GCSE English Language Paper 2

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GCSE English language:

q.1. True = C, F, G, H
q.2. Firstly, in source A we learn Simon is an authoritative character: “it
was Simon’s decision”. This quotation exemplifies Simon authoritative
nature ; he has to take charge in a life or death situation his friend will
perish on the mountainside. However, in Salisbury we learn that Marius is
respectful towards Gertrude: “Mademoiselle”. This of respect shows
Marius’s attitude towards Gertrude is a lot more formal as she is his
employer. This contrasts to source A because Simon is a friend of his
companion whereas Marius is not and also does not have to deal with the
pressure of being in a life or death situation that the men in source A find
themselves in. Marius is an employee taking Gertrude on an expedition not
a friend trying to save someone’s life.
Secondly, in source A Simon is very aggressive with his belief/optimism :
“he was still grinning, and his confidence was infectious”. this quotation
exhibits Simon’s loyalty towards his friend because he refuses to give up.
However, in Source B Marius is very calm and cares about Gertrude’s
comfort : “
q.3. Firstly, in source A Joe feels overwhelmed with physical pain: “flare of
agony”. The metaphor highlights that he is consumed with agony, and it
will not leave him. The noun: “ flare” further exhibits that it feels as if he is
on fire/ “burning”. Joe is experiencing horrendous pain from his leg and
the horrific conditions on the mountain : “ freezing blasts of snow biting
into my face”. This insinuates that he is being attacked and the use of
personification coveys that Joe is being terrorised by the elements. It could
also suggest that Joe is extremely delirious from the condition of his broken
leg that he is imagining a snow monster mauling him. This would make the
reader feel empathetic towards Joe because he is enveloped by mind-
blowing pain.
Furthermore, Joe is presented as drained/tired : “I hung silently”. This
could portray Joe as fatigued because he is being weighted down by his
broken leg and has been mentally drained. He could be scared that he is
going to die or even be so tired that he just wants the pain to stop. The verb
: “hung” connotes that he has no energy/will carry on descending. This
would make the reader scared that Joe will not survive and is going to be
defeated by his injury.
q.4. Firstly, in source A, we learn that Joe’s perspective on his experience
was that it was a matter of life and death : “the rising wind and continuous
avalanches drowned out all communications”. This declarative statement
indicates that Joe and Simon are in a dangerous situation. The use of the
personified verb : “drowned” exemplifies that the two men are in a
situation where nature may very well take their lives. Additionally, the
phrase : “ continuous avalanches” implies that the weather was repetitively
relentless, avalanches being something normally considered as life
threatening event. Here the reader may share Joe’s feelings of exhaustion
and hopelessness whilst simultaneously feeling anxious for his and Simon’s
chances of survival. However, in source B, we learn that Gertrude has a
much more positive perspective on her mountaineering experience,
enjoying a much more relaxed/comfortable time than Joe in Source A: “
put my rug in a corner of the floor […] I made myself very comfortable”.
This quotation highlights that Gertrude, as result of Marius’s help, is sure
to have a nice night’s rest, unlike the suffering Joe in Source A. The use of
the phrase : “very comfortable” exhibits that, despite being on a mountain,
Gertrude was able to get some “comfortable” rest. Furthermore, the use of
the nouns : “ straw” and “pillow” contrast starkly with the pain being
endured by Joe in source A. As a reader, we feel naturally less
anxious/more relaxed during Source B than Source A because of the
contrasting situations. In Source A, we are unsure of whether or not Joe
will survive the night, unlike Gertrude whose adventure is more of a leisure
Secondly, we also learn that Joe feels a strong hatred towards (his friend)
Simon : “I swore Simon’s character to the devil”. This highlights that Joe is
furious with Simon and blames him for the grotesque pain he is
experiencing. Additionally, Joe is livid and blames Simon for his pain. This
conveys the depth of his pain and suggests that he is frustrated and taking
his anger out on Simon. Joe might also resent Simon because of his ruthless
actions : “ howling and screaming for Simon to stop”. This denotes that
Joe is in tremendous pain and is desperate for it to end, but Simon carries
on lowering Joe at a vigorous pace. The verb : “howling” illustrates that
Joe is severely overwhelmed and unable to form a coherent sentence. It
could also connote that Joe is acting in an animalistic way and has lost
control of his body. This further demonstrates Joe’s hatred towards Simon
because in Joe’s eyes Simon is unaffected by Joe “screaming” in pain and
just continues to lower him. However, in Source B, Gertrude has a positive
relationship/ perspective of Marius : “ Marius had kindly […] he has the
strength of a bear”. The quotation portrays that Gertrude is fond of

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