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I sat down to write this and was immediately found at a lack of words. It’s
been 4 years full of experiences and emotions and yet it’s hard to find the right
words to describe them. Not because I have nothing to say but because
there's too much to wrap my head around, I mean how could I fit into one
speech four years of events? How could one person fit into one speech forty
different perspectives? Yet here I am,in front of all of you, so allow me to guide
you all through our four years of secondary.

The first day of secondary was one hard to forget for all of us. The nerves
and excitement of starting something new with completely new people. The
anxiety of going from being the oldest kids in patio to the youngest ones. Our
worlds were turned upside down. But we got through it and were surprisingly
fast to get used to all of the new things around us. Between those things,
there were new teachers.

Our tutors since the start had been able to guide us, no matter how much
trouble we caused.All of them were different in so many ways but I would
argue that's exactly the reason why they were able to teach us everything we
know now. I think I speak for all my classmates when I say that the difference
between the teachers in primary and secondary is abysmal. We went from
being told what to do at all conceivable times to being expected to know how
to handle ourselves and our work. I will admit that like anything else, at first it
was scary but later it became something each one of us could be proud of.
When I say this, one project does come to mind, our secondary one
technology project. Where we had to build a structure out of rolled up paper,
stick it all together and pray to God that it would hold our weight during our
presentation in front of both classes. For me and for many others that was the
first time we had ever talked in front of a large group of people. Even if we all
knew each other I can still remember how scared we all were, but once
again,we did it.

That turned out to be a pattern over the next four years, our teachers would
hand us projects and we would all proceed to rack our brains on how we’ll do
them, and how we all might fail miserably, yet by the end the projects got done
and the teachers were pleased. Over these four years we learned how to
believe in ourselves and how to let go when we needed to. And I wish there
was a more humble way to say this but frankly, I think our class is special in
many ways and it holds people who have positively surprised many teachers
with their growth. I know a lot of people who started their first year failing most
of their subjects, I was one of them! Nevertheless, here they are now, looking
back at me in their caps and gowns.

I am not a very emotional person, at least not compared to Maria but these
speeches are reminding me of how much I appreciate the people I've met and
the time I've spent here. However, I'd be a liar if I said that I felt this way when
these events were taking place. Because like most teenagers, my time spent
in class felt longer than any medieval torture should’ve. It’s only now that we
all look back that I can find the beauty in it, and just like with our school
experience this will be the case for the rest of lifes.

And when we start next year we’ll be almost as anxious as we were back in
first of secondary but just like I said, when it's all over we’ll look back on those
two years of baccalaureate and find the beauty in them like we did with these
last for years. Thank you for listening.

Buenos días a todos.

Recuerdo mi graduación de primaria como si fuera ayer. Recuerdo no

poder procesar que el tiempo había pasado tan rápido, que ahora íbamos a
ser mayores. Y hoy, en nuestra graduación de secundaria, me siento igual. No
se me mete en la cabeza que ya han pasado 4 años y que en tan solo unos
meses cada uno nos iremos a un bachillerato, a un fp o a trabajar.

Al parar y pensar sobre estos años llegó a la conclusión de que estuvieron

llenos de momentos que nos han formado como personas y como una clase.
Son todo, desde cosas simples como los muchos “feliz cumpleaños” que
cantamos, o los “buenos días” dormidos que intercambiamos cada mañana. A
cosas más complejas como profesores y materias nuevas.

Hemos convivido juntos 6 horas cada 5 días de la semana durante 4 años.

Algunos aun antes, otros vinieron un poco después y muchos ya no está con
nosotros, pero creo que todos nos pudimos adaptar bien a las dinámicas de
nuestras 2 clases y formar amistades que durarán toda la vida. Al principio
esto nos costó a todos. Una etapa nueva, con personas nuevas, más
responsabilidades y trabajos. Pero justo por esto todos hemos crecido y
evolucionado tanto estos últimos años. Hemos aprendido cosas sobre
nosotros mismos y sobre las personas que hay a nuestro alrededor. Y nos lo
hemos pasado genial haciéndolo.

Algunos de los recuerdos que se me vienen a la cabeza son: las

excursiones a Terra Mítica para Halloween, los primeros discursos que
tuvimos que dar en oratoria, las obras que leíamos y representamos en
lengua, las preparaciones de Cambridge con Jennifer, las numerosas veces
que rompimos y arreglamos la basura, como cuando pasaba una moto todos
corrían a la ventana para vez y los abrazos al final del año escolar, aunque
íbamos a volver a estar en la misma clase 3 meses después. También
recuerdo cada parte, cada falta y cada lágrima. En el momento eran horribles
pero ahora se han transformado en unas historias muy divertidas para contar.

Estos 4 años han sido increíbles para mí, y siento como si formara parte de
una familia. Una familia muy caótica y bastante pasota pero con mucha
confianza y amor entre ella. Una familia que aunque no vea durante años,
seguirá siendo familiar cuando nos reunamos de nuevo.
Así que muchas gracias a todos vosotros. Gracias a los padres por
permitirnos esta experiencia, gracias a los profesores por todo lo que nos
habéis enseñado y por ser un ejemplo para seguir, gracias a los tutores por
estar siempre disponibles a ayudarnos y gracias a todos mis compañeros por
estar allí conmigo y hacer que estos 4 años sean algo que yo no pueda
olvidar nunca.

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