Module3 Sharing Hardware

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Self Access Learning Module

ICT Literacy for

Secondary School


Curriculum Development Centre

Ministry of Education
ICTL For Secondary School - networks



Curriculum Development Centre

Ministry of Education

ICTL For Secondary School - networks

1. Name of Module : Network

2. Learning Outcomes: Students should be able to share printer in LAN

3. Knowledge and Skills

a. Share printer
b. Open file
c. Print file

4. Module Summary

At the end of the module student should be able to print documents using shared

This module contains 3 activities:

Activity 1. Sharing Printer in Local Area Network. ( LAN )

Activity 2 Add Printer
Activity 3 Creating and Printing a Simple Document

5. Notes:
1. In general, sharing means to have or use something at the same time as
someone else.
2. File sharing is the practice of making files available for other users to
download over the Internet and smaller networks.
3. This can be done in any number of ways; in corporate networks it is done
using file servers but on the wider Internet it usually follow the peer-to-peer
(P2P) model, where the files are stored on and served by personal
computers of the users. Most people who engage in file sharing on the
Internet provide (upload) files and receive files (download).

• This module is useable if the network connection (LAN) already exist.

• The interface shown varies in computer networks in terms of name and network
arrangement depending on the setting.
• This module is a guideline to carry out the activity Networks And Internets for
Learning Area 1.4 and 1.5

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Activity 1. Sharing Printer in Local Area Network. ( LAN )

This activity shows the step on how to share a printer with other users in the

1. Click Start menu. Click Printer and Faxes.

2. Click the
“Printer and

1. Click the
“Start” menu

2. Right click on the printer that you want to share in the network. Click on

Click Sharing ……

ICTL For Secondary School - networks

3. Properties dialog box will appear like this. Select ‘share this printer’ and
click OK. Now you are ready to share your printer in the network. (Figure 2)

Click “OK”

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Activity 2 Add Printer

This activity shows the steps on how to add a printer that is attach to the other
computer on the network.

1. Repeat activity 1 to open the Printer and Faxes.

2. Double click on Add Printer. ( Figure 1)

Double click

Figure 1

3. Add Printer Wizard box will appear. Just click Next. (Figure 2)

Click “Next”

Figure 2

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4. Select “A network printer or printer attached to another computer” .

(Figure 3)

Mark this


Figure 3

5. Select ‘Browse for a printer then click ‘Next’. (Figure 4)

Mark “Browse
for a printer”


Figure 4

ICTL For Secondary School - networks

6. Select the printer that you want to add to your computer. Then click Next.
(Figure 5)

Select printer

Click “Next”

Figure 5

7. Connect to Printer. Click Yes to add the printer.(Figure 6)

Click “Yes”

Figure 6

8. Click Yes button to set the printer as default printer. Then click Next.
(Figure 7)

Click “Yes”

Click “Next”

Figure 7

ICTL For Secondary School - networks

9. Now, you have Completing The Add Printer completed installing the network
printer. Click Finish. Your printer is ready to be used.

Click “Finish”

Figure 8

Activity 3 Creating and Printing a Simple Document

1. Go to MSWord and create a simple document with the example as shown

below. ( Figure 1)

Type this text

Figure 9

2. After completing the task (Activity 6 Step 1), click File on the Menu Bar, then
click Print. (Figure 2)

ICTL For Secondary School - networks

Click Print

Figure 10

3. Print dialog box will appear. ( Figure 3)

4. In the Printer Name, choose the printer that you will use on the network.
5. Click Ok. ( Figure 3)

Figure 11

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Title : Networks

Module 2 : Advantages of Networks

Student name : ___________________________________________________

Class : ____________________________________________________________

At the end of the lesson student have learn the following skills :




Share documents with other users through Local

Area Networks (LAN).

2. Receive and transfer documents through LAN

3. Share printer in LAN

Please tick (√ ) in the appropriate column.


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