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ec Starsh Combat

Simple Starship Combat
Rules by Seth Kenlon for
Licensed to you under the Open Game License v0.1a

Starfinder and the Pact Worlds are trademarks of Paizo, Inc.

They are used here under community use terms.

Space combat can be fun

This is a drastically simplified replacement for Chapter 9 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook. It's
intended for groups who aren't interested in poring over starship stats and who do not currently
enjoy starship combat, but aren't ready to eliminate it entirely from their campaigns.

These combat rules are 2 pages (1 rules page, 1 actions page). Rather than taking separate
roles and fighting over who gets to be captain and who gets stuck as the science officer, players
work together to decide on the actions of their ship. Hits are intentionally powerful, tactical
movement is rewarded, shields are assumed to be calculated into the existing AC and never
need rebalancing, and combat is ideally resolved in just a few rounds.

This also reduces the need for understanding or caring about the systems and features of any
given ship. Your players no longer have to worry whether their power unit is strong enough, nor
whether they have a turret or a cannon, and so on. The sheer size of a ship is enough to clue
them in on whether they would be wiser to fight or take flight.

For some, this may be too simple. For others, this is a quick and fun way to have starship combat
in their space game without also learning a complex new system of rules, and building and
optimizing starships piece by piece in order to stay alive out in the far reaches of space.
Better [Star]ship Combat
Crew roles Roll for damage
Players work as a team to decide what actions to Roll for damage immediately after a successful hit.
take. There are no specific crew roles, so it isn't Damage depends on the weapon used, so refer to
necessary to maintain a one-to-one relationship to your ship's stats as listed in its origin rulebook or
dice rolls and player characters. For instance, if source book.
your party wants to attempt a single Piloting check
more than once, then you have as many attempts When a ship reaches half its HP, its systems are
as you have players. Of course, expending all glitching. All of its attacks have 50% chance to fail,
players on one Piloting check leaves no room for and all damage done to it has 50% chance of doing
anything else that round, but such are the choices double damage. It's very likely that a glitching ship
players must make. would flee from combat, or attempt to parlay.

Tactics and tiers Pro Tip

Fighting a ship of a higher tier than your own is There are several bonuses to keep track of during
difficult. The greater the difference, the deadlier the starship combat. As you collect a bonus, pick up the
battle. dice and hold it with your d20. Then roll all the dice
together. That way, you don't forget to add a bonus.
These rules may be used for play on either a
standard grid or hex map, or no physical map at all,
according to your preference. It's great for live aG M Notes
games, remote games, or even play-by-post. Shields are always up, and a ship's listed AC factors
thatin. This is only for space combat calculations
Bonus: Any ship with an allied ship in combat gains and does not affect actual AC or hardness (and so
+1 per ally to all attacks. For example, if each player on) elsewhere in game play. When a ship reaches 0
in a party of 4 is in a one-person fighter, then each hit points, its shields are destroyed and its
fighter gains +3 to attack. propulsion and weapons systems are offline. The
victor may continue to attack (to rupture its hull), or
Roll initiative board the ship, or fly away, or anything else you can
think of.
At the beginning of combat, roll initiative as you
would for ground combat, using the highest initiative The Power Core and shield ratings and computer
modifier of your party. Highest initiative moves first
systems play no part in combat. However, players
(or chooses to delay, forcing their opponent to act
may upgrade weapons and maneuverability for
first). prices reflected in Chapter 9 of the Core Rulebook.
If players don't enjoy shopping for ship parts,
Actions on your turn consider letting them purchase the stats of a new
Single-occupant ships have exactly 2 actions per starship (or just tell them they must buy a new
round. starship should they wish to upgrade).

A ship with more than one crew member has a

number of actions per round equal to players with a
character on that ship. Your enemy has a number of
turns up to the number of crew members listed in its
stat block, but may not exceed the number of
players with a character in combat. In other words, if
there are 3 players battling an NPC ship with 5 crew
members, the NPC ship gets 3 actions.

Not counting Initiative, each player may benefit from

a specific modifier only once each round.
Standard Difficulty Class (DC)
15 +(2 x your ship's tier [minimum 1] )

> Move (Piloting) > Magical Influencer (Spellcasting)

Move a number of squares equal to your Starship Mystics, technomancers, witchwarpers, and other
Speed - Maneuverability stat (minimum 1). spellcasters may summon forces of magic to cause
Changing trajectory costs 1 square of movement. A damage to a ship automatically. Space has strange
successful Piloting check against Standard DC effects on magic: as long as you can see the ship
negates the Maneuverability penalty. It also allows (even if only electronically), you have trained
you to make a fly-by: take part of your movement, yourself to target it without any Distance Effect.
attack, and then take the rest of your movement.
At the GM's discretion, should you have a video
When playing without a battle map, you don't count connection into a ship, or are close enough to see a
squares or use your move speed. Instead, there are crew member through a window, then you may
3 zones: Close, Near, and Far. Roll Piloting to instead cast a spell on a target you can see.
either change or maintain your zone.

You may always move through any ship's square,

because you are able to fly over or under it. 1/4t09 1d8
10to 20 1d12
> Attack (DEX or Gunnery)
Fire one (1) weapon at your opponent. Apply your
DEX modifier, or your ship's Gunnery bonus, to your Optional: Your spells have unpredictable results or
attack roll. side effects, determined by the GM or your favourite
wild magic table.
A weapon may not be used again during a round
until all weapons on the ship have been used that
round. In other words, you must cycle through all
> Repair (INT, Engineering or Computers)
available weapons before firing one twice.
a successful INT,
Distance Effect: When attacking, the distance Engineering, or 1/4t0 4 1d6
between ships affects your attack. Count each row Computers check
or column (whichever is greater) your projectile must against Standard DC, 5109 1d8
pass through to reach its target (not counting your you may roll your 10+ 1d12
own square). repair die twice.

> Intimidate (CHA)

Roll to intimidate your opponent. Upon success,
your target has an attack penalty on the next turn.

1/4t0 9 1d4 penalty 1d4 bonus

10+ 1d6 penalty 1d6 bonus

> Boost (General or Spellcasting)

A spellcaster may spend 1 resolve point to grant an
ally with a magical boost to any roll this round.

Non-magic users may make a STR, INT, WIS, or

CHA check as a display of confidence and solidarity
to boost morale.

Legal and credits

2 squares (Close) +1d4 attack Rules by Seth Kenlon
Licensed under the Open Game License v0.1a
3-6 squares (Near) no effect
Starfinder and the Pact Worlds are trademarks of Paizo, Inc.
2 7 squares (Far) -1d8 attack They are used here under community use terms.
Spaceship stats
Enter these values from your spaceship stats (found in the Core Rulebook, Pact Worlds source book, or other
game supplement. Most of the information in the book isn used in this system, so this sheet helps you focus on
the values that matter.

If less than 1, enter 1

Standard DC:
15+(2 x Tier)
Speed Maneuverability AC HP
Your shield Damaqe you
strength can take

Movement: Computer:
(Speed - Maneuverability) (or other ship bonus)

List the number and type of dice for each
weapon on your ship

Spaceship stats
Enter these values from your spaceship stats (found in the Core Rulebook, Pact Worlds source book, or other
game supplement. Most of the information in the book isn't used in this system, so this sheet helps you focus on
the values that matter.

If less than 1, enter 1

Standard DC:
15+(2 x Tier)
Speed Maneuverability AC HP
i Damage you
Yol canta
Movement: Computer:
(Speed - Maneuverability) (or other ship bonus)

List the number and type of dice for each
weapon on your ship

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