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Six Worldviews and Their Attendant Religious Issues

Monotheism Naturalism Pantheism

ú Deism ü
God/god god/gods
------------ creation / cosmos cosmos =
creation cosmos
Open System: Closed System: Closed System:
affirms His existence / denies His existence denies God His nature
acknowledges His (material monism) and status – robs Him
“otherliness” (dualism: spir./mat.) of the glory due Him
All that is not this God is His creation (spiritual monism)
Christianity is incarnational, Personal, triune monotheism (unity emphasis: all is one)

Polytheism / Spiritism / Animism ü Postmodernism

creation / cosmos (pantheism variant with a diversity emphasis)

good or evil spirit beings everything is a

involved in events social construction
(dualism: mat./spir.) ú ü
Closed Systems:
they either deny God’s existence, His nature or status & rob Him of His glory

Issue 1 Confusing the distinction between the Creator and the creature
Issue 2 Misunderstanding the inherently sinful nature of man and the
grounding point of redemption (God’s Holiness): cf. sin w/ sins
Issue 3 External sins (acts) vs. internal sin (nature) clean: out > in or v.v.?
Issue 4 Revelation: Origin (Creator / creature)? Access (Open / Secret)?
Issue 5 A personal and knowable Deity necessitates moral accountability
versus an impersonal unknowable deity (no accountability)
Issue 6 Submitting to the righteousness that comes from God versus
establishing one’s own righteousness (faith versus works)
Issue 7 Truly knowing God brings true worship – versus ‘will’ worship
Issue 8 Absolute truth, meaning and objective reality versus a
fickle relativism, loss of meaning and subjective reality
Issue 9 Possessing the right ultimate object of faith
Issue 10 Litmus test for veracity: Who gets the glory? (John 7:17)
Issue 11 Encountering the Living Word versus ritual observance
Issue 12 Resting in a finished work, being assured & being led – vs. not...
Issue 13 Blame-shifting & self-justification (demonize “them” / deify “us”)
Issue 14 Competitive religion: waging spiritual warfare the world’s way
Issue 15 Revisionism: biased, relativistically re-casting (historical) reality
Issue 16 Captive to the Creator or captive to a creature(-ly construct)?

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