Unseen Poetry HWK

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Unseen poetry - English Literature homework:

“In the poem how does the poet present the boy’s feelings about reading?”
Firstly, the poet expresses the boy’s uninterested attitude towards reading: “he gazes into the
air/ sighing and shaking his head”. This exhibits the uncaring mindset the boy has towards his
struggle with reading. The verbs “sighing” and “shaking” convey that the boy is perhaps
frustrated and annoyed by the seemingly “impassable” task of reading. Moreover, the verb
“gazes” further exemplifies the boys lack of conviction and resilience. The writer aims to
convey the importance of being able to read that could later lead to extreme struggles in the
boy’s life. The writer does not want the boy’s difficulty with reading to define and restrict
him; people are often stereotyped as unintelligent if they are incapable of reading. However,
the writer clearly states the boy’s capability in other (more artistic/creative) regions: “he can
make sculptures/ And fabulous machines”. The reader will feel sympathetic towards the
boy’s frustrations with reading. Furthermore, irony is used in the poem because of the
mothers (the narrator/poets) extreme skill with literature.

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