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Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

Kelas/Semester : X.3 – X.4 / GANJIL T.P : 2016 – 2017

Read the following announcement. Then answer the question

Don’t forget to bring to dictionary is the next English lesson.
One student one dictionary is a must the next meeting because we will read a story, no excuse for
those who don’t bring the dictionary. It is used to help you learn English.
Thank you
Mam Susilawati

1. What is the title of announcement?

2. What is the purpose of announcement?
3. Who made the announcement?
4. To whom it was shown announcement?
5. Please translate this sentences into English.
a) Aku tidak bisa mengatakan betapa bahagianya, karena dating menemuiku.
b) Luar biasa! Saya menikmati fasilitas- fasilitas kantor ini.
c) Saya bahagia karena saya memenangkan perlombaan menyanyi.
d) Saya sangat senang bahwa kamu lulus tahun ini.
6. Make a sentences expression sympathy and give response.
7. Make conversation with the expression Accepting/Declining invitation
8. Fill the blank

Choose the appropriate expression based on the Choices

a. When you want to get someone’s b. Attention, please!
attention, you will say……. c. Will you read my novel?
d. I think it’s awesome
e. Can I use your book?
f. Can you play basketball?
g. What is it?
h. What do you think my bag?
i. What a beautiful shoes
j. Will you go to library
k. Do you understand
b. When you want to check someone’s
understanding, you will say…
c. When you give your opinion, you will say…
d. When you ask someone’s opinion, you will
e. When you show your appreciation of
something, you will say…
f. When you ask permission to someone, you
will say…
g. When you ask someone whether she can
do something or not, you will say…
Read the conversation and answer the question
Rangga : A terrible thing happened to my yesterday, my mom was very angry to me.
Riadi : Oh my God. Why?
Rangga : I lost motorcycle when I parked it in front of the book store
Riadi :Oh no !! I’m sorry to hear that

9. The underline word is showing….

10. Why Rangga’s Mother very angry?
11. When and where the motorcycle Rangga lost?

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