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The “Unidad Educativa Uyumbicho” present the English Open House 2022-2023 with the
following topic “Main tourist destinations in Ecuador”

1. Words of welcome by the area coordinator Lic. Maria Guanopatin

2. The teachers that make up the English area are: Msc. Bersabe Quinga, Lic. Maria
Guanopatin, MSc. Mireya Morocho, Lic. Santiago Calispa y MSc. Marco Rengifo.

3. The 10th grade “A” students will present about the tourist destinations of Esmeraldas
province, and 10th grade “B” about Manabí Province in the Coast Region. The students
of 9th grade “A” and “D” will present the tourist destinations of Highlands. The 1 st and
second years of baccalaureate will present about the tourist destinations of Amazon
Region and Galapagos Islands.

4. Thanks for coming to our open house.

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