did a tiktok
trend, gain a huge amount of followers and became famous. Is that right?)

Alexis: So what can you say video?

Kim: We did nothing wrong we just did a video then we posted it someone just called from the company
that’s it, we did nothing wrong.

Hanslei: Sis before you talk let me tell you something. We did nothing wrong we just entertained the
people and we didn’t expect to get that huge amount of followers.

Monique: (I think they are not like other actresses who are very good in acting, they are new artist and
they are immidiatelly invoved in projects without trainings?)

Hanslei: We did our best since first, and take note we are ready to practice and learn everything. WE ARE

Kim: Yes we are born to be wild!

Hanslei: So ano ka aso?

Victoria: (Do they really deserve to be artist?)

Ashley: (Do they know how to tumbling?)

Hanslei: Ah yes I know! You hamon hamon me ah *tumambling*

Alexis: Next video! You might get hurt!

Abish: My God, Hanslei doesn’t seen like a girl, and Kim is chubby, it seems they don’t fit to be an

Hanslei: Excuse me!! WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE ME!

Kim: Its ok,atleast I am confident and I can show who I really me!

Jhem: Thank you very much for a nice evening with the both of you ladies

Kim: Again, I am Kim Althea your sweet Princess!

Hanslei: And I am Hanslei your princess of joy!

Alexis: I am Alexis Carlos….

Jhem: I am Jhem Vitan

Alexis & Jhem: And this is Tic Tac Talk with Jhem and Alexis!

-------THE END------

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