Kenis Et Al., 1999

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The regions of capillary that we wished to

Microfabrication Inside pattern ranged from tens of micrometers to
several centimeters in length. Because many
combinations of parallel fluid streams can be
Capillaries Using Multiphase generated by using "Y" or "T" junctions (or
their extensions to multiple streams), it is
Laminar Flow Patterning possible to bring a wide variety of solutions
in contact with one another and with the walls
Paul J. A. Kenis, Rustem F. Ismagilov, George M. Whitesides* of a capillary, and to take advantage of the
range of chemistries available in these com-
The reaction of species in solutions flowing laminarly (without turbulent mix- binations to deposit material onto (or etch
ing) inside capillaries was used as the basis for a broadly applicable method of material from) the inner walls of the capil-
microfabrication. In this method, patterning occurs as a result of transport of lary. For example, localized etching of gold
reactive species t o interfaceswithin the capillary by laminar flow. A wide range was achieved by sealing an elastomeric mem-
of chemistries can be used to generate structures with feature sizes of less than brane with a zigzag channel to a glass slide
5 micrometers and with spatial localization to within 5 micrometers. The covered with a thin (250 A), semitransparent
method is applicable t o the patterning of metals, organic polymers, inorganic layer of gold. Parallel laminar flow of water
crystals, and ceramics on the inner walls of preformed capillaries, using both and an aqueous commercial gold etchant re-
additive and subtractive processes. sulted in the selective removal of Au in one
half of the channel (Fig. 1B). For electroless
The methods most commonly used to fabri- meters), and the density of the liquid (p, in deposition of silver, the elastomeric mem-
cate microstructures inside microchannels kilograms per cubic meter), and the higher brane with a zigzag channel was sealed to a
(that is, capillaries) are based on conventional the viscosity (p, in kilograms per meter per block of PDMS. Parallel laminar flow of the
photolithography. The capillary and its inter- second) of the liquid, the lower is Re. Lami- two components of a commercial electroless
nal structures are built in a series of planar nar flow occurs in fluidic systems with Re < silver plating solution (6) in the channel re-
fabrication steps, with each step requiring a -2000, and turbulent flow in those with sulted in deposition of metallic silver at the
mask, and with both registration among lay- Re > -2000. Two or more distinct fluid interface between the two phases (Fig. 1C).
ers and sealing between layers being impor- streams moving in the same capillary at low This silver "wire" was electrically continu-
tant technical issues (I). In the method de- Re do not develop turbulence at the interface ous, significantly narrower than the channel
scribed here the capillary is formed first (a between them, or at the interface with the (that is, FLO accomplished size reduction
relatively straightforward task for capillary capillary walls: the only mechanism of mix- while patterning), and smoother than the
diameters of 50 to 400 pm). Then, multiple ing of their components is diffusion across walls of the channel (7) (that is, FLO also
liquid streams flowing laminarly-that is, the former interface (Fig. 1A). We .usually exhibited a form of error correction) (8).
without turbulent mixing-at low, Reynolds -
used high flow rates (v 0.50 mts) to min- FLO can be used to generate a variety of
numbers (Re) are combined, with the chem- imize diffusional broadening of the etched or structures. Selective etching of SiO, on a Si
ical reactions occurring either between the deposited zone downstream from the point at wafer that forms one of the walls of a capil-
streams and the interior surface of the capil- which the separate flows joined (3). The mi- lary was achieved by generating HF at the
lary, or at the interface between the streams, crofluidic system consisted of a polydimeth- interface between juxtaposed, aqueous lami-
to generate the desired structures. Because ylsiloxane (PDMS) membrane, with channels nar flows of HCl and KF (Fig. 2A). A poly-
these processes occur inside a preexisting molded in its surface, sealed against the flat meric structure was precipitated at the inter-
capillary, no registration steps are required. surface of a glass slide or a PDMS block (4). face between two aqueous phases containing
Fabrication by this process (which we call In these systems, v can be controlled with oppositely charged polymers flowing lami-
"fabrication using laminar f l ~ w "or FLO) can surface tension, gravity, the application of narly in parallel (Fig. 2B). Chemilumines-
generate a wide variety of structures and electrical potentials, or pressure (5). cence (9) occurred inside a capillary at the
devices-metal wires and electrodes, regions
in which SiO, has been removed by etching
from SiISiO, wafers, ridges of organic poly-
mer, lines of crystals-that are <10 pm
Fig. 1. (A) Optical
micrograph of two-
phase laminar flow:
wide, and can localize these structures within two aqueous phases,
each colored with a
the capillary with an accuracy of -5 pm. We different dye (black
believe that it will be especially useful in ink and Congo Red)
fabricating structures for use in microanalyt- brought together with
ical, microsynthetic, microfluidic, and micro- a "Y" junction in an B
electromechanical systems (MEMS). elastomeric microfluidic
The Reynolds number, Re = vlplp, char- system (PDMS). Only
diffusional mixing over
acterizes the tendency of a flowing liquid
distances of several cen-
phase to develop turbulence (2). The lower timeters is obse~~ed. (B)
the velocity (v, in meters per second) of the Optical micrograph of a
liquid flow, the diameter of the capillary (1, in pattern etched in Au in a
zigzag channel (PDMS) C
that is sealed to an Au-
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Har- covered glass slide. (C) A
vard University. 12 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA silver wire deposited in a
02138, USA. Ag wire
zigzag channel at the
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E- laminar flow interface
mail: between solutions containing the components of an electroless silver plating solution. SCIENCE VOL 285 2 JULY 1999 83


200 1111

Fig. 2. (A) Atomic force microscopy profile of a trench (half-width = 6 chemiluminescence a t the interface of a two-phase aqueous laminar flow
pm) in SiO on a Si wafer etched by HF that is generated on the interface system: K3Fe1l1(CN),(0.1 M) and luminol (0.05 M, in 0.1 M NaOH) in the
of laminar2flow of KF (2 M in H20) and HCl (2 M in H20). (B) Optical presence of 0,. (D) Scanning electron microscopy images of calcite (right)
micrograph of a polymeric structure deposited on glass at the laminar and apatite (left) deposited simultaneously on a self-assembled monolayer
flow interface of 0.005% aqueous solutions of poly(sodium Cstyrene- at the interface of aqueous laminar flows of NaHCO, (16 mM in H20,
sulfonate) and hexadimethrine bromide. (C) Optical micrograph of buffered to pH 8.5). CaCl, (25 mM), and KH,P04 (3.6 mM, pH 7.4).

2D). This experiment illustrates the capabil-

ity of FLO to support several different reac-
tions in the same capillary simultaneously.
We used FLO for the fabrication of a
more complex, electrically functional de-
contact vice by making an array of three microelec-
trodes inside a 200-pm-wide rectangular
pad =id capillary (Fig. 3A). This capillary was as-
sembled by placing a PDMS membrane that
contained the channel network on a glass
slide with the main channel oriented per-
Au etch pendicularly to a gold stripe that had been
deposited by electron beam evaporation. A
two-electrode system was first generated by
.. flowing an aqueous gold etchant across the

1, J rc
electrodes -
-0.4 -0.3 -0.2
Potential VS. AglAgClp)

Fig. 3. (A) Optical micrographs of the stepwise

0 gold stripe as the middle phase of a three-
phase laminar flow system, with water as
the adjacent phases. Controlling the rela-
fabrication of a three-electrode system inside tive volumes of the three liquid phases
a 200-bm-wide channel. Two gold electrodes injected into the capillary controlled the
(counter and working) are formed by selective- width of the area of Au that was etched in
ly etching the gold stripe that widens beyond
the outer edge of the PDMS membrane into the middle of the capillary. To prevent
contact pads in the middle of the channel with etching of the Ag contact pad at the end of
a three-phase laminar flow system. A silver the smaller exit outlet (Fig. 3B), we applied
reference electrode is fabricated at the inter- a counter flow of water from this channel.

face of a two-phase laminar flow (74). ( 6 ) The third, reference electrode was generat-
- tern including
W" picture of the three-electrode sys- ed by depositing a silver wire at the inter-
- the Ag contact pad. The dashed
box corresponds to the last picture shown in
face of the two phases containing compo-
10 nents of electroless silver plating solution,
(A:). (C) Cyclic voltammogram of -5 nl of
Ru(NH ),C,l in water (2 mM, 0.1 M NaCl followed by treatment with 1% HCl to form
electrolyte) as recorded with the three-electrode system (scan rate = 100 mV/s). AgCl on the surface of the wire (14). The
wire was directed into the smaller outlet
interface between two aqueous phases con- apatite (13) were generated simultaneously at toward the Ag contact pad (Fig. 3B) by
taining luminol and Fe(II1) (Fig. 2C) (10). the two interfaces between parallel laminar applying a flow of water from the main
Control of crystallization of calcium carbon- flows of aqueous NaHCO,, CaCl,, and outlet. We tested the performance of the final
ate (calcite) and various calcium phosphates KH,PO, solutions inside rectangular capillar- device using cyclic voltammetry (Fig. 3C). The
(apatites) has been extensively studied be- ies fabricated by placing a PDMS membrane volume required to fill the electrochemical ac-
cause of its biological relevance (11). A uni- (with channels embossed in its surface) over tive area was less than 5 nl, and therefore less
form array of calcite single crystals (12) and a substrate consisting of a self-assembled than 10 pmol of Ru(NH,),Cl, (5 nl of 2 m !
a thin (<20 pm thick), continuous line of monolayer of HS(CH,),,COOH on Au (Fig. solution) was used for electrochemical analysis.

84 2 JULY 1999 VOL 285 SCIENCE

By taking advantage of the fact that creases roughly as the square root of the distance based separation and detection" has been described
parallel streams of fluid flowing at low from the point where the separate flows join. The [a. H. Weigl and P. Yager, Science 283, 346 (1999)l.
formula given above predicts a similar dependence, 11. H. A. Lowenstam and S. Weiner, On Biomineralization
Reynolds number can maintain sharp indicating that diffusional exchange between the (Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, 1989); S. Mann, j. Webb,
boundaries (on the scale of micrometers) boundary layer and the moving liquid dominates R. j. P. Williams, Eds., Biornineralization. Chemical and
over distances of several centimeters. that under our conditions. Biological Perspectives (VCH, Weinheim, Germany,
4. D. C. Duffy, J. C. McDonald, 0. j. A. Schueller, G. M. 1989).
reactions can be localized at the interfaces Whitesides, Anal. Chem. 70, 4974 (1998). 12. J. Aizenberg, A. J. Black, G. M. Whitesides, Nature 394,
(fluid-capillary and fluid-fluid-capillary) 5. We used pressure-driven flow generated with a sy- 868 (1998); j. Aizenberg, A. J. Black, G. M. Whitesides,
with high spatial precision. and that reac- ringe pump (Harvard Apparatus 22). Syringes were ibid. 398, 495 (1999).
connected t o the inlets of the microfluidic system by 13. D. Walsh, J. D. Hopwood, S. Mann, Science 264, 1576
tive species present in these streams can be polyethylene tubing (Intramedic, inner diameter of (1994); D. Walsh and S. Mann, Chem. Mater. 8, 1944
transported or generated with great versa- 0.38 mm). (1996).
tility by using appropriate chemistries, FLO 6. HE-300 solutions, Peacock Laboratories, 1901 South 14. The Ag wire extended into the middle inlet as a result
54 Street, Philadelphia, PA 19143, USA. The counter- of back flow during the first few seconds of the
provides a method of microfabrication in- ion of the silver salt ( X in the figures) is proprietary. deposition process.
side capillaries and other small enclosed 7. The roughness of the channel walls is typically 5 t o 15. This work was financially supported by the Defense
spaces. With techniques developed for rap- 10 p m ; the edge roughness of the etched or depos- Advanced Research Projects Agency and NSF grant
ited structures is usually less than 1 p m . ECS-9729405. Materials Research Science and Engi-
id prototyping of microstructures in poly- 8. Similarly, we deposited silver on one half of the inner neering Center-shared facilities supported by the
mers (4). it is straightforward to fabricate surface of capillaries (PDMS, glass) by parallel laminar NSF under grant DMR-9400396 were used. P.J.A.K.
the network of capillaries that is required to flow of water and an aqueous phase containing the acknowledges the Netherlands Organization for Sci-
bring together a range of solutions, in an premixed components of the electroless silver plating entific Research (NWO) for a postdoctoral fellowship.
solution. We acknowledge W. Huck and Y. Lu for their help
appropriate order. to carry out multistep 9. M. J. Cormier, D. M. Hercules, J. Lee, Eds., Chemilu- with the atomic force microscopy and scanning elec-
fabrication. Fluid flow can be controlled minescence and Bioluminescence (Plenum, New York, tron microscopy experiments.
with whichever method seems most conve- 19731.
- -1

10. The use of laminar flow for "microfluidic d~ffusion- 9 February 1999; accepted 15 April 1999
nient for the application at hand (applied
pressure. surface tension. gravity. or ap-
plied electrical potential). The liquid-liquid
interfaces, and thus the features that are Shock Melting of the Canyon
fabricated. can be positioned to within a
few percent of the channel width by con- Diablo Impactor: Constraints
trolling the relative volumes of the different
liquid streams entering the region in which
reaction occurs. This procedure replaces
from Nickel959 Contents and
the multiple stages of photolithography and
pattern registration involved in photolitho- Numerical Modeling
graphic fabrication with a physical pro-
C. Schnabel,' E. Pierazzo,'" S. X U ~G., ~ F. Herzog,'" J. M a ~ a r i k , ~
cess-laminar flow-and permits the use of
a wide range of chemistries in patterning. R. G. C r e ~ s w e l l M.
, ~ 1. di ~ a d a K. K. Fifield5
, ~L ~ UL., ~
FLO is probably most useful for making
small numbers of systems for laboratory use Two main types of material survive from the Canyon Diablo impactor, which
and is not presently suited for high-volume produced Meteor Crater in Arizona: iron meteorites, which did not melt during
manufacturing. The types of laminar flow the impact; and spheroids, which did. Ultrasensitive measurements using ac-
patterns that are accessible limit the patterns celerator mass spectrometry show that the meteorites contain about seven
that can be generated. but for certain appli- times as much nickel-59 as the spheroids. Lower average nickel-59 contents in
cations-especially inside the channels used the spheroids indicate that they typically came from 0.5 to 1 meter deeper in
in electrochemical, microanalytical. and mi- the impactor than did the meteorites. Numerical modeling for an impact
crosynthetic system-these patterns will al- velocity of 20 kilometers per second shows that a shell 1.5 to 2 meters thick,
low the fabrication of a variety of useful corresponding t o 16 percent of the projectilevolume, remained solid on the rear
structures. surface; that most of the projectile melted; and that little, if any, vaporized.

References and Notes About 50.000 years ago. the impact of an iron preatinospheric surface of the impactor (3,
1. M. Madou, Fundamentals of Microfabrication (CRC
meteoroid excavated Meteor Crater. Arizona 4). Another portion of the impactor melted
Press, New York, 1997).
2. 0. Reynolds, Philos. Trans. 174, 935 (1883): ibid. 186, ( I , 2). During atmospheric entiy and impact. (5, 6), producing the millimeter-size sphe-
123 (1895). some of the iinpactor remained solid. produc- roids found in the soils around Meteor Crater
3. At a flow rate of 0.50 m/s, Re = 50 for aqueous ing the Canyon Diablo meteorites. Most of (7). Nininger (7) estimated the total spheroid
phases in a 100-pm-wide channel. The broadening of
the meteorites came from within 1.S m of the inventory to be 4000 to 7500 metric tons. or
a liquid-liquid interface by diffusion is given by (x,)'
= ZDt,,,, with diffusion coefficient D (cm2/s) and x, about 5% of the total mass of the Canyon
(cm) and t,, (8) the distance and time of diffusion, 'Department o f Chemistry, Rutgers University, Pisca- Diablo meteoroid in space (1, 8). Here. we
respectively [P. W. Atkins, Physical Chemistry (Free- taway, NJ 08854, USA. 'Lunar and Planetary Labora-
deduce the original depth in the impactor of
man, New York, 1994)l. The broadening of the fea- tory, University o f Arizona, Tucson, AZ 87521, USA.
tures fabricated by FLO cannot be calculated with 3Graduate School o f Oceanography, Narragansett Bay
the material that melted to form the spheroids
that equation alone because the profile of pressure- Campus, University o f Rhode Island, Narragansett, RI and compare the result with the predictions of
driven flow is parabolic [J. P. Brody, P. Yager, R. E. 02882, USA. 4Space Sciences Laboratory, University computer simulations of the Canyon Diablo
Goldstein, R. H. Austin, Biophys. 1. 71, 3430 (1996)l. o f California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. 5Department
The chemical reaction with the surface occurs in the
impact. The results provide new informatioil
o f Nuclear Physics, Research School o f Physical Sci-
stationary boundary layer: therefore the correct ences and Engineering, Australian National University,
about what happens to medium-size meteor-
equation should account for lateral diffusion of the Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia. oids when they strike Earth or other solid
reagent within the layer, diffusional exchange with
the moving liquid above the layer, and depletion of *To whom correspondence should be addressed,
objects in the solar system. The results also
the reagent by the reaction. Preliminary experiments E-mail:; herzog@rutchem. lend support to the evidentiar~basis for ap-
showed that broadening of an etched Au area in- plying theories of cratering dynamics to the SCIENCE VOL 285 2 JULY 1999 85

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