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Adam Tomswindler

6th Lakeview Road

HP: 22
AC: 14
STR: +4
DEX: +4
INT: +1
WIS: +4
CHA: +2
Description: “Adam is that weird kid with the ice cold glare and a smile that
could ignite a fire, flames that could feel like a tender flutter in the pit of your
stomach, or heartburn, as if he filled your cup with car acid and grinned as you
downed it.”

Skills Advantage on Nature, Stealth, sleight of hand.
Knowledge of weird urban lore and gruesome ancient rituals

Parents: Barack Tomswindler (mysteriously disappeared two years after mother’s
Relationships death when Adam was 10)
Eve Tomswindler (died of drowning in the lake)

● Likes to spook Johnny sometimes when he sees him around,

thinks he’s funny looking. He absolutely hates Matthew and can’t
stand him and his attitude, he actually attempted to hex him a
couple times. He sometimes likes to discuss conspiracy theories
with Robben that takes things a little too seriously. Likes Melissa
even if has never spoken to her, but they seem to have things in
common and he’s oblivious to the rest.
● He doesn’t like his grandfather and they have a tense
● Yannick is like a big brother/father to him.
● runs a drug business in high school where he makes a natural
version of the happy pill that keeps you happy but alert, like
coffee but with jitters, a little green powder coated in sweet sap
for flavor.
● Mr and Mrs Thomson are his wealthiest guarantors, he often
sees them for extra curricular activities, they sponsor most of his
whims, although Mrs Thomson hates to see him smoke.
● He hangs out sometimes at the Hot N’ Heavy for a drink or for
someone to buy him a drink, he’s good friends with the owner
and bartender Yannick, who he comes to for advice sometimes.
He sees Yannick(38) as a father figure or a big brother (friend of
his father and late mother) and it’s thanks to his connection that
he landed a job at the hospital.

Traits: Seems cool and collected, as if he’s constantly doped up. He seems
Traits: Calm. Gloomy. Flirty.
gloomy most of the time but shows a cheery face when he’s around
people. When he’s flirty he gets quite saucy in the details, he can easily
feign being sexually confident but if love is ever involved he loses all his

Characteristic: Brown green hair. Brown eyes. Slightly muscular He is of

average height 5ft6, he is a bit brawny from helping with woodcutting
and work around the woods. He has dark brown eyes and brown hair he
keeps in short side braids dyed in dark green and a subtle red at the tips.
He often tucks fresh branches in his hair and tends to have a splinter of
wood at the corner of his mouth.

Fears: Loneliness. Losing complete control. Dying alone with no one to

remember him. He has this weird fear of not wanting to be possessed so
he’s been weary about rituals with spirits, he prefers supernatural
creatures or immaterial entities that can’t possess him. He doesn’t like to
be tied up no matter what.

Likes: Stillness. Calm. Lore. He likes the snow of winter and the breeze,
the cold helps him forget. He slides plants and things that are slow and
easy. Sweets, fruit sorbets and milkshakes.

Interested in lore and urban mysteries, he sees himself as an amateur

ritualist and he believes that modern witchcraft is the only way one can
truly exert some control on their lives. He sees magic as a way of gaining
control of his destiny. “As above, so below”

Dislikes: Rashness. Impulse. God. Reckless behavior and people that

don’t think things through. Spicy foods.

Bonds: Freedom. Money. Power. He will be freed of shackles that bind

him by any means necessary, money and magic are a bridge he built to
give him a semblance of freedom. He will stop at nothing until he feels
free, to him that means going far far away. A part of him also wants,
through wishful thinking, to bring his parents back or experience at least
a fraction of the love they shared.

Principles: Control. Always. Adam vacillates between control and

dependence, he is afraid of losing control but he yearns to give himself
away. He admires stillness, temperance, waiting for the right time to
strike. “The world changes constantly, let us be the authors of that
change and not the victims of God’s sick joke”

Goals Money. Moving. Freedom. He tries to make money to fund his habits and
dreams of owning a cabin in Antarctica to see the Aurora Borealis.
He loves the town but he has bittersweet feelings about the place where
he grew up. The feeling of longing and loneliness gnaws at him and he
wishes more than anything that he could just escape, not through alcohol
or flings. He has contemplated death but he is afraid of what might be
waiting on the other side.

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