The Truman Show Worksheet

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Exegeting The Truman Show (1998): starring Jim Carrey, Ed Harris & Laura Linney; written by Andrew Niccol,

directed by Peter Weir

You are very much encouraged to incorporate material covered in class (PowerPoints, handouts, notes, etc.) to prompt your thinking and help you write your response to The Truman Show

Key movie quote: “We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented. It’s as simple as that.” – Christof

Observations | Truman | Christof | Meryl & Marlon | Sylvia | Other Actors | The TV “Audience” | A. Niccol / P. Weir | Yourself

a) Reality

b) Truth

c) Man

d) Values
(what’s important)

e) Ethics /

f) Autonomy

g) Society

h) Faith /
The Truman Show: Questions to Wrestle with in Writing Your Open-Ended Response Paper
1) What are some of the existential questions explored in this movie?

2) What kind of worldview changes do Truman, Meryl and Christof go through as the story unfolds? Think narratively (setting, characters, conflict, resolution).

3) How many layers of perceived “reality” can you identify as you watch this movie? How do those layers interact with each other?

4) What kind of parallels do you see between The Truman Show and Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave”?

5) How does technology function in the storyline? What kind of statements does the movie make about tech? Nature? (Tie in Sire’s ideas on tech in chapter 7.)

6) Thinking along cultural lines (politismologically), what does The Truman Show say about American culture & society; its ideals & values (American Dream)?

7) What Christian themes and parallels do you see in the movie? Would you consider it a Christian film? Why or why not? How were they able to be prophetic?

8) What or who do you think Marlon (Truman’s best friend – always with the beer) represents in the movie? What about Lauren / Sylvia?

9) What are your thoughts about Andrew Niccol’s and / or Peter Weir’s worldview(s)?

10) What kind of things (statements) do you think Andrew Niccol and / or Peter Weir and / or Jim Carrey are trying to say with this movie?

This assignment is a creative writing exercise. It’s about you interpreting a piece of art (the movie), supporting your interpretation using critical thinking skills, theological, sociological and philosophical tools, etc.
Note: This movie was released shortly before reality TV became a popular entertainment format (starting in 1999-2000 with Survivor and Big Brother). Also: isn’t that a tablet being used in the moon’s control room?

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