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Marketing II

Professor: Juan Staudt

Class Assistant: Maximiliano Munizaga
Brand Identity (33 points)

Read the instructions carefully:

a. You have until Monday 17th of April 2023 - 11:30 am to submit your homework
b. Homework is groups
c. Copies are penalized by the faculty. Any detected attempt of using IA will be transferred to honor
commission, resulting in not approving the course

You are the marketing manager of Starbucks in Chile and you have noticed that the brand is
losing relevance among young consumers. These consumers are increasingly looking for
more modern coffee shops, with innovative designs and a more personalized consumption
experience. As a marketing manager, you have been tasked with developing a strategy to
strengthen Starbucks' brand identity in the Chilean market and regain the preference of
young consumers.

To achieve this, you need to understand Starbucks' brand identity in depth, identify its
strengths and weaknesses, and find ways to connect with young consumers through
effective and coherent communication. To do this, you will need to create Starbucks' brand
identity prism in Chile, which will allow you to define its vision, mission, values, brand
personality, and purpose.

Guide your answers by this scheme:

Marketing II
Professor: Juan Staudt
Class Assistant: Maximiliano Munizaga
1. Please develop the brand identity prism for the company (you can draw it or you
can list the elements) and give a short explanation of 2 real life elements, for each
one of the following aspects: Physique, Relationship, Reflection, Personality,
Culture and Self-Image: (12 pts)

2. Now, imagine you are the marketing manager of Juan Valdez. Please develop the
brand identity prism for the company, considering the same elements as in the
previous question: (12 pts)

3. Compare the brand identity of Starbucks and Juan Valdez. Identify one difference
on each aspect between both brands: (6 pts)

4. Based on your analysis of the brand identity of Starbucks and Juan Valdez, identify
three opportunities for improvement for Starbucks. What could the brand do to
strength its brand identity and improve their position in the market? (3 pts)

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