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Annie Jones | (559) 901-9281


Diligent and sociable environmental studies major with research experience on environmental justice issues with
climate innovation.

California State University, Monterey Bay, Seaside, CA | Prospective graduation: May 2023
Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies, minors in Environmental Health Policy and Global Studies
• 4.00/4.00 with College of Science Dean’s List designation
• Relevant courses: Research Methods for Environmental Studies, Intro to GIS/GPS, Climate Justice &
Communication, Climate Change Science & Solutions, Water Resource Assessment/Law/Policy, Cultural
Geography, Geography of International Development
Relevant experience

Office of Inclusive Excellence and Sustainability, CSUMB, Seaside CA | September 2022-Present

STARS Student Assistant
• Learned requirements for the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment, and Rating System (STARS)
• Provided support and resolved questions and issues with STARS account creation, how to use the STARS
system, data collection requirements, and general troubleshooting
• Explored ways to improve campus sustainability, both for STARS rating and campus longevity
Research and Leadership

Undergraduate Research Opportunities Center, CSUMB, Seaside, CA | September 2021-May 2022

Undergraduate Research Assistant – “Greenwashing Settler Colonialism: A Case Study of Israel’s 2018
UN Climate Change Report”
• Examined history and tactics exercised in greenwashing and modern settler colonialism
• Identified and implemented codes of greenwashing language utilized in 2018 Israeli climate change report
• Complied and presented findings at CSUMB Spring Research Showcase to illustrate examples of
unsustainable climate innovation due to its exploitative nature
Alpha Lambda Delta National Honors Society, CSUMB, Seaside CA | March 2020-May 2021
Editor, Historian, and Inter-Club Council Representative, CSUMB chapter
• Collaborated with fellow officers to plan virtual monthly member meetings and events
• Attended monthly Inter-Club Council meetings to advocate for ALD

• Proficient in computer technologies including Microsoft Office and Google Suite

• Practiced in participatory action research methods including photovoice, interviews, and survey
• Experienced at public speaking, leadership, and interpersonal relations
• Evince organizational skills, time management, and punctuality

References Available Upon Request

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