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Please UPDATE the keyboard if you find flickering LED in Fixed-on RGB
backlit mode.
 If you have any question about this keyboard, please feel free to contact us via
<>. We will always reply you within 24 hours.

1. Run Update Tool for Solid RGB Mode exe file to update the keyboard

2. Case A, Code Version: 0101 means the keyboard is successfully detected for

3. Close the update tool window when the update is complete with PASS, then
replug the keyboard.
The keyboard Fixed-on RGB mode will be repaired automatically with no flash LED.

4. Case B, Code Version: 0000 means the keyboard is not detected for update.

Try to right click the exe file and Run as administrator, then the update tool is permitted
to detect the keyboard with Code Version: 0101

5. Do the update.

Notes: The keyboard is ONLY allowed to replug when the update is successfully done,
DON’T unplug the keyboard while update is still running.

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