Gabe l3 Unit 01 Test

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Test • Unit 1
Simple Present and Present Progressive
First Impressions
Part I

A Write C (correct) or I (incorrect) for each sentence.

C 1. A person’s appearance generally has a big effect on us.
2. People are often using stereotypes to form first impressions.
3. This employee doesn’t seem very motivated.
4. I read a book about first impressions at the moment.
5. Most people form first impressions very quickly.
6. Are you having any problems with your new class?
7. Sunita Modi’s book One Glance is describing the way we form first impressions.

B Circle the correct word or phrase.

1. The final psychology exam begins / is beginning at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow.
2. I do not have / am not having a good impression of this company.
3. Molly studies / is studying sociology this semester.
4. Dr. Park teaches / is teaching the psychology class while Professor Lintz is away.
5. In an interview, first we make sure the candidate is comfortable. Then we
ask / are asking some general questions.
6. Today, Elliot thinks / is thinking about how to make a good impression at his new job.
7. The psychology textbook does not cover / is not covering first impressions.

Part II

1. Simple Present vs. Present Progressive

Complete the sentences with the simple present or present progressive form of the verbs in

1. First impressions often influence (influence) interviewers’ opinions of a job applicant.

2. Candidates usually (not wear) casual clothes to interviews.

Grammar and Beyond ETM 3 © Cambridge University Press 2019 Photocopiable Test • Unit 1 1
3. Noriko (participate) in a study on first impressions.

4. Mr. Addison always (ask) the same questions at the

beginning of an interview
5. Our company never (make) hiring decisions as a result of first

6. At the moment, Dr. Howell (research) the effects of body

language on first impressions.
7. Professor Lewin (work) on the third floor. Her office is across
from the elevator.

2. Stative Verbs
Complete the sentences with the simple present or present progressive form of the verbs in

1. Quiet people sometimes (appear) less confident in interviews.

2. Professor Chapman (believe) that we often judge new people
too quickly.
3. Dr. Young (not see) patients this week. You can make
an appointment for next week.
4. How much we (know) about a person after one meeting?
5. I usually (not notice) a person’s body language during
an interview.
6. Dr. Hernandez is normally easygoing, but today he (be)
very difficult.

3. Special Meanings and Uses of Simple Present

Read the sentences. Decide if they come from a review or a procedure, or if they show
some other use of the simple present. Write R (review), P (procedure), or O (other) for
each sentence.

R 1. Dr. Wren’s article explores the factors that influence first impressions.
2. First, participants in the study spend two hours watching interviews on film.
3. The author believes that many people do not trust their first impressions.
4. The flight to Los Angeles departs at 3:30 p.m.
5. The movie begins with two strangers meeting on a train.
6. A bad first impression lasts a long time.
7. Finally, the interviewer asks candidates if they have any questions about the company.

Grammar and Beyond ETM 3 © Cambridge University Press 2019 Photocopiable Test • Unit 1 2
Part III
Complete the sentences with simple present or present progressive form of the verbs in parentheses.

1. Stereotypes often (make) it difficult to form an accurate

first impression.
2. The lecture on first impressions (not / begin) until 5:00 p.m.
3. Dr. Albertson (lead) the interview team today since Professor
Hall is sick.

4. Cindy (write) a paper on the importance of

appearances for her psychology class.
5. This book (have) everything you need to know
about how we form first impressions.
6. Students normally (meet) on Friday mornings to
review the week’s psychology lectures.
7. First impressions (not / take) long to form.
8. you always (trust) your first impressions?
9. Ellen (think) about the impression she made in her
interview. It didn’t go well.
10. What time the psychology class (end)?

Grammar and Beyond ETM 3 © Cambridge University Press 2019 Photocopiable Test • Unit 1 3
Part IV


Think of a situation when it is important to make a good first impression, such as a college interview or
meeting someone for the first time. Write advice on how to make a good first impression.

Grammar and Beyond ETM 3 © Cambridge University Press 2019 Photocopiable Test • Unit 1 4

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