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Logic circuit and microprocessors

(Spring 2022-2023)
Lecture 4

Digital Logic Numbering Systems

Dr / Ayman Soliman
Ø Contents
1) Digital Logic Numbering Systems
2) Numbering Systems Characteristics
3) Quantities/Counting
4) Number Base Conversions
5) Base R to Decimal Conversion
6) Converting Decimal to Base R
7) Binary and Octal Conversions
8) Binary and Hex Conversions
9) Base Conversion
10) Exercises

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Ø Digital Logic Numbering Systems

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Ø Numbering Systems Characteristics
q The digits are consecutive.
q The number of basic digits is equal to the size of the base. (2, 10, 8. 16,..)
q Zero is always the first digit.
q The base number is never a digit.
q When 1 is added to the largest basic digit, a sum of zero and a carry of one
q Numeric values are determined by the implicit positional values of the digits.

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Ø Quantities/Counting
q Number-base Conversions

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Ø Number Base Conversions

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Ø Base R to Decimal Conversion
q A number expressed in base R can be converted to its decimal equivalent by
using the Positional representation rule [ multiplying each digit to R power of
the digit’s place and adding]

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Ø Converting Decimal to Base R
q To convert a decimal integer into base R, keep dividing by R until the quotient
is 0. Collect the remainders in forward order
q To convert a fraction, keep multiplying the fractional part by R until it becomes
0. Collect the integer parts in reverse order

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Ø Binary and Octal Conversions

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Ø Binary and Hex Conversions

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Ø Base Conversion

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Ø Exercise Convert ...

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Ø Exercise Convert ...

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Ø Exercise Convert ...

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