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01/10/2021 The ABRSM Music Teacher Conference 2019 (Malaysia)

The ABRSM Music Teacher Conference 2019 (Malaysia)

Thank you for attending The ABRSM Music Teacher Conference Malaysia 2019. Your feedback will help us to
improve our future events.

1. 1. What instruments do you teach?

Check all that apply.

Double bass
Strings ensemble

2. 2. Which of the following sessions are more valuable to you? (Day 1)

Check all that apply.

Keynote 1: Teacher as Leader

Session 1A - Can I teach pop songs? Effective approaches to teaching any repertoire!
Session 1B - Bringing theory to life! An integrated approach
Session 1C - The fundamentals to why we sing and how to sing
Session 1D - Building parent-teacher partnerships in music lessons
Session 2A - Piano doesn’t have to be lonely! Exploring piano ensemble repertoire
Session 2B - Bringing theory to life! An integrated approach
Session 2C - Approaches to String Technique
Session 2D - Making connections: Developing musical knowledge & understanding
Session 3A - Collaborative Piano: the art of making music together
Session 3B - Thinking in sound - developing greater aural awareness
Session 3C - Building Ensembles and Crafting Teamwork
Session 3D - Building parent-teacher partnerships in music lessons 1/4
01/10/2021 The ABRSM Music Teacher Conference 2019 (Malaysia)

3. 3. Which of the following sessions are more valuable to you? (Day 2)

Check all that apply.

Session 4A - Creativity is our secret weapon … and teaching creativity calls for creative teaching
Session 4B - Thinking in sound - developing greater aural awareness
Session 4C - Teacher’s Role in Piano Accompaniment
Session 4D - Don’t forget aural! Planning for effective musicianship training
Session 5A - Benefits of Sight-Singing; a step-by-step approach
Session 5B - Being creative with sound - the keys to improvisation
Session 5C - Effective Expression as a Skill of Musicality and Interpretation
Session 5D - Music Heals: Harnessing music as a resource for personal agency and empowerment
Session 6A - Experience the joy of improvisation using tools you already know!
Session 6B - Being creative with sound - the keys to improvisation
Session 6C - Curriculum and lesson planning
Session 6D - No Child Left Behind: Introduction to Music Therapy from a Music Education perspective

4. 4. How satisfied or dissatisfied were you with each of the following aspects?

Mark only one oval per row.

Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied

Food quality

Staff behaviour at the reception

Behaviour of the waiter/waitress


The programs and the entertainment

5. 5. I have spent ............ at the Mirado Music Books booth.

Mark only one oval.

RM 0 - 50




RM300 and above 2/4
01/10/2021 The ABRSM Music Teacher Conference 2019 (Malaysia)

6. 6. Which speakers were you most excited for?

Check all that apply.

John Holmes
Loo Bang Hean
Chi Hoe Mak
Jerison Harer Lee
Susanna Saw
Andrew Filmer
Carolyn Lo
Dr Indra V. Selvarajah
Mabel Wong
Datin' Kathryn Ang
Tay Cher Siang

7. 7. What type of food would you prefer at the event?

Check all that apply.

Buffet - Western
Buffet - Chinese
Buffet - Malay
Buffet - Indian
Buffet - Mixed

8. 8. How likely are you to tell a friend or colleague about this conference?

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Most Likely Never

9. 9. What's the hardest thing about being a music teacher?

Check all that apply.

the isolation
dealing with parents
working anti-social hours
financial insecurity
acquiring new students
Other: 3/4
01/10/2021 The ABRSM Music Teacher Conference 2019 (Malaysia)

10. 10. How would you rate the networking opportunities at this events?

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Excellent Poor

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